Been uploading back to back. Hope you guys are enjoying :D
Chapter 5
Sasha awoke early the next morning. It was pretty warm so she looked for a tank top and some shorts- putting her hair in a high top bun. She put away her scattered clothes and looked out the window and saw nobody was out yet. "Maybe I can go for a walk," she thought. Her mind began to race, "I hope I don't see Daryl. It was a good time but so embarrassing... I'm not trying to get attached to anyone in this hell on Earth..." She walked out her door, and headed outside, crossbow on her just in case.
Daryl, Tyreese, Michonne and Bob were getting ready to go out looting when they saw Sasha walk into the forest. Bob was staring Daryl down with a scowl but would smile every time he would look his way. "Where is she going?" Tyreese looked over. Before Bob could say anything Michonne kicked him and got in the car. Daryl smiled to himself and got in the car too, but kept looking at her periodically. Tyreese noticed but didn't say anything. "Do you want her to come?" Michonne asked the guys. Rings of "yeah, sure, okay," were heard. Michonne got out of the car and went to go find her.
The silence in the car was intense. "So... we're not gonna talk about what's going on, huh?" Bob asked. "Shut up already," Daryl growled. Bob glared at Daryl and Tyreese sighed. Michonne came back with Sasha and Sasha already had a look of annoyance when she saw Bob looking at her. "Daryl you sit in the front with Michonne." Bob said. "I'm not even gonna argue." Daryl got out and traded spots with Tyreese. Sasha sighed, sitting to the side of her brother and behind Michonne. At least she wasn't in the middle.
The ride was long but eventually they got to a warehouse. They got out and pulled their weapons out of the trunk. Every now and then Daryl would look at Sasha and Sasha would catch him and smile. "Okay, let's hope there's no walkers in here," Michonne said, pulling out her katana. They all readied their weapons and Michonne sliced the lock on the door. The lock dropped with a heavy plunk. They opened the door slowly and walked in. It was pretty dark in there except for flickering lights of dying generators. It smelled like wood and mold. There were large multiple shelves that made the place look like a castle full of corridors. Corridors possibly ridden with Walkers. "Let's split up. Sasha with Daryl, and Bob to yourself, Tyreese to yourself and me to myself. Bob, guard the door." Michonne said. "Why does Sasha have to go with Daryl?" Bob folded his arms. Michonne didn't answer him and went to her assigned corridor. Tyreese went to his. Daryl and Sasha went down theirs.
Sasha starting putting things in her bag that she saw as valuable, such as canned food, bottled water, etc. Daryl followed behind her taking first aid kits, ammo and towels. "I think another group of people stayed here. Or used to." Sasha said, speed walking. "Quit walkin' so fast." Daryl said, trying to keep up with her and put things in his bag. "Quit walking so slow," Sasha shot back. Daryl ran in front of her and she ran in front of him. Soon they were racing down the hall when they came to a large door. "What the fuck is this?" Sasha said, seeing this barricaded door. She knocked on it. Nothing. There was only a tiny doggy door. She got on her knees and was about to look through it when Daryl squat beside her and put his hand on her shoulder. "Look through that and you might get bit up," He took an arrow out his cross bow and lift the doggy door with it. A walker poked its head through, causing Sasha to fall back and yelp. "Knife it," he said. "Jesus fucking Christ," she pulled out her pocket knife and stabbed it between the eyes. "How the hell are we gonna get in there?" Sasha started pulling the door. Daryl saw there was a lock. "I can pick it, I ain't sure how long that will take though," he sighed. "Maybe there's a way around it." Sasha suggested.
Bob stood at the door of the warehouse, tapping his feet, walking back and forth. They've gotta be fucking, they've gotta be fucking. Go look. No don't look. Damn it, catch them in the act! Catch them! Bob's mind was racing. "Fuck it," Bob went to look for them.
Tyreese ended up in some sort of kitchen. There were pots, pans, spices, hell- even food that was still on the stove that stopped working. "Why the hell would all this be in a warehouse?" Tyreese asked himself as he stocked up. Michonne ended up coming in from another door. "A kitchen? I found some kind of sleeping quarters. I wonder where everyone who was living here went..." Michonne motioned Tyreese to follow her.
Bob caught up with Daryl and Sasha. "Aren't you supposed to be guarding the door?" Sasha asked. Daryl continued to try to find the entrance to the barricade room. They followed Daryl and argued. Soon they came upon another door. "Do Not Open" This door had read. This one had sturdy but old rusty lock. There was also a window. Bob peaked through and saw there was a bunch of loot. "Guys look what I found." Bob pointed out. "Technically you ain't find shit," Daryl said under his breath. "What did you say?" Bob glared at Daryl. "I said you ain't find shit and you ain't shit, boy." Daryl stood his ground. "Stop it." Sasha stood between the both of them. Bob rolled his eyes and opened the door. An alarm shot through the air. "Fuck!" Everyone said in unison except Bob, who was already in the room looting.
Eventually Michonne and Tyreese caught up with Sasha and Daryl. "We gotta get out of here." Michonne said, then noticing Bob with 4 full bags of loot. "I thought I told you to watch the door!" She yelled. "I did watch the door!" Bob yelled back. Soon Daryl, Sasha and Michonne were arguing with Bob and Tyreese started to back up. "Guys... quit fighting and look!" He yelled. A hoard of walkers were coming their way and the only way out was to go through the one-way barricade room...