
I do not own Harvest Moon, or any of it's characters, their respective owners do.. etc, blah,blah,blah. Same routine for everyone.

Stuff About Me:
This is my first FanFic. And I hope that all of you will enjoy it. C'Ya!

Rating: PG (May Contain Dialogues,Etc. That May Offend Certain Audiences)


Harvest Moon BTN: [Gray's Revenge]

Chapter 8, Spring : [SUMMER IS NEAR]

"Let's go and kick that Gray's ass!" Karen shouted.

"Okay, this is it. We'll win, we have to win!" Popuri thought.

"We have to face him sooner or later..." Rick said to himself.

They marched down to the mayor's house. And there, they saw Gray while Jack was on the floor bleeding.

"JACK!!" Karen shouted as she rushed to him.

But as Karen moved near Jack, Gray kicked her away. Then he said,

"Move off! You're not getting near Jack."

Karen was in pain and she didn't have the strength to move, because of Gray's kick.

"He he he... Everything is going well, despite the fact that someone tried to mess with my plans. But you're all going to die today..."

"Gray! Why the hell are you doing this?!" Rick shouted.

Then Gray answered, "You really want to know Rick?? Well, you'll find out after I send you to hell!!" Then he rushed to Rick and punched him towards the cabinet, and Rick's arm was badly damaged from the impact.

"Rick, you are such a cad...." Gray said.

Rick was now helpless on the floor with broken plates all over him.

"Who wants to go next?"

From the window, some McLaren soldiers rushed into the room and attacked Gray. Taking this chance, Nate & the others picked up Jack, Karen & Rick then left the house going to the clinic.

As they were carrying the injured, Popuri said to Karen, "Karen, don't worry. You're gonna be alright."

They dropped the injured off at the clinic, then they wondered if the soldiers beat Gray. But Nate knew that the soldiers had a chance of being beaten. Nate stepped out to check on Gray, but was surprised that Gray was already on his way to the clinic.

Nate want into the clinic and told Mayor Thomas, "I have bad news..."

"What is it?" Mayor Thomas asked.

"Gray is kicked the ass of the soldiers at your house."

Having overheard the conversation of the mayor, Elli asked, "What are you going to do about it?"

Nate answered her, "I'm gonna lead him away from the clinic to make sure you guys are safe."

Now Mary had also heard what they were talking about, "And then what will you do?" she asked.

"I'll just have to fight him myself."

"You can't! It's too dangerous!" Mary exclaimed.

Everyone was shocked by Mary's response, because she had never reacted that way before. So it was something new for them, then Mary began to cry.

"What's wrong?" Elli asked, then she brought Mary to the chair.

Nate continued his conversation, "Anyway mayor, I have to leave soon... Gray is getting closer."

"I see... Do as you wish. But remember, the girls will be sad if you die."

"Don't worry, I have no plans of dyin' here."

Nate waved goodbye to the mayor and left the clinic. Meanwhile, Elli was talking with Mary trying to find out why she was crying .(As if you didn't know why...)

Elli asked Mary, "What's the matter?"

" *sniff* It's just... I'm so confused."

"Why is that?"

"I... I... really like Gray... He was so nice before, so I don't want him to get hurt. But now, he's changed so much."

Realizing she had just made a confession of love, Mary blushed. (I told you so...)

"Wow... I never saw that coming...(Yeah right!)" Elli said.

"Well... "

"There's more?" Elli asked with interest.

"Well... It's about Nate..."

"You like him too?"

"Sort of... I think..."

"What do you mean 'I think'?"

"Okay... I like him... but that's why I'm so confused."

"I see, that is confusing. But I guess I'm attracted to Nate as well. But who do you like more?"

"I'm not sure..."

"That's real bad... Getting between those two guys."

"I know... But I don't want them to hurt each other..."

"But what can we do to stop them?"

Suddenly, an idea popped into Mary's mind. And she dashed out of the clinic looking for the two guys in her life. But then, Elli & Popuri just couldn't stand knowing that there was going to be such a heart-warming moment, they just had to see it for themselves.

Mary looked around to where Nate might have led Gray. And soon enough, she found them about to settle the score at the flower patch on the mountain path.

"Stop! Don't!" Mary shouted when she saw them.

Gray & Nate turned and saw Mary, but Gray took his chance and punched Nate. This caused Nate to tumble off to the tree. Mary was shocked and tried to get close to Nate but he shouted,

"Mary! Stay back!"

She replied, "Why?"

But before Nate could reply, Gray picked him up and asked Mary, "Are you going to pick this loser over me?!"

Nate tried to talk but Gray punched Nate's stomach. Then Gray asked Mary again, "Are you?!"

"Um... Err...."

"Answer Me!"



"No... I wouldn't..."

"I knew you wouldn't..."

Gray carried Nate to the top of the mountain, and held him over the ledge. Then he asked Mary,

"If you really meant what you said, then push him off my hand and let him fall..."

"I ... I...."

"Why are you hesitating?!"

Mary walked close to Gray...

Then she said, "I... I... I loved you once, but now you've changed... You're not the same Gray that I loved. You're some kind of monster now...." then tears came down Mary's eyes.

This shocked Gray, he was stunned.

Then Nate grabbed Gray's hand and caused Gray to lose balance. Mary kept back as Gray lost his ground and he was hanging by the ledge of the mountain...

Nate shouted to Gray, "Grab my hand!"

But Gray responded, "No, I don't deserve to live after hurting Mary like I did."

"That doesn't matter! She loves you Gray!"

"No... She loves you now..."

"But... "

Nate tried to reach for Gray's hand, but before he could take his hand, Gray let go...

"Gray!" Mary shouted as she saw him fall. Then more tears ran down her eyes. Then she asked Nate,

"Why didn't you try to catch him?!"

"I tried..." Nate said, but Mary interrupted,

"No! Liar! You let him fall!"

Then Mary ran off... Then Nate went to the clinic and told them the sad news. As well as the fact that Mary thought he had intentionally not caught Gray.

The next day, everyone mourned for Gray despite all the wrong he had done against Mineral Town. Everyone pondered if they had treated Gray badly for him to do such. Saibara felt somewhat guilty because he didn't treat Gray with much warmth.

But Mary was the one who felt the worst, she felt that she wasn't able to show him how much she really cared. And she scorned Nate for not being able to save him. Nate decided that he wasn't welcome at Mineral Town anymore, so he left.

After the mourn, everyone seemed to go back to their normal routines. Jack was back to his farm happily married to Karen. And everyone else, resumed their normal lives.

Everything seemed to go back to normal, but no one will ever forget what happened that Spring... The End...

[There it is! Sad... So so sad... But don't fret, I'm planning on the sequel.]
[But for me to start the sequel, I wanna see what people think of this fic.]
[Then I'll know what to fix... and/or add...]