This chapter is slightly shorter since I'm a little busy at the moment prepping for the local con. This chapter should hopefully satisfy some people's issues with how Nyssa acted last chapter.

I own nothing.

Sara walked into the club. It was empty, and that made Sara realize just how late it was. "Sara, is that you?" she heard a voice ask.

"Hey Speedy, it's me," Sara replies, turning to see Thea coming out of one of the back rooms.

"How are you here, Oliver told us you were dead," Thea says, walking up and giving the girl a hug.

"Well, for all Oliver knew I was dead. After the boat went down we floated off in different directions. I barely survived," Sara replied.

"Then why are we just now figuring it out?" Thea asks.

"I ended up taking a job for the guys who saved my life that night. It was one of those jobs where if I tell you I'm alive, then I'd have to kill you. I managed to get released from the job earlier tonight, so I'm reconnecting with people. I had it on good intel that your brother liked to hang out here," Sara explained.

"He does, he'll probably be around soon enough," Thea says, before spotting the ring on Sara's finger. "So, it looks like someone found herself a husband while she was dead. Who's the luck guy?"

"Wife, I found myself a wife. Her name is Nyssa. You will probably meet her soon. She's currently having a conversation with Laurel, explaining some things to her," Sara tells Thea, playing with her ring a little.

"So, is she a member of this job as well? From the sounds of it, that would be the only place you could have met her," Thea asks.

"She was. She left the job for me. Most people don't get to leave, but being the boss's daughter has it's perks I guess," Sara replies, a small smile gracing her face.

Thea face also split into a giant grin, "So you married the boss's daughter. That must have been an interesting conversation."

"And one that I still don't know the contents of. Nyssa talked to her dad about it. As she puts it, he has always been a dad to her first, and her boss second," Sara states.

"That must have been nice. If this guy runs a job like the one you were explaining, he must be pretty scary," Thea stated.

"Yeah, he really is. He's the type of guy that when he says, 'If you hurt my daughter, I will find you, torture you, kill all of your family and friends in front of you, and then kill you,' you know he will not only do it, he will make it so much more worse than it sounds coming out of his mouth," Sara says, reaching over and grabbing one of the bottles of alcohol.

Thea shivers, before saying, "Wow, okay then, never mess with your wife or her dad."

"What wife?" Oliver says, walking into the bar.

"Nyssa is my wife," Sara says offhandedly to Oliver, offering him the bottle.

"You knew Sara was alive?" Thea asks her brother.

"I told him I was alive earlier tonight. I figured out of everyone here, he had the most right to know, since he probably felt guilty over me dying. We didn't get much chance to talk, so I told him I would meet him again later after I had talked with my actual family," Sara explained.

"Wait, back up, you're married to Nyssa. Considering what little I've seen of her, she doesn't seem like the type of person that you would go for, but it has been 6 years hasn't it," Oliver states, coming and sitting down next to Sara, grabbing the bottle from her.

"The Nyssa you saw was when Nyssa is on a job, she is a very different person when she isn't working. I think it's her way to cope with all the things the job had her do," Sara states.

"Wait, back up, you also met Sara's wife, while she was doing whatever this job was, and yet you are not dead, and now this Nyssa person no longer has that job. What happened tonight?" Thea asks.

"A lot, I'll tell you the story of tonight when I actually get it all straight in my head," Oliver says to his sister.

"Agreed, I'm still reeling at how much has changed in just one night," Sara adds, grabbing another bottle for herself.

"The way you two are drinking, you two may not even remember tonight," Thea comments with a smirk.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to forget tonight. You might want to round up your crew and have them meet us here, Nyssa is on her way after she has a chat with my sister," Sara says. Oliver looks over at her with a raised eyebrow. "Laurel wasn't exactly grateful to see me, so Nyssa is going to go explain to her why I couldn't contact her over the last 6 years."

"Well, you left your job, so does that mean you need work now, I could use you as a bartender," Thea says.

"She would probably be more suited to be a bouncer," Nyssa says, walking into the bar.

So, there you go, tell me what you think and I'll hopefully be back soon with more.