Clio - Daughter of Zeus - Point of View

From the moment I was able to understand anything, I understood I was different. My mother tried her best to make me feel normal, but I always felt on the outside of everything. I knew who my father is and knowing his identity made me struggle every day to find a place for myself in a world where I did not belong. On my fifteenth birthday I found my true home - Camp Half-Blood. My body was wracked with nerves as I walked through the magical archway. Half of me wanted to stay in the world I knew, but I put on my brave face and pushed myself forward. I got a lot of 'Who's the new kid?' looks from people passing by, but after a while I was greeted by a centaur. A motherfucking centaur.

"Welcome," He said with a friendly smile, and shook my hand. "my name is Chiron. You are?"

"I'm Clio King." I said.

"Clio," he mulled. "daughter of ... ?"

"Daughter of Zeus." I replied and I swear .. every single head within hearing range snapped toward me. I felt the electricity rush to my palms immediately.

Chiron nodded, placed a large hand on my back and began weaving me through the masses of people.

"I'm very sorry about all of this, I'm sure it's quite overwhelming. We've been waiting for you for many years now."

I looked up at him and searched for answers.

"You were expecting me?"

"Oh yes," He nodded. "the news of your birth spread like wildfire across our world. Your father made arrangements for you here at Camp when you were just a few days old. He was very specific. Your cabin was built before you could even walk and ever since then we've all heard the rumors of you and your powers. You must understand why everyone is so curious."

Wait ... what?

"What do you mean all the rumors and news? How do people even know about me?"

Chiron looked completely perplexed and then I saw the understanding flood into his eyes.

"My apologies." He said as we walked slowly up a large hill. "It will take some time for you to get used to things around here. You'll learn soon enough though that children fathered from Zeus, Poseidon, or Hades are extremely rare. In fact, you are the only demigod child of Zeus. Percy will be able to make things more clear for you."

"Who is Percy?"

"Percy Jackson, son of Poseidon. He is relatively new to Camp Half-Blood as well, though he has accomplished a lot. He actually managed to prevent a war between his father and your own. He's a wonderful young man and I imagine you will become great friends."

Chiron motioned ahead of us with his hand, I turned and my breath got caught in my throat. In front of us stood a beautiful, modern cabin with windows everywhere from floor to ceiling.

"This is mine?" I asked and Chiron nodded with a smile as he twisted the knob and opened the door.

I walked through the entrance and began my tour. The light streaming in from the giant windows made the entire cabin glow, and I couldn't wait for the next storm. The interior had incredible vaulted ceilings, plush scarlet sofas, marble countertops, a mahogany desk, and a huge copper claw foot tub.

I walked into the bedroom and found a king size bed with down pillows and a beige and gold comforter. On the headboard above the bed, I saw a lightning bolt emblem. As I made my way back to Chiron, I looked more closely around the cabin and found the bolts everywhere; engraved in the faucet of the sinks, embroidered into the throw pillows with golden thread, integrated into the wallpaper and paint.

"He did all of this for me?" I asked Chiron in complete disbelief.

"Your father wanted this to be the perfect home for you. A safe place where you can grow and enhance your powers. He knew you would be comfortable as long as you were close to the sky."

"He's never even met me. Why would he do all of this?"

Chiron brought his fist under his chin and nodded with sadness in his eyes.

"I won't pretend that I understand why the gods do the things they do, but your father has always been in your life. I know that it is hard for you to believe, but you mean a great deal to him. He loves you very much and I can't even imagine how proud he is of you."

As much as I wanted that to be true, I knew in my heart that it wasn't. My father enacted the law that the gods could not be involved with their mortal children, which means he could have overturned it. He could have overturned it but he didn't.

"I'll let you settle in before you get the grand tour." Chiron said as he walked toward the door.

"Thank you, for everything." I replied.

Just before Chiron closed the door behind him, he hesitated and turned back toward me.

"Welcome home."

A few hours later, I met Percy Jackson. He showed up at my door and we immediately fell into easy conversation. We sat on my sofa, drank citrus tea and talked about everything. Percy told me of his childhood growing up in the city, and I told him of mine in the country. We talked about our powers and our experiences, until we got on the topic of our fathers. Percy told me that throughout his life he would hear Poseidon's voice in his head, coaching him through hard times and giving him support. I felt so jealous of that, because my father - ruler of the gods - never once came to me.

Hearing of Percy's quest was fascinating. It was hard for me to understand that kind of bravery, but then I thought of my mom and all of it suddenly made sense. When Percy told me that my father was the first one to threaten war, I heard something like disdain in his voice and I felt very defensive. I don't know why I felt that way, I had never met my father but - I didn't like that Percy thought it was okay to criticize him and his decisions. Percy sensed my change in attitude and he quickly changed the topic. He started describing Olympus and then I felt sick with jealousy.

Later that night, Percy took me on a tour through the camp. He introduced me to many people including Annabeth and Grover. After a while all the faces began to blur together and I could not remember any of their faces. I was almost asleep on my feet when Percy took me back to my cabin, and I was grateful to finally have a true friend.

Over the next several weeks, I became very comfortable at camp and popular for the first time in my life. Every time I would step out of my house I was greeted by someone new and invited to breakfast by someone else. Percy and Grover would joke about my new social rank, but I knew deep down that most of the people only wanted to be seen with me because I was the daughter of Zeus. Even with that, I did make many new friends - but I was closer with Percy than anyone else. He and I spent most of our time together and I loved having someone I felt so close to.

One night after the dinner feast, many of us were gathered around the bonfire roasting marshmallows and enjoying the flames. Zeke son of Apollo came to sit on the stool next to mine and looked at me with a glint in his eye.

"Good lord Zeke." I said as I rolled my eyes. "I love you dearly, but if you ask me one more time I will kick your ass."

"You wound me, sweet Clio." He replied with an appalled expression. "I was just coming over to have a nice end to the evening chat with one of my dearest, most beloved friends and all you want to do is make false assumptions about what I want. Remind me again why I put up with you?"

"Because you love me." I said simply and he kissed me on the cheek.

"Very true." He smiled as he stole a marshmallow from my roasting stick and shoved it in his mouth. "I do love you even though you refuse to give me the one thing I want more than anything else in the world. God you're a cruel bitch."

I snort into my punch and those close to us roared with laughter.

Zeke is one of those guys you really can't help but love. He is too charming for his own good, laid back, always up for a laugh, and a genuine friend. Everyone loves Zeke, but he's especially popular with the girls - his mischievous green eyes, dark wavy hair, and sweet smile are some of his many assets. For a while I was one of his many admirers until I realized that I loved him in the same way I love Percy - as a brother. Even with all these nice things, Zeke is an idiot and an adrenaline junkie. During our very first conversation Zeke asked about my ability to produce electricity through my palms, and he has begged to feel it first hand almost every day since then.

"Clio - I'll do anything. You can even use me for target practice if you want." Zeke pleaded and I smirked.

"Come on bro," Grover said through a laugh. "you ain't right in the head man!"

"Please Clio!" Zeke begged as he dropped to his knees on the dirt. "Please! I've got to feel it at least once and then I'll never ask again!"

As I tried to fish out the remnants of marshmallow from my teeth, I pondered the thought. How much damage could it really do?

"You're absolutely sure?" I asked.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" Zeke yelled as he extended his index finger toward me.

"Chiron is going to kill you both if he sees." Annabeth warned as she looked around nervously.

"He'll get over it." Percy said, waving his hand.

I turned in my seat so that Zeke was right in front of me before I lifted my palm toward him. Zeke slowly moved his finger toward my hand until the very tip reached my skin. Every muscle in Zeke locked at once, he convulsed violently for a moment and then fell from his seat to the ground.

Everyone around the fire howled with laughter as Zeke got back on his feet.

"Holy shit." he asked, breathless.

Then it was my turn to laugh.

The rest of the evening was spent with my friends - laughing, joking, doing imitations of Zeke, and stuffing ourselves with s'mores. It was a great night, but as I walked back to my cabin I looked up at the sky and saw nothing but clear and bright stars. For some reason, I felt more alone than ever.


I wake up to a loud annoying knocking on my front door. I pop one eye open as I turn on my side and look at my alarm clock. It is precisely 6:47 A.M. My room is still dark because of the thick curtains over the large windows and I groan into my pillow.

The knocking does not stop and I shoot out of my bed in anger. Absolutely everyone who knows me knows that I always sleep in, I love to sleep, and I usually don't wake before noon.

I storm through my house, stomping my feet with every step I take to the door.

"Percy!" I yell when I'm close to the door. "This better be good, or so help me god!"

I rip open the door with such force it bounces off the wall with a slam. Instead of my best friend, I see Chiron standing looking completely surprised.

"Chiron, I am so sorry. I had no idea it was you." I gush, embarrassed.

"No, no." he says. "I'm sorry for waking you up so early, I need your help with something. We have a new camper and I want you to be the one to show him around. Go and get dressed, I shall tell you more on the way."

As confused as I am, I don't hesitate. I run to my bathroom and jump into the cold spray. I love taking hot showers, but the summer heat is suffocating enough without adding extra steam. My mother taught me the great importance of skin care so I towel off quickly and lather my skin with lotion. I wring the excess water out of my hair before I grab my comb and run it through the tangles. I rush to my closet and decide on distressed dark wash jeans, a white spaghetti strap top, black riding boots and a black leather vest.

I brush my teeth quickly before I run back to the door. Chiron is still patiently waiting when I walk through the door and close it behind me.

"Okay, so tell me." I say and Chiron begins walking down the hill and toward the heart of the camp.

I'm not sure if Chiron knows how quickly he moves, but I honestly have to hustle to keep up with him.

"He is Caius Blackwood, son of Hades." Chiron says calmly, though I can hear the worry in his voice.

"Hades?" I repeat and Chiron nods. "No child of Hades has ever come to the camp. He'll be the only one of his kind."

"Much like yourself, though you are the only demigod child of Zeus." Chiron says with a smile. "Which is exactly why I want you to show him around."

As we get closer to the arch, Chiron and I have to weave through a number of people.

"Should I be looking out for trouble?" I ask tersely and Chiron slows his pace.

"I don't think so." He replies quietly. "Caius has never had contact with his father, but it is common knowledge that Hades is not to be trusted. I'm going to do my best not to judge him because of his blood, which I advise you to do as well. However if you notice anything worth a second look, I want to be notified immediately."

"You got it." I nod.

Caius Blackwood looks like all kinds of trouble in all the best ways. He's very tall - I would guess around 6'4, but he's not the wiry kind of tall. I can see the bulge of his biceps through his leather jacket and his pecs and abs are well defined beneath his V-neck. His jet black hair reaches his collar bones and bright streaks of red frame his face. His skin is olive and flawless, and his face is the perfect kind of handsome. Caius has kissable, pouty lips, and dark almond eyes.

What is it about bad boys that makes me go weak in the knees?

Chiron stops walking and I see Caius turn to face us.

"I've already made my introductions." Chiron states. "Just give him the tour and show him his cabin - it's the newest one in the East Forest."

Without another word Chiron walks in the opposite direction and I walk toward the hottest guy I have ever seen.

"Hey, new guy!" I call out and he turns toward me.

I watch as his eyes as they roam from the top of my head all the way down to my boots. He reaches out a large hand and I take it in my own. His skin is so warm, almost hot to the touch.

"Caius Blackwood." He says with a deep silky voice. "Son of -"

"Hades." I interrupt with a smile and his lips part into a smile as well. "I know. I'm Clio King - daughter of Zeus."

"So ... we're cousins then." Caius says casually, but I see the mischief in his eyes. "Tell me, do they take incest seriously around here?"

I laugh loudly and link my arm with his, tugging him in the direction of his cabin.

"No they don't. Which is pretty good for us don't you think?" I say quietly in his ear and Caius treats me with a full blown smile.

"So why are you the one showing me around?" He asks as we walk.

"We have a lot in common, you and me." I reply. "I don't know if you know much about the history of our kind, but demigods in general are fairly common - except for the children of Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon. We're the special ones. I'm the only demigod child of Zeus, just like Percy Jackson is the only one of Poseidon - You'll meet him later. As far as we know Hades has a few demigod children, but we know very little about them. None of them have ever set foot in camp and they are basically undetectable."

"So I have siblings? People like me?" Caius questions curiously.

"Yes, though I doubt you will ever meet them. No one even knows their names, I don't even think Hades himself does."

Caius nods and I'm glad he doesn't seem disappointed.

We enter the East Forest. The tall trees and luscious foliage shower cool shade down upon us.

"So are you going to tell me your story Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome?" I ask.

"I'm from the east coast." He replies smiling. "Nowhere interesting enough to talk about. My mother came from old money so we lived in a Manor, and I had everything under the sun. My mother's a drunk and I'm antisocial - so I don't have any interesting stories to tell either. My mom barely ever let me out of her sight. I can't tell you how happy I am to be free."

"I know what you mean." I agree and he raises a delectable eyebrow at me. "My mom was the same way. To this day she's still in love with my dad, even though he knocked her up and went running back to Olympus. I love my mom but I hate women who sit around and pine away after guys who treat them like shit."

"Well, well Clio King. You and I seem to have more in common than I thought we would. I'm so happy you're not one of those empty headed idiots. There's a darkness in you. I can see it."

"How can you tell?"

"I'm the son of Hades. I'm somewhat of an expert. Don't take that offensively, there is nothing more appealing to me than darkness. There is something even sexier about it when it's coming out of such a bright beauty like you."