This chapter was written by tombraider123.

Merida was riding on her horse, Angus, and shooting arrows at her targets set up in the trees. She stopped shooting her bow for a minute and let the wind blow through her long, untameably curly, fire red hair. Merida slowed to a stopped and hopped off Angus' back making sure not to stand in any mud. Her mother would have a fit if she got this dress dirty. She was wearing a newly made dress by her mum it was a dark green with gold trimmings and Merida didn't want to ruin it.

Merida sauntered to the edge of a cliff overlooking her home of DunBroch, she was free! Only two years ago, when she was 16, her mother had accepted her way of living and didn't force into marriage. Merida was enjoying the view when she noticed something at the bottom of the cliff; it looked like a small chest.

"I wonder what's in that chest, Angus. Stay here I'll be back soon," Merida said, petting Angus' mane.

She started to climb down the cliff; she had amazing climbing skills for a girl of only 18 and was skilled in many things, archery being her greatest. She could hit a bull's eye from 100 meters away. Merida was nearly at the bottom when a rock, she had just grabbed a hold of, gave way. She began to free fall, making her heart beat in over drive. Luckily before she hit the ground she managed to grab onto a, tiny, ledge saving herself from hitting the rocks below.

"There better be something good in that chest," she said, huffily.

Merida finally reached the bottom and found she was surrounded by, extremely tall, trees. They hadn't look nearly as tall from above.

"I haven't been here before," she said to herself.

She walked through the forest to where she thought she'd seen the chest; it was hard to tell from up on the cliff. She didn't how long it had been, she seemed more tired than usual and that's when she saw them, will 'o the wisps. She gasped, Merida hadn't seen will 'o the wisps in two years. Not since all the marriage fuss had been settled.

Merida was getting deathly tired at this point; what was the forest doing to her? Following the wisps lead her to a clearing and in the middle was a large, dark brown, wooden truck buried in to the ground. The trunk was so dark it almost blended in with the ground. In the middle of the trunk was the chest. It was made of black leather and had a golden lock on it; whatever is in this must be priceless. Merida thought to herself.

The closer she got to the chest the more fatigued she felt until she collapsed right in front of it.

Merida finally awoke. She didn't know how long she had been out but, she was back up on the cliff. Down below she saw the forest, where she had just been.

"What is going on?" Merida said; partly to Angus, who was nuzzling her unkempt hair, and partly to herself.

She stood up and brushed her dress off, she was happy that it wasn't in total ruins. She turned around and, to her surprise; the black chest was sitting, innocently, on a flat rock. Only now the lock was gone. Merida didn't know if she wanted to open it or not but, curiosity got the better of her. She walked over it and slowly opened the lid. She looked inside and was saddened to find only a piece of paper, no gold no jewels no priceless relic just a piece of paper. Merida was angry and was about to throw the paper back down into the forest where it belonged when she noticed that it had writing on it. She started to unroll the paper and saw that it wasn't just a piece of paper

"It's a map!" She Exclaimed.

The map had beautiful sun designs around the boarder. She became more excited the longer she looked at it. She jumped back up on Angus and, as swiftly as her horse would allow, made her way back to DunBroch. She bolted through the door to the kitchen past the busy cookers and into the dining room where her family was eating. Her mother looked over at her, seeming upset

"Young lady, where have you been?" Her mother said with fire in her eyes, standing up from the table "You said only a couple of hours, it's been seven,"

Merida wasn't like her mother at all; unlike her, Elinor had brown hair and acted more of a queen than Merida ever would.

"I'm sorry mum," Merida said, sitting in her chair "I got distracted I-" Merida tried to continue but, she was cut short by her mother's rage.

"Seven hours Merida, we we're worried!" Elinor bellowed, leaning on the table and, looking to her husband for support.

"I wasn't, I know my lass can take care of herself," Fergus said, in his extremely thick accent.

Merida looked over to her Dad and smiled; she was more like him. It was more than just having his bright red hair; she had his spirit for adventure and fighting.

"I found something as well," Merida said showing the map.

"What's this?" Elinor said snatching the map from her daughter's hand. "A treasure map," Elinor observed.

"I found in the forest below the cliff near here," Merida pointed out the window, indicating the direction of the forest.

Fergus went over the see what it was all about.

"Aye that looks interesting where does it say it leads?" Fergus asked.

"It's in a kingdom called Corona," Merida said.

"Aye I know where that is," Elinor said, still examining the map.

"So can I go find it then?" Merida asked excitedly, directing the question more to her father.

"I don't see why not" Fergus said.

"Fergus this is your daughter… going to a place where she has never been before," Elinor said, with a raised eyebrow.

"So? she's a master with her bow I think she can handle it herself," Fergus replied.

"Fine," Elinor said, throwing her hands into the air in resignation. "She can go, I guess seeing a new kingdom would do her some good anyway,"

"Great!" Fergus said, walking back to his seat. "Merida get ready, I'll arrange a ship to take you there in a couple of days,"

With that, Fergus sat back down in his chair and carried on eating his meal.

The days passed by quickly and in no time it was the day to leave. Merida had what she needed, mainly her bow and plenty of arrows. She was down at the docks a little early but, she didn't care. She was too excited to care about anything. After a half an hour one of the crew men called out that they'd be leaving shortly. Merida was about to step on the ship when…

"Merida, please be careful" Elinor said, running up to her daughter and kissing her on the forehead.

"Don't worry mum I won't be gone for too long" Merida said, sure that this treasure hunt would not take long at all.

The two hugged and Merida got on the ship. Elinor watched the ship sail into the horizon and prayed for Merida's safety.

It had been just over a week on the ship, Merida was getting used the waves knocking against the sides and was up on deck

"Princess we will make port on the morrow" the captain said.

"Wonderful! Thank you for telling me" Merida said.

She was excited! She was trying very hard not to show how much she couldn't wait so; she went back below deck and walked to her room. She made herself fall asleep; she hadn't gotten much sleep the past few days, due to over excitement.

She was woken by the sound of a man shouting

"Land ahead, land ahead!"

Merida sprinted up onto the deck and saw the kingdom before her eyes, it was beautiful! Merida looked at the new kingdom and whispered only one thing…
