Haedum Conversus

Hermione woke up and looked at her alarm. It was 5:45, she still had fifteen minutes till she had to get up and get ready for classes.

After the chaos Hogwarts was rebuilded. Classes started. Everyone from their batch came back but of course except the dead. This was their first day of the term and the day before weekend, Friday. As predicted, Hermione was Head Girl. But guess who was the Head Boy?

Draco Malfoy.

After the Final Battle, Lucious Malfoy was thrown in Azkaban. But Narcissa Malfoy and Draco Malfoy were saved by The Boy Who Lived. The story was well known how Narcissa Malfoy saved Harry Potter.

Hermione, Harry, Ron was quite contented and relaxed because the war had ended. They thought (and hoped) it'd be a easy year. No Dark Lords, No Death Eaters, No Horcruxs. The Boy Who Lived was finally relieved. Sure, the victory was not priceless. They had lost Dumbledore, Fred, Sirius, Lupin, Tonks, Dobby…so much to name.

So much for a quiet year, yeah.

Hermione got up. It was 6:00 am. She got ready and went downstairs. She came down and saw Draco Malfoy.

"Malfoy." She greeted.

"Hermione." He greeted back.

She was in Great Hall when she realized, Malfoy, Draco Malfoy called her not Mudblood, not Book-Worm, not a Know-it-All, but, her first name,


She was shocked. Draco Malfoy, a former Death Eater, a son of a Death Eater, pureblood, their childhood bully, called her Hermione, which was Granger, or Mudblood to him.

Hermione sighed and started eating her breakfast quietly. Very few people was eating at the Great Hall at this early morning. While she was eating, the Great Hall started filling up. Harry and Ron and Ginny came and plopped down beside her.

"Hello boys, Gin." She said.

"Good Morning, Hermione." They replied.

Professor McGonagall handed out their time-table. She had transfiguration first with Slytherins.

"Great." She thought. "Now I have to face Malfoy and his goons on my first class on my first day back. Just great."

They were in 7th year again. Ginny was with them this year. They got up ( with dragging Ron out of the table, not listening to his muffled protests.)

When they reached Transfiguration class, the classroom was already half full. They sat on the Gryffindor side of room. When the class was full, Professor McGonagall came out of her office and stood in front of the class. Everyone silenced.

Professor McGonagall said, "Today we are going to practice the spell Haedum Conversus. Can anyone tell what it does?"

A certain hand shot up in the air.

"Yes, Miss Granger?"

"Haedum Conversus is a spell which turns a living creature in it's childlike form. If not spelled correctly, it can be a disaster. The spell has it's effect on the creature for 2 months."

" Five points to Gryffindor for answerring the question , I'll give you a full grown animal and you will have to turn that in it's childlike form. I'll call up your name and you will have to come and take you creature in a cage. Instructions are written in the board. Good luck!"

Hermione got a Canary. She smiled and started her work. She finished her work before everyone else. The Canary was now a baby bird without any feathers.

She sat back to watch everyone. Harry scrunched up his nose in concentration, Ron was trying profusely to turn his rat in a baby rat. It looked like Ginny's spell was working. Neville… OH GODS!

Neville's creature was a chipmunk. When he tried to target it, it jumped and shook Neville's hand, so the spell went of to the window and reflected and came back to Neville who ducked and the spell hit the person behind him. Which was, unfortunately,

Draco Malfoy.