The lights had been dimmed to cast just enough light to be able to see in the large spacious office of the Academy Head Master. Outside a storm had come, the dark clouds low, and wind howling its fury to be heard even through the thick panes of glass that ran the length of the outer wall of the office. Loud crashes of thunder rumbled and lightning danced across the underside of the clouds, on occasion forking down in dramatic fashion to hit the ground. It was a natural symphony of fury and elegance, one that Valderas Lokhee stood watching and enjoying.

Turning back, the anzat moved back to his desk, looking down into the display top, reading over the holo news once more. He had read it three times already just that day, and it still had not grown tiresome. He had to admit he had felt cheated when he initially had seen that Necrolis was dead. That should have been me, he had thought. He owed Necrolis such pain, but knowing his nemesis had been removed also brought a sweet thought with it. Shadellis, his beloved escaped chiss, was now out there for him to go and find. She will indeed be mine, he thought not for the first time in days.

The news of pardons for those who had been named traitors had been a surprise. Seeing the all too familiar names, which included Teffa Darkstar, it had brought questions to his mind. What had transpired on Ziost had been cast once more into doubt. Had Rian Cen Nur been right? Had Kaylin Nidor aided traitors? Or was it merely coincidence and such allegations merely fit events to weave a tale too good to be true? Valderas was no longer sure he believed it all just mere coincidence. He would have never expected to find the old groundskeeper responsible for aiding those who violated Ziost.

Hitting the internal comm channel, he sent the call to the command center within the academy. It was time to take care of things he knew. It was time he and Kayln had a talk over dinner.

"Kayln, come to my office. We have things to discuss, you and I."

"I'm on my way, Head Master." Kayln's voice answered back.

Rian Cen Nur leaned on the doorframe, watching the chiss as she worked. The togruta sith inquisitor had not left the other woman from her sight much at all. With the academy acolytes and Imperial recruits all going to Korriban more and more, it left her more than enough time. She had seen the news and it only strengthened her belief Kayln was a traitor, one that Rian was not about to turn her back on for a second. When the comm. Station blinked and chimed, Rian grinned and watched. Something told her she wanted to be there for this call, some little voice in the back of her mind screaming she was about to be vindicated.

Kayln Nidor moved over to the communications console, red eyes not missing the woman hovering in the doorway. She had grown accustomed to it, even if it annoyed her. She had even gotten over the urge to shoot the togruta for being a pain in her ass. While the woman continued to suspect her and make accusations when she knew it was safe and would not be held against her, there remained no proof. Days ago the news from Korriban had reached the Imperial holonet and Kayln now felt the weight of events more keenly. She did not sense any danger to herself, as there remained no proof of any wrongdoing, but the suspicion was buoyed by circumstance now.

"Kayln, come to my office. We have things to discuss, you and I." The chiss heard the Head Master's voice.

"I'm on my way, Head Master." Kayln answered back, wondering just what the man wanted now.

Rising and then ensuring she locked all stations, the chiss headed for the door. Rian's smug grin and look on her face made Kayln want to throw a punch into it, but she held her annoyance in check. As she made to pass, Rian's arm shot out to bar the way and stop her. Kayln halted and turned to gaze coldly with her red eyes at the woman.

"He knows, just like I do." Rian stated with an unfriendly smile cast at Kayln.

"Oh yes, he knows." Kayln said even as she swatted the woman's arm aside and made to pass her. "He knows you are a conniving, scheming bitch who is a breath away from his disfavour turning into your death warrant being signed."

Rian grit her teeth and glared at the back of the chiss as she left. Hands clenching and unclenching, she could only stand there fuming. She dare not attack the chiss, knowing she had been summoned. If she did so, the Head Master would once again have cause to be angry with her. She had endured his displeasure enough over events. She had learned and would not make that mistake again. Kayln he trusted, and he did not trust her at all.

Storming away from the command center, Rian made her way through the quiet academy, wandering the dimly lit hallways heading for the training grounds. At night the academy was set to conserve energy, with lighting turned down, in some cases off. Rian did not mind much, but it did give the place a darker feel than it usually had. Fear could be useful, she knew, but she found her anger was far better. And she had been seething with hatred after everything had happened. Kayln's smug words still echoed in her mind fuelling and stoking that anger all the more. Reaching the training grounds, Rian knew she needed to unleash some of her pent up frustrations and anger. Moving over to one of the practice dummy, she reached out with the force and unleashed a stream of blue hued lightning.

"Such a waste."

The hollow filtered voice surprised the togruta sith. Cutting off the flow of the force lightning, Rian turned and cast a look about the still dark training grounds. Dimly lit, there were too many places someone could be. Instinct made her call the force to her, letting it wrap about her and extend like a bubble to absorb any potential attack.

"Ah, mere parlour tricks." The voice mocked, even as Rian watched as a figure moved where it could just be seen. "For someone who is to teach the next generation of sith inquisitors, you are found wanting."

Rian grit her teeth at the insult. Her eyes bore down on the figure, taking whoever it was in fully as he moved towards her slowly. The figure wore a black robe, hood drawn up so that only the strange black and red mask showed for the face. Black and red armour covered the chest, arms, legs and booted feet. From each hip hung the hilts of lightsabers. Force user, such immediately screamed to her.

"Who are you so I know the name to put with the corpse?" Rian snarled back only to be answered by laughter from the figure that advanced on her.

Rian unleashed force lightning in a tight stream once more, letting the energy crackle and cascade out from her fingertips. She watched as the figure held up his own hand, the lightning spraying and arcing away from him. She had never seen anyone powerful enough to simply catch lightning and shrug it off as the figure did. Bearing down she drew more force energy to her will, amplifying the intensity. Rian squinted to see past the flare of light, able to just make out the figure that kept moving towards her.

"Who are you?" Rian asked, voice tinged with fear even as she began to back away and let go firing lightning.

The figure remained silent, step by step closing the distance between them. Rian grabbed her lightsaber, igniting it. Taking a defensive stance, Rian turned to the side, the double bladed lightsaber held poised and ready to strike. The figure remained steady stepped and unmoved by such. Rian swore under her breath, then charged forward, slashing at the figure. Even before she was partway through the strike Rian felt herself grabbed by the force and lifted off her feet. Screaming and thrashing about, Rian's eyes went wide even as the figure drew right close.

"Who are you?" Rian asked, unable to hide the fear in her words anymore.

"I am death." The figure stated even as he began to close the fingers on his hand.

Rian felt the pressure of the force on her body, feeling unable to move and she screamed as the pain grew. Even as the figure's fingers curled in and closed into a fist, the slow pressure applied drew out screams from the trapped togruta woman. Bones and cartilage broke with audible cracks, the woman's body twisting unnaturally. Rian Cen Nur screamed and then went silent as the pain overtook her and caused her to black out. The figure shook his head and then shoved his closed fist forward, the force called to his will to toss the broken body of the woman out into the middle of the practice field. One down, the figure thought as the broken togruta was left behind and the figure headed back into the academy.

Varel and Sevrina Thane sat on the couch in the overseer lounge, the holo broadcast of the FrogDog versus RotWorm huttball game on for enjoyment. Varel's enjoyment, Sevrina thought as she rolled her eyes. Yet another gratuitous close-up of shimmying twi'lek slave girls passed off as cheerleaders was shown. Sighing, the sith woman groaned as she heard Varel whistle in appreciation. It was not that she really wanted to watch the game, but rather spend some time with her brother. She knew he loved watching the huttball games, she just had not known it was going to be this painful.

"Giradda really put two good teams in for this match." Varel commented. "Love this sport."

"Oh yes." Sevrina remarked back. "It is just so thrilling."

Sevrina watched as the announcer yelled, followed by Varel bouncing where he was sitting as the RotWorms drove a score into the goal zone. Shaking her head, Sevrina knew she had reached the limit of what she could take. Or so she thought. A moment later Varel practically began drooling on himself as the view switched back to the twi'lek slave girls jumping up and down, breasts jiggling and barely contained in the slave girl metal tops.

"Okay, sorry brother dear, but I'm leaving you to your entertainment."

Going to get up, Sevrina sensed someone behind them, turning to glance over the back of the couch and expecting to see Rian, Kayln, or even one of the two sith warrior Overseers. For a moment she stared, not recognizing the figure that stood there looking at them. Before she could say anything or move, the figure shot a hand out towards her. Sevrina managed to give a small cry as a wave of force energy slammed into her, sending her flying back through the holo image to hit the wall and slump to the floor. Varel, rose and hesitated, glancing from his sister to the mysterious figure.

"Sevrina!" Varel cried. "What the hell is going on?"

"Be thankful you two are who you are." The figure stated, hand shooting out and sending Varel flying across the room to slam into the wall and slumping down to the floor as well.

"We don't want to kill all of them." The voice came to the figure through the comm link channel.

"They're all still breathing." The figure stated. "Well, Rian might be dead but…"

Sorn Kassal emerged from the shower feeling refreshed. The pure blood sith overseer had enjoyed his workout, especially since it gave him something to do. The recent excitement on Ziost had just reminded him of how quiet things now were at the once bustling academy. Those days were long gone, he knew. Being stuck there was something that ate at him, but there was little he could do to change things. He could only hope there was a change in the war that might see him moved from an Overseer to warrior on the front lines.

Wrapping a towel about his waist, Sorn moved to his locker and pulled out his clothing, tossing it to the bench behind him. When he went to reach for his lightsaber, the door to the locker suddenly slammed shut, almost catching his hand as it did so. Sorn shook his head and looked about, seeing no one but knowing someone was there all the same. Rian and Kasche were too serious minded for pranks, which left Varel or Sevrina since he doubted Kayln did anything more than her duty in the security center.

"Okay Varel, come on out. Nice try!" Sorn remarked, but received no answer.

Pulling open the locker, the sith reached for the lightsaber again, and once more the door made to swing closed. With both hands he grabbed the door and then added the strength of the force to hold it open long enough to grab his weapon. Annoyed, and with the joke no longer being funny, Sorn looked about once again.

"Alright, no more games." Sorn remarked, igniting the weapon and then beginning to walk to the end of the row. Standing there he looked left and right but saw no one. When he made to turn around his eyes locked on the black robed and masked figure standing at the far end of the row from him.

"Who are you?" Sorn asked, moving in quick sharp steps towards the intruder.

"A reminder of things." The figure said, voice hollow as cold.

Sorn moved to confront the figure only to stop in his tracks as he felt the sensation of the force all about him. Looking to the figure he watched as the figure raised his arms up then brought them together so that his hands clapped when they met. Sorn had a moment to realize what was happening, but there was no time to protect himself or react. The bank of lockers on either side of him were suddenly swept together catching him between them. Metal groaned and slammed together to twist and meld into one compacted pile, the pure blooded sith captured somewhere in the middle.

Kashe L'hnnar heard the loud bang and crash. He had been making his usual rounds, an activity he had started to keep himself sharp and to avoid the doldrums about the academy. The zabrak hurried towards the shower where the sound seemed to come from, rushing in and then stopping dead in his tracks. Two banks of lockers were mashed into one another, a twisted metal pile. Looking about, he saw no sign of Sorn. He had been working out, and his clothing was scattered about on the floor as well. Kashe drew his lightsaber, sensing more than anything that there was something wrong.

The attack came at him without warning. Grabbed and sent hurling across the room he slammed into the metal pile. Groaning he cast a look about even as he sailed backwards to slam into the wall of the room hard enough to indent into the stone. Kashe' vision swam as his head struck hard back into the wall. Trying to blink away the spots that swam in his vision, he had no chance at protecting himself as he was suddenly sent sailing up to drive into the ceiling, then back down into the floor. The lightsaber flew from his hands to bounce and slide away from him. Once again he was swept upwards and then down, each time the line of flight shifted so he hit into the ceiling and floor anew. Kashe had counted two, maybe three times before he blacked out.

The figure watched as the zabrak went limp, continuing to throw the body up and down slamming the man over and over. With Kashe caught in the force grip, unable to focus or defend himself, there was no challenge or fight. The figure was unimpressed with the fact that all of them were overseers. They were supposed to bring the best out in the new sith who came to the academy. They were not the best, they were not teachers of the sith way. They were nothing more than pale imitations, shades of what real sith were. The voice that filtered through the comm link broke his musings.

"I think it is safe to say he is out of the equation. You can stop now."

"If you insist." The figure said, raising both hands and using the force to increase the ferocity of the final slam down into the floor before he released the man. "Not that it matters much. This one is dead."

"I told you, we don't need to kill them all."

"He was an incompetent fool, and his loss will not even be remembered. It is time for the end game. Are you ready?"

"I have been ready for a lifetime." The voice answered back and behind the mask the figure smiled.

Kayln Nidor stood and watched Valderas Lokhee as he paced along the large bank of windows in his office. The Head Master had waved her in before turning and pacing before the windows, watching out them and seemingly ignoring she was even there. Kayln tracked every move, red eyes intent and focused on him. She was already getting the feeling that something was wrong and off. He had made it seem urgent she see and speak with him, only to now pace and look out the window instead.

"You wished to see me?" Kayln finally said softly, breaking the silence in the room.

"Indeed I did." Valderas said, stopping in his pacing to stand before one large window, hands clasped together at his back. "I still am troubled by recent events."

"As am I. I am still working on ensuring security is tightened so that such can never happen again." Kayln remarked, waving a hand in emphasis of her words as she spoke. "Part of the problem with the removal of Abraxas solves at least some of the security issues."

Valderas nodded before turning his head to look over his shoulder at the chiss woman. She was attractive, he noted. The blue skin and dark blue hair, the slender and with ample curves to attract attention to her, she turned heads well enough. She looked like Shadellis just a bit, though her face was thinner, the cheek bones more prominent and she lacked the breast size of the other woman. Still, he could always pretend it was her, couldn't he?

Moving away from the window he walked about his desk and then over to stand near Kayln, eyes sliding slowly over her. Kayln watched the Head Master, felt the shiver run up her spine as he stared at her. Something in that gaze made her uneasy, made her skin feel like it was trying to crawl away off her body. It was almost like the way a predator looked at prey before striking.

"What do you make of events here, and then hearing the Darkstar children were involved and pardoned as traitors on Korriban recently?"

"Possible it might be connected, but lack of physical evidence to suggest any involvement. In truth I had wondered too, myself." Kayln remarked and shrugged. "I can only go by evidence, not speculation or circumstances that might fit, Head Master."

"True, very true, but you can see the suspicion on such, no?"

"Suspicion? Has Rian been continuing her rantings again?" Kayln asked and shook her head for effect.

"No, I merely am reminded of her comments." Valderas said, looking at the chiss woman and slowly walking about her. He made a full circle then stopped behind her, moving up close against her. "And the fact I know you had something of a romance with one of them. Would sentiment override common sense in you to aid them?"

"Head Master?" Kayln questioned, feeling suddenly uncomfortable. Her thoughts were not as sharp or focused it seemed, and she had to fight to find the words she wanted. Something was wrong, she knew.

"Breathe and relax, Kayln." Valderas said, hands rising to rest on her shoulders then stroke down over her arms slowly. "I called you here not to confront and accuse, but to simply enjoy your company. You would like to enjoy as well, wouldn't you?"

"I'd like to enjoy." Kayln heard herself say the words even though she wanted to actually say the contrary. What she wanted was to not be touched by him, to run from the room. Why had she then said such? Confusion was clouding her mind.

"Dinner is served." Valderas whispered.

He guided the chiss woman over to the couch along the back wall of the office. Once he had her there he pushed and guided her to bend over it. His hands reached about and under to grab and fondle her breasts. Sliding his hands back, Valderas hooked fingers in the top waist band of her pants before starting to slide them down. He slid them off, helping Kayln step out of them and tossing them away into the room. Fingers stroked over the dark blue skin over body, tracing up her legs to the natural v between them, tracing the lines of her smooth bare sex.

"Yes you will do nicely, so much like my Shadellis." Valderas remarked before rising and undoing his pants.

Taking Kayln and turning her he perched her on the arm of the couch, hand tight on the back of her neck holding her in place. Even as he moved towards her between her legs, the two long prehensile proboscises emerging from their cheek pockets to sweep over the woman's cheeks. Giving a low groan of pleasure, Valderas revelled in the moment.

The sudden hiss akin to a lightsaber being turned on broke the moment. Valderas frowned and turned to look about his office. He barely registered the red-black blur as it passed before his face, flying between him and the chiss. Valderas frowned wondering what that had been, then looked down noticing the tentacle like proboscises that were twitching on the floor at his feet. A hand reached up touching at his face in disbelief.

"You piece of filth." A hollow voice said, drawing Valderas' attention over towards his desk.

Valderas' eyes narrowed in a hard glare. Fury raged within him at the injury and violation. Releasing the chiss and letting her fall from the arm onto the couch in her comatose state, Valderas turned to take in the intruder. Black robed and hooded, the figure wore black and red armour, face concealed in a black-red mask. In either hand the figure held two lightsabers both red with black core. Valderas did not know who the figure was, nor did he care. He had crossed a line attacking and injuring him so grievously.

"You will not leave this room alive."

"You've said that before." The figure stated.

Valderas made to take a step only to find himself hit by an unseen wave of force energy, hurled back and slammed into the wall. Grunting he pushed himself off to see the figure advancing on him. The figure shut down one saber, clipping it back to the belt. The free hand then shot out as the force tight and gripping about Valderas' neck lifting the man in place off his feet. Floating and held in the air, Valderas was taken across the room before the windows and held there. Valderas writhed and thrashed but was unable to get free.

"You… you will pay… pay for this." Valderas fought to get the words out.

"You do not scare me. You never did." The figure stated. "And I know how to kill your kind."

Valderas fought to try and turn to see the figure, registering the words but confused by them. He did not know who the figure was, had never seen any wearing that armour. They clearly had him at a disadvantage, and they were clearly intent on his demise.

"Now you will know the pain of those you have enjoyed taking, using your station to hide who and what you are. How many have you taken? Innocent acolytes and adults alike?" The figure asked each word spat out full of hatred.

The figure held the Head Master before the window, then with his other hand let the lightsaber swiftly and with precision slice through each of the man's ankles, cutting off his feet. Next it was his hands at the wrist. Valderas groaned and thrashed with each slice, the pain momentary but made all the more intense seeing his own limbs severed and laying about him on the floor. The figure ignored the sounds the man made, continuing the slow methodical attack, taking the anzat apart piece by piece. Legs at the knees, followed by forearms at the elbow soon had more body parts resting on the floor. A diagonal strike just below each hip took the remaining part of each leg of Valderas Lokhee. Next came the genitals.

The figure stopped for a moment there, using the force to grab the fallen body part and drawing it up to float before the man's face. Valderas' eyes were wide, full of fear and pain. He broke down and wept seeing his genitals hovering before him. The figure shook his head, the force his to command and put to use. By sheer will, he used the force to break the anzat's jaw, forcing the mouth of the man open and then stuffing his own genitals inside. Mercilessly he continued then to work with the lightsaber, taking the rest of each arm at the shoulders.

"You thought yourself powerful, thought you could do as you wanted." The figure sneered as he extinguished the blade of his weapon and then floated the remaining body of the Head Master over to the desk.

The figure grinned behind the mask, guiding the body of the overseer by the force, turning him face down to the desk and lowering him. With a small flick of his hand he dropped the overseer onto the sharp metal that ran the outside edge of the desk, dragging his face slowly over the blades of metal, digging three long gashes across the left side of his face from hairline down to chin.

"Now you bear the mark of your victim. Do you remember yet?"

Valderas groaned and wept feeling the searing pain even as the blood cascaded from the cuts to cover the whole half of his face. Turned in his captivity to face the masked figure, his eyes went wide suddenly as realization hit him. He knew who the figure was. Yet even as it sank in, he could not believe such. It was impossible, he knew, that man was dead. He had dreamt of it for so long and had been deprived of killing Necrolis Darkstar himself, and yet he could have sworn it was him now come to kill him. It simply could not be.

"Ah. There it is, recognition." The figure stated. "You will not victimize anyone else, and Shadellis Darkstar shall be free. No longer will your presence taint the Empire."

With a wave of a hand, the figure flipped the overseer to his back, driving the man down onto the blades. Letting the man go finally, the figure moved over and put both hands on the man's chest, shoving down hard, forcing the cold hard metal to dig in deeper to the body. Without hesitation or remorse, the figure cocked back a fist and brought it down into the face of Valderas Lokhee, raining blows on him in quick succession. After a dozen or so punches the figure then re-ignited one of his lightsabers and stood before the broken battered remains of the anzat.

"And now… you die!" The figure stated.

Valderas Lokhee stared through tearful eyes at the red-black blade of the sith weapon. He tracked it through the swing down at him and then past him on the other side. For a moment he knew then he was right. He knew the spectre of death had come for him. No matter who he was, the power he could wield, it was all for naught. There had been no chance at all. You could not fight a ghost. Valderas Lokhee's head slid from what remained of his body, falling away to bounce across the floor. The figure threw out the lightsaber smashing open one full pane of the window. With a swift sure kick, the anzat's head was sent out into the void of night beyond the building.

"It's over, it's finally over." The voice came over the comm link to the figure.

"It is over." The figure stated back.

"How is she?" The voice asked.

The figure moved across the office back to the couch. Looking over the woman he could see physically she was unharmed. She had fallen into unconsciousness, but a quick check of her pulse showed she was alive. Reaching down, the figure scooped up the chiss woman and headed for the door.

"She is alive, but will need some time." The figure said. "She will need your help in the days to come, Shaddy."

"We're both survivors, she will be fine." Shadellis Darkstar said softly before adding, "And thank you. Thank you for ending the nightmare and setting me free."