Thanks for the reviews! Its amazing to know that i still have followers for my stories :) My next update will be either Sunday or Monday but it wont be any later that that.

Rachel stared at the clock and groaned.

"I've got it this time! Ten." Blaine said with a grin.

Rachel frowned at him. Could someone really be this stupid or was he just putting it on? "No, actually the answer is five."

"Oh." Was all Blaine could manage to get out.

Rachel did feel bad for him but everything was just so simple or atleast to her it was. She looked up to Blaine who looked so upset. "We have been at this for a while now, how about we take a break?" She suggested.

"So..." Blaine trailed off, looking at Rachel up and down.

"What?" Rachel asked.

"Well you know, how is it?"

"How's what?" Rachel asked.

Blaine laughed. "You know life with Finn."

"What exactly do you want to know?" Rachel asked. She didn't really want to talk about Finn especially knowing Blaine might of had some feelings towards Finn when he knew exactly he was all hers.

"Well you know, Finn is so cocky, full of himself and he thinks he's all that-"

"Oh." Rachel said as he mouth fell open. "To be actually honest with you Blaine, Finn has changed. I think ever since i found out i was pregnant he has really stepped up and he's now a changed man." Rachel said with pride in her voice.

Blaine smiled. "You can tell he really loves you."

"I love him too."

"So how about we have a girly night?" Blaine asked.

Rachel flung her head up and looked confused. "Girly night?"

"Well yeah i know i'm a boy but come on i'm gay i love what you all do." Blaine said laughing.

Rachel laughed. "I hate to burst your bubble but i can't drink, you know i am pregnant."

Blaine laughed. "No, i meant like shopping, eating, watching twilight, all the good stuff?"

Rachel couldn't help but think that sounded perfect and she did want to get to know Blaine more. "You know what, that sounds perfect and exactly what i need!"

"Great! When?" Blaine questioned.

"How about 7?" Rachel asked.

"Well you know, Finn and Kurt have a game tonight, i was going to go and show some support. Wanna come?"

"I would it's just i haven't shown myself around school in a long time, and i don't want people to think things and i don't want people to start on Finn or work him especially when he has a game."

Blaine stood up. "Rachel, no one will give a damn! and if they do then so what? You are a hot little momma and don't let anyone tell you different. And if someone started just go hormonal on them."

Rachel laughed. "Maybe."

They were soon interrupted.

"Blaine? Rach?" Kurt called.

"In here." Rachel shouted.

"Hey." Kurt said going to kiss Blaine. "How's the work going?" He asked.

"Blaine has been amazing!" Rachel said looking at Blaine who smiled at her.

"Great! Well i hate to come then go but we have a game tonight so Blaine we gotta go." Kurt said.

"Where's Finn?" Rachel said standing up.

"In the car waiting for us." Kurt answered.

Rachel smiled. "So are we ready?"

Kurt grinned. "Your coming?"

"Yeah." Rachel said grabbing her stuff and following them to the car.

"Yey." Kurt cheered.

"What a dork." Blaine said teasing him.

"I may be a dork, but i'm you dork."

Rachel giggled. "He's right."

"Whatever." Blaine said taking Kurt's hand in his.

Later. After the game.

"Well boys it's been fun watching you guys lose, but Rachel and i have to go." Blaine said.

"Hmm." Finn said. His grip tightened of Rachel's hand.

"Oww." She muttered.

Finn ignored her. "Where are you going?"

Blaine sighed. "For a night in, to get to know each over."

"What with Rachel?" Finn asked shocked.

"Yeah, so?" Blaine said crossing his arms across his chest.

"No, nothing it's just odd." Finn mumbled.

Kurt nodded. "I agree."

"Come on Rachel." Blaine said as he pulled her away.

"What about me?" Kurt shouted.

"Not you!" Blaine shouted back.

"When they got into the car Rachel spoke. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He said starting the engine.

Rachel wasn't convinced. "Blaine? Are you sure?"

He looked at Rachel and covered his eyes. "No, i'm not okay." He said beginning to sob.

"What's wrong?" Rachel asked. She really didn't know what to do.

"I hate boys."

"Blaine, what happened?"

He looked up to her. "It's Kurt."

"What did he do?" For some reason Rachel felt like this was going to be very bad. She rubbed her hand over he stomach.

"I think he is hooking up with someone else behind my back."

Rachel's jaw dropped. "What?"

"Lately he has been seeing and talking to someone. Then one day i went over to his house and he wasn't their but Carole said he would be back anytime soon. Anyway i went onto his laptop to pass some time. And do you want to know what i saw? My boyfriend playing tonsils with someone else." Blaine shrieked.

Rachel was shocked. "Wait are you sure?"

"I'm positive." Blaine whispered. He was so broken.

Rachel leaned over and gave him a hug. "I am so sorry." She whispered. "How about we go to my place and watch a movie with some ice cream?"

"No Finn and Kurt will be their." He reminded her.

"Well, i will call Finn and tell them to leave." She assured him.

"Thanks, i never thought i would of opened up to you, it's funny." He said smiling.

"I'm glad were friends. It's nice having someone to talk to." Rachel added.

Blaine drove off. "Yeah tell me about it! Can i ask you a question?"

Rachel shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah."

"What would you do?"

"I cant answer that Blaine."

"Please." He begged.

Rachel sighed. "Listen to your heart."

Blaine pulled into her driveway. "But what if it means losing everything?"

"You still have me if you want me?" Rachel offered. She knew she didn't know him well but she felt for him.

"Promise?" He said with a giggle?

Rachel nodded. "I promise."

Blaine smiled. "Lets go get some ice cream."

Rachel laughed. "Yeah come one."

Coming up- Blaine and Kurt break up or not? Kurt and Rachel moments and of course Finchel!