Maka Alburn: best scythe Meister in Death City. Soul Eater Evans: best Death Scythe in Death City. What happens when their Soul Wavelengths won't match? What will Soul do to get that special bond back? And why is Black*Star and Tsubaki acting strange? And WHY DOES STEIN HAVE THOSE TRUTH CANDLES?!

Maka and Soul had finally finished the chores in the house and Maka sat down on the couch with a satisfied sigh and PLOP of exhaustion, "Finally!" Just as she sighed out her words, Black*Star burst through the door and yelled out, "Your god has arrived!" He ran into Soul, who was sitting on the couch's arms, "Black*Star!" Tsubaki rushed in to see Black*star straddling him. She blushed and hurried over to help him up. As she picked him off Soul, she asked over to Maka, "Why aren't you worried about your weapon?!" She shrugged in response, "He's the toughest weapon I know, he can handle himself" Soul laughed as he picked himself up, "She does know me best" Maka smiled smugly and Soul grabbed her hand and tugged her up as he lay where she was and pull her on top of himself. He turned on the t.v and Maka went back to reading. Tsubaki looked at the pair in confusion, "Are you two dating now?" Soul shook his head, "Nah. We've just hit that special point in our partnership" Maka gave a better explanation, "Our souls resonate so well that we're like one person. We even resonate without thinking about it" She went back to reading and Soul clicked through the channels until he found a good drama, "Did you come here for a reason?" Black*Star laughed, "Dr. Stein wants to see you. He" He looked over to Tsubaki and she finished, "He said to bring the truth" Soul shrugged and stood up while placing Maka on her feet, "Stein just wants to use the truth candles on us again. Come on Maka, let's get this over with" Maka had been dreading the candles. She didn't want Soul to know everything. Even though there was almost nothing Soul didn't know, there was always this small section of her mind and heart that she kept locked away.

When they arrived, Soul finally decided to pry about her worries he could see she was thinking about, "Hey Maka, you alright?" She smiled, "Never better!" He tsked, "I know you better than that. And you know me, I won't give up until I know your going to be okay" Dr. Stein opened the door to his office, "come in, I just started the aromatherapy" they walked in to a soft cloud of smoke and as each breathed in, their favorite scents went to mind, "This smells old book" Maka sighed out. Soul managed to mumble out, "it smells like..." he didn't finish it, but instead took his place on the floor across from Maka and watched as she put up a brave front. Stein grinned, "Good. We all are in place and comfortable?" Maka nodded along with Soul and Stein began asking Soul questions, "What's on your mind today?" He shrugged, "Maka seems to be the better person to ask that" Maka kept to the point, "He asked about you, not me" Soul nodded, "Exactly my point. That's what's on my mind. Your upset and i don't know why" Maka kept her mouth shut even though the candles were having an effect on her. Stein clapped his hands together and said, "Okay Maka, you have the floor. What's bothering you?" She bit her lip and finally thought of a response that wouldn't compromise her partnership, "Well...its might think its nothing but to me—" She was interrupted by Soul, "Everything is a big deal! If it makes you unhappy then it matters the same as anything!" She could feel her heartbeat rushing and without notice, her like parted and she said the words that haunted her, "Daisuki de...Soul" Her breath came out in a small gasp and she could feel it: the moment that Soul and her weren't resonated. She stood up and left the room with her heart in knots. Soul's chest was heavy and he knew it too. He didn't chase after her, instead he turned to Stein who was in a small state of shock.

Soul took the long route back home and found that his dinner was sitting in the microwave. He peeked into Maka's room to find a note on her bed, "Just forget what I said. I'll be home later" he began to worry about his Meister and called her cellphone. He heard it ring and realized she really didn't want to be bothered. He sat on the couch, determined to be awake when she arrived. Soon after though, his eyelids were heavy and he drifted off to sleep. He heard the door shut with a soft click and the tapping of footsteps going across the room. Soul opened an eye and watched as Maka made her way to the kitchen and mumble to herself, "He did the dishes?" He watched as she walked to the couch but closed his eyes when she was close. He heard her sigh and listened closely as the tapping of her footsteps began to get faint. When he heard the bathroom door open and close, he sat up and stared at the door. He mentally kicked himself , 'Cool guys don't get scared of feelings' he got up and walked to the door and pur his hand up to knock. He heard a small sob and almost bust down the door. The most important thing in his life was his Meister and if she wasn't happy, then he would tear apart the world until she was satisfied. The bond they shared went past love and relationships. What they had was a bond that couldn't be broken by anything. He knew though, that he was the cause of her tears. He put his hand down and sighed in defeat, 'I never could handle a real woman'

He heard the house phone ring and he answered, "yeah?" The person on the receiving line, was Stein, "How is she holding?" Soul growled out, "What did you do?! My Meister is in pain and I can't do anything to help her!" He was so angry with him but Stein honestly answered, "I was observing her for some time and noticed she was troubled. I thought that if she got it off her chest, she would do better...I never dreamed of stopping your resonation" Maka yelled out normally, "Is someone on the phone Soul?!" He hung it up, "Just Black*Star! Want to go swimming?!" He had almost forgotten his best friend's invitation to go for a late night swim. He had already told him that they would both be there. She shut off the water and peeked out, "Sure. Just let me get ready. You go on ahead" Soul wasn't going to let her just evade him, he cared too much to just let them drift apart, "I'll wait for you. Do you need anything from your room?" He decided to play it cool and do as she said and try to forget. She nodded, "Yeah. My towel. I was in a rush and forgot to bring it in" Soul went to her room and brought back her towel. She closed the door and wrapped the towel around herself. When she She emerged from the steam and said, "Don't worry, go on ahead" he could read her like an open book but he didn't know how to respond. He decided to stand his ground and say, "I'll always worry about you. Even if you don't want me to" She finally smiled genuinely and said, "Thanks Soul" She began off to her room but Soul had instinctively grabbed her wrist and hugged her from behind. He felt that it was the only thing he could do to make her feel better. He whispered in her ear, "Maka, don't lie to me...your not happy. Why?" He needed to know what her exact reason for being upset. If she didn't even know why she was upset, how would he? She broke down and cried in his arms, "Soul, it's gone...we can't resonate anymore! We can't be partners anymore!" He held her tightly, "Why can't we? What broke that bond?" Maka sobbed out her reply, "You broke it...when you were confronted...with my unrequited feelings. That's why I'm hurt" Soul began to see the truth in her words. She wasn't the confused one that shut out their partner, it was him. He shook his head, "No our bond was stronger than that. We-" Maka interrupted him, "It was strong because we had total faith in each other. As soon as you began to doubt, our resonation broke. We might not be able to resonate at all anymore!" He held on to her tighter and said, "I am still your weapon. I'll always be by your side" She shook him off, "My papa said the same thing to mama. Granted they weren't just weapon and Meister, but the bond broke because of his selfish desires" she cooled her voice and continued, "Plus...I know that once you find that 'cool special girl' I'll be the one to break the bond. I wouldn't want you to have to choose between myself and someone you love" Soul watched as her breathing was getting deeper as she tried to stop the wave of tears. He wrapped his arms around her protectively and said, "Right now the only girl I care about, is you. I only want to protect you. You are my Meister and I'll be damned if any girl will make me choose between the one I want to protect and the one I love. If they truly love me, then its no choice, the one I protect comes before any woman" Maka felt her knees give out and Soul picked her up and sat on the couch while she was on his lap. She sobbed until her tears wouldn't flow anymore and Soul brushed the hair out of her eyes, "Ever consider that the one I care about most and the one I'm protecting are the same person?" Soul hadn't thought too much on the subject himself but the lack thereof was the sign. He never needed to think about it because it was so natural that he never noticed. The only thing lacking was the deeply physical relationship that couples have. They already had total trust, the ability to see through any façade the other would put up. They could even see into each other's soul. When he came to that realization, he felt a small tension in his heart. Maka gasped as she felt the tug as well, "Soul what was that?" He kept his grip around her and kissed her forehead, "It was our bond trying to connect again" He didn't know too much about the way a weapon or Meister's body worked but he did know the feeling of completeness and that shock was it. Maka held on to him, "Don't let me go Soul. Please..." He kissed her cheeks and they felt that jolt of togetherness again. It was the best feeling to be complete again. Soul was starting to see what it might have to take for Maka to be better. He wanted his Meister to be happy again and if this is what it took, he was more than willing to help her. Soul kissed her on her lips for a second, just to see a reaction. He felt the tug pull tight in bliss and they moaned softly but stopped abruptly when they realized they were doing it at the same time. Maka looked away and blushed, "Sorry Soul..." he locked his eyes with hers and said, "Don't be...I want to hear it" Maka felt his hand slide from the bottom of her leg to her thighs, squeezing the soft flesh. Maka gasped in and said his name, "Soul" he squeezed her thigh tighter and moved upwards. When she moaned again, he could feel the connection again long enough to hear her thoughts, 'Soul...Daisuki de' he felt so much and said aloud, "Daisuki de mo" She opened her eyes and sat up in his lap, straddling him. He gripped either side of her hips and grind into her. They could feel the resonation longer with each intimate touch so they did the logical thing and kept touching. Soul kept his body touching hers while he buried his lips into her neck. He kissed, grazed, nipped at her neck and reveled in the sensation she emitted. He felt the constriction of his pants and only stopped kissing her to whisper, "This can feel so much better on a bed" she bent down to his ear, "Yours?" She thought the rest, 'Or mine?' He lifted her up and said, "Mine" He never let his lips leave her skin as he carried her to his room. He sat her down on the bed he took off his shirt and crawled unto the bed and began kissing her leg, going higher and higher until he hit her skirt. He slid it up and kept kissing her, with a slight suction to keep her moaning. He found the zipper of her skirt and pulled it down. With his other hand he pulled her skirt off. He kept his kissing until he came to the black and red lingerie she had on. He kissed the one small thread keeping it secured but followed up the sides of her body to her stomach and bellybutton. He nipped at the small flesh right above her bellybutton and she yelped in pleasure, "Soul..." she threaded her fingers through his silver hair and as he moved higher and higher, the buttons on her shirt were being undone. He lifted her torso up and took of the thin, white cloth. Maka gasped as his knuckle grazed her nipple through her bra, "Soul..." His attention went straight to her breasts as he realized what made her make that sound, "There..." he cupped her right breast and squeezed the small mound. He reminded himself not to ever poke fun at the size of her breasts. Hers fit perfectly into his hand and he liked it. Maka moaned as he flicked her nipple with his thumb and her breath made a sharp intake, "Have you done this before Soul?" He looked her in the eyes, "I'm just following instinct. I've never even touched a women before" Maka regained her senses and crawled out of his lap, "Soul this should be with someone you actually love. Not your Partner" She gathered her clothes and walked to her room as the door shut, they both felt the resonance break again. Soul felt the depression hit of not being one, "Maka...I would do anything for you..." Maka kept her back to her door and began to sob again at her loneliness. She felt a knock vibrate against her back and a voice call softly, "Maka, can I come in?" Only her small sobs were heard and he took the first step and tried to open the door. She was in the way and he said, "I'm getting in there. Make it easy or hard" she didn't move and she heard his footsteps leave the apartment. A few minutes later, she heard something knocking on the window by her desk. She closed the blinds and held the only thing she had ever liked from her father: a little doll of him. She sobbed out her worries but her sobs were soon ebbed with the sound of tinking metal. She heard her window unlatch itself but before she could get up and lock it again, Soul opened the doors and said plainly, "I told you I would get in" Maka went to that small piece of her mind where fear wasn't present and took a deep breath of the clear air. She opened her eyes and asked, "Do you love me Soul? I'm not talking about as a Partner. I'm talking about as a person. Having the need to protect me at all costs isn't what I'm asking" Soul grinned frankly because he didn't want to cry. He looked her in the eyes and said, "If having the need to protect the person I hold most dear means that I'm not in love-if wanting to wake up everyday knowing that I have the strength to hold all of your problems on my shoulders and give you a carefree life-if having the need to hold you tight and kiss away your problems means I'm not in love and we are just a normal partnership ...then I will gladly be a Partner to you for the rest of my life!" Maka didn't know what to do or say, but as Soul closed in on her, she realized she didn't have too much time left to decide. He stopped only inches from her face, "I love you Maka Alburn, every piece of you" he placed little kisses on her cheeks, nose and forehead, making her feel self conscious, "Soul I can't do this––i cant have a physical bond as well as an emotional one with you...I promised myself" Soul gazed down at her figure, still only hidden with her skimpy lingerie and planted a final kiss on her lips. He took it slow and only moved his lips against hers. Maka let her senses take control as she savored the little taste she had from his lips. But just as mysteriously as it started, Soul pulled back and left her lips with a slight pop, "Okay...have an emotional bond with me then. I love you and if you don't want anything physical, we wont do it...just please give me the honor of being able to hold you" Maka stood dumbfounded at her Partner. He was acting so...un-soul-like. Maka, at one last final ditch to figure out if he was sick or serious, put her forehead to his to see his temperature. Soul chuckled, " I'm not sick Maka. A little horny, but totally straight-minded" He picked her up and hung on to her from her butt. She was higher than he was and he gazed up at her beauty, "Please Maka...just let me be that one bond that's most important. Will you be my only one?" Maka bit her lip and said, "My problem is that...I want a physical bond...but I'm not willing to give up our Partnership" Soul felt the resonation once more and took in her scent as he held her tighter, "Feel this—what we have here?" When she nodded, he continued, "Well this will never go away. Be Honest with me, love me, and always be there for me, and I will do the same" Maka wished she could take the chance with him. He completed her like the last piece of the puzzle, and made her soul content when he was around. Soul felt her uncertainty and proposed an idea, "Let me love you you the wonders I can do to your soul...and if after that you still say that we aren't meant to be, I will never ask again." He held on to her tighter still, "I will always love you and want to protect you. If you say no to me, I will never betray you. Just be honest" Maka whispered, "Put me down Soul" He sat her gently to her feet and she said, "Now show me what you can do for my soul" He picked her up and carried her into their bathroom and shut the door, "Lets take a bath Maka" she protested, "B-but I already took a shower!" He sat her down on the sink counter and turned on the hot water. While he was filling up the tub, he glanced at Maka and saw her blushing wildly—eyes averting his direction, and her teeth pulling her bottom lip in frustration. He felt heated just looking at her but reminded himself that he was only going to pleasure her. His needs could wait, his Meister always came first. She glanced at him but looked away quickly when she met his eyes. He leaned to her and looked up into her eyes, "I love you Maka" He touched his lips to hers, only tugging until she had let her bottom lip go. Soul didn't let go so much as let her lip slip through his. When his lips were just touching his again, he whispered, " I'll love you forever Maka Alburn" Maka initiated the next kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Soul began kissing her back but pulled back abruptly and Maka looked almost about to tears. He turned off the running water and looked back to her sheepishly, "Forgot to turn off the water" She smiled at his idiotic thoughtlessness. He stood up and lifted her butt off of the counter and pulled her thin lingerie off from under her. He sat her down again and reached around to the clasp holding her breasts in place. He nibbled her neck as he unclasped it and she giggled from the love-bites, "Hehehe—Soul! The bathwater?" He took off her bra and stared at her beauty. Maka covered herself in embarrassment but Soul took the wrist covering her body and pulled it away as he kissed her, "Don't be embarrassed Maka" She felt his arms wrap around her thighs and when he lifted her up again, she wrapped her arms around him, keeping herself steady, "Don't drop me Soul" her voice was uneasy and worry-some. Soul grinned and whispered against her lips, "You can always count on me Maka. Trust me" Maka trusted him with her soul—her everything. Yet she couldn't shake the feeling she had in her soul: uncertainty. Soul felt it as well and said, "Just let me treat you like a princess tonight...I want you to know exactly how a cool guy should treat you" Maka blushed as his lips grazed hers again and his eyes never left hers. She could see her own uncertainty through his eyes, "Please don't do this to me Soul" Soul watched as her uncertainty turned to the most rare emotion she could show: fear. Soul knew she wasn't experienced in sexual endeavors but he never knew she was that naive. He cupped her face in his hands and said in a deep comforting voice, "I won't hurt you Maka" . She leaned into his right palm and covered his hand with her own. Those were the comforting words only Soul could use correctly. It warmed her to know there was a man who would do anything for her out there in the world. Her only regret was that it had to be Soul. One day he would find that girl and he will have to face the choice she desperately didn't was to force from him. Soul put his lips to her forehead and said, "Trust me with your soul, mind AND body" He began covering her face in little kisses but just when Maka had relaxed into them, Black*Star was banging on their front door, "Soul, Maka! Come on!" Tsubaki raised her voice slightly so her Meister wouldn't interrupt, "We decided to go clubbing!" Maka was about to respond but Soul did, " We're having Meister-Weapon problems! We'll meet up in a half hour!" Tsubaki called out to Maka, "Maka, I left my purse here earlier, can you bring it later?!" Black*Star tugged her away before she could hear a reply. Soul went back to showering her in light kisses when he noticed they were gone. Maka wasn't so easily influenced now that Tsubaki had brought her back down to earth. Knowing how Black*Star ate, she was going to need her purse soon. She slipped from his grasp and opened her door, "Out Soul. I need to get dressed if were going clubbing" He noticed her face was flushed crimson and her breath was uneven, making her breast heave up and down with each breath. Soul sighed in defeat but leaned in and kissed her deeply before pulling away and smirking. At least she had accepted his offer for someone to trust. When Maka hadn't strained against his soft kisses it showed trust. She trusted him wholly, with her mind, body, and soul. Maka shut the door when he exited and found something to wear. She decided that simple was better. Her lack of a social life beyond her few friends was intentional and she didn't want to give the vibe of 'Single: Come get me'. Yet, knowing Soul was going to be watching her made her change her mind. She was still slightly insecure in her sensuality so her mind held the thoughts of Soul finding a prettier girl to look at. If he stayed with her, that night...she would consider something other than Partnership with him. She exited her room with her hair put up to the side so it would cover up the side of her shoulder that was bare from her dress. Soul had decided to dress up a little in a suit but removed the blazer and felt...cooler. They took in the sight of each other as they walked to Tsubaki's apartment. Black*Star opened the door before Maka could knock. His attention was immediately on her as he looked her up and down, "You clean up good" Maka rolled her eyes not impressed, "I wish I could say the same" she said, knocking down his ego a notch. Tsubaki went up and hugged her dear friend, "Really, you look great" Maka handed over her purse which was stitched so obviously with the Star clan sigma. She seemed very relieved to have it back. Black*Star looked at the bag and smiled with pride, "Your god hand stitched that on for you! Every god needs his goddess!" Maka glanced over to Soul questioning him on information that she didn't have. He shrugged, not knowing anything either. When Maka looked to Tsubaki though, her soul told her all she needed to know. While Maka had been pushing her Partner away in fear of loosing their Resonation, Tsubaki and Black*Star embraced their connection. It must have just happened which is why Maka figured they were going to a club. It was easier to find a private place to talk and have girl time while the guys had their bro-time. As they exited the apartment complex, Soul said, "Hey I forgot something at home, wanna walk with me Black*Star?" The blue-haired boy wasted no time and proclaimed, "Tsubaki, wait here and keep Maka company" Soul looked to Maka, "Do you need anything?" She nodded remembering that she forgot to do something, "Can you hang up my towel? I forgot to do it before I left" He replied with a short, "Hn" before walking back to the apartment with Black*Star. When Maka was sure they weren't around she turned back to her friend and proclaimed, "When were you going to tell me Tsubaki?!" She laughed at her and said, "At some point" Maka groaned but changed her attitude when a thought provoked her mind, "Aren't you afraid of losing resonation?"