The air was filled with nothing but tension. All that could be heard was the ball bouncing, the shoes squeaking on the floor and the ragged breathing of Seirin and Kirisaki Daiichi. It was Seirin's second game against those monsters. After their first loss at the winter cup preliminaries, Hanamiya had demanded a rematch, claiming that this time he'll win. In this match, he didn't exactly show it. It was nearly half time, and Hanamiya even put Kentaro in. Seirin was seven points ahead of them, but they did think something was wrong. So far, Kirisaki Daiichi haven't been using violence as much. The worst they did was a little tugging and pulling, or stepping on their feet to stop them from getting the ball, but that was mainly it. Kiyoshi had decided to play as well, but he wasn't targeted as much either. It almost felt like a normal practice match.


The sound went off to mark end of the first half leaving the scores at 61-55 to Seirin. Hanamiya had managed to score a buzzer beater - using that little shooting technique no one thought he actually had. The spectators, that now included Kise, Aomine, Midorima and Murasakibara (Akashi of course felt no need to attend) and some of their team member, were observing the game carefully. They also found it rather weird that Hanamiya hasn't tried anything yet. But they also knew they mustn't be naive, for they still had an entire half of the game left.

"Hanamiya!" Kuroko called before they managed to go back to their locker rooms. Hanamiya turned around and glared at the boy.

"What do you want?" He growled.

"Why? Why can't you just be happy with playing basketball normally. I remember the things you said in our first match. You said the misfortune of others tastes like honey. Well doesn't fun and happiness from playing something you love taste like honey too? I don't get why-"

"Baka!" Yelled Hanamiya. "Do you honestly believe I enjoy playing fairly? Playing fairly is not fun. It's basically like standing there and listening to instructions on how to play it. But when you're like me, and you create completely new rules, it's thrilling,"

Kuroko stared, trying to hide the shock in his eyes but failing miserably.

"Remember what I did to your senior last time? Kiyoshi... After the match, even if I was fairly pissed off at the fact that I had lost, I was still rather pleased with myself with the damage I had managed to do. It was sweet. It was glorious. And it almost made me forget that I had even lost in the first place. As you can see, the pain of others is my pleasure,"

By now Kuroko was even more shocked than when Hanamiya had told him all that before in their first match. It all just seemed too much. Too psychotic. Too unrealistic. Too hurtful. He found it hard to believe that someone could disgrace a sport so much.

"But... When I see others bring swallowed by the joy of their victory it pisses me off. Especially weaklings like you. If it weren't for you I would have beaten Seirin last time. I would have been successful in breaking your seniors. I would have been successful in making myself feel good. But no. You just have to come along and ruin it all don't you. You brat,"

"I'm not a brat. I also don't think that would ever happen. I care about my seniors too much to let that happen. And I'm sure Kagami-kun would agree with me. We would never let cheaters like you win,"

"Oh but my dear Kuroko... We already have..."

Kuroko blinked a few times in confusion and slight shock. What did he mean by that? Is there something we need to know? Is there something they're hiding? Is there something we're missing? Every member of Seirin stared suspiciously at the captain if Kirisaki Daiichi. Especially Riko. She knew they had to be ready in the second half of the game.

Hanamiya let out an ugly low laugh before continuing to walk to his locker room. Kuroko gulped and turned around to walk to his own.

"This is bad..." Imayoshi said from the front row of spectator seats as he watched Hanamiya exit the court with thoughtful yet slightly worried eyes.

When they reached the locker room everyone was a little too quiet. Kuroko sighed and opened his locker. Inside was a note. He looked at it for a few moments before slowly picking it up. He didn't like notes. He opened it hesitantly.

'Meet me on the roof before the second half starts. If you don't, we might have to return to our usual foul play, and you wouldn't want your dear seniors getting hurt again now would you?'

Kuroko gulped. Hanamiya? What would he want? Or was it Hanamiya? Kuroko shrugged and closed his locker. He took a deep breath before he began to walk towards the door. He probably should go. If he doesn't who knows what they might do to Kiyoshi-senpai and the others.

"Where are you going?" Asked Riko quickly.

"Oh I'm just going to the bathroom," he quickly lied.

"Oh okay. Be back quickly. We need to discuss something,"

"Okay," he nodded and left, not noticing the concerned look Kagami was giving him as he stood up.

He stalked the building until he found the roof, while making different scenarios in his head of what Hanamiya could possibly want. He couldn't think of anything reasonable.

When he opened the door to the roof he found Hanamiya, that fish eyes guy and the guys with the long hair. Furuhashi and Hara was it? He hesitated to walk closer to them, but did so anyway. He gulped and observed their expressions. Hanamiya had the same expression on his face as he did when they first met. While Kuroko couldn't really read Furuhashi and Hara.

"Kuroko you came... How unfortunate..."

"Huh?" Kuroko asked a bit confused.

"I have a small question to ask you if you don't mind," Hanamiya smirked. Kuroko frowned. He didn't like this one bit. He was almost sure that this wasn't going to end well, and resisted the urge to simply turn around and walk away.

"Yes what is it?" He asks uncertainly.

"Well, what would you say if we told you, that we may or may not plan on hurting your seniors a little more than we originally intended to?"


"Originally we were going to just hurt them on court. You know, elbowing them, kneeing them, possibly maybe even crushing them. Okay, definitely crush them. The usual thing that gets me off. But now that we think about it, it might be a lot more enjoyable if we simply took them into a dark room or an alley and simply beat them to death. Doesn't that sound a lot more appealing huh? Kiyoshi writhing in pain. Four eyes screaming for help. That cute little coach girl begging for us to stop. How does it sound?"

Kuroko couldn't move. He just stared at the insane human being before him. How could someone be so heartless and cruel.

"You wouldn't. You couldn't,"

"Oh we would. And we most definitely could. But, if you do what we say then we might reconsider," Hanamiya said as his smirk grew wider.


"Well okay... I'll give you a choice between two things... Either that, or..."

"Or..." He let out a small laugh.

"How about, if we win our match, then fine, we will leave you all alone. We won't bother you at all. But, if we lose, then you are to be our play thing. You are to do everything we say, whether it be make us food or simply take a beating. Doesn't that sound fun?"

"You're insane!" Kuroko managed to choke out.

Hanamiya laughed.

"Tell me something I don't know,"

"It's either you or your seniors kid," said Hara finally.

"Choose wisely," Hanamiya said with his grin.

"I..." Kuroko's voice was stuck. He didn't know what to do. He cared for his seniors more than anyone. He didn't want them to get hurt. And if they lost, they may end up losing something. Losing their pride. Knowing Hanamiya he wouldn't just settle on leaving them alone after they won. They would taunt them. And how could Kuroko make them win? He couldn't do anything but fail his team.

But at the same time he didn't want to be subjected to this guy. He knew Hanamiya was a bad person. He knew Hanamiya hurt others for fun. He wasn't sure if he would be able to last with them. And who knows what they would do.

He didn't know what to do. He was confused, if not scared. Okay. He was really scared. Scared for his seniors. Scared for himself. Scared for what would happen if he didn't comply in some way. Whatever happens it will end badly. Dammit. Why did he come here...?

"Hurry up I'm getting impatient brat," Hanamiya growled.

He knew what he had to do. He couldn't allow his seniors to lose their pride. After what Kiyoshi had faced last time they played against them, he knew that he couldn't afford to let them lose this match.

He took a deep breath before looking at Hanamiya.

"Fine. If you win this match, you leave, and never bother us again! And if you lose… Well then I'll become your… your…-"

"Plaything," laughed Hanamiya.

"Now run along kitten," he mocked, "We have a match to finish."

Kuroko quickly nodded and started to walk away.

"Oh and before you go, no telling any of you teammates. Not even that arrogant red headed bastard. If we dare find out you told them, then the deals off. Understood?"

"Yes…" Kuroko quickly said before he began to run back to his locker room..

Dammit! Why was he so weak? Why was he so powerless? Why did he give in to Hanamiya's plan so fast? This was unfair. Why was this happening to him? To his teammates? To his friends? Why couldn't he do anything to stop Hanamiya? God dammit…

He resisted the urge to cry as he walked back to the locker rooms. He sighed as he decided it would be best to go wash his face or something before going back. He did so and started walking back again. He reached the door, and tried his best to put on his most monotone expression. He slowly opened the door and walked in. He straight away stiffened.

Everyone in his team was staring angrily and worriedly at him. They were all standing up and clenching their fists.

"Is uh, everything okay?" he asked hesitantly.

"Don't worry Kuroko! We'll protect you!" said Kagami confidently.

"Huh? What do you mean Kagami-kun?" Kuroko asked softly, feeling a bit worried now.

"You know what he means!" shouted Hyūga.

Kuroko gulped.

"Kagami-kun heard the whole thing!" cried Riko.

Kuroko stiffened.

"He recorded everything!" shouted Izuki.

Kuroko stared wide eyed before looking down at the ground. Dammit. He didn't want his seniors to be hurt, and now that they know about it, he was certain they weren't going to leave it alone.

"It's nothing you guys. Just win the match,"

"Just win the match?! How the hell are we meant to simply win the match when doing so we know we're going to lose a teammate?!" yelled Hyūga.

"You're not going to lose a teammate…"

"Oh what you think Hanamiya's just going to give you a few pats on the back and your free?! Hanamiya isn't like that! He won't give up until you're broken Kuroko. And we can't let that happen!"

"But I don't want you to get hurt!"

"And we won't!" yelled Riko, "We're not that careless! We won't simply let them hurt us. We can protect ourselves, and along with that we will protect you."

If Kuroko wasn't trying his best to stay composed for the game that will continue in a few minutes, he would most definitely cry. He really couldn't believe how great his friends and seniors were. But he knew he couldn't do it. Even if his seniors say that, he couldn't risk it. He'd rather force himself to face Hanamiya than have to watch his seniors get hurt.

"I'm sorry… But I have to do it… For the team…"