'505 years' the figure thought looking down at the scenery from his office window.

"Mr. Tashio" his secretary walked in.

"What is it Asami" he asked not averting his gaze.

"Your 10 a.m. appointment has arrived"

'Hn' he thought looking at his watch '20 minutes early. . . not bad, might as well get it over with'

"Thank you Asami, send them in"

"Yes sir" she said closing the door.

'Kagome' he thought sadly 'I will find you again and we will have the lives we both yearned for with each other'

'I can't believe it's been 5 years since the end' the young woman thought walking into the building.

She was 20 years old with beautiful waist long mid-night blue hair that was now pulled back into a mid high ponytail and mesmerizing electric blue eyes and stood roughly 5'5''.

5 years ago she never would have thought she would become so successful and at such a young age. To her and many others it seemed impossible but she pulled through. Many would call it unhealthy how she distanced herself from the outside world and threw all her time into her work, but to her it was dedication. She graduated high school with a solid B average then left for America at the age of 18. She stayed for a year after enrolling in Everest and became a certified Medical Biller and Medical Assistant. She returned shortly after that. She got a full time job as a nurse then moved out of her home and got an apartment.

Today she had an interview for a full time position at one of the most elite businesses in Tokyo as a claims coordinator.

'I'm early' she thought looking at her phone.

She looked around and saw 3 others waiting as well. Apparently for the same position.

"Ms. Higurashi" she looked up and saw the middle age woman walking towards her.

They were roughly the same height. Give or take a few inches. She had brown hair and magenta eyes.

'Sango' she thought painfully thinking of her sister she left behind when she saw the secretary's' eyes.

"Mr. Tashio will see you now"

"Thank you" she said following the woman.

The door opened revealing his next appointment.

"I am Mr. Tashio" he introduced not once looking up as he reached for her resume copy "and you must be. . ."

'No' he thought re-reading the name 3 times 'it must be a mistake'

"Yes, I am Kagome Higurashi and it's a pleasure meeting you" she said sweetly holding out her hand.

Her voice confirmed it. It was her. She was truly here in his office. Even her scent was the exact same.

'Summer rain and Jasmine'

"Kagome" he whispered finally looking up as violet met blue.

She looked beautiful as ever. She grew a few inches if any at all. Her body was fuller and her smile just as bright and kind.

He watched as so many emotions played across her face as the smile faded.

Confusion. Surprise. Panic. . . . and Fear.

"I-In-Inuyasha" she choked feeling very intense pain.

"Kagome I-KAGOME" he yelled seeing her make a dash for it.

'Not again' he thought taking off after her.

"What is it Inuyasha" a voice answered at the other end.

"It's Kagome, I found her but she ran as soon as she saw me and is heading your way. . . STOP HER FROM LEAVING" he ordered.

"K-Kagome" he stuttered "Don't worry I got it" then hung up.

'Kagome' he thought 'I wont let you leave me so easily. . . not again'

She ran as far and fast as her heels could handle.

'It can't be' she thought feeling the tears coming closer.

She didn't even care at all the weird and curious looks she was getting.

She had to get out of there and fast. If not for her heart then for her sanity.

"Finally" she breathed softly seeing the exit.

She was so close until. . . .

"Gotch'ya" someone grabbed her arm.

At first she thought it was Inuyasha but when she turned around she came face to face with emerald green eyes and a familiar smirk.

"Its been a while mama" came the soft voice.

She fainted.