Title: Chaos Incarnate
Category: Cartoons » Hero: 108
Author: Cahaya Sidur
Language: English, Rating: T
Genre: Horror
Published: 05-14-20
Words: 2,239

Disclaimer: I do not own Hero: 108.

AN: Thanks to Knight's Journey for the prompt for Evil/Chaotic Lin Chung - here I've gone more 'evil' than 'chaotic', but I've got another idea for this. Hope that you guys enjoy, and thanks to Pinki for reviewing!

Let it be known, the Zebra Brothers did actually possess some semblance of bravery. After all, who would be foolhardy or braveenough to actually come across Twin Masters' cave, at night – three am, to be precise, during a thunderstorm, and actually interrupt one of his musings-slash-evil-monologues?

The Zebra Brothers would have been at the very bottom of that list, actually, but Highroller had insisted. And back several hours ago, Highroller had been the more immediate threat, with Bearstomp growling at them over the little warlord's shoulder.

"You go first." Sparky Black hisses to his twin, who immediately shoves him forward.


"You!" Sparky Black's eyes narrow in anger, and temporarily forgetting their fear in face of their sibling rivalry, they begin the challenge of trying to shove one another into the clearing half-hidden in shadows at the very back of the cave.

A slight miscalculation from Sparky White leaves the brothers tumbling into the clearing, crashing into one of the rock structures at the side.

"Oh, we're sodead," Sparky Black whispers. Sparky White nods, but hastily attempts to stand as he dusts himself off.

"Oh, uh, hi Master Sir Overlord Twin Masters!" White tries to smile, eyes fixed on the looming figure.

Twin Masters narrows his eyes at him. "What do you want?" He snaps.

"Master Highroller sent us here!" Sparky Black hops to his feet, giving a nervous smile. "He has important news."

"Out with it then," Twin Masters huffs.

But Sparky White's attention is taken away by the figure lounging on another rock structure to the side, grey hair half-obscuring his face. The figure seems quite relaxed considering Twin Masters' close proximity, his staff tossed almost carelessly to the side. Next to it lies an all too familiar straw hat.

"Lin Chung?!" Sparky White blurts out. Sparky Black violently elbows him on instinct before he registers his brother's words.

"What-why is-" Black looks up at Twin Masters. "Stop him!"

Twin Masters narrows his eyes at Black as Lin Chung laughs airily. "Are you orderingme around?"

"Uh, no. No!" Sparky White elbows his brother harshly in retaliation. "We're…just…this was a new development. Master Highroller didn't say anything about this."

"What Highroller chooses to tell you is none of my concern." Twin Masters glowers at him. "Now, that is so important that you felt the need to interrupt us?"

"…interrupt?" Sparky Black asks with too much interest.

Sparky White elbows his brother once again, letting out a nervous laugh. "Highroller has come up with another plan to um," he glances quickly at Lin Chung, then back at Twin Masters, lowering his voice, "take over Big Green."

"Really?" Lin Chung asks, glancing at Twin Masters. The behemoth figure merely shrugs. "How fascinating. Tell me."

"Uh, I don't…you're kinda our enemy here." Sparky Black points out. "And we're not stupid enough to tell you."

"Idiotic enough, I'm sure." Lin Chung's right hand glows with harmonic energy and he smirks at the two.

Sparky Black cowers behind Sparky White, glancing up at Twin Masters. Twin Masters merely shrugs once more, clearly uncaring about whether or not the Zebra Brothers came out of this unscathed. "You wouldn't…you wouldn't let him, would you?" Sparky White asks timidly.

"As I have said, you are none of my concern." Twin Masters says coolly.

Sparky White clears his throat. "Right. So, um…"

The Minotaur was a surprise, but definitely welcome ally who Lin Chung could see Twin Masters utilising to the fullest. Lin Chung grits his teeth as he tries to hold the Harmonic Energy shield around him. When the sound of crumbling walls around him stops, he thrusts his hand outwards, allowing air to filter in through the newly formed hole in the rubble.

Using his other hand to support the shield, his uses his right hand to swing himself upwards and into safety. He coughs, waving a hand around the clear the dust. The sun shines down brightly and unrelentingly on him, and he looks up to see the relieved looks of his teammates.

Lin Chung smiles and waves to them as he climbs down. He glances briefly over at Bearstomp, expression as unreadable as ever, then offers a chance for him to join Big Green. Lin Chung mentally rolls his eyes – he knows that Bearstomp would never have accepted the offer anyways. Still, he had to appear forgiving.

Anyways, he glances back at the labyrinth one last time and smiles. As his friends jog ahead of him, he snaps his fingers, sending a Harmonic Energy flare for Twin Masters to find.

Then he plasters on a smile as Jumpy turns back, and joins in the conversation.

The Minotaur growls as he glares up at Twin Masters. Despite the monster having saved his life from wandering around the desert, forever lost until he eventually died of thirst, hunger, and/or exhaustion, the myth could not help but feel resentful.

"You found him."

The Minotaur leaps up, nostrils flaring with anger at the familiar voice. Sure enough, Lin Chung emerges from the entrance, gaze fixed up at Twin Masters.

"Yes, indeed." Twin Masters smiles at him. "You were right. He is a worthy specimen."

Specimen? The Minotaur glares at the duo. He turns his glare to Lin Chung. "What are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to see how you were doing." Lin Chung said. "That collapse couldn't have done you any good, and I know Twin Masters' Chaotic Energy isn't as efficient as creating or healing as compared to destroying."

Twin Masters lets out a snort, glancing over at Lin Chung. "This is Lin Chung," he sends a warning look to the Minotaur, "who I know you are already acquainted with. Lin Chung works for me…he is the reason you are here and not lying dead in the desert."

"My thanks, I'm sure." The Minotaur growls, sarcasm dripping from his every word. His muscles tense, and then he leaps at Lin Chung.

Only for a red and blue shield to stop him. More appropriately, the Minotaur slamsinto the wall. When the wall dissipates – and the Minotaur shoots Twin Masters a baleful look, which is returned with a devastating glare – the Minotaur sees Lin Chung already out the way, staff extended and ready to fight.

The Minotaur sighs and glances up at Twin Masters.

Now he was in debt to this monster. And regardless of his immoral actions, the Minotaur was honourable enough to recognise a debt.

He should have died in the desert.

Lin Chung huffs as he brushes through the cobwebs and dust bunnies. He glances around, making sure there was no one behind him. The Zebra Brothers had been surprisingly difficult to shake off, but he had managed to get it down right before he made his way here.

According to legend, the Hydra was known for its ability to regrow two heads after cutting one off. If that were true, the orb which created the Hydra should theoretically do the same, yes? Besides, the Ancient Greeks were not as pure and innocent as they were – anyone who could come up with the Hydra and the Minotaur were definitely not the sanest out there.

Now he just had to find the orb. Looking around, he marches down the steps, reminded eerily of the temple which housed the Amulets of Chi Gong.

Still, he ignores the bad feeling in his gut and moves onwards to find the orb floating in midair in the middle of the room. He grins and reaches out a hand, encasing himself and the orb in Harmonic Energy. Spikes and arrows shoot out from around them.

Lin Chung rolls his eyes as he leaves with his prize.

Twin Masters was going to be so pleased.

Lin Chung lies on his bed, looking up at the nondescript ceiling. The air is stale despite the ventilation system – the only con to having an Elephant put in charge of this system – and he can hear the wind howling from outside. Everyone else is still sound asleep, and Lin Chung closes his eyes, allowing that knowledge to settle his mind.

Twin Masters' latest order and Highroller's plan was really going to test Lin Chung's ability to stay out of discovery and suspicion.

Cementing the Animals' loyalty to Big Green – and himespecially – was one thing. Fighting against Twin Masters was another thing. And purposely sabotaging Big Green and misleading them was a completely different story in another bookshop down the road.

Hopefully his too-trusting teammates would accept anything he told them.

To be fair, they had believed far more outrageous theories that he had sprouted out.

The Sword of Darkness, for one thing. Twin Masters had been quite pleased with that one, hiding it in a compartment in his cave.

Lin Chung smiles, eyes glowing with delight as he remembers the reward he'd gotten.

Now, just how was he going to move Big Green to a less defensible position? And get everyone in one location at the same time?

If they wanted to defeat Big Green, they had to destroy it so completely that it could never rise again.

Glancing over at portraits he made of Tien Kwan, his eyes lit up with an idea. This would be almost too easy.

Lin Chung huddles in his winter coat as he approaches Twin Masters' latest hideout. He hates how cold it is, and it is only the reassurance of the warmth within that encourages him to enter the cave. He glances around. It's not as nice as Twin Masters' old one – the sickly-sweet smell in the air blends with the oppressive dampness of the cave, leaving any intruders with the sensation of something crawling up their skin.

"Twin Masters?"

"Lin Chung." A head stretches into his line of sight, gesturing him deeper inside the cave. Lin Chung eyes the dangerous-looking bats – so different from their peaceful cousins – and obligingly steps in. "And how goes the plan?"

Lin Chung shakes off his coat, leaving it on the floor nearby and revealing the staff hanging from his back. He looks up at Twin Masters, a grin tugging at his lips.

Twin Masters shares in his delight and obvious glee, eyes lighting up. He reaches out an arm, the smaller hand attached to it brushing against Lin Chung's face. Lin Chung inhales, absorbing the Chaotic Energy that mingles so nicely with his Harmonic Energy, sending a spike of euphoria in him. The Energy is combined with the vision of the decimated Hidden Kingdom, and the rising East Citadel.

He and Twin Masters are there.

And Lin Chung smiles.

"It's been done."

"Are you sure they need to be all heroes?"

"Master Tien Kwan was very explicit. We need all 108 heroes."

The loyalties that Lin Chung had carefully cultivated over his years as a member, and then leader, of First Squad, paid off. There was little hesitation when he approached the Cheetahs, the Porcupines, the Duckbills, et al.

As Lin Chung made his way back to First Squad, absent-mindedly patting his turtle's head, he wondered how the others were faring.

"Let's go." Lin Chung turns to his team. "Remember, we need to attack as one. No singular attacks." He shoots a meaningful look at Mighty Ray, who sulks under the glare. Mystique Sonia and Jumpy Ghostface giggle.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." Mighty Ray mutters.

"Is everyone ready?" Commander Apetrully's voice crackles through the speakers down to First Squad.

Lin Chung gives an affirmative, then glances over at his teammates. They are chatting among themselves, twitching anxiously in apprehension. Despite himself, a grin stretches across his face, abnormally large considering their present circumstances.

They had no idea.

"Hello? First Squad? Are you in there?" Commander Apetrully bangs on the door. He gets no answer, and glances over at Woo the Wise and Lady Green. Both look equally concerned.

Despite Lin Chung's affirmative, none of First Squad had shown up to the briefing that was announced a couple of minutes ago. With the threat of Twin Masters looming over them, as well as First Squad's own personal encounters with the monster, they had assumed that First Squad would be the first in the briefing room.

Besides, with the new threat that Twin Masters posed, with the Hydra and the Sword of Darkness, of all things…

They needed everyone'shelp in Big Green. And Lin Chung was the only one with the capability to attack and stand a chance against Twin Masters.

Commander Apetrully exchanges another look with Woo, then nods at Lady Green.

Lady Green nods in return, and then tries to open the door. The door is locked. Sighing to herself, Lady Green looks at Commander Apetrully – receiving another nod – then slices the door using her blades. The door falls apart into four pieces.

They step in.

And a staff goes straight through Lady Green's head, sending a spurt of blood. A permanently surprised look is etched on her face as she tumbles across the threshold and collapses to the floor.

Commander Apetrully and Woo looks up in horror. Lin Chung smiles angelically at them, which would not have been out of order should he not have been surrounded by the corpses of his teammates.

"Hello, Commander. Woo." Lin Chung beams at them. He raises a hand and flicks it, causing both members to be pulled into the room. The door slams ominously behind them. "Let's talk."