Just a little fluff to wrap this up. Short and sweet :)

Thanks to all who have read, followed, reviewed and favorited this story. I appreciate it. Truly :)




Tamsin stood motionless staring with wide eyes at the silver haired woman whirling around the room. That woman had just threatened her. Told her that she'd have to take care of him. By herself. Tamsin swallowed nervously. Her eyes flickered to the bed where Lauren was peacefully sleeping. The Valkyrie involuntarily released a little sigh of happiness at the sight.

"Come on now." The woman cleared her throat noticing Tamsin's dreamy face.

"No. No. Don't give him to me!" Tamsin squealed alarmed in a hushed voice at the nurse. "He's so tiny. I'll.. I'll break him."

"Your wife is sleeping. She needs her rest and your son wants to be held and fed. Here." The nurse pushed the little bundle in Tamsin's arms. "You won't break him. I promise." She smiled reassuringly giving Tamsin a bottle, when the tall blond hesitantly snuggled the baby closer to her chest.

"What do I do now?" Tamsin croaked out looking at the baby's blue eyes.

"Doctor Lewis already did the hard part. And this.." The nurse pointed to the bottle. "..is the milk she pumped out earlier. Just brush the nipple against his lips and he'll do the rest."

Tamsin did as instructed and her squirming son calmed and started eagerly suckle the milk.

"Oh. You're such a good boy." "Tamsin smiled tearfully her eyes locked on the feeding baby.

"You'll be fine?" The nurse asked gently.

"Yeah." Tamsin said distractedly. She was totally immersed in taking in her little boy.

"Just push the call button, if you need me."

"Okay.." Tamsin whispered. "Thanks." She managed to say before the nurse exited their room.


Tamsin had fed and burped the tiny fae and was now walking around the room holding him. Their son had fallen asleep again, but the Valkyrie didn't want to put him down in his bassinet. She kept him tugged against her chest, while her soft eyes continuously roamed on him. Lauren and her had a baby. A perfect beautiful baby boy. Tamsin was swooning so hard she could barely stand.

"You know I married your mommy almost exactly two years ago. We had a small wedding. Nothing too extravagant. It was a great day. Your mommy was so very pretty in her sleek white dress." Tamsin exhaled remembering how Lauren had stolen her breath away appearing at the end of the isle. "Beautiful."

"All our friends and family were there. Oh, your grandparents are very eager to meet you. They couldn't believe you decided to come out, when they were out of town. They are gonna spoil you rotten little man." Tamsin chuckled thinking of Margaret's shocked whiny exclamation 'but we're out of town!' on the phone, when the Valkyrie had called them, that they had a grandson.

"We'll probably get to go home tomorrow. How do you like that? Huh?" Tamsin cooed quietly. "You'll have your own room and everything. Uncle Dyson, uncle Tommy and aunt Sera helped to get it ready for your. New paint on the walls and badass crib with a freaky scientific germ mobile. Your mommy's choice. Obviously." Tamsin rambled with a happy grin adorning her face before pausing. "Oh.. I shouldn't say ass right? Sorry Baby."

"Um.. We had been married for a while. Happily. Then your mommy started talking about kids.. I was hesitant. Yeah, I know. Sorry Peanut. We fought about it. Your mommy accused me of being scared and she was right. We talked and talked and fought and.. then we stopped. She stopped bringing it up. Your mommy was patient and gave me time and.. suddenly I wanted you! I wanted us to be a family.. Weird, but I couldn't get the idea of a tiny nerd running around our big house. We went to Lauren's doctor friends and they combined our genes with some weird-ass science and.. I said ass again. Twice.." Tamsin groaned. "Sorry sweetie."

"Now you're here and I'm not scared anymore. I love you and you mommy so much."

"I can't believe I was wary about having kids.." Tamsin sighed in disbelief, when the baby grabbed a tight hold on her pinky in his sleep. "I love you so much already that my heart is about to burst."

"He stole your heart did he?" Lauren whispered hoarsely and smiled, when Tamsin's eyes found hers.

"He did. As soon as I saw him on the monitor for the first time. He was just a little peanut on the screen." Tamsin murmured. "Remember?"

"I remember." Lauren nodded a little. "You cried." She winked eyes twinkling.

Tamsin huffed in mock offence. "So did you."

"I was pregnant. What's your excuse?" Lauren teased.

"I have none." Tamsin smirked. "But I'm still a bada.. Cool?"

"My big bad valkyrie. Hmm? You've gone all soft and gooey." Lauren grinned. "Give me a kiss."

Tamsin bent down, while holding their son tightly and captured Lauren's lips in a sweet loving kiss.

"I'm so happy, you know?" Tamsin said emotionally resting her forehead against her wife's.

"I know. Me too."

"Sometimes I just can't believe.. all this. You. Him. Our family." Tamsin's eyes dropped to their son. "I'm so lucky."

"It wasn't luck Tamsin."


"You were so brave and took a chance on your heart." Lauren smiled. "You were brave enough to give us.. to give love a chance."

"We both were brave and in love." Tamsin kissed Lauren again. "I'm never gonna let you go. Just so you know."

"Good. We're on the same page then. I love you."

"Love you more."


"Hey.. Mama's little Peanut." Tamsin kissed the baby's head. "Give him." She smiled and waited for Lauren to hand him to her.

"We can't call him Peanut for the rest of his life." Lauren rolled her eyes. "He's already a month old! He needs a name. Mom's been itching to arrange the name-giving party. She keeps badgering me about it.."

"We still haven't decided on the name." Tamsin scoffed. "Because you nix all my suggestions."

"I'm not naming my son Bergthor, Bjorgolf or Harald!" Lauren hissed. "For god's sake."

"Let's let Sera decide. She's the godmother after all." Tamsin suggested with a twinkle in her eyes.

"No." Lauren said shortly.

"What? Why?" Tamsin lifted her eyebrow in mock surprise. She knew Sera was on her team.

"She voted for Harald! That's.. so not happening. I'd rather let his godfather choose the name." The nymph huffed crossing her arms across her chest.

"Dyson? No way in hell. He'll name our son after himself."

"No swearing near the baby!" Lauren berated. "Dyson liked the name I suggested."

"Nix! I won't be naming my son Ethan. I want a traditional Scandinavian name." Tamsin said sternly. "Please." She added more gently peering in her wife's eyes.

""Why?" Lauren asked placing her arm gently on Tamsin's arm. "Why do you so adamantly want him to have a Nordic na.."

"My mother.." Tamsin cut in quietly. "She always spoke highly about respecting your heritage and I just.. I don't know. Want to honor that. I guess." The valkyrie shrugged slightly her eyes now glued to her slumbering son.

"Honey.. Why didn't you tell me this before?" Lauren said softly.

"I don't know.. I thought it was a bit.. heavy. I didn't want to force you with some sappy story or something." Tamsin said quietly and briefly met the nymph's eyes.

"Tam Tam.. It's not sappy. I get it. I really do. We'll find our son a good Nordic name okay?"

"Okay. Thanks." Tamsin swallowed thickly.

"Hmm." Lauren hummed snuggling her face in Tamsin's neck their baby tucked between them.

"What about Whalt.." The taller blond started a while later.

"If you're gonna say Whaltheof, don't. I don't want to slap you silly." Lauren chuckled pulling away a little and pecked Tamsin on the lips.

"You'll be Peanut for the rest of your life. Please don't hate us." Tamsin grinned kissing the top of the baby's head.


"Are you asleep?" Tamsin asked Lauren after settling in bed and molding her body tightly against the other blond's. She turned her head to check that the baby monitor was on. It was and Tamsin snuggled back into Lauren's warmth.

"Not really." Lauren murmured tiredly. "Is Peanut sleeping?"

"Yes. Out like a light. I fed and changed him. He'll be slumbering happily.. until he wakes the next time." Tamsin chuckled a little. "Two hours of peace and quiet maybe.."

"Right.." Lauren yawned her eyes fluttering shut.

"So.. Um.. I called my father earlier and he talked about my family.. My ancestors.. And um.." Tamsin trailed off.

"Yes?" Lauren opened her eyes to look at her wife. "It's nice that you're connecting with him again. What did he say?"

"Well.. We talked about.. The name thing.. Name for Peanut.. My great-great-grandfather on my mother's side was called.. Eirik. Eirik Finn?" The Valkyrie finished questioningly.

"Eirik." Lauren tried the name on her tongue. "Eirik Finn. I like it."

"You do?" Tamsin sighed relieved. "Really?"

"I love it." The nymph smiled softly.

"I love you."

"And I love you." Lauren kissed Tamsin lovingly, before burrowing her face against the valkyrie's neck. "Now shut up so we can get some sleep." She huffed in mock seriousness, but pecked Tamsin on her neck right after.

"Goodnight babe." Tamsin murmured smiling kissing Lauren on the top of her head.

"Goodnight honey." Lauren cooed and felt Tamsin relax in their embrace.

"Hmm." The valkyrie exhaled slowly.

"Are you tired?" Lauren suddenly husked in Tamsin's ear making her jump a bit.


Lauren licked the length of Tamsin's neck and nipped the skin gently with her teeth. "Are you?"

"Uh.. not anymore." Tamsin croaked out.

"Me either.." Lauren brushed Tamsin's lips with her own. "We have a few hours.. What do you say, if.."

"Hell yes.." Tamsin pulled Lauren to her and kissed her passionately eliciting an aroused growl from the blond. "I'm gonna make you scream."

"No.. You can't." Lauren moaned in the valkyrie's mouth. At her lover's confused huff she elaborated. "We'll wake our baby.."

"Shit.." Tamsin exhaled raggedly, but then a mischievous expression took over her face.

"What?" Lauren croaked feeling the pressure of Tamsin's thigh between her legs. "Why do you look like that? Like a cat that ate the canary?"

"You have to be quiet, while I.. explore."

"This is gonna be torture.." Lauren gasped, when her wife's nimble fingers slipped under her tank top. The nymph bit her lip.

"It is. Sweet torture.. I promise." The valkyrie murmured nipping Lauren's nipple through the fabric of the woman's top. "I never break my promises. I promised to love you forever. I will."

"I know. I love you.." Lauren's breath hitched as she completely surrendered to her wife's mercy. "I know.."


Thanks for reading :)

A/N So there you have it. This is now complete. Thank you for taking the ride with me :)

A/N Fixed my brain freeze moment from tiny human to fae :P Thanks to guest to noticing!