We're Not a Couple! (Usually) x 5


Hypothermia struck in the realms of an away case.

Or, the cold struck, anyway.

Needless to say, he and Sherlock weren't used to snow, living a relatively calm weather zone - rain not withstanding, of course - and they were wholly unprepared when their trip put them in a cabin in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by snow. Well, not true. John was prepared enough and Sherlock didn't even seem to possess other clothes besides t-shirts or cotton ones and his jacket, but the snow had knocked out their power and, by design, their heat.

"Let's go to bed."

The blunt statement in the otherwise silence of the cabin made John jump. "What?" he asked, glancing up from trying to squint at the newspaper in the gloom.

"I said, let's go to bed," Sherlock repeated, not looking away from the wall. He'd been sitting in the recliner the better part of an hour, fingers steepled and gaze distant and John had been just fine with it, to be honest. He wasn't happy about the situation to begin with, let alone having to listen to Sherlock talk or complain.

"I heard you," John said hesitantly. "Or, at least, I thought I did. But it sounds like you're implying that we sleep together and we worked that out a long time ago that we weren't."

Sherlock glanced towards him. "The circumstances have changed."

John was not impressed. "The circumstances have changed. So now you've gone from saying 'I'm not going to sleep, John; I have a case!' to 'Let's go to bed'? I don't think so," John said, putting the paper down. "We agreed I got the bed, you took the sofa. Remember this conversation? One bedroom cottage? This is why I wanted some place with two rooms."

Sherlock stared at him blankly. "I must have filtered," he said absently. He stood up. "It's different, John. It's cold, the heating's out, and sleeping together will preserve body heat. Besides, you're a soldier, and a doctor. You've seen more men naked than I have."

John raised his eyebrows, pulling his blanket closer. "Seen many men naked, then?"

Sherlock rolled his eyes. "Cadavers, John," he said, tucking his own blanket tighter around his body. "Come on. It's freezing."

John sighed. "I'm going to have a shower first. Go to bed if you'd like."

"I'll wait," Sherlock replied, shuffling into the kitchen.

"Of course you will," John muttered.

It was logical, of course, John knew that. Being in the army squashed most, if not all, personal boundaries he had and he trusted Sherlock... more or less. The cottage was freezing, John was freezing, Sherlock was freezing, but they were both, of course, exuding their own body heat. So, sharing a bed and blankets would maintain their temperatures almost as effectively as having the heat on.

The only reason John entertained the idea was because they were in the middle of nowhere and no one could start any rumours.

And it was cold. Definitely cold.

He took a quick shower and, putting on two jumpers, hurried through the cottage with the intent of crawling, shower-warm, into bed.

Sherlock was already in bed, eyes closed.

John sighed. "Of course you are."

"Well, hurry up before your heat wears off," Sherlock retorted without once opening his eyes.

John just sighed and crawled into the free side of the bed. "Stay on your own side and six inches between us," he said sternly.

Sherlock hummed in reply.

When John woke up to the lights clicking on and the rattle of the heat blasting again, Sherlock was pressed up against his back, spoon-style, fast asleep and snoring.

John just sighed and shuffled closer to the edge of the bed, taking the blankets with him.

This is going to be a 5 type story. Like 5 + 1, but without the + 1. I still love the boys cuddling. Still don't ship Johnlock. I just like the cuddles that ensue. And, really, why should John be particularly like a blushing schoolgirl when it comes to something like this? Like Sherlock mentioned, he's a doctor and a soldier. And this is only thermo-cuddling. It's logical. ;)

I do not own Sherlock. I look forward to your reviews. Thanks!