Haha, so I am still writing drabbles for these two, I have just been kinda blocked on them for awhile. Hopefully I have gotten over that now, I really enjoy writing these two!

This one is from a prompt meme: Roommates AU.

So no Island stuff happened and Sara is Felicity's bff because why not?

"So, this is the kitchen. Obviously. I'm sure you could tell without my saying, what with the fridge and stove and everything. Um, anyway, the living room is through hereā€¦"

Felicity fidgeted nervously as she continued to guide her new roommate through the apartment, wondering not for the first time why she had agree to this. Oh, that's right, because no one can say 'no' to Sara Lance.

When her best friend had first asked her for the favor, Felicity had been hesitant. Sure, she needed a roommate, she didn't even mind so much that it was a guy. But Oliver Queen of all people? The disgraced, ex-billionaire, playboy? Really?

Surely he had other options besides a babbling IT girl? But apparently not, as the annoyingly handsome man was currently standing awkwardly in her living room, looking around politely as she contemplated the myriad of ways this arrangement was surely going to go wrong; and the many different ways she was going to get Sara back for this.

"Well, there's really not much else to see," she began, giving him a nervous smile. Wow, I didn't think people actually had eyes that blue. "The bathroom is down the hall and your room is on the right. Oh and, mine is down on the left, not that you'll ever see it. I mean, not that you can't see it, you can come say 'hi,' just that, uh, you know what? I'm sure you want to get settled in and unpacked, I'll just let you go do that!" While I go and hide somewhere and plan a murder.

"Thanks," Oliver said, smiling for the first time since she'd opened the door to find him standing there with his bags that morning.

Felicity returned it, trying to remember that he had probably given that smile to hundreds of girls before as she watched him grab his things and head down the hall. Her phone was quickly pulled out and a familiar number called as her smile fell, turning into a scowl.

"Hey, Felicity! How's everything going?"

"I hate you."

Felicity heard a chuckle on the other end of the phone. "That well, huh?"

"Why do I let you talk me into these things?" Felicity sighed, flopping down onto the couch.

"Because you love me."

"Mmm, I'm beginning to question that," she sighed, leaning her head back against the couch.

"Aw, come on. It can't be that bad! Ollie is a great guy, once you get passed the brooding and the scowling."

"I'll have to take your word for it," Felicity sighed. "He's barely said anything since he got here. Though he did smile a minute ago," she mused thoughtfully.

"Really? I'm surprised, he's not really one for random smiles. You must have really said something to impress him."

"Just my usual nervous babbling," she said with a mirthless chuckle. "Thanks for not being here, again. I really enjoy making a fool of myself in front of gorgeous men."

Sara laughed. "Oh Felicity. I'm sure it wasn't that bad!"

"Uh, have you met me?"

Another laugh. "I promise I'll make it up to you. We still on for coffee tomorrow?"

"You'd better. And you're buying."

"Of course. Hey, so, you think he's gorgeous, huh?"

"See you tomorrow Sara."

Felicity hung up to the sound of her best friend's laughter, rolling her eyes. She was sure she would never hear the end of that little slip up. Just great.

After a few minutes of stewing in her annoyance, Oliver returned to the living room, looking about as awkward as she felt.

"Hey, so uh, I was thinking about having dinner soon. You can join me, if you want. Not as like a date, of course! As roommates, strictly platonic roommates." Good job Felicity. Smooth.

There was that smile again. "Sure. I'm not much of a cook though."

Now it was her turn to grin. "Neither am I, but I like to think I'm a master at takeout," she said, reaching into the drawer of the side table and brandishing an array of colorful takeout menus and a red pen.

That smile widened and her heart sped up. "Well, I bow before your superior skills," he said, eyes lingering on hers for a moment longer than necessary before taking a seat in the chair across from her and beginning to peruse the menus she had set on the coffee table.

Maybe I won't kill Sara after all.