Author's Notes:

I'm back again.

Thanks for the favs, follows and reviews

Enjoy this chapter!

Disclaimer: *Sigh* You already know…

Wrong Move

"Sōsuke… don't do anything stupid."

He then frowned. "Grimmjow. Kill him…"


He hung up the phone and made his way towards her door.

Orihime scrambled to get to the door first to block him from leaving. He stared at her as she stood in front of the door with her arms outstretched.

"Call him back and tell him not to kill him?" she panicked.

"Now why would I do that my dear? Grimmjow killing him is a beneficial factor on my behalf. Removing him from this picture that you painted will make a happy ending, would it not?" He smiled.

"Please, I'll do anything you ask… just please don't kill him!" Orihime begged tears rolling down her cheeks.

Aizen shook his head. "You don't seem to understand why I'm having him killed." He rubbed his chin. "Let me give you a scenario. If you were to be raped by an unknown assailant and had gotten pregnant from the outcome, what would you choose for the baby? Would you keep it, give birth to it and have it as a constant reminder of the time you weren't capable of fighting back? Or would you abort it proving to yourself that you had that fight in you all along and then go on living as if nothing had happen? Would you choose to be either happy or miserable?" Orihime's eyes widen. "What would you choose?"

She shook her head.

"That's not the same as this situation."

"Are you sure?" He took a step closer to her and pushed her bangs that had fallen from the side of her face. "Ichigo Kurosaki being alive is a constant reminder to me of the time I was not capable of fighting for what I desired." Aizen dragged his fingers down her face tracing her tear tracks to her lips. "But having him removed from society is proving to myself that I have that fight in me to make my own choices."

"But…" she stuttered.

"No buts… it's already done and there's no going back. Now move." He pushed Orihime out of the way. "Let's meet for dinner to discuss more about our wedding. Say I'll pick you up around 6:30." Opening the door Aizen stepped out. "And clean yourself up, you look pitiful. My fiancé should not look so disgraceful." He closed the door, smiling as he heard her wail out in pain.

Ichigo walked down the halls with Renji discussing data about the shipments for Ancient Colored Collections.

"This has to be shipped by Friday so it can be at the storehouse by Monday." Ichigo spoke.

"But shouldn't we send it out earlier? It is the weekend and not a lot of shipments ship during that time."

"It should have been shipped since last week, but the products are not ready. That's also the very reason why we should ship it during the weekend. I'm not paying my employees to laze around even on weekends. We're here to work, so get it done." Ichigo pushed the paper work into Renji's chest.

Renji raised an eyebrow.

"Hey man, are you alright? You've been uptight since this morning." He smirked. "Having gotten laid in so long it's making you bitchy?"

Ichigo stopped walking. Renji stopped as well to look at his boss.

"I wish it was that simple, but not everything is that simple." Ichigo said clenching his fists. "Look Renji, I'm just doing my job as CEO and you should be doing your job as my right hand man. Now stop making sex jokes and get to work." He then stalked off to his office.

"Well shit!" Renji growled.

"What's the matter?" Renji turned his head and looked down at the petite woman beside him.

"Mr. Kurosaki is acting out because he didn't get any pussy lately." Renji fixed the papers in his hands. "Why don't you go talk to him, I got to do my job," he said sarcastically. Rukia raised an eyebrow.

"Okay." Going their separate ways, Rukia knocked on his door.

"Come in," a gruff voice answered.

Entering, Rukia smiled at her orange haired boss with his gray suit jack removed, red tie loosen and white sleeves rolled up. He hadn't bother looking up from the paper work on his desk when she closed the door.

"Are you okay Ichigo?" she asked moving to stand in front of his desk.

"I'm fine Rukia," he responded matter-of-factly, shuffling through the papers. "Shouldn't you be doing some work like the other employees? If you're not busy, why don't you help Renji? I might have overloaded him with some extra shipments that need to be done by the end of the day."

"I'll go help Renji as soon as you tell me what's going on with you? You've been acting strange since this morning and the other employees have noticed it too."

Ichigo looked up from the piles of paper work. "What exactly is that supposed to mean?" He glared. "I'm acting strange because I'm actually working?"

"I'm not saying it's strange to work, but you're attitude. It's off somehow. I mean for a whole month you were sulking about Ms. Inoue going missing, which is understandable. But now it's as if something change." Rukia watch as his facial expressions altered.

Ichigo raised an eyebrow. "What are you trying to say to me?"

"I mean you seem angry." She paused, shifting her eyes to the window. Clearing her throat she made eye contact with him. "Did you see her again, is what I'm asking."

They stared at each other in silence, only hearing the sounds of the late afternoon traffic outside.

Ichigo smirked before chuckling. Rukia's eyes widen. He started to laugh hysterically.

"Angry is an understatement of how I feel. Rukia I'm fucking fuming right now. I don't know if I want to kill her or that sick motherfucker Aizen."

She shuddered in fear.

He ran his hand through his hair. "I haven't seen her in a whole month, and she shows up at my front door asking me if I'm hungry. Mind you, she didn't tell me shit!" Ichigo stood up, leaning forward, placing his hand on the desk. "And you know what is more fucked up, when she decided to tell me something, she drops this bomb about how she's fucking engaged to that piece of shit! Who the fuck says that to the supposed person you claim to love?"

He started laughing again, pushing his chair back and standing up straight. He folded his arms across his chest.

"But at that moment I didn't care. She was with me and me alone at that moment. But because of that moment I didn't listen to my brain. Instead, I listen to my dick, and fucked her. I fucked Orihime like there was no tomorrow. Oh and I kept fucking her too, and it was good!"

Rukia turned away from him.

Leaning forward placing his hands on his desk again, Ichigo laughed again.

"Rukia…" she looked back at him. "I made love to her and she left me there," he whispered. "I made love to her, I told her I loved her, and I begged her not to leave." He clenched his teeth. "I begged her to stay and she said she would stay. To stay with me!"

He pushed everything off his desk.

Rukia jumped back from the sudden commotion.

"She was supposed to stay with me! But she didn't. She fucked me and left. Orihime Inoue went back to him… Sōsuke Aizen" he whispered harshly. Tears started to fall from his eyes. "So don't tell me I'm angry, because I'm not." Stepping away from his desk, he walked around and stood in front of Rukia, who was trembling.

"Now, does that answer your question?" Not bothering to wait for answer, Ichigo walked around her and out of his office.

Ichigo sat in his car in front of the Sweet Treaties Industry corporate building. Staring through his sun roof, he notice that the lights on the top floor were still on. Everywhere else in the building was dimmed lightly.

Stepping out of the car, he locked it and walking towards the building. Placing his hands in his pockets to wipe his sweaty palms.

Inside the building, he walked towards the elevator. He removed his hands from his pockets and pressed the up button.

The sound of the elevator arriving alerted Ichigo to step on, but he paused.

His breath hitched in his throat.

A small gasp was heard.

"No… noo… noooo!" Orihime screamed dropping her hand bag on the floor. Tears fell all over again.

Staring at the very woman that had left him the night before, flashed through his mind. He wanted to strangle her for imprinting herself so much on his heart. That night he was supposed to imprint himself on her, not the other way around.

But looking at her beautiful face ignited his desire.

Ichigo grabbed her and crashed his lips on her own. Their teeth clacked together. He wrapped his arms around her slim body as he pressed her against the open elevator doors. He thrust his tongue in her mouth to muffle her protests and moans.

Their bodies molded perfectly together.

Orihime didn't know what to do. To either react or push him away. One hand pushed him away while the other gripped him to death.

He was supposed to be dead. Grimmjow was supposed to kill him. But to God, Buddha or the high beings up above heard her desperate cries. She got to see him again. Alive at that.

Giving up, Orihime clung to him desperately. She tilted her head so he can deepen their kiss.

The taste of him still imprinted on her taste buds with a hint of salt from her tears.

She felt like their thoughts were being transferred through their kisses.

My kami I thought you were dead…

Why did you leave me?

I need to feel that you're alive...

Don't leave me again!

I love you…

I love you…

"Now this is a sight to see."

Pulling away from each other, they both turned to see Grimmjow smirking at them.

"Now girly. I know Aizen told you that I was going to kill this sack of shit, why would you be here with him? Aren't you supposed to be meeting my boss for dinner soon?" Flicking his wrist he stared at his watch. "Yup almost time. And his time is up too." Pulling out a 22 stainless automatic pistol from the holster inside his jacket, he pointed it at Ichigo.

"NOOO!" Orihime pushed Ichigo and herself inside the elevator that was still open. They fell to the floor. She kicked him so he could roll to the side, and she crawled to the other side.

Two shots were fired.

"Oi bitch, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" Grimmjow shouted.

Orihime stood up on the other side of the elevator and pushed all the buttons just so the door could close.

Ichigo standing on the other side of the elevator, pulled out his own 45 caliber pistol. Peeking out and trying to see where Grimmjow was, he pulled back the chamber and ready his gun to aim.

"Ichigo what the hell!" Orihime shouted.

He pointed at Grimmjow and shot twice. The first shot missing him and hitting the glass door behind him, and the second shot grazing his shoulder.

After hearing a cry out, the elevator door closed.

Another shot was heard, and Orihime screamed. Ichigo panicked and faced her.

"Were you hit?" he asked out in desperation.

Grabbing her hair, she shook her head. "No," sliding to the floor, she looked up at him. "Why do you have a gun?"

Ichigo pulled out the magazine checking his bullets.

"When you were gone, I got some practice in. But my reasoning is simple," he slapped the magazine back in and pulled the chamber again. "I got this gun so I can protect you." Looking at her, "I told you I would destroy him before he can have you." The elevator doors opened on the second floor. "Let's go. We gotta get out of here."

Orihime stood up and stood behind Ichigo.

He pointed his gun out of the elevator; pointing it in every direction, scooping the area.

"It's a good thing everyone went home," he whispered.

"No, the cleaners are still here."

Ichigo looked back at her. He noticed her form was trembling. "Orihime calm down, I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

"You sure about that shit bag?"

They both turned to Grimmjow who was standing by the fire exit. Ichigo pointed his gun at him.

How did they not hear the alarm?

"My good old comrade Nelliel has this place locked down, so don't even think about escaping Kurosaki." Moving away from the exit he also had his gun pointed at Ichigo. "Let her go and die like a man. And last time I checked, she doesn't belong to you." Grimmjow smirked. "She's our pet."

Ichigo frowned. "She doesn't belong to you or that bastard Aizen."

"You sure about that?"

They all turned to the deep voice walking off the other elevator.

Why the fuck weren't the hearing sounds to alert them?

"You," Ichigo growled. Orihime hid herself further behind him.

"Now isn't this surprising." Turning towards Grimmjow, Aizen spoke with Ulquiorra behind him with his own 22 caliber raised at Ichigo. "I specifically told you to handle this."

"Don't you see me handling it?" Grimmjow growled in frustration.

"Obviously you're not handling it if you're bleeding and he's still alive, not bleeding."

Grimmjow clicked his tongue looking at his flesh wound. "Yeah I know. But you're pregnant fiancé just keeps getting in the way."

"Pregnant?" Ichigo raised an eyebrow.

Aizen took a step closer to the three people. Ichigo moved his gun back and forth between Aizen, Ulquiorra and Grimmjow as his other hand pushed Orihime back.

"Yes, my fiancé is pregnant with child. It could be mine. Or it could be Ulquiorra's."

"The baby is not yours." All eyes turned to the woman; besides Ichigo who was too busy concentrating on the enemies before him. "Sōsuke, you know damn well this is not your baby. You told me just this morning to get rid of it because the baby is part of Ichigo."

Ichigo whipped his head around to look at Orihime. "You're pregnant with my baby?"

A shot was fired.

Orihime screamed. The glass window behind them shattered.

Ichigo whipped his head back towards the three men before him.

"Pay attention Kurosaki," Ulquiorra said. "That woman is a whore. She slept with three men in this very area we are standing in." Ichigo's eyes widen. "We don't know whose baby it is."

"She didn't fuck me yet, but when she does it'll be a family fuck fest," Grimmjow laughed.

Orihime shook her head. "Bullshit!" Ichigo yelled. "You expect me to believe that. Yea, I know Orihime is your ex-girlfriend but that doesn't mean shit now."

"Ha! Kurosaki is ballsy and possessive. I think it's adorable." Grimmjow chuckled.

"Ichigo…" Orihime whispered.

"It doesn't matter now, because when we get married, that baby will be long gone." Aizen said.

Ichigo growled. "You really think I'm going to let you marry her while I'm still alive."

"Hmm great choice of words," Aizen smiled. "Explains the very reason why we're here. Kill him."

Ichigo pointed his gun ready to shoot Aizen, but was pulled down. He felt Orihime wrap her arms around his waist as they fell from the window out on the street.

"What the fuck!" Ichigo heard Grimmjow yell out.

While falling Ichigo wrapped his arms around Orihime, moving her on top of him as they descended out the building to a park car. Still facing the three men as they watched the two fall, Ichigo fired his weapon. But before he could see if he hit any of them he blacked out.

Orihime raised her head as they laid on top of a car that stopped their fall. People screamed as they looked at the two on the car. Some people walked up to her.

"Ma'am are you alright?"

"Someone call for an ambulance!"

She then heard shots being fired in her direction.

The bystanders then scattered after hearing their life was in danger.

Grabbing Ichigo's weapon, Orihime turned to face the three men standing on the second floor. She held the gun with two hands and fired. She felt her shoulder blade push back, making her cry out in pain.

Why was it so hard to fire a gun?

The men tucked back into the building.

Orihime quickly jumped off the car, and grabbed Ichigo's limp form. Dragging him off the damaged car, she shifted his arm to drape over her form making him to lean on her as she walked away.

Noticing his car a few feet away, she quickly; or least tried to with her stilettos, drag him to the car.

Pressing him against the passenger side of the car, Orihime searched his pockets for his car keys.

Finally pulling them out, she unlocked the door and pushed him inside.

Not bothering to buckle Ichigo's seatbelt, she ran around the car to the driver's side and pulled the door open.

"Orihime!" she jumped hearing her name. She turned and saw the three men in front of the building. Still clutching Ichigo's gun, she raised it pointing it at them.

"Don't you dare come near me!" Aizen walked towards her. "Stop, or I swear I'll shoot!"

"You're not going to shoot me." Ulquiorra walked up beside him with his gun still drawn.

Orihime started to shake.

They're not going to take her away again. They're not going to take Ichigo away from her either.

"Let me warn you Orihime, if you go with him. I will ruin you." She shivered. "Now, don't make the wrong move and put the gun down so we can go."

"Lower your gun first." Aizen turned towards Ulquiorra, nodding his head. He lowered his gun and waited patiently beside his father.

Orihime lowered her gun slowly.


Her mind screamed at her.

Raising it again she fired three shots. One hitting Aizen in the leg and the other two hitting Ulquiorra in the chest and arm.

Panicking as both men fell to the ground crying out in agony, Orihime slid in the car with the gun still pointed, she push the key inside and started the car.

Putting the car in drive, Orihime pulled off into ongoing traffic making the tires screech.

Ichigo open his eyes, looking at street lights pass quickly by. Sitting up, he turned and saw the most heartbreaking scene.

Orihime had both hands on the steering wheel, one clutching his gun. Tears were falling from her eyes and she kept mumbling incoherent words as she pushed 110 mph in his Infiniti.

"Orihime?" he whispered.

Snapping her head towards him, he felt his heart drop. Her face was red from crying and she began to tremble.

"I'm going to need you to slow down and pull over." Shaking her head, she cried out loud.

"I can't. I'm going to go to jail for murder!" The car swerved as she shook her head.

"Orihime stop the car!" Ichigo grabbed his seatbelt, pulling it and forcing it on.

Focusing, and straightening the car, Orihime pulled over to the side of the high way.

She unbuckled her seat belt and threw the door open. Ichigo unbuckling his own, ran out of the car chasing after her.

He ran over to her. She stumbled to the ground. She kicked off her stilettos while crying out in frustration.

Standing over her, he bent down and touched her head. She pulled away.

"Orihime, what the hell happened?" Ichigo asked. He looked over her form, her hand still clenching the gun. "Give me the gun Hime."

She shook her head.

"Give it to me, before you hurt yourself." She gripped the gun, before tossing it away on the other side of her fallen body.

Ichigo watch the gun land in the dirt. Turning to face her again, he touched her again. This time she shook from the touch.

"Tell me what happen. And how the hell did we end up all the way out here?" he looked around. She continued to cry. "I mean all I remember is falling out of the building and after that nothing." He faced her again.

Sniffing, Orihime spoke. "You blacked out when we landed." Wiping the snot that was building up at the top of her lip. "And they tried to take me away from you again. But I didn't go this time. I fought back. And… and … and I shot them."

"Who?" Ichigo questioned.

"…Sōsuke and Ulquiorra."

"Okay." Orihime trembled.

"I think their dead. They both fell and I think they weren't moving, but my hands… they shot someone." Shaking her head. "No, I shot two people in cold bloody murder."

"It was self-defense, so it's okay Orihime." He said in a soothing tone.

"No it's not!" Orihime screeched. "I shoot two people in the street. People know I did it, but they don't know the reason. And it wasn't self-defense. They didn't have a gun pointing at me. Ulquiorra lowered it-"

"But he was still armed and dangerous, so I say its okay. You saved me Orihime and I'm forever grateful."

"You are?" she asked as tears started falling from her eyes again.

"Yeah." He pulled her close to his chest as she cried desperately holding on to him.

They sat there on the side of the road desperately trying to soothe each other.

Ichigo drove down the deserted high way. He looked over at the sleeping Orihime.

Clenching his fist, he pressed his navigator system.

"Call Kisuke Urahara."

A few rings and a tired voice answered.


"We got a problem."

"Ichigo Kurosaki?" Kisuke yawned. "Do you know what time it is?"

"I don't give a shit! That motherfucker tried to kill us!" Sensing Orihime stirring, he whispered. "How much longer until we can take that piece of shit down."

Kisuke shuffled some things around.

"Detective Yoruichi and I don't really have much to go on yet, but if he attempted murder on you both then it's a start." There was a pause along with some background noise and a small whisper. "What the hell. Ichigo what the hell happened?"

"What now?" Ichigo growled.

"It's all over the news that Sōsuke and his son has been shot. He's fine just a through and through but his son Ulquiorra isn't looking to good. They're saying he's in critical condition."

"Good," Ichigo slammed his fist against the steering wheel, "that motherfucker deserves to die for what he did to Orihime."

"But that's a murder charge on you."

"I didn't shoot him!"

"Then who did?"


"I did." Ichigo turned his head, looking at a sad face Orihime.

"Is that Ms. In-

"I gotta go Kisuke."


Ichigo hung up.

"Don't say anything." Ichigo said. Facing the road ahead. The car phone rang. Orihime pushed the answer button. "Orihime!"



"You sick bastard, why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"About yours and Ms. Inoue's sex tape or whatever you call it, but she's…."

"Sex tape?" Ichigo turned to face Orihime. Her mouth opening and closing like a fish begging to be back in water.

"I mean she's going in with… hold up! Motherfucker, that's not even you!" Renji shouted. "It's that guy that got shot in front of her company." Ichigo faced the road again.


"No no no, the other guy. His kid."


"Yeah man. The media is having a field day. They're saying she shot that rich Aizen guy and his son because of the sex tape being leaked out." Ichigo turned back to face Orihime. He narrowed his eyes as it took in her pale frighten face drained of any color that was left.

"And you know the crazy part of this fiasco," Renji cut in. "Your crazy ex Senna leaked it! Isn't that some shit."

Author's Notes:


Thanks! See you soon.

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