
For the first time in his life, Dean held two room keys in his hand. Normally, he and Sam got a two-bed room, but now Cas was with them, Sam had declared that nothing in the universe could make him share a room with the couple. This may have had to do with awkward encounters in shared rooms and the Impala.

So he gave Sam the key ("Keep it down," he instructed the two) and entered the room with Cas.

After so long tiptoeing, they were settled. Dean Winchester, settled in a motel room with and angel - who'd've guessed?


Anywhere Team Free Will stayed, they laid traps. Rope snares, mousetraps; simple things.

Castiel, unfortunately, was still learning this.

He entered the room and was immediately swept up, hanging upside down, his trenchcoat flapping and tie on his face.

Dean sat straight up on the bed, then relaxed. "Trouble, babe?"

Cas scowled. "I'm caught in a snare. Would you release me?"

"But you look so cute upside-down!" He stepped forward and kissed Cas, the blood rush giving his boyfriend a strange sensation.

Dean grinned and let him down, catching him as he fell, then dumping them both on the bed.


There was a monster they were hunting, a Bhuta in India. It had killed thirty people and gathered attention worldwide, so Team Free Will hopped on a plane.

While Sam stayed back, Dean and Cas went ahead to hunt. They found it quickly, and fought.

Dean smacked it with iron chains, and Cas leapt forward. He swept it, weakened, off its feet while Dean finished it off. Easy, how they liked it.

The two looked at each other, panting - and Dean pinned Cas against the alley wall. "You're so hot," Dean breathed. Although Cas was otherwise occupied, he agreed.


Dean was quite amused when a street artist stopped him and Cas, demanding to let her draw Cas.

"You're perfect! I'm inspired; please be my muse?" Dean was momentarily offended - wasn't he perfect?

Cas protested briefly, but Dean begged, and who could say no to his pout?

He stayed perfectly still for the artist - a college girl who Dean realized was eyeing him in a more-than-artistic way.

Once she was done, Dean gave Cas a quick kiss to make sure she knew he was his (apparently she hadn't, from the disappointed frown).

They still gave her the drawing.


"I love you," Castiel declared as he and Dean prepared for the apocalypse.

Dean froze. "What?" Cas repeated his words, and Dean paced. "No, you don't. You're wrong." Cas started forward, but he jerked away. "You can't love me. People who love me die. And I don't want you to die. I can't lose you, Cas, 'cause-" He broke off, shouting.

"Dean. I have thought and prayed, and I am certain. I love you," Cas said gently.

"You can't die, because I - I love you." Dean collapsed, and Cas went to hold him. And they knew it was true.

I have enough prompts for six weeks, so I don't need anything else for now. I'm also doing this for a variety of ships, so check around. Updates Mondays, starting 2/10.
Review if you felt a twinge of emotion in a usually cold, frozen, robotic heart!