E. Aster Bunnymund was walking through the quiet streets of Burgess, he had had quite a long day at school and was honestly exhausted. He had gotten into one of his usual arguments with his best friend Nick St. North who everyone just called North. Arguments between these two were quite common as they always seemed to be butting heads over which holiday was better, Easter or Christmas? And as per usual neither one had won, instead it was broken up by the only female of their group Toothiana or as most just called her Tooth. She was constantly breaking up their fights that is when she wasn't gushing over teeth, honestly who is that obsessed with teeth? The last person in their tight nit group of friends is Sanderson Mansnoozie, or more commonly known as Sandy. He is the quietest of the group nut that could be because he is a mute.
Aster sighed as he continued the familiar trek home when he spotted someone sitting in the snow, curious he got a closer look and recognised the familiar crop of white hair that belonged to Jack Frost the biggest delinquent in town. Aster stopped in shock as he took in Jack's appearance. The kid was leaning against a building with his legs drawn up to his chest with his arms resting on his knees and his head resting on that, he was only wearing a hoodie and tattered pants despite the negative degrees temperature, he didn't even have any shoes on. On closer Aster noticed that his shoulders were shaking as if trying to keep in sobs.
Now you have to understand Aster is usually a very kind person who usually worries about other people, normally he would never consider leaving anyone in a position like this, so you can imagine his inner turmoil as he chooses to just keep walking past Jack and not stop to see if he can help him. Aster isn't usually one for holding grudges but when you consider the history these two had you can't really blame Aster for just walking past. At least that's what he told himself.
Aster continued walking past Jack and after a few minutes of inner battling he decided the kid would be fine, without ever glancing back he kept walking towards his house ever cursing the snow. Aster missed Australia it was as simple as that, he missed the beaches, the barbecues but most of all he missed the sun, he missed the 40 degree days for 7 days a week. This small town of burgess seemed to almost be in an eternal winter.
Aster upon reaching his house unlocked the door and entered the empty building, his parents were still at work and his younger sister still at day care. Walking up stairs he entered his room and flopped down on the queen sized bed in there. He starred up at his ceiling trying to get a certain white haired kid out of his head. Failing miserably he began thinking through everything he knew about the kid. He had moved to burgess about 3 years ago, at first he didn't talk to anyone and soon people stopped trying to befriend him, he became the social outcast. 6 months after arriving here he made his first and only friend. Pitch Black, they became practically inseparable. Soon after they became friends the pranks started up around town, first it was small things, a little silly string here a surprise snowball there. But soon they became more serious, property damage, stealing. No one knew why he did it but everyone knew it was him, there was just never any proof. His biggest crime so far was when he nearly destroyed Christmas last year by setting fire to the store shed that held all the toys for the underprivileged children of Burgess. Luckily just enough toys survived for the charity to still go ahead but it was a near miss. North had been furious with the boy because most of the toys he had built by hand, it was a year of hard work ruined in a moment.
Aster sighed and rolled onto his side staring out his window at the winter landscape the white snow reminding him of Jack's hair. Aster just couldn't understand what possessed the kid to be out in the snow on a day like this. He watched as snow started to fall harder and he couldn't help but worry that jack was still out there sitting in the snow. Nah that's just not possible. His parents would have forced him inside by now. But why was he crying? Did something happen? Aster groaned and sat up realising that he had homework due the next day.
Aster woke up the next day to his alarm going off, it was Friday the last day before the weekend, getting out of bed he quickly got dressed and packed his bag, walking down stairs he grabbed some toast and said good bye to his parents and younger sister Sophie. Walking out the door he saw that it was still snowing heavily. Sighing he pulled his good up and started walking to school. When he reached the spot where he saw Jack yesterday he couldn't help but stop and look at the ground, there was a large dent in the snow the size of a small body. Aster frowned in concern, did Jack stay out here all night? Nah that's just not possible. He would have died if he did. Aster shook his head pushing all thoughts of Jack to the back of his head. He arrived at school just in time for form assembly. The teacher read through all the daily notices which were exactly the same as yesterdays. Soon assembly was over and Aster was making his way to his first class of the day, history.
He arrived after the teacher and took his usual seat towards the back of the class room. A few minutes later the bell rang signalling the start of the day. As the teacher started calling the roll Jack strolled in dressed exactly the same as yesterday. The only difference is the fact he now had his hood up covering his face. "Frost how nice of you to join us, now take a seat." He handed Jack a tardy who took it without saying and sat down in the only available seat left, next to me. 10 minutes into the lesson and Jack still hadn't removed his hood, clearly I wasn't the only one that noticed. "Jack you know the rules no hoods, hats, or beanies in class, now remove your hood." The teacher said, Jack looked at him in shock, clearly uncomfortable with the idea. My curiosity was peeked. "Now!" The teacher yelled. With a deep sigh jack reached up and pulled his good off and quickly laid his head in his arms. But not quick enough, Aster caught a glance of a nasty black eye and scratches down the left side if his face. Clearly the teacher had noticed as well because he suddenly looked very uncomfortable. The rest of the class passed in a blur, not once did Jack lift his head, at least not until the bell rang and his hood was back in place before Aster could get a second look. He would have been lying to himself if he didn't say he was worried. First it seemed like Jack slept out in the snow last night and now the bruising in his face. Did he get into a fight with someone? Did his parents kick him out if home? Aster had all these questions running through his head.
Aster tried to convince himself that it wasn't his problem, that Jack was just a good for nothing that he shouldn't waste his time worrying about. Besides he has Pitch if he needs help. Jack suddenly walked past Aster down the corridor and Aster was able to notice that he still didn't have shoes on and as he always that pale? Pitch entered the corridor up ahead and smirked when he saw Jack, Aster expected Jack to be glad to see his friend but instead he froze and shoulders tended as if preparing to fight or run. Luckily that didn't happen and Pitch just walked past completely ignoring them. Now Aster was thoroughly confused, did they have a falling out? Was it Pitch who hit Jack? That would make a lot of sense considering Pitch's abusive personality.
Aster entered his second class of the day which is luckily Jack free, but he did share it with north. The large Russian was already at his desk and waved Aster of to him. Aster happily went and sat beside him planning in telling north his worries about Jack. "Bunny how are you?" Aster growled at the nickname. "I'm good North but I'm worried about something." North nodded and made a go ahead gesture. "It's about Jack." Aster said almost nervous, not sure how the larger boy would react to the name. He never did forgive Jack for the fire. North's face darkened but he didn't say anything so Aster launched into his story about seeing Jack in the snow and then worrying about him being there all night, plus the strange bruises on his face and his strange reaction around pitch. By the time I had finished talking I could tell North was worried as well. "This is concerning, but I am not sure what we can do." North said. "There has to be something, if the kid had been kicked out of home we can't just leave him on the streets he'll die in this weather." Aster replied angrily. North looked saddened by the thought. "All we can do is extend the hand of friendship and hope that soon he will trust us enough to tell us what's going on." "We should tell Tooth and Sandy first before we approach him, just so they know what is going on." Aster stated, surprised at how easily North was willing to forgive the kid.
The bell rang startling both of the boys who had spent the whole lesson discussing the situation. They made their way out of the class room and practically bumped into the topic of their discussions. Jack didn't notice them and kept walking, bumping straight into North and knocking himself to the ground. North and Aster noticed instantly the way Jack tensed up also my fearfully, and winced in pain. "Are you ok friend?" North asked in concern while reaching down to help Jack up, Jack flinched away from the hand as if North would hurt him. Before either Aster or North could say anything else Jack had stood up and almost sprinted away from them. North looked down in shock and noticed a smear of blood on the ground, gravely he pointed it out to Aster who shook his head sadly. They both knew in that instant that something was defiantly wrong with Jack and they both decided to do anything at all to help him. The question on both if their minds, what caused the blood on the ground? In silence they walked to the cafeteria where Tooth and Sandy were already waiting for them. Aster and North exchanged nervous glances not sure how to go about telling their two other friends that they wanted to introduce the single most outcast kid to their group.
Sandy noticed them first and waved them over to the table, walking they waved back and sat down at the table, neither Aster nor North were hungry, too worried about Jack to eat. "Hey Sandy, Tooth ah North and I have something to discuss, something that affects all of us." Aster said with a glance at North, unsure how to proceed. "Ohh let me guess you and North finally admitted your feelings for each other?" Tooth squealed excitedly. Aster just rolled his eyes, used to his friends' fan girl antics.
"Tooth this is serious, I fear that someone is in danger, we are not sure what exactly is wrong but it is clearly serious." North said easily brushing away all jokes. "What's going on guys?" Tooth asked while Sandy nodded in agreement of her questions. Aster sighed and laid his head on the table while North explained everything, Aster adding in his input every so often. By the end of it Sandy looked angry while Tooth looked on the verge of tears. "Look we have had issues with him, but I fear he is in real danger, I believe to be able to help Jack we should offer to be friends with him and hope that we are able to help him." North explained and the other three were shocked that their big friend was able to forgive Jack for the fire. Sandy and Tooth nodded in agreement and so they spent the rest of lunch discussing their plan of action.
After school had finished for the day the four friends met in the parking lot where they were ready to put their plan into action. It was simple really, they were going to wait for Jack to come out of the building, and then they would approach him and offer him friendship. They waited in silence for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 40 minutes and an hour. Finally Aster had enough and stormed off saying he had homework to do. The other three exchanged glances before Sandy shrugged and waved before heading home as well.
Aster walked home fuming, that had been a complete waste of time, Jack had clearly gone home early and now they would have to wait until tomorrow to talk to him. Aster shivered in his jacket and pulled it tight around him, it was freezing, even though he was wearing multiple layers he was still freezing. Aster came to the same building that he had seen Jack at yesterday and he couldn't help but look around and see if he was here again. The fresh snow fall during the day had covered where Jack had slept the night before, but luckily he was nowhere to be seen. Aster continued walking home but didn't get far before he could hear a faint sound that sounded like sobbing.
Aster stopped and listened trying to work out where it was coming from, he looked to his right where it sounded like it was coming from, there was a path leading into the forest. Frowning Aster started down the path and the sounds got louder. Aster was starting to grow concerned, the sobs sounded so heart breaking, like someone had just lost everything. Rounding the corner Aster paused shocked by what he saw.
Sitting by the edge of the frozen lake was Jack Frost, he was crying his eyes out wearing same thing as before, he still had no shoes on. Aster stood in the tree line frozen, he had no idea what to do. Jack stopped crying suddenly and looked directly at the path near where aster was hidden, for a moment he was worried he had been seen but that fear soon vanished when he heard a sadistic laugh coming from the path. Frowning aster watched as a man he barely recognised came out of the trees. Aster watched as Jack backed up terrified to the edge of the frozen lake. The mysterious man was tall, he had dark brown hair and Aster could smell the stench of alcohol on him from his hiding place. Aster grew worried when the man kept advancing on Jack until he was towering over the shaking boy. Aster saw Jack say something but was too far away to hear. He had no troubles hearing the man's reply. "HOW DARE YOU? YOU INSOLENT LITTLE BRAT!" Aster was shocked to say the least. Who was this man to talk like that to Jack? This time he was able to hear jacks reply. "I'm sorry father I didn't mean for it to happen, it was an accident, and please let me come home."
"YOU ARE NO SON OF MINE, NO ONE WANTS YOU. IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN YOU WHO DIED NOT YOUR SISTER! YOU ARE TO NEVER SET FOOT IN MY HOUSE AGAIN!" Jacks father yelled at him, and back handed him against the face sending the young boy sprawling against the ice. Aster stood in shock, unable to believe his eyes, what sort of father would do that to their son like that? Jack had lost a sister?
Aster watched in horror as Jack just lay on the edge of the lake as his father beat him all the while yelling profanities at his son. This continued for at least half an hour before his father left with on last kick at his sons head and a yell of "DON'T YOU EVER SET FOOT IN MY HOUSE AGAIN!" Aster watched as the man disappeared down the path and Jack was left crumpled on the ice. Shaking with barely contained rage Aster quickly ran to the boy and pulled him off the ice to solid ground. Aster's concern grew with how hard the boy was shaking and the fact he was barely conscious.
"Hey Jack I need you to stay with me, no don't close your eyes, that's it keep looking at me, I'll take you to the hospital, you'll be fine." Aster was aware that he was rambling but he knew that could have a concussion and if he slept it could be fatal. "No… no hos…pit…als…" Jack said broke my panic clear in his eyes. Aster didn't understand but agreed anyways. "Ok frostbite no hospitals, I'll take you to my house and patch you up there. I'm going to pick you up now, this could hurt." Aster carefully picked Jack up and apologised every time he whimpered in pain. Aster made his way down the forest track and back into the main part of town. Aster was glad that he didn't live to far from the forest path. Aster was surprised at how light Jack was, he could clearly feel his bones through his cloths, it was obvious that the boy was malnourished. Aster got home and was glad his parents weren't home yet, he wasn't sure how they would react if he came home late carrying a barely conscious, bloodied known trouble maker. Aster walked up stairs and laid Jack gently down on his bed before saying he was going to go get the first aid kit.
Aster left the room and Jack lay on a foreign bed in a foreign room, he had to admit that real bed were comfy, despite his pain he couldn't deny that it was comforting, this is the first time someone looked after him after one of his father's beatings. This one wasn't even as bad as some of the other ones, jack was pretty sure that he didn't have any broken bones, just some bruising and maybe a couple of sprains, not nearly as bad as the time his wrist was broken.
As Jack lay there he couldn't help but start to panic, what if Aster didn't want to help him? What if he was just like everyone else and only wanted to hurt him? He knew that he and Aster didn't exactly have the best history, especially after he was blamed for the fire. Jack struggled to sit deciding he'd rather not risk being hurt anymore. Sitting up he noticed in horror that he had stained the others bed with blood, oh man if Aster didn't hate him before he would now. Whenever he had made a mess before it had always ended in a beating. Jack stood up shakily, one of his ankles sprained, he was making his way to the door when it suddenly opened and Aster was standing in the doorway wearing a shocked expression on his face, he was positive that Jack had been to injure to sit up let alone walk around.
"Calm down mate, your hurt you need to rest." Aster said softly as he could as he took in the others spooked expression. "I'm fine Aster, I need to get going, thanks for everything." Jack tried to push past Aster but the taller male wouldn't let him past, instead he carefully pushed Jack back so he was sitting on the edge of the bed. "Look mate, I know I haven't been the greatest to you before, but you need help, not only are you injured but I'm pretty sure you don't have a place to go." Jack looked at the ground awkwardly, confirming Aster's fears. "Ok look mate, let me bandage you up and then we will talk about the other issues." Aster said trying to calm the distressed teen down.
Jack nodded and allowed Aster to bondage up his swollen ankle and the few minor cuts on his legs, but the trouble started when Aster asked Jack to remove his hoodie so he could check for broken ribs, Jack had freaked out and refused to remove the article of clothing, an argument had broken out between the two and in the end Aster had pinned Jack to the bed and striped his hoodie off him.
Aster backed away in shock, he had expected Jack to have a t-shirt on under his hoodie but he didn't and his chest was riddled with bruises, scars, burn marks you name it. But the worst was the cuts and scars down his wrists in various stages of healing, they were obviously self-inflicted. Jack snatched his hoodie out of Asters slack hand and quickly pulled it on, he turned away from Aster obviously ashamed of his body. Aster tried to think of something to say but was saved by the arrival of his parents. "Emmerst, we're home, can you come down here?" Aster's dad called out and with a promise to Jack that he's be right back he ran out of his bedroom and down the stairs.
"Hey Dad, what's up?" Aster asked when he saw his father in the door way holding his little sister Sophie and his mum just behind them with a bit of shopping. "Can you go grab the last few bags from the car?" Aster's dad replied, his name Fred. Aster ran outside and grabbed the last few bags, setting them down on the kitchen counter he tried to work out the best way to tell them about Jack.
"Hey mum, dad I have something I wish to discuss in private." His parents exchanged worried glances and his mother sent Sophie off to play in her room. Aster went and sat down at the kitchen table and his parents sat next to him. So for the third time that day he told the story of his suspicions of Jack Frost, when he got to the part about being suspicious that he had sent the night sleeping in the snow they exchanged worried glances, when he told them about the bruising they grew concerned, but when he told them about what he witnessed at the lake his dad looked ready to kill while his mum supressed sobs. "I was going to take him to the hospital but he begged me not to so I brought him home, he's upstairs in my room, I just didn't know what else to do." He looked at his parents silently asking if he had done the right thing.
"Son, you did good today, you put aside all negative feelings towards this boy and helped him when he needed it the most. I'm proud of you son." His dad smiled at him and put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. His parents knew about Jack Frost, who didn't? But they were starting to wonder just what the boy's story was? "How severe were his injuries?" His mother asked. "He has a few minor cut and scraps on his legs and face, his left ankle is likely sprained, nothing to severe, but what worries me most is the evidence that this has been going on for a while. His chest is covered in bruises and scars, not to mention the burns." His parents face grew gloomy, they had heard about child abuse before but they just couldn't understand how a parent could do that to a child, their own flesh and blood.
"There's more isn't there?" His mother asked after seeing the look on her son's face. He nodded sadly, wondering just how his parents would react to this last bit of news. "He has scars and cuts covering both his wrists, they are obviously self-inflicted." This time his mother could stop the tear from escaping her eyes. Her husband wrapped her up in a hug while Aster just looked confused about the strong reaction. "You said that his father told him that he couldn't go home?" His father looked at him for confirmation. Aster nodded wondering if there was a way he could help him find a place to live. His father looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding to himself, as if he had just found a solution to a puzzle.
"Honey, what would you say if I invited the boy to stay here for a little while?" Fred asked his wife, Lara, she nodded at once and turned to Aster who was shocked at his parents. "You wouldn't mind would you Aster, I know you have had your issues with him in the past but he needs help." Aster nodded quickly, his head spinning at the events of the day.
Lara dried her eyes and composed herself before she headed up the stairs with the males following up after her. She reached Aster's door and knocked before entering, Aster was just behind her and saw that Jack hadn't moved since Aster had left. Lara went and sat beside Jack, careful not to touch him while Fred did he same on the other side. Aster stood awkwardly in the door not sure what to do, he decided to just watch and see what happens.
"Hello Jack, my name is Lara, and this is my husband Fred, now Aster has told us about your situation." Jack tensed at her words fearing that they were going to kick him out onto the street like his own parents had. He began to shake in fear, he hated sleeping on the street, and he was always worried about being attacked, not to mention the freezing temperatures at night. "Calm down, we're not going to hurt you." Fred tried to call him down, his heart nearly breaking at the distressed look on the kids face, no one should have to go through something like this. His anger was rising and he wondered what sort of parent would abandon their own child, especially in the middle of winter. "All my wife was trying to say is that if you need somewhere to stay we have a spare bedroom you could use." Fred had never seen such a shocked look on someone's face before. He watched as blue eyes filled with disbelief before looking distrustful but Jack seeing nothing but kindness and pity on their faces decided it would be ok to trust them, if only a little.
"I would appreciate that, are you sure I won't be intruding?" He asked uncertain. "No of course you won't be, you can stay here as long as you need, and I want you to think of our house as your home." Lara stated, she was shocked though when Jack flinched at the word home. After composing himself Jack nodded and smiled a hesitant smile at the two grownups, it betrayed just how hurt he was, more mentally than physically. The two adults exchanged worried glances with each other wondering just what they had gotten themselves in the middle of.
Ok so rise of the guardians is my newest obsession and I know I should be working on my other stories but I just couldn't get this plot bunny out of my head, now hopefully because it's down on paper my muse will concentrate on my other stories now.
Please review and tell me if you think it's worthwhile continuing.