James' Time turner - a Harry Potter Fanfiction: Chapter 7;

Perviously in Chapter six;

"I think your right Arthur!" Dumbeldore said, "Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione know to much about their future. It could get dangerous if Harry doesn't obliviate there minds!"

Harry held up his wand, shouted "obliviate!" And watched as everyone's face went from smiling, to confused and back to relaxing. "Ron get the time turner ready!" Ron walked over to the table, while Harry continued modifying everyone's memories, one by one. When Remus was the only one left, Ron carefully expanded the time turners chain, placed it around everyone's neck, while Fred squirmed a bit, and explained to Harry that they were ready! Harry took the time turner in his hand, spun it around 10 times! They watched as the room went dizzy, and saw everyone's face from the past screw up in confusion as they saw all eight time travels go back in time.

Harry, Ginny, James, Albus, Lily, Rose, Hugo, Fred, Ron and Teddy all landed in the present, at Potter Manor, surrounded by family and friends. Surprising, nobody had noticed the absence of the main people invited to the party, so all of them casually slipped back into the crowds of people. Everyone but Hermione.

"Where have you been?" She asked, worry clear in her voice, "I've been looking everywhere for you all!"

"Nowhere important! Just went inside for a couple of minutes." Replied Harry, lying through his own gritted teeth.

"Minutes? Hours more like. And to think, no one even noticed you'd gone! How stupid! Now where were you?" Hermione spoke, anger edging into her speech and worry lines appearing on her face.

"We had a slight accident with a time turner!" Ron said, grabbing hold of Hermione's arm and holding it tight. "But it doesn't matter now, it has all been sorted out. There was no harm done!" He said, looking into his wife's eyes, full of love.

"You promise? Nothing funny happened did it? Nothing that seemed strange or misleading?" Hermione said, returning the love in her eyes to her husband's. "It's just that I was worried out off my mind about where you had all disappeared to. I was scared, to be honest!"

"It's alright Mummy!" Hugo and Rose said, in almost identical timing. "We are truly fine!" And with this, Hermione seemed oddly satisfied.

"Ok. Run along and play now. All of you. I need a word with your father about your birthday present and cake, James!" Hermione said, shooing the children further into the garden and turning her back on them to talk to Harry. She guided him over to the corner of the garden, out of earshot from everyone else, and began to speak to him. "I don't know what really happened today Harry, but your sure everything is alright? It's just that I was in your office earlier on, getting James' birthday presents down, and I couldn't help noticing that Sirius' death date had changed on the newspaper clipping to a day later than it should be.." She was referring to the newspaper clippings that Harry kept on the side of his office desk.

"Really? I'm sure you must of misread it Hermione. It can't have possibly changed. Nothing crucial happened today. You have obviously misread it!" Harry said, dragging a hand through his rugged untidy black hair. "So about James' birthday present..."

"Oh yes, of course! I was wondering if we should get his presents ready now. I've got mine hidden under that table," she stopped, and pointed over to the table at the fair left corner, "maybe you should go and get yours and Ginny's now, so he could open them all!"

"Okaay. See you in a minutes!" He said, smiling at Hermione before walking off towards Ginny and saying, "I'm just going to get James present sweetheart!" And giving her a quick kiss on the check. He walked along the garden path, and up into the house.

The house seemed oddly quiet, considering they were hosting a birthday party. Harry just assumed it was because everyone was in the garden, and not in the house. Harry walked up the wooden stairs, through the landing and into his private study. He looked around for James' birthday present and once spotted it, picked it up and began walking out of the room.

Before he left however, Harry couldn't help take a look at the newspaper clipping that laid on his office desk. He read it aloud to him self;

"On 19th June 1996, Sirius Black was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries. Bellatrix' curse pushed Sirius into the Veil, killing him."

He stopped dead in his tracks. 19th of June? Sirius Black died on the 18th June. How could this be? Had they done something in the past today that had changed the fate of Sirius by a day? Hermione was right, as usual, they had changed the course of history, by a couple of hours. Harry was rushed from his thoughts when a voice shouted up the stairs.

"Harry? Are you coming honey?" It was Ginny.

"Yes. I'm coming sweetheart!" Harry said, trying to take his thoughts off newspaper clipping. He walked back down stairs and into the garden, the beautifully wrapped present in his hands. He placed it on the present table, that Hermione had set up since he had been upstairs, and went to join Ginny, who was watching James eye his presents excitedly.

"You know, he reminds me of Sirius a little!" Ginny spoke softly to her husband. "They have the same personality when it comes to making mischief!" Harry smiled as this. "I wish he had gotten to meet him. All of the people that died. Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Fred, your parents, everyone. It's a shame the children never got to meet them and know them!"

"Well I think they all got to know them a little today!" Harry laughed, hugging his wife tight as they watched there oldest son, James Sirius Potter, opening his birthday presents.


N/A: Sorry the chapter is really short, but thanks for all the amazing comments everyone's leaving. I'm also sorry I've updated a bit late tonight, but I was busy with school work! Thanks for all the followers and favourites. I'm writing another story with inspiredreader2000 during half term, so look out for that. It should be updated sometime between the 20th to the 24th.