This story is for RaidarChic and the story is based off of Tonight I Wanna Cry by Keith Urban. Very loosely. definitely not what I was planning. but. I really hope you like it and I'm extremely sorry for the terribly long wait!

For me, It was just one of those nights. I hadn't talked to Jasmine or Valentina all day and Chloe stormed out this morning. The fighting was going on, almost non-stop anymore. I didn't understand what was happening between us, but I didn't like it. It hadn't been very long since that night, with The Order and Brian. It's been about 4 months. Chloe had to leave her mom to ensure her safety. Jasmine made her get an apartment a little out of town, forcing her out of school.

Since I was her protector, it was my job to watch over her. I usually slept out on her pull out couch, and she never minded.

When I woke up, she was going on about Brian and how he had woken up. Now, I try not to be a jerk, I really do. But when the girl I have feeling's for - feeling's that may or not be a little deeper than I usually felt - is going on about the guy keeping me from her, I got a little annoyed. Maybe a bit angry, too.

"If you care so much about that human, the one whose father is the reason you've died twice now, then go and visit him. I'm not stopping you!" I may have shouted, overreacted with my hands thrown in the air, but her next words definitely stung.

"Maybe I will," she hissed, stepping closer to me. We were inches apart, her blue eyes glaring up at me. "He may have been clueless about who I really was, but he still cared. He still made me feel like more than some job. That's more than I could say for you."

With that, she stormed out. She left me to my own thoughts. That was around 11 this morning and it was now almost 1 in the morning. To say I was worried would be an understatement. I couldn't do anything, though. I tried to think about her words, but failed to understand them fully. So I can admit, I may have treated her more as a job than a friend on occasion, but I tried. I really did. I wasn't used to being the serious guy, though. I was used to being the guy people went to for a laugh, for a few minutes of flirting. But no, not comfort when you were killed. Not someone you can talk to about your deepest, darkest secrets.

I had tried though. And I wasn't good enough. I walked over to the kitchen and started going through the cabinets. I don't honestly know what I was searching for. This used to be a place for Valentina to stay at when she needed to do something with no one bothering her. So she came here a lot. When I looked underneath the sink and found three bottles of wine. When the sad smirk played at my lips, I took that as an opening. Why not? It's not like I was needed.

I took the middle bottle, a bottle of Sherry, and searched around for a corkscrew. I finally found one in the drawer of random things. Either Valentina had completely forgotten about these bottles and the easy ability for me to open it, or she'd lost her mind. Either way, I took the chance. I popped open the bottle easily and grabbed a mug from the already open cabinet. I shut up, grabbed one other bottle of the bubbly liquid and walked back over to the couch.

After the first glass, I felt a gate open up. I wasn't one to drink - this had quite honestly been my first time - and I blamed it on that. Some of the things I'd been wanting to avoid, like my emotions, were making themselves very clear now.

I could see Chloe. Practically everywhere around me. They way her eyes lit up when she smiled, the way it felt when I kissed her for the first time. It all felt so right and so wrong. Wrong because I knew she didn't return the same feelings. Something was there between us, yes, but I knew my feelings her a tad stronger than hers.

With a sigh, I reached for the remote to the television and switched it on, hoping to distract myself a bit. When I couldn't find anything except horrible Sunday night slash early Monday morning shows and infomercials, I left it on some sitcom. Not even paying attention, I poured myself a second glass of the drink. As I took another sip, I felt it warm up my throat on the way down to my stomach, almost a burning feeling. The bitter taste was definitely not great, either.

All the thoughts that ran through my head were of Chloe and I, what it could be like. If I would have just been better towards her instead the jerk I knew how to be. She brought out things in me, feelings, and I acted different around her. I knew that. She didn't and that was because she only really knows the side of me everyone else does. I wish I could be more for her, treat her the way she should be treated, but I was so stupid and clueless as to how to do it.

I swallowed the liquid down again and let it sink. How many drinks until I would be "drunk", exactly? I know almost absolutely nothing about alcohol. I poured a little more, feeling like some 40 year old single woman rather than an 18 year old teenage boy. I thought of Chloe and ran a hand through my hair. It was feeling rather long.

I had questions. A lot of them. If I were actually with Chloe, would she like my hair longer or would she want it shorter? Would it matter at all? Seeing where my mind was going, I let out a loud laugh. I almost dropped my glass onto the tan carpeting and put it down before laughing some more, until my stomach hurt. The laughter sort of toned down and I looked around, but I was alone. There was no one to look at me like I was crazy, or join in. I bit down hard on my tongue. I felt like an idiot. A sinking feeling in my stomach made my mood fall.

For all I knew, Chloe was off having a good time with Brian and here I was, sitting alone when I could be out doing who knows what, if I were human. If I were normal. This wasn't like me. It honestly wasn't. I wasn't the moping guy or the guy who sat around, sad all day. But when it came to Chloe, I didn't know who I was. Seeing as Chloe most likely wasn't coming home, it shouldn't be a big deal. I should be able to let myself go, my walls shut down. Why not?

Well, that would be because I knew better. Letting yourself fall, losing control, it's all a part of being weak. I may be a lot of things, but weak was not one of them. At the moment, the that drug running through my veins though, I don't think I cared. Not about anything other than the fact that I can't be who Chloe needs me to be. Who I need me to be.

And then everything came crashing down. That feeling in the pit of my stomach became a whole dug wide open and my cheeks felt hot. My face flushed until my eyes burned, and soon enough they were too blurred to be able to see. I was done. I'm not strong, not really. I'm a fool who thought putting on some act would make everything better. My face got hotter with the tears that fell and through them I reached over and filled the mug with wine again, practically chugging it down. It burned but I didn't care. When I let my body adjust for a second, my brain was hazy. I guess I was finally starting to get a bit of effect.

I would have thought I'd get some sooner, but I'm assuming being Mai might prevent a lot of drug type things to take their toll. When I looked up from the glass, I saw my phone of the table, lighting up and vibrating. I reached over, almost falling onto the glass table and saw it was Chloe. I hesitated before hitting ignore. Not now. Just not now. My throat constricted at the thought of why she was calling. I could imagine it now.

"Hey Alek, I'm spending the night with Brian. Talk to you later." Was that it? Well, I was guessing it was something along those lines. My eyes blurred further and those stupid droplets fell onto my phone as I held in in my lap. I threw it on the cushion beside me and took a shaky breath. It vibrated again, telling me I had a voicemail. It wasn't like I was needed anyways. The mug was empty and I thought I might as well finish off the bottle. There was only a little bit left. When it was empty, I went to stand up and throw the glass bottle away, but ended up falling, the bottle falling with me. When I made it to the ground, I felt too out of it to even get back up.

All I saw was white for a split second. I noticed that I fell onto my back and my head had slammed down. The bottle had rolled over underneath the table and I didn't even try to sit up. I let myself lay there in some sort of self-pity party for one and more of those damn tears fell. I really was useless, wasn't I? I slammed my head back down onto the floor, but it was carpeted so I didn't feel much. With a sigh I stood up, this time leaning on the couch to hold me up. There was no way I would be doing much now. I could barely see straight. I sat back down.

I let my head rest on the arm rest and reached for my phone again. I don't know why I did it because I knew it was Chloe who called. I didn't want to talk to her. At the same time, I did though. I wanted to talk to her, tell her little compliments and make her feel important. Because she was; she might be the most important thing in my life. I would do so much for her if I knew how.

Before I could stop it, my brain started going into sleep mode. My eyes closed and I left into a dream world.

When I woke up, I could barely open my eyes without letting out a groan. The illuminated room was too much for my eyes. Besides that, there wasn't much to deal with, which I was thankful for. I sat up, still squinting my eyes, and grabbed the empty wine bottle off the table. I also grabbed my mug and walked to the kitchen, throwing away the bottle and the cup in the sink.

The full bottle was still sitting on the coffee table and I felt like I needed to go to sleep. For a very long time. I sighed and took a seat on the couch again, taking a look at my phone. Four missed calls.

Three from Chloe and one from Jasmine. Chloe left one message, as did Jasmine. I listened to Jasmine's first since I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear from Chloe just yet.

"Hey, Alek." She started. "Mom and I are going into L.A. for the rest of the week and we'll probably be back on Sunday or maybe Monday. Just wanted to let you know. Keep an eye on Chloe and I'll call again soon."

Taking Jasmine hadn't spoken to Chloe at all and it had now been a day since I really talk to Chloe, I started to get a little bit worried. I checked her voicemail next.

"Look, Alek, I get that you probably don't want to talk to me right now. The feeling is pretty mutual, but I just - I don't know how much more of this I can take. It feels like we can't stop fighting and it's getting old. So if you're sleeping, ignoring my message, whatever." She spoke softly and took a pause. She sounded upset. "I think maybe you should move out. Go back and live with Jasmine and Valentina. I'm sorry."

And that was that. That was the message I'd been trying to avoid. So why did she call two more times and not come home? Screw being worried, I was getting angry now.

Ignoring the fact that it was only 9 A.M. and Chloe was never up this early, I called her. When I didn't get an answer, I left a message.

"If you want me to leave, I will. I'll be gone by noon and you won't have to worry about me bothering you again. Though, I'll be honest with you, I would have much rather you told me to leave in person. Goodbye, Chloe."

I threw the phone onto the couch and it bounced off, hitting the wooden floor. I felt like hitting something. Very hard. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed some of the random shower things I had, my toothbrush, and anything else I could find of mine. I placed it on the table and walked into Chloe's room, opening up the dresser drawer I had on the bottom. I grabbed the few articles of clothing I had in there and also took those out and set them down.

I took Chloe's gym bag - I was sure Jasmine could give it back to her - and threw my stuff in their before zipping it shut. I grabbed my phone from the floor.

Taking one last look at this stupid place, I walked out and slammed the door behind me.

I used my key to get into the penthouse before allowing to freak out. I thought running here would help shake off a bit of what I was feeling, but it only made me more hyped up and rowdy. I got into a pair of sweatpants and put on a jacket before making my way out the door again.

My mind was set on running and that was it. I was so fed up with everything. I could stop this all by just telling Valentina and Jasmine I was done being Chloe's protector, but even then I wouldn't feel okay.

Chloe may make me crazy, but if I'm being honest with myself, there's no way I'm going to be able to stay away from her. Not for too long anyways. Hopefully this will all blow over and we can work things out soon.

I forced myself, my legs, to go faster until they hurt. I I could feel the harsh weather and cold burning my face, my cheeks stinging, but I kept at it. It felt like forever until I hit Golden Gate Park and finally let myself stop. collapsing onto the cold grass. I took deep breaths, letting it fill my lungs and feeling my heartbeat racing.

At first, I thought it was just my body from running, but I noticed my phone buzzing in my pocket. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't. Just as I thought, it was Chloe. I wanted so badly to just hit ignore, or place it back into my pocket, but I couldn't. I really couldn't.

"H-hello?" I cursed myself for being so out of breath still.

"Are you okay?" Chloe asked me and I almost laughed. She was really asking me that?

"Perfectly fine." I answered while sitting up. She didn't say anything for a few moments and I was tempted to just hang up. That was before, I heard her take a shaky breath.

"Alek, I - " she stopped. There was another gap of silence before she spoke again. "I'm sorry. I really am. I just can't handle it anymore." I felt my teeth grind.

"Me, you mean you handle me anymore." I corrected her and she said nothing. "Well, like I said, you won't have to worry about me anymore. I'll be out of your life for a while." I stood up and started walking back to the penthouse.

"Not exactly you, just the fighting and everything that's happening between us. Everything that's been happening." Her voice was soft like she was having trouble and it just made me even more angry.

"Things do happen, it's life." I said bitterly. I winced. "Doesn't matter anyways, yeah? You won't be dealing with me for a while. Jasmine and Valentina are out of town right now and will be until the weekend's up, so if you need anything, feel free to call me. After they get back, I'm done." I explained. my legs started moving faster.

"What does that mean?" She asked, but I take it she already knew by her hushed tone.

"It means I'm done, Chloe. I'm being taken off of Uniter Duty and I'm finally going to do what I want." I explained. I noticed how my voice took a whisper-like turn. "I'm sorry for causing you any stress, Chloe. It's never what I meant to do. Believe me when I say that."

With that, I hung up because I was afraid to her her answer. I was afraid to hear what she would so or how she would react. In all truthfulness, I was afraid of how I would react to her reaction.

I scoffed at myself for that last thought and kept walking. After this weekend, there was no more Alek and Chloe. There was just Alek. And Chloe.

For the moment, I'm planning on leaving this as incomplete. I might add something later since it wasn't really a "complete" story. If you'd like to see more or want any requests for stories, leave it in a review or message me. Thank you guys for reading!