The Skeletons have just finished moving the rest of Serpentine belongings out of their palace. Knuckal2, the new king of the Skulkin after Samukai2's death, stood in front of his people.

"Everyone, the Serpentine have invited us to Ourorbous to watch the battle to see who will become the next new Venormari and Constrictai generals. Will load the rest of their belongings on our trucks and head out." Knuckal2 announced.

As the Skeletons got ready to leave, two soldiers riding a giant spider crawlled onto the bridge and stood before Knuckal2.

"How's the prisoner?" Knuckal2 asked.

"He's been quiet since the court room, so it's hard to tell." The first skeleton told him.

"Who cares?" The second skeletons joked.

The three skeletons laughed.

"Will throw food over the side every other day so he doesn't die." The first skeleton told him.

"Good. He'll never get out of here." Knuckal2 laughed.

After that, all the skeletons left, leaving the Underworld empty of them. The only person left was Lloyd2.

Down miles and miles into the darkness of the Underworld, lied the most hideous monsters anyone could imagine. Below them were soldiers that died in battle over a long time ago. Below them, was Lloyd2.

Lloyd2 was sitting on his knees. He still had his collar on and his hands were chained to opposites end of the walls, so his arms were stretched out. He held his head down as he sat in the darkness alone. Except he wasn't alone.

"What a cruel and unfitting punishment for a god." An eerie voice said.

Lloyd2 shot his head up.

"Who's there?" He asked.

There was no answer.

"I know you are there. No one can hide from me." Lloyd2 said.

"Don't panic. I mean you no harm." The voice told him.

A floating purple orb flew into sight and floated above Lloyd2.

"Who are you?" Lloyd2 asked.

"I go by many names, but you can call me the Overlord." The orb said.

Lloyd2 got on his feet and tried to lunge at the Overlord, however his chains stopped him.

"Calm down, boy. I told you I don't want to harm you." The Overlord2 said.

"And I never said I didn't." Lloyd2 said angry. "I trained my entire life so I could destroy you."

"No. You trained to defeat your father. Which you did." The overlord2 told him.

"You were his master. Why would you come to me?" Lloyd2 asked.

"Because I need you. And you need me." The Overlord2 answered.

Lloyd2 gave him a questioning look.

"You see, from the very beggining, I knew I would have a Garmadon rule by my side. It just turns out, I had the wrong one." Overlord2 said.

"I don't rule with anyone." Lloyd2 told him.

"Well you better learn to start!" Overlord2 snapped.

"You dare yell at me! I am Lord Garmadon!" Lloyd2 yelled.

"Not anymore!" The Overlord2 yelled back.

The Overlord2 then shot Lloyd2 in the chest with black lightning. Lloyd2 fell back on his knees.

"You lost your powers to a boy." The Overlord2 said disgusted.

"That boy was me from another world." Lloyd2 said.

"He wasn't trained enough and you still lost." The Overlord2 said. "If he had more training, he could've killed you."

"I could feel that he wanted to." Lloyd2 told him.

"But he didn't." Overlord2 said.

"That's why I'm still here." Lloyd2 smirked.

"It is also why I am here." The Overlord2 said.

"If you want to gloat, go ahead. I could care what a bubble thinks." Lloyd2 said as he sat back down.

"I have no desire to gloat to my partner. I told you I need you." The Overlord2 said.

"Why me?" Lloyd2 asked.

"Because you are strong! I have watched over you ever since you were born, Lloyd. I knew you would be destined for great things and I was right." Overlord2 said.

"I had Ninjago in the palm of my hands! But that boy ruined it for me." Lloyd2 said angry.

"You can have it." The Overlord2 said.

"Have what?" Lloyd2 asked.

"Ninjago. You can have it back. Once you're freed, your powers will return to you. We'll raise an army and Ninjago will be yours." The Overlord2 explained.

"What's in it for you?" Lloyd2 asked.

"Ever since your grandfather imprisoned me in this form, I could never escape. Only if the balance of good and evil is tipped, could I escape. When you made that giant tornado of darkness, I could feel myself growing stronger. But you were defeated. With my help, both of us can be freed. You just have to trust me." The Overlord answered.

Lloyd2 thought about that for a moment.

"You want Ninjago. I want Ninjago. You want us to rule together?" Lloyd2 asked.

"Yes." The Overlord2 answered.

"If I were to rule along side anyone, it'd be you." Lloyd2 smiled evily.

Even though you couldn't see it, The Overlord2 smiled back just as evil.

"Can you get me out of here?" Lloyd2 asked.

"I can do so much more. But it will take some time." The Overlord2 told him.

"Time's the one thing I got." Lloyd2 smirked.

"Lloyd-Or, uh, Lord Garmadon, this looks like the start of a beautiful partnership." The Overlord2 said.

"You said it." Lloyd2 agreed.

The entire Underworld was filled with the laughter of the two most feared beings in this Ninjago.

Can you say Another World 2?

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