
Alright everyone, I have an announcement to make regarding one of my Fairy Tail Fanfictions. I have decided to hiatus/delete my Walking Dead Fanfictions for the time being and continue either The Fire Dragon and The Bookworm or The Fire Dragon, The Bookworm, and The Engineer though I'm going to leave the decision up to you guys regarding which one by letting you guys vote in a poll on my profile.

Your options will be:

A. Continue from where I left off in The Fire Dragon and The Bookworm where I'll have it lead into The Fire Dragon, The Bookworm, and The Engineer instead of leaving it as a Timeskip.

B. Continue from where I left off in The Fire Dragon, The Bookworm, and The Engineer.

C. Continue where I left off in The Fire Dragon and The Bookworm though completely rewrite The Fire Dragon, The Bookworm, and The Engineer which I'll be taking in a different direction and change things around but will leave some of the looming darkness of the latter fic. Also, the pairing will remain the same.

D. Rewrite The Fire Dragon, The Bookworm and The Engineer and continue from there.

Another thing I wanted to update you guys about is the future of my other Fairy Tail Fanfictions. So, here it is...

1. Class of Swords is going to be discontinued and will be up for adoption. All I ask of anyone who takes over is to leave the pairings as they are. Though if you really want to change them then I suppose I couldn't stop you.

2. The Chosen Ones will hopefully be continued though I'm thinking of rewriting it to where the Dragon Slayers meet Rose Niagara, will be a Dragon God instead of Dragon Slayer, and train in the world she created after they (spoiler alert!) pass through the Eclipse Gate. They'll have no recollections of their lives before passing through the gate, but will remember the time spent in Rose's created world. It's all in an effort of giving Natsu more time to create his harem. Laxus and Cobra will not be participating in Rose's created world, the former is already powerful and the latter is cool how he is in the fic.

3. I'll admit that The Lost Dragon Slayer, the title anyway, didn't fit what was written in the fic and went in a completely different direction than the original idea I had for it. It's going to be up for adoption and whoever takes over writing it can do whatever they please with it. If nobody wants it then I'm just going to delete it. Though whoever does let it be known that I'm going to read whatever you post. Hopefully, you all do a better job than I did.