Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter.






Harry woke up with a pounding headache. He was glad that it was the weekend. Harry dressed in a pair of loose black sweatpants, a light blue long sleeve shirt, and Jake's old dark blue school sweater. In faded white lettering it read in Japanese; 曙南高等学校. He then put on a pair of socks and sneakers. He left after that.

Jake had been waiting for Jade. When he saw Harry he smiled at his boyfriend only to frown when he saw Harry flinch. He looked to be in pain. He quickly made his way over to him.

"What's wrong, love?"

"I have a bad headache."

"Let's go to the infirmary."


"Great. Let's go." He grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him to the infirmary.

Once there Poppy exited her office. "What is the problem?"

"I have a headache and I was hoping to get something for it." Harry told her.

"Of course but first I would like to do a scan. Is that okay?"

"That's fine."

"Great. Sit on the bed." Harry did. "Mr. Forest?"

"Yes ma'am?"

"You're going to have to let go of Mr. White's hand."


"It's fine." She said with a smile.

Madam Pomfrey began casting a diagnosis spell. A scroll appeared. She read it before going to the potion cabinet and grabbing a pain potion.

"Here you are. It was caused from all the noise from last night."

"I had a feeling."

Jake snorted. "He was close to using a silencing charm."

"I was." He downed the potion. "Thanks."

"Of course dead. Have a good day."

"You too." Jake and Harry said before they left.

They ran into Ricky. "Hey little brother."

"Hey Ricky."

"Hey Jake."


"You sitting with me?"

"You know it."





The three entered the great hall. Harry went over to Gryffindor table and dragged both Evan and Hermione to the Ravenclaw table. Ron and Ginny followed behind them in amusement.

"Can you believe these four, Luna?"

"No I can not." She tisked.

"Thinking they can eat without us." Harry continued.

"What fools they are."

"Fools theory are indeed."

"'Arry." The students watched in shock as the Victor Krum walked over and hugged the cross dresser.

"Hey Vic. How are you?"

"Good. I thought you three vere in Japan?"

"Just transferred at the beginning of the school year."

"Ah. I shall join you."

Harry smirked. "Smart boy."

"I've learned. You can be a very very sneaky prankster."

"Why thank you."

"You two know each other?" Ron asked.

"Yeah. We met two years ago."


"I accidentally ran into him vith the broom."


"Indeed. That was why I shot a stinking hex at him and then punched him."

Victor looked at them seriously. "It hurt."

"You shouldn't have ran into me!"

"I was hit with a bludger."

"Not an excuse!" Their friends laughed with amusement.

"I brought him to the infirmary after that."

"I passed out on him."

"When he did regain consciousness he ordered me to be his friend to make up for it."

Harry smiled at him. "You are still very welcome for that."

"Brat." He rolled his eyes at the smaller boy.

"I know."

"May I ask you another question Krum?"


"How are you able to do those dangerous broom stunts? I tried some when I was playing with my brothers and sister but I couldn't."

Krum explained it to him. Soon the others began conversations of their own. It was peaceful until Harry, Ricky, Jake, and Victor were called into Dumbledore's office. They wondered what it was about.

曙 (Akebono = sunrise) + 南(Minami = south) + 高等学校(Koutou-gakkou = High school)