Captain Killian "Hook" Jones was finally free! Away from the terrors of this strange and unusual world! After nabbing a certain magic bean from the goody-goodies of Storybrooke this was his chance to get home and be done with them all.

And yet, a single thought crossed his mind as he motioned to throw the bean into the sea: "David." He licked his lips and looked back toward the town where he found his nemesis and planned a slow, painful death for him! Yet, the thought of freedom won out over revenge. And now he was faced with yet another conundrum. All the people of Storybrooke wanted was a happy ending, to go back to where they came from and live their lives in peace. Free from a curse and an evil queen.

The real reason he was leaving, was because he was scared of finding someone, someone who could replace his beloved Milah, who could make him laugh and feel happy. He thought he'd felt that with The "Saviour" Emma Swan, but when he met her father, Hook was entirely smitten with his willingness to take charge of a situation, his boyishly handsome good looks and charming demeanour! Hook never really cared about gender. He appreciated a gorgeous man just as much as a beautiful woman, although with a man it could get rougher and more fun.

But David was with "Miss Fairest of them all" Snow White. Surely he couldn't be attracted to another man, let alone a pirate who once hit him over the head to get his hook while working for the now-dead Cora. "Then again", he thought. "Maybe the dear prince is into other things he keeps secret." And with that last thought, Hook turned the Jolly Roger around and sailed back to Storybrooke hoping they wouldn't kill him for taking the last bean.

When he reached the dock he could see Emma, Snow, Queen/Mayor Bitch Regina and David standing there. "Great!", he thought with annoyance. "What's happened now?" They then quickly filled him in on Tamara and Greg taking Henry into a portal. Hearing this, he decided he could score points with them by using the last bean to get to where he knew Henry would be. As they came onto his vessel, he couldn't help but notice The Dark One himself Rumplestiltskin saying goodbye to the girl he shot, Belle. Looking at David, he decided having Rumplestiltskin on the voyage was a small price to pay.

After getting quite far from the dock, Hook readied the bean and tossed it into the sea, creating a powerful vortex! Emma yelled over the sound of the maelstrom, "Where in the Enchanted Forest will we be!?" Hook replied darkly, "We're not going to the Enchanted Forest." Emma was beginning to lose patience. "Where are we going then!?" Just as they reached the vortex he said with intense foreboding, "Neverland." And with that they plunged down to the depths, leaving behind Storybrooke for the realm of Peter Pan.


"Sorry about that, mate!" Hook remarked to an unconscious David, pondering for a moment before retrieving his literal "hook." As he began to leave, he stared at David's limp body and could feel an odd sensation he'd never felt before. Cautiously, he moved around to David's face, taking in each and every feature, unsure of why he felt the way he did. "Hmmmm. This should be interesting." He thought to himself while he flipped David over onto his back gently. Hook stared down curiously, wondering if David was aware of anything. Slowly, he lowered his face to David's and hesitated a second before lightly pressing his lips to the other man's. "interesting. Be better if you were awake. Hope I get to do that again someday." Hook got up and stopped at the door to the Sheriff's office, looking back at David. "Your wife's lucky to have a Prince Charming. I wish you were mine."