I explained in the last chapter that I was swapping doing something hot and doing something sweet so I could finish the story like this. So if you just skipped here for smut, go back one chapter. OwO/

Anyway, without further comments, Chapter 30, our final chapter: "Doing something sweet'.

Enjoy! For the last time on this story..;u;/

"Tell it again?"

Yuuma gave a small grin and nodded. He and Vector were curled up in bed together, Vector's head resting on Yuuma's chest which was rising and falling slower than usual. The small lamp on the bedside table casted a yellow soft glow around the room, creating a cozy feeling.

"Once upon a time," Yuuma started, "There were two boys. They were really different, one was born from the sun, and one was born from the moon. They saw each other when their little planet lined them up juuust right, every one hundred years, they could meet for a while."

Yuuma's mom had told him this story a lot before he went to sleep as a child. When Yuuma's boyfriend had heard that, he had asked Yuuma to tell it to him. It was practically tradition to tell it now before they went to sleep. No matter how many times he told it, it didn't get old. Because it was such a familiar story, after all.

"The moon boy was cold from being alone for so long. He was isolated from everyone, and distrustful. The sun boy was warm and bright, and always trying to help everyone be happy. The moon boy rejected his light every time they met, every one hundred years. The other little solar kids didn't want the sun to shine any light on the moon boy. They said it was a waste of time, that he should even share his warmth with someone so cold." he could hear Vector snort.

"When a comet burned towards their little solar system, the moon boy tried to hide behind the sun boy. Thinking the sun had a stronger pull, and would surely be able to handle it, the moon boy was certain he wouldn't get damaged. He was really only thinking of himself."

"The sun boy wanted to protect the selfish little moon boy, though. Because he really cared about him." Vector whispered. Yuuma nodded.

"Yeah, because he wanted to protect him, the sun boy said he'd take the hit. The moon boy was surprised, because all the other solar beings whispered about him. About how cruel he was, about how mean and lonely he was. But the sun boy never saw him like that. He was never a burden. Because the sun boy knew that the moon boy had flaws, craters and was cold. But he cared for him anyway."

Vector grip around Yuuma's waist became more relaxed, and his eyes were drooping closed. Yuuma ran his fingers through the other boy's hair with a soft smile.

"The moon boy realized he cared about the sun boy, too. And a lot of people depended on the sun for warmth, and happiness. The sun was their hope, and so the moon positioned itself in front of the sun. The comet smashed into the moon, making it scatter into a million, billion little pieces. The sun boy cried, but he was proud of his friend. And to his surprise, the moons pieces made little twinkling stars, all around the sun."

Yuuma looked down at Vector, untangling his hand from his hair. Vector's breathing was light, he had fallen to sleep. Yuuma smiled, and feathered his lips on Vector's forehead, planting a small kiss.

"The sun didn't give up on the moon, and the moon realized he cared for the sun too, so he protected him. And eventually, the little stars were pulled together again. Thousands of years later, the moon was born again from the dust of the stars. And they met again, and they fell in love, and they lived happily ever after." He whispered. His mother had told him that story when he was so young, it made Yuuma wonder if she knew all along that Yuuma would find his own moon. Vector was his moon, and Yuuma wouldn't lose him again.

He leaned over, turning the bedside light off with a flick of the switch. Snuggling into Vector in the darkness he closed his eyes, too. Maybe perfect happily ever afters didn't happen so easily, but this was perfect to Yuuma. They had gone through so much to get here, Yuuma wouldn't let it slip away. He wanted to spend forever like this, with Vector.

As the pair fell to sleep, Yuuma finished the story with two words.

"The end."

Yes, I did end on the cheesiest note possible. I remember my fourth grade teacher got SO mad because apparently when writing fiction, you weren't suppose to end with 'the end.' I'm such a rebel, I know.

But. IT'S OVER. I DID IT. WRITING A CHAPTER EVERY. SINGLE, DAY. I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF. And yet, it'll be weird not to write one tomorrow, or the next day, or the next day...It's become routine to write one everyday...:"D

This is the last time I'll get to make a boring authoress' note too! So: So, until the next story. I still am working on Peregrination, if you like pirates and Yuuma/Vector may I recommend that? (casually self-promotes down here) And a new story I mentioned last chapter, following itty bitty Don's adventures with parents Yuuma and Vector. That's going to suffocate me with cuteness. It's being written right at this very moment, actually. x)


Tell me what you think of it too? If you haven't reviewed yet I'd love to hear your thoughts now! Which chapter was your favorite? Did it make you laugh from actual humor or from it sucking so hard? (I dunno if i'd wanna hear that, actually...) xD

I would've given up if people wouldn't have been interested. I still can't believe I finished it, because I'm really lazy. I'm gonna celebrate. With cake. Everyone who read all of this gets cake, too. Virtual cake. (unless you don't like cake, then get a dessert of your choice x) )

Hope you guys enjoyed this thing as much as I did anyway, Bye bye~ c: