The Guardians rushed around the Globe Room, trying to prepare themselves for Manny's meeting. Manny told them he had something that would help them save Jack and defeat Pitch. Sandy stopped himself from his panic and frowned, feeling his heart sink.

I can barely feel the nightmares Pitch is bestowing upon Jack, he thought sadly. Then he felt himself become sick to his stomach.

And I never even gave him dreams whenever I passed over him.

Sandy sighed. As much as he wished he could take back ignoring Jack, the past could not be undone. He turned back to help Tooth organize the battle plans.

On the other side of the room, North and Bunny were trying to ignore the nagging feelings in the back of their minds. Something bad was happening to Jack; they could feel it. Jack's screams of panic from '68 flooded into Bunny's mind, when he had tried pummeling the kid. He could only imagine how far Pitch would go to hear those screams of fear. Bunny shook that thought from his head and looked up to the moon. It began to shine brightly.

"Manny!" he spoke up, getting everyone's attentions.

"Guardians," Manny spoke. "I have come up with a plan that may help you find Jack quicker."

"But you said you found lair," North reminded.

"I did," Manny sighed. "But Pitch found my moonbeams around the area and chased them off. Then he and Jack and his entire nightmare army vanished from the place without a trace."

"Back to square one," Bunny sighed.

"Yeah, but now you have some extra help."

The Guardians turned in shock to see three old friends: Moonlight, Katherine, and Ombric.

"What joy!" North laughed, grabbing the two immortal teenagers and hugging them tightly before giving a more gentle hug to his older mentor. "It is wonderful to see you all."

"Pitch has returned," Ombric said, getting straight to the point.

"Who did he take?" Katherine asked worryingly. North sighed to her. He remembered when Pitch had kidnapped her and tried to turn her into his princess.

"MiM's newest Guardian," North explained. "Jack Frost."

"The one that everyone hates?" Nightlight asked, raising an eyebrow.

All of the Guardians fell into a deadly silence. Nightlight rarely spoke. And he always seemed deadly serious when he did. Bunny stepped forward.

"He's just a misunderstood immortal teenager," he defended Jack. "Maybe if we give him a chance, he could do good. After all, even with Pitch's dark heart, he still hurts for his daughter."

That made Nightlight's eyes widen in shock. Nightlight nodded before MiM spoke again.

"I want you to understand Jack as he was before," MiM explained.

"Do you mean," Ombric confirmed. "As a human?"

"Yes," Manny explained. "North, Bunnymund, Toothiana, and Sandman have all come into contact with him as a child. His name was Jackson Overland Frost. His little sister, Pippa, was his world. He died at 14 saving her from drowning in a frozen lake."

The Guardians looked down sadly. They remembered how awful it had been to try and help that town get some hope and happiness back after that child's death.

"I resurrected him in Jack Frost," MiM explained. "But I made the mistake of letting him run free. He felt lost, abandoned. And the other spirits' hostility didn't help the situation at all. You must try and connect to his thoughts. You must find him before Pitch destroys his hope and wonder. I can hear his thoughts, and he's screaming for help."

"We won't let you down, MiM," Tooth smiled.

"Don't do this for me," his voice began to fade. "Do this for Jack."

North turned to his group. "Where shall we begin?"