Even as autumn approached, the sun still shone bright as ever in Arendelle. Perhaps after the Freeze, Mother Nature took pity on the kingdom and decided to extend their summer. Either way, for the last two months, there hadn't been a chill to speak of. Of course, that meant most people were spending their time outdoors; buying and selling, catching up with friends, or just enjoying the scenery. Right now, Anna was among those people.
It seemed like even after they had reconciled, she never got to spend as much time with Elsa as she wanted. Of course, Elsa couldn't exactly help it, being queen and all. The past few weeks, politicians and diplomats had piled work onto her as if they'd never get the chance to do so again. That was a ridiculous thing to think – the gates weren't closing any time soon. But Elsa was still eager to prove her skills. Thinking about it made her smile – she was so proud of her sister. Still, it did disappoint her a little…
And to top it all off, Kristoff was busy with work, too. So she did what she usually did when she was left by herself: she tried to keep herself entertained. That was much easier than it used to be, now that she could wander around town as much as she wanted. There were so many things that caught her eye! But she was only allowed so much spending money, and it was hard to restrain herself.
She had settled on a delicious looking pie to share with her friends, when she saw an unusual sight nearby. A grand ship was in the process of docking at the port. True, that wasn't such a rare thing nowadays. But in the last couple months, she had taken to identifying and memorizing each ship that came to visit. Even after so long, it still felt like a novelty! Yet she was sure she had never seen this one at all.
Should she tell Elsa? She had said she wasn't expecting any more visits for a while. How rude it was for them to show up without any notice! She made up her mind and ran up to her sister's room, taking extra care not to drop her pie.
"Hey, Elsa, did you just see the ship – " She paused, realizing that Elsa was already looking at the grandiose vessel from her window.
"Huh?" Elsa jumped slightly; she loved Anna coming to her room, but she was always so sudden about it. "Oh! Oh, yeah. Of course I've seen it. It's kind of hard to not notice." She rested her cheek on her hand. "This is really strange. A voyage to here from America should take months, years even."
Anna's eyes widened. "A-America?" She had only heard bits and pieces about the country, but nothing about them wanting to visit. "Why are people from America here?"
"Well, I got a letter from them…exactly a week ago." A week. How could a ship cross the Atlantic in a WEEK?! It couldn't have been that. Maybe the letter's arrival had been delayed. Still, that would be some delay. And besides that, something still felt off. "It was so…" As much as she tried to find the words to explain the bizarre way the letter was written, this was one of the rare occasions when her vocabulary was failing her. "Hold on." After digging through shelves and shelves of carefully filed documents, she finally came across the letter. "Just…read this. I can't explain it."
Anna held the document and skimmed over its contents. It looked like any other formal letter she'd seen...though that wasn't saying much, since she didn't get many of those. But one thing at the end of the paper caught her eye.
"What's this?" she asked, pointing to a strange symbol that proceeded the letter's signature.
Elsa shrugged. "I would think it's their seal or coat of arms, or something like that." True, they didn't exactly have a royal lineage they could assign a seal to, but it didn't seem too farfetched for them to want some kind of symbol to represent the government as a whole.
Anna shook her head. "I know that," she whined. "I mean, what IS it? It just looks like an ink blot!"
Elsa thought about it for a moment. "You know what? I have no idea," she admitted, taking a look at it again. "It just looks like two smaller circles on top of one big one…" Maybe she was just too used to traditional designs for something as official as a royal seal, but it was so abstract it almost felt underwhelming. A seven year old could draw the same thing! What in the world was it supposed to represent?
She saw the ship's passengers unloading out of the corner of her eye, and let out a slightly aggravated sigh, regretting not having more time to prepare. "I need to start heading down," she told her sister, enveloping herself in her usual icy gown much more hastily than usual. "I'll see you at dinner, okay?"
"Oh, o-okay! See you then, I guess…" Anna replied, caught off guard by her abrupt departure.
She glanced around the room, trying to decide what to do with herself now. She was surprised to step in a blob of…raspberry jam? Oh, great. She'd dropped the pie. Well, at least Elsa hadn't noticed. Better clean this up before she gets back…
It wasn't long before Elsa had descended the stairs and was outside the door to greet her guests.
As she watched them approach the castle's entrance, she was surprised to see they were wearing matching uniforms. That never happened unless military negotiations were involved…she tried to hide her anxiety at the thought. Then again, they didn't exactly look like uniforms meant for combat. Not something so casual, and with all the bright primary colors. In their garb, they almost looked like…clowns. She smirked; that's what Anna would say, at least. But she couldn't dwell on that thought. Whatever American customs were, she knew the visitors still wouldn't appreciate having giggles directed at them in the middle of political discussions, even if it was by accident.
She smiled at the small group of men and women once they were in speaking distance. "Good afternoon," she said with a bow – from her experience, curtsying never went well for her. "Welcome to Arendelle. You're here as representatives for…" What had they called it? A company of some sort, but the name had struck her as odd… "D-D'Isgny, correct?" The moment it came out of her mouth, she knew she'd probably pronounced it wrong. Way to make a good first impression.
However, they didn't seem to notice. The man in front of them all, who wasn't especially impressive but looks were deceiving, bowed deeply back. "Your majesty, we are honored to be in your presence today," he said with a smile. "Are you ready to start discussions, or do you still have work to finish up?"
She blinked in surprise. No diplomat had ever asked her that before. The expectation was always that she had to be up and ready to go as soon as they came to the door. How was she supposed to respond to this? "N-No, I'm all set. But thank you for your concern," she finally managed to say. "This way, please." With that, she led the group to the conference room.
The queen sat in her usual chair, while her visitors seemed to take whatever seats were left across from her. The table was so long, with so many chairs; Elsa had yet to attend a discussion in which every seat was occupied. But then, she wasn't one for large crowds anyway.
At that moment, Kai entered the room, per usual for these sorts of meetings. He turned to the guests. "Can we interest you in any refreshments? Drinks, pastries?"
"You got any Mountain Dew?" one of the men asked.
Both Kai and Elsa were puzzled. "Mountain…dew?" the servant repeated. "Is the dew from the mountains a delicacy in America? I'm afraid we don't have any of that in stock here…"
The man blushed, realizing his mistake, and the man next to him, who seemed to be the leader of this group, elbowed him in his side. The woman snickered at the two of them. "Erm, yeah, sorry," the man muttered sheepishly. "I'll just have some water, then."
Once Kai departed with the requests, Elsa was able to start the discussion. "So…I understand you wanted to collaborate with Arendelle? What is it that you'd like to arrange? A political alliance? An economic deal?" The latter seemed more likely, considering they were apparently a business. But the letter had been worded so vaguely, she wasn't entirely sure. Why didn't she think of bringing it to the meeting for reference?
The leader cleared his throat. "Well, not exactly either of those," he explained. "We'd like to arrange a visitation, if you're all right with it, your majesty."
"A visitation?" She paused, trying to comprehend his use of the term. "You want me to visit your country? As a dignitary?"
"As a guest," he replied with a smile. "A most honored guest." It certainly seemed like a genuine smile, but she was wary about being manipulated by political figures. Especially after the incident with Hans…
Still, there didn't seem to be any problem with what he was suggesting. "I see. And what will I be doing as your 'guest?'
"Greeting the people. You've become a very popular figure among them." Kai passed out everyone's drink, and he took a sip of his coffee. "The children especially! I can't even begin to describe how thrilled they'd be to meet you!" He almost shouted the last part, raising his arms in the air. Elsa got the feeling he was an easily excitable type.
"Oh…" She stopped to ponder what he'd said. True, word of herself and the Freeze had spread quickly across Europe. The stories passing over the Atlantic wasn't unreasonable. But something still felt strange about this. Maybe she just wasn't used to being popular, or liked, for that matter. She could handle attention from multiple countries, but an entire new continent – full of children, no less! Was she really ready for that? And there were still so many questions. Why was this company in particular arranging this? They had said they were a private organization. Unless this all worked differently in America somehow.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of two pairs of feet running through the hallway. She rolled her eyes, smirking; if she could recognize the footsteps of any person so easily, it was Anna's and Olaf's. So her sister was doing okay while she was busy. "I apologize for the noise," she told her guests. "They…do get carried away sometimes, but if worse comes to worse, I can soundproof the room." It was a technique she had learned recently, barricading against noise with her ice. It sure came in handy when Anna and Kristoff got into arguments.
The woman glanced toward the door. "Can we bring them in?"
Elsa blinked. "What…who? Anna and Olaf?"
"Yes, exactly."
What were they thinking? Why?! She didn't know how much detail the rumors about her had been, but surely they could just tell from the noise outside that they weren't exactly…politically savvy. Olaf had the intelligence of a five-year-old, at best. And Anna? She never did great with her studies, but she didn't blame her for that. Heck, Elsa had only focused so much on academics because it was the only thing she had in that room of hers for so long. But the life of a queen was stressful, and it was a miracle that she'd learned to handle it. She just couldn't bring herself to put that stress onto her sister!
"I-I don't think that's a good idea," she stuttered. "Frankly, they lack experience. I don't know if they could even…"
"What's she saying about us?" she heard a voice say from the other side of the door.
"I don't know. But if it's about us, then we should know…" Were they eavesdropping on the meeting?!
"Anna!" she shouted through the wooden door, losing her composure for a moment. "Stop trying to listen in! This is serious business!"
"Everything is serious business with you, Elsa," Anna teased back.
"Please, I-I'm in the middle of…" As she tried to talk, the visitors beckoned the princess to come in instead. "What? No, don't…"
But before she could finish her sentence, Anna had already peeked her head inside. She eyed the group at the table, a stunned look on her face. "Wow…strange bunch today."
Elsa let out an exasperated sigh. "Go ahead and take a seat, Anna." No point in trying to argue about it now. Still, she managed to shut the door before Olaf could follow her in – she had to draw the line somewhere.
Anna casually sat next to her sister. "So, what's going on right now?"
"Well…these people wanted me to visit their country and meet the people," she told her, trying to simplify things as much as possible.
"Really?! Can I come, too? I'd love to visit another country!" she exclaimed.
Elsa opened her mouth to speak, but the group leader cut her off. "We'd love for you to come along, your highness."
Anna practically squealed with delight. Elsa watched, still not quite sure about all this…but she always loved seeing her younger sister so happy.
It struck the queen that an important question had slipped her mind. "Which city will we be visiting?"
This time, it took a while for the leader to answer. "Well, it's not exactly a city…"
"It's a theme park!" the other man added.
"A…theme park?" Anna repeated. "Like, a park, but with a theme?" She thought above the strange phrase, looking over the pastries lining the table as she did so.
Elsa tried to help her sister out. "Sir…"
"John. My name's John."
"All right, John." She took a breath. "Could you or your partners please elaborate?"
"The best term to describe it would be an entertainment complex," the leader replied. "It's supposed to be like a fantasy world. An experience away from reality. We call it Walt Disney World."
So they were entertainers? Were she and Anna expected to entertain, too? Or were they guests there to watch the entertainment? "I don't think I understand…"
The group remained silent for a moment. Then the woman spoke up. "Should we get the video out?"
"Wut's uh vedyow?" Anna asked, her mouth full of sugared doughnut.
Instead of answering back, the leader took something out of his bag. Neither sister had any idea what it could be. It looked like a chunk of metal at first, but he soon flipped it open into two halves, with a black rectangle covering one. A button was pressed – some sort of drawer on the device flew open, and he placed an iridescent disc inside before closing it again.
Anna gave her sister a silent look, trying to see if she had any idea what was going on, but Elsa didn't have a clue, either. The man turned the device around so that the black rectangle faced the two of them. "With all respect, I believe this can explain it much better than any of us could."
Suddenly, the rectangle seemed to light up and glow a bright white. Moving images flickered on the screen, with such high quality that to the girls, they looked as if they were taken straight out of real life. Colors, music, and voices bombarded their senses.
A silvery blue castle came into view, then flying children, then pirates and exotic animals and tall mountains. Toys, delicious, things they'd never seen before or could even conceive of. And at the end of it all, fireworks lit a night sky as a man's voice accompanied crowds of grinning people. Then, as abruptly at it had began, the 'video' stopped.
Both girls were left speechless. Anna in particular had jaw drop wide open; Elsa pushed it back up for her, and they tried to regain enough composure to actually say something.
The woman smiled. "Well, what do you think?"
Elsa spoke up first. "T-That was very impressive." And she really meant it. It had been ages since she'd seen anything like that, having kept her self from watching any kingdom festivities from her window. Even inside her head, fear and despair had consumed her thoughts to the extent that for the longest time, her formerly active imagination had seemed dead…
"That was amazing!" Anna exclaimed, standing up in excitement. She, unlike her sister, always had to overuse her imagination, never having anything else to do in the castle. To her, this was like a childhood dream being laid out in front of her. "When do we go?"
"If everything goes well, we can embark by tomorrow morning!" the leader answered. "From there, you'll be staying for about two weeks."
"Wait…two weeks?!" That was a long time to be away from Arendelle. She knew all too well what could happen to a kingdom in a few days, let alone two weeks. What if something happened while she was gone? She didn't have anyone to look over the kingdom if she did decide to leave… "With all due respect, sir, how am I supposed to find a substitute on such short notice?"
Anna took a second to think. "What about Kristoff?"
"Kristoff?" It was true that Anna's boyfriend was a dependable person, but… "He's still not used to being around people. Maybe some time in the future, but for now, I don't think he's ready for it."
Her sister pouted in response. She was sure he was more capable than Elsa thought… "Then who? There's no one else that close to us."
The queen thought hard about her options. Maybe she shouldn't go on this visit at all? But Anna was so excited about it, she didn't want to disappoint her. Without any viable candidates within Arendelle itself, she'd have to turn to an allied kingdom for help, as much as she hated to inconvenience them. "We'll contact our allies and our neighbors. Maybe someone from Denmark or Finland or Corona could find someone to help…"
"Ah! Corona! I'm glad you brought them up," the leader exclaimed. "The princess visits us often as well, you see."
"She does?" She vaguely remembered the princess; she'd attended the coronation with her husband. Had she really been talked into agreeing with these people? Well…she hadn't been too upset about the Freeze; in fact, she seemed to keep a cheerful disposition through the whole event, from what she saw. If she was really such an agreeable person, maybe arranging something between them wouldn't be much trouble after all.
Elsa smiled. "Then Corona it'll be. Still, it'll take a while to reach them…"
"Don't worry about it! We can take care of it," John suddenly said.
"What? Really?" She gave him a strange look. "How?"
"Uh…" he paused. "I-I'll explain it later. It's kinda…complicated."
She raised an eyebrow. Normally she'd be suspicious, but then, they did have that strange device from earlier. No telling what else they were carrying with them. "All right, then it's settled. We'll start off tomorrow morning."
She was surprised when her sister snuck up behind her with a hug. "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" she squealed, leaping in the air and sending Elsa up with her. "I can't wait!"
Being gripped so tight was uncomfortable, but she couldn't help but laugh. "It's not a problem, Anna! I'm sure it'll be fun." At this point, she was starting to look forward to it, too. Maybe she could use a vacation, she told herself.
The group before them grinned. "We're very happy to know you're excited!" the leader remarked. "And we'd like to offer something to help you get ready." The woman handed over the machine from before, along with a case full of the discs they had used.
Anna took the case and flipped through it. "What are we supposed to do with these?" They sure were shiny… She held one up in the air and made the light reflect onto the walls, chuckling.
"They're movies," the woman explained with a smile. "They tell the stories of some of the people you'll meet at Disney World. There's quite a variety."
"Movies…" Elsa repeated the word. All these strange new things at once… "Thank you. We'll watch them when we have time. Anna, why don't you go put these somewhere safe?" she requested, handing the machine to her.
"Huh?" she mumbled, distracted by the shiny things. "Oh, right!" Without another moment to waste, she ran both items up to her room. Meanwhile, Queen Elsa led her visitors into the guest room.
What had they just agreed to again? There was so much information to take in, Elsa's head was spinning. But even if she had some doubts, it was too late to turn back now. She tried to remember the pictures she'd been shown – the fireworks, the castle, all the smiling people – and it made her feel a little better. This would be okay. As long as Anna was by her side, it would be okay.
Just then, Anna sprint back downstairs right in her path. Elsa stifled a laugh. "Anna, calm down! It's not until tomorrow!"
"I can't help it! I'm just so, so excited and…" Before she could finish her sentence, her foot took a wrong step and she found herself taking a nosedive onto the floor. "Whew… Okay, maybe I do need to calm down a little," she laughed.
Her sister offered her hand and pulled her back onto her feet. "You can be as excited as you want, just…don't hurt yourself," she said with a laugh.
"Of course not, Elsa," she assured her, a big smile on her face.
At that moment Gerda called everyone to dinner, and the girls walked happily to the table, still hand in hand.