
I own no DC characters.

Firmly placed in between the towering forms of Cyborg and Starfire, Raven stared back at the founding members of the Justice League seated at top of the long 'U' shaped table ignoring its newer members towards the end. To call this trip to the Watchtower annoying was an understatement, but it was necessary for change, growth, and understanding for the Titans. Glancing behind Starfire's form to her left Raven watched as Beast Boy shifted under the steady gaze of the JL members.

"So have you made your decisions?" Batman rose from the table awaiting the Titans response. This was it there was no turning back.

Raven closed her eyes briefly letting the magnitude of the moment sink in. Her sides prickling, an unconscious and involuntary response to her friends heightened emotions. Taking in a deep breath Raven took a few steps away from the other three, the feeling of their resolve pushing her forward .

"Yes we have Batman. Seeing as how Beast Boy has family connections with members of the League he will be the first to voice his decision."

Looking only slightly behind her Raven's eyes followed Beast Boy until he stood full attention at her side. Beast boy shot a glance towards Raven which she responded to with a nod and the tiniest of smiles.

"I have decided to take up the Leagues offer to be placed full time on The Team located in Happy Harbor." Beast Boy stated.

Nodding Batman shuffled the papers placed on the table before him. "Understood. Are there any other requests or questions you may have?"

"Is Miss Martian still an active member of the Team?"

"Indeed she is." Martian Manhunter chimed in giving the young changeling a short but fons smile.

"Then no further questions Batman." With that Beast Boy returned to his spot next to his Starfire before Batman had a chance to respond.

"Next Cyborg." Raven said drawing the League's attention from her green friend who was standing abnormally close to Starfire.

The blue metal man stopped short behind Raven and towered somewhat menacingly over her petite form before speaking. "I accept your position on the Watchtower as head technician but my first loyalty is to the Titans. If the Titans ever request assistance they are my top priority regardless of what's going on in the tower. This is a non-negotiable condition."

Murmurs broke out between several members of the league. This was the greatest superhero organization in the world and some metal child was making non-negotiables with Batman of all people. Who... no what gave this Cyborg the right?

Despite disturbance his statement caused Cyborg made sure to roll his shoulders back, keep his head level, and maintain eye contact with Batman. Only one opinion really mattered in the room and they all knew it. The murmurs of the League steadily got louder causing Starfire to cover her smile with a hand and making Beast Boy chuckle at his friends dauntlessness.

"Agreed." Batman's orotund voice stopped all murmurs at once, he had left no room for arguments. Batman was far from stupid and as he looked at the Titans leader he understood she wasn't either. Raven would never risk pulling Cyborg away from the Watchtower unless it was a crisis that would probably require assistance from League anyway. If having this condition under Victors belt would put him at ease it was a small price to pay.

With a respectful head nod Cyborg stepped back in line next to Starfire, but not before giving the former a wide grin.


Starfire took a small step forward in response to her leaders call. "Raven if it were to be deemed okay I would like to go last. I do not quite know how to word my feelings on this matter as of yet." Starfire wasn't looking for permission from the League but from her leader and one of her oldest friends, and Raven couldn't have appreciated it more.

"Right." Superman stood matching Batmans stance and stared at Raven almost intimidatingly.

Smirking Raven took another step closer to the League members as she began to close the meeting. "I would like to thank the League for the offer to join but I must decline. I have a responsibility to a city and fellow teammates that look to me for guidance. I will not be leaving Jump City or the Titans."

"Yes. I couldn't have said it more beautifully than you Raven." Starfire chimed as she took her place on Ravens right. " Jump City is my home it's where Starfire was born and where she was accepted and taught and I will continue this tradition within the Titans. I intend to keep my home and friends safe until I am no longer able to do so ... from the Titans Tower."

"Then I guess that leaves us with only two Titans." Superman said as he stepped away from his chair.

"Hn." Raven hummed hoping to remind him of several of the other Titans the League has stolen over the years.

"Seeing as this is the case Raven, Starfire would you consider being honorary members of the League?" Superman asked making his way towards the Titans with Batman trailing behind.

Raven considered briefly before accepting the offer. It couldn't hurt the Titans to have "friends" in higher places.

"We would be flattered."

Flanking the Titans Batman and Superman wrapped up the meeting by congratulating each of the Titans and handing each a League communication device.

"Meeting dismissed." Batman said as he and Superman returned to their seats.

Various members of the League exited the meeting room soon leaving its founding members and the Titans to make their final goodbyes.

"Rae...I think, I think I made a mistake. The Team their missions are cool and stuff and my sister... I've haven't seen her in so long. But it's not-"

"Home?" Raven placed a gentle hand on Beast Boy's shoulder. "It's okay Beast Boy just breathe. You've made a great decision Miss. Martian is important to you and you can't just give that up. Don't worry because even if we're not close to each other ...even if we aren't a team we're still family right?"

The Titans didn't miss the uncertainty in Raven's voice or the panic that flashed across her eyes as she tried to reassure Beast Boy. So without missing a beat they were all entwined in a group hug.

"Yeah Rae were family." Beast Boy melted further into the hold. "The best anyone could ever ask for."

The Leaguers continued to watch the Titans as they parted, talked and reassured one another.

Rubbing his neck Flash couldn't help but voice his thoughts. "Guys do you think we did the right thing? I mean look at them. They look broken. It's like we're at an airport watching a couple say goodby for the last time."

"They're superheroes Flash they need to grow up sometime. The Teen Titans are an unstable pot of outcasts. They should be grateful the League sees potential in few of their members."

Aquaman muttered focusing anything other than the display of huddled affection happening in the room.

"I guess."

After what he believed to be an appropriate amount of time passed Batman spoke.
In an instant the Titans stood in attention as if they weren't just falling apart. No particular emotions showed on any of their faces as they gave Batman their full attention.

With a sharp intake of breath Wonder Woman blanched at the sudden change in their demeanor.

"Batman." .

"Let me show you where you're going to be working."

"Alright let's get to it then."

With that Batman exited the room and Cyborg followed without looking back because he knew he didn't need to. He remembered a conversation with Raven...well a part of a conversation from a long time ago. He had long forgotten the context but it didn't really matter. All that mattered was that he had remembered her advice. "Don't look back..don't focus on what you can change in the past when there's so much to look forward to. I mean what's the point right? You don't have to look to know that all the important people, the people who love you are going to have your back until you hit that finish line. Regardless if you can see us or not were right behind you." That was Raven, his teammate, his leader and his little sister. Cyborg didn't need to look back because he knew he'd see his family again soon it's not like this was goodbye, plus right now he had a new lab to play with.

As the door to the conference room closed behind the two geniuses Wonder Woman placed her head into her hands. "Great Hera. What happened to these children. They're like soldiers. What have we done."

Manhunter looked from the Titans to his colleague and spoke with the same sadness he heard in her voice. "Long ago we made a mistake. A mistake that hardened the original Titans and caused them to become what they are now. It's not often that they break from the shadow of their former selves, it's as if the fire of their youth has been long extinguished. For those so young they're vastly wiser than we give them credit for."

"So what you're saying is that they've seen some shit." Green Lantern joked as he tossed a baseball construct up and down.

Before Wonder Woman had a chance to ask a question Superman gently flew to the closer to the remaining Titans. "So I guess its time to get you guys back to your respective homes."

"Actually Superman sir." Starfire placed a hand on top of a green patch of hair, Beast Boy wasn't quite tall enough for Starfire to break out of the habit yet. "Raven and I would like to accompany Beast Boy to his new residence to settle him in." A simple nod from Raven and a blush from Beast Boy seemed was all that was needed for Superman to sputter out an 'okay'.

He was slightly stunned if he was honest. Both girls were acting like doting parents sending their child away for the first time. Not really what you expected from two of the top female heroes especially not from the rumored demon of the Titans.

Kid Flash circled the training arena facing down Guardian. It'd been awhile since he'd been back to the cave let alone since he sparred. Lunging at Guardian Wally was met with a wide chest and a bear hug that immobilized him. Wally was sorely out of practice.

"Recognized Beast Boy B19"

"Recognized Honorary Titan Member T001"

"Recognized Honorary Titan Member T002"

Struggling to get out of Guardians grasp Wally looked over his shoulder to the figures standing in front of the Zeta tubes. Dropping Wally to his feet Guardian stayed behind while the speedster ran up to the new guests.

"Beast Boy it's been awhile." Wally said while sticking out a fist. "Come back for a few more trial runs for the team?"

"Actually. I'm here to stay." Beast Boy said giving a toothy grin.

"Dude thats great! Everyones going to be happy to hear."

"Yeah well I'm going to find Megan and tell her the news."

Giving his former Titans a small wave Beast Boy was off to find his adoptive sister leaving Wally with Raven and Starfire. It'd been almost seven years since he last seen them if they weren't so unforgettable they wouldn't have been recognizable. He looked over Starfire first and she looked like the embodiment of fire. Thick waves of curls tumbled down her back in and its ends seemed dance and crackle like a bonfire. Glowing green eyes as happy and filled with warmth as the day he last saw her. "Starfire?"

"How many other orange green eyed aliens do you know?"

He snickered at the joke "Well at least I definitely know that's you Raven nobody can sound quite as apathetic as you can."

Raven stood tall with a new arrogance Wally couldn't recognize. The hand on her hip and the confidence she held herself with would have made Wally doubt she was Raven if not for the cloak and the hood which her face hid in. Her cloak unlike in previous years was now white with the same pointed tipped hood. The only part of her appearance that really threw him off were the henna like tattoos peaked that up from the opening of Ravens boot swirled around her visible thigh and presumably to her arms and glove covered hand. Rather than flowers and leaves it looked like some sort of language that was decorating her body instead. The double belt combination she had going on around her waist also caused him to raise a brow, mostly because one of the belt buckles had a bright red glow to it.

"Nice to see you too Kid Flash." Raven said as she flung her arms around his midsection.

Wally was so caught off guard when Raven embraced him that he didn't have time to hug her back before he was swept into a stronger embrace.

"OH YES! This is wonderful." Starfire screeched with glee as she started floating slightly off the ground, Wally struggling in her arms.

Raven gave a small sime towards the two and turned to make small talk with Guardian who had started to make his way towards the trio.

"Friend Kid Flash it's good to see you. It's been far too long." Starfire said spinning them around.

"Star... need ..air."

"Oh sorry." Starfire held Wally out at arm's length slightly above her head and took the chance to analyze his civilian clothing.

"So what are you doing here?" Guardian asked Raven after their short introduction.

"We're just here to drop Beast Boy off as a permanent member of your team and settle him in." Raven responded mentally acknowledging the similarities between him and Cyborg.

"Oh I see. You're the family the little guy is always talking about."

The statement was brushed off with a nod as Raven's attention was drawn to the opening of a door at the far end of the cave.

"Put him down." And with that an arrow flew loose.

"Pulso Retro."

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos."

With great ease Raven's powers stopped the projectile in air snaked around it and crushed it into pieces before it reached its destination. Raven didn't take kindly to people trying to attack her friends. As for the spell with a flick of her wrist Raven negated it before it manifested in the physical world, black energy sparked in the air as it clashed with the spoken magic.

At the entrance of the area stood Artemis and Zatanna looking ready for a fight. Dropping Wally flat on his butt Starfire flew down to Ravens right and stared at the two girls on the other end of the training arena. If they wanted to start a fight they would get one.

Wally watched from the floor as Raven and Starfire stood in between the girls and him and Guardian. He also noticed the unnatural movement of Raven's cloak as it ruffled behind her and the way Starfire seemed to be outlined in green. This was going to be bad. Diving forward Wally stumbled and pushed through Raven and Starfire effectively grabbing control over the situation.

"Arty, Zatanna stand down these are my friends."

Raven, still glowing with power, watched as the blond who she presumed was Arty judging by her quick compliance to KF's request lowered her bow and placed the arrow back in its case. But the other one Zatanna still remained in attack position with her arms raised.

"Sorry Wally...we saw you in the air and thought you were in trouble. Plus Zatanna didn't have a good feeling.." Artemis trailed off eyeing the two bright females that stood behind her boyfriend.

"What do you mean Zatanna had a bad feeling." Wally whined making his way over to the two.

"That girl. In the white. There's something wrong with her." Zatanna said as she stared down Raven.

"Zatanna let it go I said stand down, they're friends."

"Well if they're friends why don't they stand down first?" Zatanna said challenging the speedster.

"Zatanna stand down or else I'll make you stand down. Not cool." A new voice tore through the tension in the room as Beast Boy entered with Megan at his side.

Zatanna along with the members of the Team cringed at the uncharacteristic harshness in Beast Boy's voice. Zatanna slowly lowered her hands but kept her eyes focused on Raven.

"Good. Now Team Titans, Titans Team." Beast Boy said with a toothy grin. "Rae, Star. Id both like you to meet my adoptive sister Megan." He said lightly jogging towards the two. Raven powered down first followed by Starfire and allowed Beast Boy to drag them closer to the Team with Guardian following behind.

"Miss. Martian correct?" Raven said sticking her hand out for a shake.

"Yes. And you're Raven the leader of the Teen Titans." Megan shook the offered hand.

Artemis scoffed. "I didn't know the Teen Titans consisted of two members. I know many of your members transferred but jeez."

"Let me help your ignorance. Raven is the leader of 168 various active members across the galaxy and alternate universes." Starfire stated visibly proud of her and her friends accomplishments.

"What that's impossible. How could you control so many members." Artemis gaped out staring at the two Titans.

"Do you ever wonder why we never changed our names from the Teen Titans even though Star and I are well into our twenties?" Raven asked addressing the Team. "I don't know about you but controlling teens is impossible, completely controlling 168 ...not my style. The Teen Titans don't control it's members. The Titans help its members hone, control and develop their powers and show them how to effectively survive in society as a metahuman. Each member has a communication device that they use to call for help in any situation. Although we only have two main Titan towers they are home to many of the members. If trouble arises we call on members whose powers will be the most logical to the situation. The Titans isn't a league of super powered bullies with hero complexes."

"What Raven here is trying to say is that the Titans are family. From birth to death all 168 members are responsible for one another regardless of affiliation with good or evil." Beast Boy said trying to clarify and to ease the hostility.

"What do you mean regardless of affiliation?" Megan asked with a look of mortification across her face.

"I mean that if you're a villain or hero a brother is still a brother, ya know." Golden locks flickered across Beast Boy's mind. "Sure people make bad choices all the time, but they shouldn't be defined by it for the rest of their lives, especially if they're trying to turn it around." Beast Boy said shrugging off her astonishment.

"Thats... amazing actually." Artemis said as she played with the ends of her hair.

Noticing the slight fall of his girlfriend's mood he snaked an arm around her waist and held her close.

"But that doesn't explain you. Actually this whole thing sounds like a cult. All to benefit your leader demonic leader over there." Zatanna said earning gasps all across the room. "Yeah thats right I remember you Raven. You, you were the one who came to the League all those years ago asking for help."

Raven removed her hood and tucked some longer stands behind her ears. "Yes. And I believe I have you and your father to thank for that rejection. If I remember well your exact words were "you can't trust a demon."

Beast Boy and Starfire stared at Raven in shock, this wasn't a story they ever heard before. It clicked to them that this was why when they first met Raven she was so closed and so afraid of being rejected. The last hope of the world, the saviors of the planet turned down a young begging demi-demon because of a sorceress who thought she knew everything. Starfire was outraged and it showed through her brightly glowing eyes whilst Beast Boy's rage was voiced with a deep growl.

"Zatanna. Raven has saved Jump City and the world many times. You're so wrong it's unbelievable who knew you of all people could be so close minded. Raven is a friend, a hero, a mentor ...and ...and she's family." Wally flung an arm out towards Raven to emphasise his point. "I was a part of the Titans once too and I will vouch for all 168 of them because if Raven trusts them so do I. And if you're not going to trust her you might as well just leave for today because this .. you ... it's not acceptable." Wally made no room for arguments and his sudden outburst frightened Megan, Zatanna and the girl under his arm, it was rare for Wally to raise his voice.

Zatanna quickly recovered and shot a glare at Raven then Wally. "Fine I'll go. But don't call me for help when people start dropping dead and all hell breaks loose. Oh and Raven tell your father me and my dad say hi. You don't belong on this planet, you and I both know it." With that Zatanna spun on her heel and made her way to the boom tubes.

"Sorry Rae, she's usually pretty nice." Beast Boy said as he gave her hand a squeeze.

"It's fine, you and I both know I've heard worse."

"Well... Raven, Starfire let me show you to the living room." Megan said leading the group of Guardian, Beast Boy, Raven and Starfire away leaving the other two behind.

"What are they doing?" Guardian asked as he looked on at Raven and Megan levitating in lotus position behind the couch.

"Oh they're both telepathic so they're probably doing a weird mind linking thing." Beast Boy said showing Starfire around the kitchen.

In reality Raven was taking a walk down a long white pathway with memories floating above her. Megan and Raven had come to the agreement that they would tell each other all the important details of their lives and share their memories in order to ensure what was beast for Beast Boy. Raven thoroughly looked through Megan's mental arena before deciding that it was her turn to share. As the scenery turned black and Raven's chosen memory clips took the place of Megan's, Raven decided to start off by telling the true story of Beast Boy's abilities. Yes Miss. Martian was responsible for turning him green but his shape shifting ability was long ago given to him by his parents in an attempt to save their child's life.

It wasn't long before the newest members of the Team made their way to the living room and gathered to learn more about their new guests. Raven and Megan had long before finished their session and were chatting on the couch with Starfire as Guardian and Beast Boy played video games. Wally and Artemis were in the kitchen making calls for pizza noticing the younger members wander into the room.

Blue Beetle, Impulse, Rocket, Robin, Guardian,Lagoon Boy, Beast Boy and Wonder Girl sat on the floor facing the couch. Their attention devoted to Starfire and Raven who sat on the couch with Megan on the far right and Superboy to the far left with Wolf.

Raven looked down at the members before her before speaking. "So it's story time I guess?"

A red covered hand shot into the air before Raven could say another word. "Hey are you really THE RAVEN of the TEEN TITANS AND IS THAT STARFIRE. Oh by the way my name is Impulse but you can call me Bart if you like. Is it true that the both of you have really cool powers and stuff and is Starfire really actually super strong? Can I shake your hands please?" The speedster spoke so fast that it took a full minute for Raven to correctly process his words.

Sticking her hand out for a shake Raven began her response "Hello Bart its really nice to meet you. My name is really Raven and this is really Starfire and we are both original members of the Teen Titans." Shaking both Raven and Starfire's hands Impulse almost swooned.

Going on with her introduction Raven demonstrated her powers by levitating Impulse into the air.

"This is so crash. I might faint." Raven gently put him back on the floor while Starfire demonstrated her strength by lifting the couch and everyone that was sitting on before calmly placing it back on the floor. Raven and Starfire took turns telling the Team about the Titans leaving a few of their adventures out here and there. Beast Boy remained soundless on the floor with a childlike look of glee as he watched his friends flawlessly told the stories of the past. He was really going to miss his orange alien and his grumpy magic user, but he'd go visit home as often as he could.

For two hours or so the Team remained entranced by the stories but when they came to an end everyone even the older members were in a significantly better mood.

"Was Nightwing really like that?" Robin said snickering at the memory of his older brother.

"Yes Nightwing used to have hair that looked very much like a chicken butt." Starfire replied with enthusiasm before bursting into a fit of giggles with Robin.

"Hey Star don't encourage that."

Nobody besides Artemis and Wally could have told you when exactly Nightwing walked into the room but there he was leaning on the kitchen island next to Wally.

Raven and Starfire frowned.

Seven years worth of turmoil brewing.

Impulse dropped onto his bed staring at his ceiling Titan communicator in his hand. A gift from the leader herself. Meeting Raven and Starfire today had been completely overwhelming and surreal. Draping an arm over his eyes he recalled what he'd learned in school all those years ago, remembering all the news headlines that marked an end of an era.

Jump City The Last To Fall In The Face Of The Reach Apocalypse.
Leader Falls For 500 Members To Live.
Rebels And Riots In Jump After The Fall Of The Raven.
Titans Reign Over.
Countless Mysterious Disappearances Continue At Record Setting Numbers.
