A/N: Hey all, I have very recently been introduced to the STEREK fandom and how I did not know about this before now, seeing as I have watched the show since it started, is beyond me. I have always loved their interaction and scenes together but I thought it was just me! I know silly me right!? However, I plan to rectify my deficiency in this matter immediately as I just watched the latest episode and the look on Stiles face when asked if he liked boys has given this fangirl some serious squeals that for once our hopes will be realized in canon. But if they make Stiles bisexual they better have EVERY intention of writing it for Derek to find his way to Stiles! Now, this story starts right smack dab in the middle of that same conversation about liking boys for this story's sake… NO disaster takes place on THIS night, it is finally just a fun night for our favorite characters. Much deserved I might add. I tell you all this so you know where I am coming from and you are not all sending me msgs telling me "that's not what happened"... Because in my version it does.. lol This will be a love story between boys so if you don't like it, well you know what to do… so no complaining if you choose to read on! :) So without further ado, enjoy!... OH and as always I own nothing other than my own overactive imagination…

Upside Down and Inside Out

Stiles had been waiting for some fun to finally find its way into his life and he loved the attention he was getting at the moment. He also loved the carefree way Caitlin danced with him and didn't make him feel awkward for his outdated dance moves but just laughed and followed suit. Soon she was pulling him toward the staircase to the right of the makeshift dance floor that was set up in the middle of Derek's loft apartment. Stiles sat on the step expecting Caitlin to sit down but she held up a finger and sauntered off returning shortly and handing him a cold beer asking if he had a bottle opener.

Stiles fumbled in his pocket taking out his key ring then popped the top off the icy brew and quickly slurped off the suds that rose to the top then opened Caitlin's beer and passed it to her. Stiles wondered again at his luck in meeting up with her again, here of all places. She looked like a futuristic car hop tonight in her glowing wig and body paint and he thought it was adorable and fit in with his true blue geek fantasies. Caitlin saw him staring at her and grinned leaning in and kissed him suddenly smack on the lips taking Stiles by surprise.

"Uhh…I thought you liked girls!"

"I do like girls, do you?"

"Absolutely!… Sooo you also like boys?"

"Absolutely!... Do you?"

Stiles was momentarily taken aback by Caitlin's casually quipped reply to the question and the words 'no, no' were on his lips immediately but something in the way she asked made him stop and actually ponder the idea before the thought was lost as she giggled and leaned up and kissed him again.

Breaking the kiss she giggled again and said, "Come on let's dance."

"Yeah, OK." He grinned at her licking his lips tasting the odd flavor of her glow-in-the-dark lipstick.

The next hour on the dance floor with her were the most relaxed he had been in what felt like years. Well it had been almost two years since Scott had been bitten and almost every waking moment since had been spent either protecting Scott's secret or his life or both, and everyone around them as well. Glancing around Stiles saw Allison on the dance floor with Isaac in a nearly embarrassing display of sexual tension and energy. Their bodies pressed so close you couldn't see any light between them and they were staring at each other like there was no one else in the room. Just on the other side of them was Danny and Ethan laughing and dancing together and even Scott and Kira were doing their fair share of flirtatious dancing with each other. It was intoxicating just being completely carefree for those precious minutes. He put his hands on Caitlin's waist and shimmied up to her, dancing behind her hip to hip managing to actually keep up with the music and her rhythm. He flung his head back closing his eyes and let himself get lost in the music, secure in the knowledge that for once everyone he cared about was safe and having a good time.

Stiles and all his friends were lost in the music so no one saw when Derek made an appearance at the entrance of his own front door and found his house overtaken with a bunch of scantily clad teenagers covered in every color of the rainbow. The music vibrating through his chest made his heart pound just from the primal beat. He swept his gaze quickly around the room and the first person his eyes lit upon that he recognized was Stiles who had his arms wrapped around some strange girl swaying wickedly with her.

Derek should have known, only Stiles would be fool enough to pull something like this, probably out of spite toward him, and think he would get by with it. He growled low in his throat ready to charge through and break up this little soirée and take pleasure in embarrassing Stiles in the process. Maybe he really would rip his throat out this time, with his teeth, slowly.

Suddenly the music surged and the lights from the DJ flashed bright and sent dots of dancing lights of multiple colors everywhere almost as if fireworks had been set off in the room and Derek pulled up short, suddenly fascinated with the way Stiles looked at that moment. The room seemed to trip into slow motion as the bodies on the dance floor bobbed up and down swathed in the light and heat coming off the crush of bodies. Derek's wolf senses picked up all the little flecks of color dancing off Stiles skin and sparking in the amber in his eyes setting them on fire. Stiles head was thrown back while laughing, his smile open and carefree, beads of sweat glistening on his face. Derek had never seen anyone look so… so… happy before, and in that happiness Stiles looked almost… beautiful.

Derek physically shook himself. What the hell was the matter with him? Had he just thought of Stiles… clumsy, awkward, completely ADD so he never shut up Stiles, as beautiful? The last few weeks must have seriously taken their toll on him for his brain to be so muddled. But still he couldn't take his eyes off the boy as more light glanced off his hair turning it to burnished gold. Hmm, Derek wondered suddenly when it had grown out of the usual buzz cut so that tendrils curled onto his forehead and the nape of his neck moistly. Stiles shirt clung to him outlining smooth muscle beneath it. And since when did Stiles have muscles. He was just a skinny scrawny nothing! Err.. at least the last time Derek had deigned to even notice him he was. Somehow Stiles had grown up in the last two years, under Derek's nose and he had never noticed… until now. Derek felt an unfamiliar pulling in his groin and blushed, hastily and guiltily backing up into the shadow of the entryway, grateful no one had bothered to notice him standing there staring at Stiles. What the hell was the matter with him?

Derek shook himself again reigning in his senses. Angry now at his lack of control, and over Stiles Stilinski of all people. He had never reacted to another male in a physical sense in his life. People didn't just suddenly start doing that… did they? Thinking it had to be a fluke he stepped slightly to the side allowing him to view Stiles from the shadows covertly.

Stiles had turned the unknown girl around to face him and she had her arms up around his shoulders, her fingers playing in the hair at the nape of his neck while Stiles rested his chin on the top of her head as they swayed together. When had Stiles become tall enough to do that? A low growl reached Derek's ears and he jerked back into the shadows completely again as he realized he had started growling watching the girl drape herself all over Stiles. Pissed now, Derek irrationally thought somehow Stiles was doing something to him on purpose or perhaps that DJ was pumping some kind of drug into the air. He had heard they did that at these kinds of parties. Either way he'd had enough of the whole situation. They had him cowering in his own doorway, and Derek Hale didn't cower.

Derek strode purposefully over to the DJ booth steadfastly ignoring Stiles and not looking at him again. He had his eyes fixed on the all in black masked man spinning the tables when a beefy fist stopped him with some comment about no requests that Derek barely heard. Attempting to push past the body guard, he grabbed Derek and pushed him back spouting off, "Bro Seriously, the DJ doe…"

Derek grabbed him up by the neck effectively choking off any more words from him and grinned wickedly , "He'll take mine," and tossed the guy aside like a sack of grain. Derek then proceeded to grab the table and flip it completely over spilling the equipment off of it and sending it flying into the crowd, who all immediately stopped dancing and turned to stare in his direction at the sudden violence and the deadly quiet in the aftermath.

"GET OUT!" Roared from him before he could stop himself and the terrified kids in front of him all made mad dashes towards the door to escape as fast as possible.

"NOT… you… STILES!" Derek's voiced boomed over the last of the stragglers drawing Stiles up short who he could hear with his wolf ears say, "What now… I didn't even do anything," in a whine. He guessed some things were still the same when it came to Stiles.

Stiles turned hoping to catch sight of Scott or Isaac for some backup but they had already disappeared with the rest of the crowd leaving him to face Derek alone. Seriously, where was the loyalty.

Stiles steeled himself for whatever assault Derek planned as the last boy shuffled drunkenly out the door tripping over the door frame and just managing not to sprawl into the hallway, not even bothering to shut the door behind him. He stared longingly after the last boy wishing he could make a break for it but knowing it was useless. Derek would have him by the scruff of his neck before he got three steps toward the door and that would only serve to piss him off even more. Plus, Stiles knew he wasn't up to running anywhere as he swayed slightly on his feet from the alcohol he had consumed so far tonight. A slight chuckle escaped his lips and he stopped confused, just how much had he had to drink in the last hour. To be honest he didn't really remember, he stopped counting after four or five beers. Another chuckle escaped and he turned to look at Derek who still hadn't moved or said anything and the laugh died in his throat. Derek had never looked at him like he was looking at him right now. He didn't know what that look was but it was so dark and intense he felt a sudden tingle of real fear sliver down his spine. Derek was staring at him intently, standing so rigidly he looked like a strong wind could break him, he caught a glimpse of fangs through his compressed lips, but it was his eyes that held him frozen. They were glowing with the most beautiful and frightening blue Stiles had ever seen. It made him suck in his breath and hold it. He couldn't remember seeing Derek with anything but red eyes and the sudden change in color was disorienting to him. He stared at them fascinated by the way the blue looked almost electric making one side of his mouth quirk up in pleasure at the color, blue had always been his favorite color, even as his heart beat picked up an even faster tempo as the fear of his situation sank back in through his alcohol hazed brain.

Derek held his ground waiting for the last drunken idiot to make his way out of the house and frowned that the fool hadn't even bothered to shut the door. His eyes fell on Stiles who was standing where the light from the open door had fell across his face. The rest of the room was lit only by the moonlight now that he had destroyed the DJ equipment. The moons light filtered in through the many tall windows behind him giving the room the unearthly glow he loved when the moon was full. It was one of his favorite things about this place. Now the moon was nearly full so the light shone brightly giving him that familiar pull of the wild, making his blood heat up with the urge to go primal. He took a deep breath to reach for that control he had learned to perfect years ago and let it settle over him like an old familiar and comfortable quilt.

Derek heard the low laugh escape Stiles lips and saw his eyes widen when he was surprised by it. He frowned at him; he should be shaking in his shoes right now… not thinking this was funny. Did he need to teach this snip of a human another lesson about who was boss? He watched Stiles take a deep breath, his chest rising slightly with the effort and he swayed slightly on his feet. Ahh, he was drunk. The idea managed to make him more angry because probably anything Derek said now Stiles wouldn't even remember come morning so this lecture would be a total waste of his time and effort but his anger needed appeasing so he would let him have it anyway, if only to make himself feel better. Unbidden, the image of Stiles laughing and dancing in the twinkling lights flashed behind his eyes again making him catch his breath before frowning even deeper at the sudden pull in his groin at the image, making his fangs slip slowly down and his eyes begin to glow. Stiles chose that moment to turn and look at him and Derek saw the breath cease in Stiles chest and he wondered just what he looked like to him, his fear evident in his face. It made Derek somehow more uncomfortable, the fear he saw there making his frown deepen even more. It came to Derek suddenly he wished Stiles was laughing and carefree like he had been only minutes before, not this frightened rabbit before him now. Derek cocked his head slightly to the side, two different sides of him warring and he had now idea just how he was going to handle this unfamiliar situation he found himself in now. Stiles shifted his weight nervously, his tongue darting out to lick his lips. Derek's wolf vision snapped to the movement instantly his whole body instantly rigid again. He wondered himself suddenly, just what he was capable of.

Stiles saw the sudden rigidness in Derek's stance and he wondered just what he had done to set him off. He had purposely been biting his tongue to keep his usual tirade of nonsense from slipping out knowing it would only serve to irritate Derek even more. The silence was killing him though. He was not one to be so still and silent and he couldn't take the pressure anymore, "Uh, hey dude, what's up?" he meant it to come out nonchalantly but it came out sort of breathy and shaky instead. He cursed himself inwardly for his outward show of fear. No wonder Derek always thought he was a chicken shit.

"Really, that's what you're going with after nearly destroying my home?" Derek's voice was low and vibrated through the room with the barely controlled emotions he was reining in at the moment.

"Wow, man, look I didn't have anything to do with this… No I swear I didn't, I only came to this party… I…I didn't instigate it!" Stiles had seen the look of disbelief pass Derek's features at his initial denial and felt the need to stress his point. So Derek was this mad because he thought he had been in charge of the party. Man, Danny and Aiden were in some serious shit! He couldn't tell Derek who it was. It would open up a whole new can of worms in the newly found harmony and Stiles didn't want to give up the peace of it so soon. He had been having so much fun only a short time ago, feeling like the carefree teenager he should have been instead of always dealing with the very grown up problems he had nowadays.

Derek watched the emotions run across Stiles face like reading a book. He had gotten to know him better than he realized through all the crap they had been through. The boy couldn't hide anything from him in his expressive face especially when the alcohol he had consumed had dulled his reaction time. He believed him, his heart had kept a steady rhythm where it would have sped up if he had lied. He also knew Stiles wouldn't tell him who had really set this all up.

"You don't scare me ya know." Stiles blurted out at him.

"Oh really." Just when Derek had nearly decided to tell him to get out and go home he took Stiles words as a direct challenge.

Stiles knew the instant the words left his mouth they had been a huge mistake but he hadn't been able to help it. Derek was standing there looking like he was going to eat him and he couldn't just cower down like a baby, plus he didn't truly believe Derek would really hurt him. Knock him around a little sure but to actually hurt him he thought they were passed that. Seeing the look on his face now he wasn't so sure and wishing he had kept his loose tongue quiet for once in his life. But the words having been said he couldn't just back down now, what would that say about him.

"Uh… yeah… you don't!" Stiles turned to face him fully lifting his chin defiantly.

Derek stared at the fool, he had no idea just how much danger he was in right now. In a blur of motion he crossed the distance snatching Stiles by the throat and yanking him up until their noses almost touched, Stiles feet just managing to scrape the ground as Derek lifted him, a low growl emitting through the room.

Stiles grabbed at Derek's wrist that held him, pulling at it in vain as his vice grip held him up to look him in the eyes. Derek stared at him with the oddest expression on his face and Stiles withered in that stare unable to do anything but stare back into the pulsing electric blue of Derek's eyes.

Stiles had no idea how long they stood there like that, it could have been seconds or minutes, time seem suspended to him. While waiting for what was to going to happen next Stiles nerves made him lick his lips again, a long formed habit when he found himself in uncomfortable situations and Derek's eyes flicked down from his own to stare at his mouth. The grip tightened slightly on his neck making him gasp wondering if Derek really was going to finally act on a long ago promise to rip his throat out with his teeth.

Derek was barely in control of his emotions. He had no idea how this kid managed to push his buttons so easily but he had been unable to stop himself from flying across the room at the tilt of that damn defiant chin. Now that he had him in his grip he wasn't sure what he really wanted to do with him. Then Stiles tongue darted out to lick his own lips again making Derek stare and tighten his grip unconsciously. The moisture glistened in the moonlight on the slightly parted lips. Stiles warm breath coming out in pants hit Derek in the face and he could smell the traces of beer and what must have been some kind of mint he had ate recently. Derek breathed in again smelling the tang of sweat and the musk that was distinctly Stiles as well as the fear underlying it coming off in waves. It was the fear that finally made him realize what he was doing and he shoved Stiles hard away from him.

"Get out, go home where you belong." Derek kept his voice even, void of all traces of emotion.

Stiles stumbled managing to stay on his feet as he stared wide eyed at Derek. His breath was coming in gasps and he shook visibly. He took several steps backwards afraid to turn his back on Derek until there was a little distance between them then finally turned and bolted for the door half expecting Derek's strong hands to grab him back, feeling relief when he managed to get through the door without being accosted. He made it to his jeep getting the door open and only dropped his keys once in the process. Once inside he slammed the door and locked it knowing it wouldn't stop Derek if he really wanted to get in but making him feel better anyway. His hands shook as he placed the key in the ignition taking a deep steadying breath. His buzz was completely gone, his experience with Derek having sobered him up quickly so he felt safe driving. He drove home in silence not even listening to the radio. He was disturbed by this latest in a long line of violent encounters with Derek more than any before. He didn't understand what had just happened but something had definitely changed. There had been a moment, a brief flicker of time Stiles had thought Derek might kiss him. But that was insane and Stiles shook the idea away before it had time to take root. He must have been drunker than he thought if he was imagining Derek Hale, the most virile male wolf around, even without being an alpha anymore, would ever want to kiss him. The really disturbing thing was that in that split second Stiles thought he had almost wanted him too. But that was absurd too right? He liked girls not boys. He had been in love with Lydia forever and it sure had felt good kissing Caitlin tonight. The thought of Caitlin brought back the suddenly loaded question of 'do you like boys'. Stiles jerked to a stop in his drive as he began to seriously ponder that question. He had never had a problem with anyone who liked the same sex, he was all for people loving who they wanted too. He wasn't even afraid to admit when another guy was good-looking, but that didn't mean he liked them. Did it?

Stiles made his way into his house quietly so he didn't wake his dad up and dropped onto his bed kicking his shoes off. He tossed his striped polo off leaving it where it landed then laid with one arm under his head the other across his chest staring at the ceiling. He thought he would be awake for a while after the odd encounter with Derek and the resulting confusion but his eyes began to immediately drift close.

Sometime later something brought Stiles out of his sleep. He was lying on his stomach with his arms wrapped tightly around his pillow. A small shuffling sound made him lift his head and scan the room. He thought he saw something in the corner flash but when he stared harder listening intently, he only heard his own breathing and didn't see anything else move. He relaxed back down snuggling into his pillow and stretched his long legs out on the small twin bed. He was going to have to talk to his dad about getting him a bigger bed soon, he had grown four inches in the last six months, a final growth spurt and he barely fit in his childhood bed anymore. He had been dreaming but couldn't remember what it was about for once, the crippling dreams of late not a nightly occurrence since he had saved Lydia from the coyote trap. Whatever door had been open to his head had been closed with that act at least for the time being and he hoped it stayed that way. Now he only dreamed the occasional nightmare but he was able to at least tell dream from reality now. He felt the muscles relax in his back as he began to drift again, the floating sensation of being on the verge of sleep taking over again. It was during this limbo between sleep and wake that Stiles subconscious replayed the moment he had awoke and to his subconscious mind the flash in the corner looked suspiciously like a glowing pair of electric blue eyes.

Derek stared at the outside of Stiles house finally releasing the breath he had been holding since Stiles awoke and almost caught him in his room. What was wrong with him? He had come here meaning to apologize to Stiles for scaring him, not liking the acrid taste the idea of Stiles being afraid of him had left in his mouth. Something that was also knew to Derek. He usually got a kick out of the way Stiles jumped and ducked around him finding it immensely amusing. But not tonight. Tonight something was off and he felt compelled to seek reassurance Stiles wasn't mad at him or upset over their encounter, something else he never would have previously considered. He hadn't hesitated sneaking into the house, slipping silently into Stiles room confidently. He hadn't expected him to already be sound asleep and found himself slightly annoyed that Stiles didn't seem to be as disturbed over their encounter as he was.

He turned to leave shaking his head at his own stupidity when a small moan escaped Stiles making him turn and look at him again. Stiles lay on his stomach, his back muscles rigid as he gripped the pillow like it was a life preserve. A light sheen of sweat had broken out on his forehead and he had a look of terror on his face. Maybe Stiles hadn't been so unaffected by their encounter. Derek frowned thinking that fear of him had caused Stiles disturbed dreams. Great he had managed to terrorize and traumatize a seventeen year old boy tonight. Fantastic, he should feel like a big man now. He stood undecided not really knowing what to do. Should he wake him up or just leave. He didn't really want to wake him up and make him face the person who had managed to scare the crap out of him in real life if he didn't have to. Another moan escaped Stiles and he bunched his legs under him curling into a protective fetal position instinctually in his sleep.

Guilt, hot and heavy fell on Derek like a foreign tongue he couldn't understand. He stepped forward and put his hand on Stiles shoulder intending to shake him awake but as soon as he touched him he froze. The smooth skin under his fingers was warm and the muscles bunched as though even in his sleep Stiles knew he was being touched. Another moan escaped this time ending on a whimper and Derek was stunned to see a single tear slip from beneath Stiles long dark lashes to trace its way across his nose and hang there suspended, taunting Derek with all the implications that one tear held. 'I'm a total shit' Derek thought to himself. He had no idea that nightmares were a common occurrence in Stiles life now, he only knew he wished with everything in him he could take the fear away from him. Suddenly Derek felt his arm tense and his heart race as the veins in his arm turned dark. Derek jerked his hand away from Stiles realizing that he had wanted to take his pain away so much his power had kicked in and began to pull the fear from him.

Derek shook, afraid to use the power that had caused him to lose his Alpha status but the sight of the pale skinned boy laying so pitifully caused a protective instinct he thought was only reserved for his family and pack to kick in. He tentatively reached out and slid his hand around Stiles wrist feeling the racing pulse beneath his own shaking fingers. Derek closed his eyes and concentrated letting the power build in him before releasing it to flow into Stiles. Derek gritted his teeth as the overwhelming fear flowed from Stiles into him. It was like thick black tar pouring over his lungs suffocating him with its stickiness. Derek gasped at the unexpected intensity of the fear and panic that flowed from Stiles prone form into him. Good God! He had never meant to evoke that much fear in anyone other than his enemies and while Stiles and he had not always necessarily been friends, more like allies when the occasion warranted, he had certainly never wanted to instill that much fear in him. Derek opened his eyes and watched as Stiles breathing changed from the rapid panting into a more even rhythm and his expression relaxed the frown marring his features until he had a smooth and content look on his face again, a small smile even playing around the corners of his mouth in contrast. Stiles whole body relaxed, seeming to sink into the mattress beneath him as his muscles leaked the tension out of them. Derek smiled to himself glad he had decided to come because he had managed to at least do something right this evening. He watched as Stiles snuggled into the pillow a sigh escaping his parted lips. Derek became increasingly aware of his fingers still wrapped around Stiles wrist but for some reason couldn't make himself let go immediately. He stood perfectly still, feeling the now strong and even pulse beneath his fingers and found he was comforted by it somehow. Derek stared down at Stiles feeling the beat of his own heart pick up speed as he stared at the profile of this pain in the ass that always seemed to be getting in his way. Derek became aware of the feeling of silk in the fingers of his other hand and looked up and was astounded to see his other hand had slipped into the waves of Stiles hair brushing them back from his forehead. Derek gasped and jerked back tripping over Stiles haphazardly discarded shoes making him stumble before his wolf balance right him almost instantly. He froze as his eyes flew to Stiles who was stirring in his sleep and Derek knew he was going to open those eyes any second and see Derek standing there like some creepy pervert staring at him. He flew to the darkest corner of the room willing himself to sink into the shadows and closed his eyes and held his breath. He could hear Stiles move and stretch in the bed hyper aware of every move he made. He also knew when his breathing had evened back out in sleep.

So Derek found himself still standing here stupidly staring at the house of the boy who had just turned his world upside down and inside out and didn't even know it.

Another A/N: Com'on guys, you didn't think it would be that easy did you… we are talking about stoic and withdrawn Derek Hale and bumbling and adorable Stiles Stilinski here. Any pairing between these two is bound to be fraught with lots of angst and humor for it to be realistic, so let me know what you think so far and after I go watch last night's episode of Teen Wolf I will be back to write some more… hope you enjoyed that first eye opening glimpse for these two… to be continued… ;)