Chapter 29: Declaration

The stairs seemed to repeat Ross' steps back to him as he climbed them. The echoes he thought he should not have been able to hear rang throughout the lobby of Grand Central Station. As he reached the top and leaned on his hands against the banister he had appropriated as a lectern, a thousand eyes all turned to look at him. Some of their gazes were hopeful. Some of their gazes were fearful. Some of their gazes were wrathful. Some of their gazes were willful. Each person's eyes were another set of weights on his shoulders. He gathered strength in his legs and he stood tall.

"As you may have already heard, the Army has attacked Grand Square," he said, projecting his voice as loudly as he could without yelling, "They were meticulous, they were motivated, and they had a very clear goal."

Ross thought for a moment, remembering the words he had practiced countless times in his office.

"I know many of you are angry. You want to know how they could have done something like this. You want to know why they would do something like this. After all, we're all brothers and sisters in this near-dead world, right? We're supposed to help each other, right?"

Ross pushed himself away from the rail and walked down the steps. When he reached the bottom, he moved along the front of the crowd toward three bound men on their knees. The top half of their Army fatigues was missing, revealing the stab resistant t-shirt each soldier wore underneath.

"The truth is: we already know why they attacked us, even if they don't. Their goal was to kill me."

Ross expected at least a few outraged murmurs. He didn't let his pride show when the crowd stood silent and attentive. He looked at the soldiers. One had his eyes closed and an expectant grimace on his face. One soldier stared wide-eyed at Ross with his jaw hanging open and gently shook his head. The last soldier had his teeth clenched together and his head hung low on his shoulders.

"You don't blame a knife for cutting your hand. You blame whoever is holding that knife."

He turned back to the crowd.

"Soldiers like these men aren't told why they fight. They kill what they're told to kill. In other words, while they may not be guiltless, they are no more to blame than the knife. Soldiers like these men are no more than tools for the men above them."

He took a deep as he collected his words.

"That's why I ask that you not condemn these men. After all, we're all brothers and sisters in this near-dead world. We're supposed to help each other. We should give them a choice!"

He turned to the soldiers again.

"Right now, you are not tools. You are men, with your own will and your own ideas of what's right or wrong. If you choose to stay here, to stay men, then stay on your knees. That said, I understand that you may have a reason to stay on the other side. Whatever your reasons may be, we will not curse you if we cross paths again, but we will become enemies. If you choose to go back to being a tool, then stand, and you will be escorted safely back to the Army's line."

Ross realized that his throat was sore from straining his voice, but ignored it as he waited. Only one of the soldiers moved. He slowly wobbled to his feet, head still hung low. Ross placed a hand on his shoulder and spoke softly to the man.

"I hope that, one day, we can meet again as men."

The soldier didn't lift his face to meet Ross' eyes, but nodded. Ross gestured to the Peacemakers waiting nearby. They led the man out of the hall and disappeared behind the stairs. Ross climbed the stairs and returned to his starting place. He leaned against the guard rail and took another breath.

"Now, some of you may be wondering who our enemy really is. That would be the man responsible for trying to kill me, the man responsible for forcing us through this hardship. That man would be Colonel Aaron Caul. Our goal is not to destroy the Army. Even as our enemy, they keep another monster at bay across the river. If we can take down the colonel, we can free our brothers and sisters, and strengthen New York City as a whole."

Ross pushed himself off the railing and stood straight up with his chest puffed out. He tried to strengthen his voice as he held his chin up high.

"I don't want any of you to think you have to fight. You are all men and women with your own lives. But me? I'm going out there, even if I have to go alone. It won't be easy, not by a long shot, but I ask that you stand beside me as I go to war."

He spread his arms wide and wounds his hands into tightly-balled fists before shouting with all his might.

"So, who's with me?!"

The crowd suddenly exploded with a roar of thunderous of cheers. Ross could see their fists filling the room and their faces covered with determination. He could hear the fervor in their voices. As he let himself get caught up in the excitement of the crowd and shout along with them, he steeled his nerves.

He prepared himself to go to war.

Thank you for reading! This is the last chapter of this story. Partially so i can move on to the next act and partially to enter the Fandom contest on Inkitt (didn't see a rule against this on the guidelines page, so here's url that goes after the domain, if anyone liked the story and wanted to support it: /stories/50378 If it is against the rules and a moderator or someone wants to let me know via PM, I'll remove it.). Daniel's story isn't over, though. So, if you enjoyed it, look out for the continuation that is coming soon!