AN - Did this update take a while? I can't remember when I last updated but your support has really encouraged me. On With The Fic...

PREVIOUSLY: It looked like the crowd was going to get what they came for. A very thorough beating and humiliation of the new boy, as he was now known.

Bruce POV

I looked at the boy I was meant to fight. I almost felt sorry for him but knew I couldn't go easy on him unless I want to be forever ridiculed about my fighting skills.

After a heated discussion with Raine, which the boy seemed to lose, the boy glanced at me and seemed to almost cry in despair and began arguing again with renewed vigour. But Raine cut him off and pushed him towards the centre of the room where some mats had been laid out. He walked over and sat down.

To my surprise he nervously took off his shoes and socks then meditated.

He now seemed perfectly relaxed now as if he did this every day.

The truth was, the boy was starting to make me nervous. He just walked in here with a black shirt and began outdoing black shirt cherubs that had probably outdone him a million times on the field. He sat there for five minutes, not moving a muscle.

That was an amateurish mistake, he would find his muscles slightly stiff when he stood up.

I laughed internally, so he wasn't actually that good as he thought he was.

Just before 7 he opened his eyes and looked at me. "Which would you prefer?" he said, "To be beaten quickly or in a long drawn out fight where the person just wins because they are at basically the same level?" What the hell.

Did he just ask me how I would like to be beaten?

Comprehension came.

My mouth dropped open as I realized he was actually asking me how I would like to be beaten.

Ok, he was totally going to get it now. Any plans of holding back had flown out of the window. But I did my best to keep a cool head as being angry would make my fighting worse.

In my opinion, I did an excellent job. It would feel good to finally not need to go easy on my opponent. The last time I had gone full out, the man I was beating up ended up with a pretty long list of injuries. There are bad things about being the best fighter on campus besides the teacher.

At 7:04 when the dojo had finally become quiet enough for Raine's voice to be heard he shouted, "Free sparring. Boys, go!" The boy tentatively put his hands out in a guard that was basically an imitation of mine. He stayed in one spot, his feet firmly on the floor with no stance and slightly hutched.

After 30 seconds of waiting for him to do something besides turn his hips so he was facing me I got bored and decided that, if he wasn't going to attack I might as well.

I punched full speed and full force, my anger at his earlier comment still not forgotten. And to my surprise he took a step to the side as if that had been his intention all along and threw a weak punch towards my stomach I blocked easily and punched his head only to miss because he had dropped into a dancing move? That looked like it might have the potential to trip me.

I took a step back and it missed me. The process continued and I punched each time, I sped up so much he started backtracking.

Oh yes, I had no idea how he was not dead yet but he was going to get it.

Raine POV

I watched as Bruce began attacking the boy, at the beginning I thought the boy might actually be avoiding the punches by accident but as I looked closer I saw how carefully controlled each body movement was and that actually, he must be very good to be making himself look incompetent.

As Bruce sped up he simply backtracked until he was off the mats when he appeared frozen, this gave Bruce all the time he needed to throw three punches at the boys stomach and put him in a half nelson that was ever-so-slightly (and in Bruce terms, that's a lot)too vicious. The boy tapped the mat three times to show he submitted and sprang back up immediately after the delayed release not at all winded.

On a whim I picked the 5 other best fighters I could see in the crowd and told them they were to fight him and across the room to them I shouted "Don't hold back". It had been bugging me how he didn't want to go and fight even though he was probably pretty good, though I couldn't be sure.

The boy walked over and stood in the center still relaxed. I wondered if he was mad, he shouldn't be this relaxed but I continued the match," GO".

The boy still stood in the center of the ring and seemed to have no intention of attacking. He still seemed perfectly relaxed while the fighters attacking him seemed uneasy at his nonchalance.

Obviously, Bruce was first to attack he took two swift silent steps forward and sent his fist flying towards the boys stomach the boy grabbed his fist and twisted then kicked Bruce softly in the back. The moment Kerry saw he was distracted she lunged at his unprotected neck. Bruce fell on another boy out the ring causing a slight scream of shock. The boy turned and blocked Kerrys

knife hand aimed for his neck without even looking at it and gently returned getting her neck.

"Kerry, Bruce out."

Callum and Connor both got a fist in the nose as they charged at the same time again, so gently that it was barely a tap then another tap in the solar plexus.

"Connor, callum out."

He thrust his leg out backwards but James moved sideways and caught it and swung the boy round then let go and advanced. The boy fell forwards and sprung off his hands in reverse gently tapping James on the head with his big toe in an impossible position,

"James out."

I croaked over the awed science over the 30 second attack. The boy stayed in the position and there was a long second of complete silence before the dojo erupted. The boy seemed to have forgotten Gabi that was my only hope.

At that moment I realised that I did not like this boy. He unsettled me in a way that no-one else could.

The boy chose that moment to act he curled his legs then snapped them out in perfect upside down splits and spun the tip of his still bent foot millimetres away from Gabi's stomach where she had tried to creep up on him and failed.

"Gabi, out.".

That boy was amazing he had taken out my 6 best fighters, in under a minute and not let them get a single punch on him. He was good. And I was already starting to think that was a bad thing.

Alex POV

Blunt was right.

These Cherubs are not dangerous agent material.

Sure they are as good as can be expected but they haven't seen the real world, they are just listening devices. Listening to one of their conversations I heard what was classified as a high risk mission that you could only attempt after years of training and a black shirt was a million times easier than my first mission.

And for the whole time they have a handler with them that helps with the mission and monitors them. If that ever happens to me I'll have a heart attack.

The run a couple of days ago was surprisingly and depressingly difficult, it took a lot of effort to conceal it. It's easy again now though. But I guess spending a month and a half with your worst enemies does that to you.

And I almost laughed when I saw the expression on Kazakovs face. He was fuming. And amazed, I don't think he knew that was possible.

As much as I have enjoyed the week here I have realized that I am not doing anything and all my contacts may have gone silent so I have decided to check this places security and check up on the 100 or so people who will desperately need to know or perhaps be reminded.

The Angel is back.

AN - Sorry if you don't like where this story seems to be heading. It will either get better or worse in the next chapter. About that, two things:

One - the next chapter might take a little longer than usual as I acctually need to type it up. Shock-Horror. (I found these when searching through old computer files)

Two - Who want's this fic to have a plot? I think I've asked before but I'm asking again, I'll do a poll so please pop over to look at that, your encouragement is really nice. Thank you.