Chapter 11 Greer

Ranma, in his cursed form since he was splashed by someone pouring water outside their apartment window just as he was passing under their winding, running at the speeds just shy of an Olympic runner and she was running late for school.

As she entered the school gate she heard, "My tree-borne kettle bikini girl for I shall set you fr... !" shouted by Kuno with a giant bouquet of flowers in one hand and a wooden sword in the other, but before he could finished he was knocked aside by Ranko and he disappeared into the horizon.

-Gym Period-

The girls were playing inside volleyball outside, both Akane and Ukyo in their gym clothes, while the boys were playing basketball, Ranma was laying on his back, on the sidelines along with two of his male classmates, Hiroshi and Daisuke, each on one side of him.

"You are one lucky man," Hiroshi stated, he sat on his right, as he admired both Akane and Ukyo, both on opposite sides.

"Akane may be considered the prettiest girl in school…" Daisuke stated, "…but Ukyo has the biggest boobs in our year." He noticed how they bounced through her shirt as she spiked the volleyball.

"Engaged to one girl, but another wants you," Hiroshi added.

Before Daisuke could say anything more Ranma heard what sounded like camera going off inside the walls and before either of his classmates could react Ranma punched through the gym wall and pulled out a man with whisker birthmarks on his face and over sized eyebrows, standing about a meter tall, wearing a reddish shinobi outfit. He was also holding a digital camera.

"What do we have here?" Ranma asked as he started cracking his knuckles.

"Isn't that Sasuke?" Hiroshi asked/stated.

"Kuno's personal errand boy?" Daisuke added.

Ranma then noticed the camera and took it and started looking through the pictures on the camera, and noticed they were of Akane in her gym slacks, in positions that would dirty magazines would pay good money for.

"Did Kuno put you up to this?" Ranma asked as he showed the shinobi a picture of Akane hitting the ball over the net.

Sasuke tried to grab the camera by leaping at it and Sasuke smirked as he jumped passed Ranma as he landed a few feet past Ranma and he noticed something off about the camera he was holding, and he looked at the camera that he grabbed from the camera, but instead of the camera it was an origami of a camera with a drawing of Ranma giving him a stink eye.

"Why you…" Sasuke said annoyingly as looked back at Ranma and noticed the camera was now in between his hands and all of a sudden the gender-switching martial artist and suddenly the Ranma squashed it in between his hands causing the shinobi's eyes to pop out of his head in shock. "Master Kuno ordered me to take those pictures."

The shinobi drew out his sword that was hidden in his uniform but before he could do anything a female's voice cried out, "Watch out!"

A volleyball than smashed into the back of his head of the shinobis head, knocking him out instantly.

"That was easy," Ranma stated.

Ukyo came up to grab the ball and then noticed the shinobi laying unconscious on the gym floor. "Who's the ninja wannabe?"

"Kuno's errand boy," Ranma replied.

"The shakespearean samurai?" Ukyo asked.

"Do you know any other samurais attending this school," Ranma replied.

-Tokyo International Airport-

A woman of about 5'8" got off her flight wearing a fullbody trench coat, with a hat covering her face, so nobody could get a good look at her.

As she got into the terminal she took a picture from her pocket and looked an old picture of a black haired young boy standing next to a red haired girl about a year older than the boy. "Ranma, it's been about 10 years since we last saw each other. I wonder how you'd like me now?"

She managed to tilt her hat up for a second to get a better a look the picture and her green eyes and her iris was feline.

-Nerima District After School-

In an ice-cream store both Ranma and Ukyo in their cursed forms, trying to get the most expensive delicacy in the store, as they both bent over to so the male store clerk could get a better look at their breasts.

"How much is it," Ukyo asked in a seductive tone.

"¥3,000," the clerk said with a blush on his face.

"How much?" Ranko asked innocently as she tugged on her bikini.

"¥1,500," the clerk corrected as a nose bleed now coming out of his nose.

Sometime later both Ukyo and Ranko were eating the ice-cream in a booth as Akane looked disgusted at the two cursed martial artists.

"You 2 disgust me," Akane stated.

"Would you like to pay ¥3,000 for this," Ranko asked as she continued to eat her ice-cream.

"Why are a girl?" Akane asked.

"Because real men can't eat this stuff," Ranko replied.

"But a girl can," Akane scoffed at the boy.

Before Ranko could respond a panda smacked Ranko on the back of the head with a sign, causing Ranko's face to go into her favorite treat.

"What was that for old man!" Ranko shouted at the panda.

The panda held up a sign and it read, 'Stop acting so girly…' *flip*, '...real men shouldn't eat this girl take this…,' *flip*, '...girly stuff!'

Ranko hit the panda on top of the head and shouted, "I am currently a girl thanks to you!"

Ranko then was forced to order another one because of her father, who is currently unconscious on the floor.

Meanwhile at the Tokyo International Airport a woman wearing a full body trench coat and a matching hat, to disguise herself. The woman stood at 5'7", and her green eyes were more feline in appearance than human. She took out a picture out of her pocket and held it in her gloved hand. It was a picture of her when she was 7, along with a familiar pig tailed martial artist of the same age.

"Soon Ranma, we will be a family like you promised all those years ago," the girl said as she purred with excitement.

She then took a bus to the Nerima district and she was passing through the park when she noticed an 18-year-old wearing a blue kendo outfit standing there, waiting for something or someone.

"I will declare thy love to the tree born bikini girl," said the teen, "For I am the Blue Thunder of Furinkan High!"

'Furinkan High?' The woman thought to herself she tapped the teen on the shoulder.

"Ahh my beloved…," the teen started before he got a good look the individual, and continued in a matter-of-fact-tone, "You are not my beloved tree born bikini girl."

"Nope," the girl responded in monotone, "I'm looking for a friend." She then gave him the address of where Ranma is staying.

"You're looking for the Tendo Dojo?" Kuno asked and the girl nodded, "Any friend of my beloved Akane Tendo's family is a friend of mine!"

The girl sweat dropped at his antics and finally got the directions she needed.

A few minutes later she was at the Tendo Dojo where she rung the doorbell and a woman just out of her teens answered the door and with a warm smile she said, "Hello. How can I help you?"

"Is Ranma Saotome here?" The girl asked and the woman nodded, "Can you tell him Greer is here to see him. He'll knows what it means."

"Of course," Kasumi replied, "Wait here for a minute while I get him for you."

She didn't have to wait long as Ranma arrived at the front gate a few a seconds later and said, "Greer, is that you?"

"Ranma!" Greer cried out in glee as she jumped into him, wrapping her arms around his waist, causing him to fall on his butt due to the force of the impact. Greer's hood finally fell down revealing that she has tiger fur where normal human skin should be.

"C-C-CAT!" Ranma cried out.

Meanwhile in Jusenkyo a girl with short blonde hair was chasing Mousse, and was yelling, "Come back here Mousse! Take punishment for pushing Shampoo into pool of drowned female spider!"(1)

Mousse was trying to the various weapons that Shampoo, who is still dressed in her normal clothes, was throwing various weapons at him.

"Calm down Shampoo," Mousse called back as he dodged a kitchen sink.

"Mousse don't tell Shampoo to calm down," Shampoo cried back as she threw a refrigerator at him.

Mousse dodged this too but unfortunately it rained the day before he managed to fall face first into a puddle of muddy water, activating his curse. He turned into a giant ugly duck head, which was the size of a normal duck, with a pair of wings and feet that is the same size of duckling.(2)

"Quack!" Mousse cried out in fear.

"Four!" Shampoo cried out as she hit him with a baseball bat and Mousse went flying off into the distance.

As Mousse dissappeared into the sky, he let out a "QUACK!"

"Ranma will like Shampoo, as Shampoo is learning sports outside of Amazon village," Shampoo said to herself as hearts appeared in her eyes as she pictured herself with Ranma being the ideal man for a Chinese Amazon.

"Should we tell her?" Ling-Ling asked.

"It wouldn't matter anyway," Lung-Lung replied.

That evening at the Tendo Dojo, dining room, Genma was forced to tell the Tendo's, Greer, and Ukyo about the cat fist training. Greer is no longer wearing the coat, she is wearing a black bikini revealing that she also had a tail too.

"Let me get this straight…" Ukyo started as she gripped her giant spatula tightly.

"You wrapped Ranma in fish…" Greer continued as she had her claws out."

"...and you threw him into a pit of starving cats?" Ukyo finished with anger and disbelief in voice as Ranma was curled up in the corner, and passed out. Ukyo is also letting out a quite a bit of killing intent.

"What were you thinking?!" Greer shouted.

Sensing imminent danger, Genma splashed himself with cold water and held up a sign that said, 'I'm just an innocent panda.'

The sign was cut into pieces as Greer used her claws on it, causing panda Genma to sweat in fear.

"What should we do with him," Greer asked Ukyo.

"I think we should sell his corpse to where they can the cat food," Ukyo replied.

"Figures that the two whores will defend the pervert," Akane said without a hint of remorse.

Ukyo responded by whacking the youngest Tendo in the back of the head with her giant spatula, causing her to fly outside and land in the koi pond.

"You whore," Akane shouted as she lifted herself above the waters surface and she noticed the look on her dad's face and she looked down on herself and noticed that the shirt that she was wearing, while training, was no longer on her body, she completely naked from the waist up. "Eeek!"

Akane covered herself up and went running inside and into her room.

"Huh, she wasn't wearing a bra, and she call us whores," Ukyo said, sounding unimpressed.

"She doesn't need one," Greer stated, "she doesn't have breasts to speak of."

"Where were we?" Ukyo asked, and looked at Genma menacingly, "Ohh ya, we were about to punish a fat panda for his idiocy."

Meanwhile in the park Kuno is still waiting, "Soon I will declare thy love to the Tree born bikini girl and she will be mine like the graceful Akane! I may have left to soon the other day but mark thy words! Though shall not move from this spot until thy shall arrive and declare thy love to thee!"

As he stared off into the sunset he was oblivious to the cries of pain that could be heard all over Nerima.

A/N: (1) I've decided to give Shampoo Spider-Gwen.

(2) I've decided to combine Mousse's duck curse with MODAK minus the hover chair.