It's about time I got back to this!

Well, sorry for the wait. :P

It's a bit difficult to juggle my schedule and this at the same time.

Not to mention the fact that video games call me more than this does.

And I've been doing school through the entire summer. :/

I might as well have graduated by now. For high school, the work is ridiculous.

Don't expect too many updates though. Read above^

(Nameless sounds like Blade Wolf from MGR:R, just so you can have an idea of what he sounds like)


We begin. Where we begin, I forget. It's been a while.*goes and checks and returns*

Ah, here we are. Story begins here and now:

*No P.O.V.*

*Music: DMC OST: Ultra Violet*

Unknown, feeling a little evil(only a little), turned around to the direction of where Nameless was heading.

"But first..."

He blinked, and appeared right in front of Nameless.

"How about I take care of a little bug, first?"

Nameless looked at his friend. If he had an expression, it would not be pleasant.

('Unknown, if you really are strong, you won't do this') Nameless said to him.

"Hmph, if you were smarter, you would have left before he told you to leave. So much for an AI."

Corruption grabbed his neck with his right hand.

"It's just too bad to see a useful tool go to waste. You're too loyal to your "friend", and that is your downfall"

He materialized a very long katana into his left hand, seething in darkness.

"Time to meet your fate"

He stabbed Nameless a few times, threw him a few inches away, went into "Blade Mode', and proceeded to mercilessly slice Nameless into literally a million pieces.

*a few seconds later*

"Pathetic. I shouldn't have even came back."

Nameless, now drifting in quite a few pieces, made one last distress call, unbeknownst to Corruption. Either that or he was just enjoying the destruction he caused.

('Please...reach Xavier...')

And with that, his body lost it's brightness.

"Now, it's time to go and deal with yet another thorn in my side."

He flew off, with a burst of negative energy. Where to?

That's for later. However, this chapter isn't over.

*?'s P.O.V*

*Music: Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops OST: Calling to the Night

I watched in horror as all of these events unfolded.

"Oh, Unknown. I though you promised not to do that again..."

I turned around, facing that old piano. I ran my hand along it's dusty keys.

I felt the urge to sing again. But it just didn't feel right.

But...something else was bothering me.

Maybe it was that letter I received, right after he left my dimension.

I pulled it out again. I read the letter once more, just to make sure that it was true:

To Stargazer,

I will give this to you, because you are the only other person that was close to him.

This is an important gift. Do not use it until you know it is time.

I can't see what will happen. Such is Fate, binding us by chains.

Just know that for whatever happens, no matter how bad, always trust your gut.

Good luck,


Attached to the letter was a small plastic bag. In the bag, I couldn't tell what it was.

At least whoever sent this was nice enough to give me instructions telling me what to do with it!


*a few minutes later...*

'Phew...I hope this works'

I quickly got a small glass of water, and set it down beside the letter, set on top of the closed piano top.

I held the contents of the bag in my hand. It was a single, blue pill. Glowing.

That's probably not a good sign.

I sighed to myself, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead of me.

I put the pill into my mouth, took a quick sip of water, and swallowed.

What happened next, I couldn't completely describe. An odd sensation of writhing pain, while feeling slightly pleasant and happy it was happening, like my body understood what my mind didn't.

But, what I saw? Images of many things, just things that happened before I was born, and things that I thought...would happen later.

And...I blacked out.

*Unknown's POV: Inside his head(Because that always happens why your body gets taken over by an evil force)

*Music: Kingdom Hearts 2: Space Paranoids*


'Do I have to get up? I don't feel like it.'

'My hair is black again. I liked it better when it was white and frickin' awesome.'

'You can't make me. Not even for all the video games I already own.'

(Me: You're gonna have to do it, man)


(Me: *sigh*...This may take a bit.)

*Half a second(s) later*

'Fine, jeez. You win this time, me.'

'Well, I might as well get used to this. Ragnarok was such an annoying boss to defeat'

(Me: So you're just gonna give up, just like that?)

'Maybe. Getting kinda bored of the Time-Space Lord gig'

(Me: Excuse me while I knock some sense into him)

*Half another second(s) later*


"Oh yes, do give me a good time while I find my old body"

That voice. I remember that stupid, British voice anywhere.

"Well, isn't that just beyoutiful?"

I sighed to myself and looked around, finding nothing but a disembodied voice.

'Of course. Why didn't I think of looking around my insides for an evil thingy living inside of me'

"It's not your-oh wait, yes it is"

I could hear his really annoying and funny British laughter echoing around. It's giving me two headaches.

"Well now, before you can challenge me, I have a little fun for you. I do hope you enjoy, old friend."

As if he wanted to give me a third headache, which would probably have enough power to destroy planets, he decided to spawn random platforms.

"So, is this a game now?"

"It can be anything you want. I just want to make sure that you are worthy to face me again"

"Narcissist" :p

I could feel him getting angry at me. :3

"Better be careful what you say. There's no telling what I could do with this much power"

"Hmph. Fine, be like that. I'll play your little "game"."

I cracked all the bones in my body.

*Music change: Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance OST: Yell Dead Cell VR Remix*

"Better get set, Ouroboros! This is one of my themes"

I could hear him shuffling and mumbling in the background.

"Who let his theme music in there?"

"Uh, it wasn't me, sir!"

I could just see his hand sticking through his head at this point.

"Fine, it doesn't matter at this point. Just show me that 22 years hasn't slowed you down!"

"YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" I said as I burst off across the platforms like a ninja.

Man...1 in teh mornen when I finished dis ting.

Gosh, it feels good to get back to doing this. :3

Still not the best writer, but I try.

And excuse the lack of Xavier's stuff. That'll be in the next chapters.

Now, I did put up the profiles for 3 spoiler characters, so check them out if you want(one of which has been mentioned in another story of mine). On my page, of course.

Oh yes, for those that's played Resident Evil(if there are any :p), I had only started playing it after I wrote the previous chapter. The names I came up with, I though sounded cool at the time. Don't plan on changin' 'em, either.

Also, how would you rate my characters? I'm kinda curious to see what you guys would say. And who is your favorite(if you can choose one, of course)?

Anyway, some other side stuff:

Have a channel on YouTube. Same rules of Fanfiction applies to there.(More Likes, comments, and subscriber=more videos)

Though, it's mostly just Mario Kart 8 stuff. My Twitter has a link to the first one I made( CaptainAwsum000)


There is something else at the bottom of my page you guys can check out.


Anyone got a PS3, 3DS or a Wii U? I can add you as a friend, if you if you want.


Also. Watch the Game Grumps. DO IT!*cough*

A remix that someone made of them and their Sonic '06 playthrough is what's motivating me to do this right now. lol

And a bunch of other music and stuff as well.

Much entertainment for me :D

Well, good luck, guys!

All my OC's: BAI GAI'S! :D