Whatever it Takes
When Greg gets a new job out in Washington DC he leaves the Las Vegas Department and everyone inside it. And in comes a new CSI and everyone welcomes him with open arms. But when Morgan realizes her love for Greg and how much she misses him she goes out to Washington DC to bring him back. She doesn't care how or what she will do whatever it takes to bring him back home. She'll chase him to the end of the earth if she has to. Is she ready for the crazy life ahead of her to bring Greg back to where he belongs? Or will Greg stay there forever leaving everything and everyone behind?
Chapter 1
Morgan was sitting at a table in the break room while holding a cup of coffee right there as she looked down at the table. So why does she feel like this? So not in control. There was a rumor going around the lab that Greg got an offer at another crime lab and was thinking of transferring there. But she doesn't want him to go at all. She wants him to stay here to be with her.
Greg entered grabbing coffee and sat down opposite Morgan as she looked at him right there. She bit her lip not knowing what to even say to him. How she was going to say it all? She was lost for words for one of those moments in her life; a moment she never thought would come around Greg.
There was something different about him tonight was it his brown eyes that are so enticing or just was it his personality? She couldn't put her finger on it at all but there was something there. There was a part of her that wants to figure out what it was but it was such a mystery to her that she couldn't figure any of it out.
"So is it true?" asked Morgan finally saying something
"About my offer and me transferring." responded Greg
"Yeah." replied Morgan
"It is." said Greg
"Where?" asked Morgan as she looked at him with glassy blue eyes
"Where else Washington DC. They really want me and I've been thinking of going." said Greg to her
"So you're actually leaving." said Morgan
"Yeah I am." muttered Greg knowing he's leaving the girl he has a crush on but the offer was amazing that he couldn't turn it down
"What are we going to do without you?" asked Morgan as she looked at him
"They got someone to take my place." Greg told her
"When are you leaving?" Morgan wondered as she continued to look at him
"Friday." said Greg
"You can't." said Morgan right there
"I'm sorry Morgan but I am." responded Greg as he looked at her amazing beauty "We can still call each other."
Morgan got up from the table throwing her coffee away and went into the locker room and sat down against a few lockers. Then tears started coming out of her eyes and it started going out like a river. She didn't want Greg to leave go like a thousand miles away from here. But he's still going no matter what leaving her, DB Russell, Julie Finlay, Nick Stokes, Sara Sidle, Doc Robbins, David Hodges, David Phillips, Henry Andrews and Captain Brass. He was leaving all of them behind and with a new CSI to take his place.
This was all happening so fast and she can't do anything about it. She can't fight for this as it was something he really wants to do. But she doesn't want this to happen. Why would he go so far away? So far away from her in Las Vegas, that they won't see each other again? Why would he leave everything and everyone behind to go work somewhere else? Because of a better job, better pay and the people there wanting him is that even a good enough reason. She can't even deal with it. He can't just do this to everyone including her.
Friday came around and it was the end of the shift and everyone was in the break room including Brass, Officer Mitchell, Lou Vartann and Conrad Ecklie. They all looked at Greg right there as they were all saying goodbye to him. Sara Sidle and Nick Stokes were taking it pretty hard as they have known Greg the longest out of everyone. Doc Robbins, David Hodges, Henry Andrews and David Phillips were also taking it a little hard since they have known Greg for so long.
"We're going to miss you Greg." said Finn going up to him and gave him a hug right there "Good luck and be safe."
"Bye Greg." said Sara going up after Finn giving him a hug
"Bye Sara, you're an amazing friend." said Greg to her as Sara smiled
"Goodbye Greggo buddy." said Nick putting his hand out going for a handshake but then went in and hugged him like a brother "I will really miss you and do well out there."
"I will Nick." said Greg
Greg then went in and said his goodbyes to DB Russell, Doc Robbins, David Hodges, David Phillips, Henry Andrews, Captain Brass, Officer Mitchell, Lou Vartann and Conrad Ecklie. He then stood there as there was only one person left to say goodbye to and he turned to Morgan as she stood there. There were so many emotions pouring over her at that moment that were about to be released at her goodbye. Morgan stepped forward and she went in and hugged Greg right there.
"Goodbye Greg. I hope everything goes well out there." said Morgan as she leaned into him and whispered "Be safe."
"Goodbye Morgan and I will." whispered Greg so no one could hear him "I want you to be safe. I'll be fine don't worry about me. I'm only a couple hours ahead of you so if you need anything just call and I will answer. You are a great person and always be that way. Don't lose it."
"I won't." said Morgan muttering right there
"Be good to these guys here in Vegas. Especially Nick and Finn because you know how headstrong Finn can be. These guys are family here and once you leave you still are; family to them. I will never forget you Morgan. No matter where I go I will always be thinking about you." said Greg still whispering
"And I will think about you as well when I'm distressed or need some guidance I know you will still be there in spirit." whispered Morgan
"Okay so this is goodbye." said Greg finally out loud and released Morgan as she stepped back as she has tears in her eyes "I've had a great time here in Vegas ever since I got here and with the new additions to the team over the years but it's time for me to go."
"You'll always be family to us Greg and will always belong here." said Nick to him
Morgan came to work on Monday as it was a long weekend for her as she was grieving over Greg leaving the Las Vegas team. She spent the whole weekend in her apartment and in her bedroom mostly. She barely got out of it except when she went to the bathroom and had something to eat. But it was probably expectant of everyone as it was really alarming of something like this ever happening especially with Greg.
She went to her locker opening it up putting some things in it and looked at mirror she had in it. Her eyes were a little pink from all the crying that she has been doing. But it was slowly disappearing. She then closed the locker and went into the break room grabbing coffee and sat at a table where Finn, Sara and Nick were looking into their coffees.
She were still riddling over the fact of Greg being gone. Greg was like a brother to Nick and Sara. They knew him as the wacky lab tech at one point that played loud music who eventually became a CSI and now he was gone. It felt dreary in there with everyone so miserable with him gone. Just then DB Russell came in the break room as well with a young man in tow.
"Everyone this is our new CSI Rylan Cass." said DB Russell
"Hi." said Rylan right there
Rylan looked to be about six feet tall with short black hair that was a little messy, dark brown eyes, a round face and a yellow-tan skin color. He seemed to be the kind of guy everyone liked. A guy who was a stickler to the rules and who went by the book.
"This is Julie Finlay." said DB Russell pointing to her
"Finn." said Finn right there
"Sara Sidle." pointing to her as Sara waved "Nick Stokes." pointing to him and he just nodded "And Morgan Brody." finally pointing to her
Morgan didn't look at him and instead looked down at the ground and at her feet. Although he was the new CSI to the team she didn't want him there at all there was only person she felt belonged there and they were no longer there with them.
"Sorry about the inconvenience with them we just lost a great CSI who went to work somewhere else. The CSI you're taking the place for." said DB Russell
"I understand. I know I won't be as great as them but I will try my best to do the best that I can." said Rylan right there
"Well how about I take you on the tour around our lab." said Nick right there
"Sounds great." said Rylan off the bat
Nick took Rylan out of the break room to show him around the lab and the police station as well. They were going to have to show him the police station as it was practically a secondary place to be other than the lab. They were in cahoots with them all the time.
Finn, Sara and Morgan stood there looking at Russell knowing they should be getting new assignments to out. He stood there still for a moment then came around giving them pieces of paper of what each of them what they will be doing for the day.