A Hogwarts Tale: Decedents of the Sun
Sorry for the two month absence…..again OTL I thought Winter Break would allow me to have some more time to write this so I procrastinated and when the semester started….well, I was overwhelmed with work and homework. Ugh, I feel terrible. Hopefully, I can speed things up a bit but it seems like two months are going to be more frequent until summer.
So we are finally going to be done with the Berk arch and back to the story and we will finally start focusing more on Rapunzel and her family. Not that it will appear in this chapter, but probably in the next one.
But anyways, thank to everyone that are still following this story. I didn't mean to leave this story unattended for so long so I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Thanks for reviewing:
Jinx-Nightangale: I'm glad you're still hooked despite the two month break. ^_^ And….well I can't tell you that now can I? :D
Guest: I shall continue! Do not worry, although it may take a bit of time xD. And of course Toothless will appear. Hiccup isn't Hiccup that we know and love without his equally sarcastic dragon of lighting and death XD. It'll be a while though so if you're willing to wait, then you will be rewarded.
Bruno14: And Part two is here! Probably not as exciting as I had initially planned, but I hope that it satisfies you.
Rothfyae: Thank you! And thank you again for your kind words, I hope this update satisfies you as well. ^_^
Speaking: "Hello there."
Thoughts: What the blazes—
Spells: Lumos!
Disclaimer: I do not own Rise of the Guardians, How to Train Your Dragon, Brave, or Tangled. They belong to Dreamworks and Pixar/Disney. The only character that belongs to me is my OC Stephanie.
Last Time
"That's more like it." Jack chuckled as he took out his wand, before taking off his jacket as well. HE didn't want it to get destroyed since his sister gave it to him as an early Christmas present. The two boys gave each other a nod before they rushed out into the burning island, only thinking about saving their friends from a fiery death.
If we manage to get out of this alive…..one thing's for sure….Stephanie is sooo going to owe me.
About 5 minutes before the Dragon Attack
"Yer again." Merida hissed angrily at the blonde witch in front of them who effortlessly pulled out an ax from an overly used wooden post if all the cut marks said anything. "Why am I not surprise ta see yer face again?"
"If anything, I should be wondering if you're stalking me, not the other way around." Astrid scoffed, twirling her axe a couple of times before throwing it at the post once more, landing dead center. Behind Merida, Rapunzel winced as the sound of metal meeting wood, echoed in the small field they were standing in. How did they meet up with the one witch who could rile up Merida faster than any Slytherin while looking for Stephanie?
"I knew it wasn't going to be as easy as it sounded like." Rapunzel sighed as the two witches continued to glare at each other. "What do you think Pascal? Should I intervene?" The small reptile in her winter jacket merely shrugged its shoulder, causing Rapunzel to give her reptile friend a deadpan stare. "Fine, be indecisive…..Um Astrid right?" Rapunzel spoke up thus ending the small glaring contest, but Rapunzel ended up staring into Astrid's angry icy blue eyes instead.
They would probably look prettier if she wasn't glaring all the time. The Hogwarts student thought before snapping out of her thoughts by Astrid's sharp voice.
"What do you want?"
"Well um…"
"Oi yer don't snap at Punzie like tha!" Merida hissed as she stood protectively in front of Rapunzel before she could say another word.
"But Merida—"
"I'll speak to whoever I want, however I want." Astrid growled back causing sparks to fly between the two witches—or at least would've if it was physically possible—before Rapunzel had enough.
"If the two of you could stop bickering for a moment and just listen!" Rapunzel shouted, surprising the two witches immensely. Once Rapunzel was sure that the two girls would no longer argue, she cleared her voice and looked at Astrid with a nervous smile.
"Sorry about that, but we were wondering if you could tell us where the restrooms are? We're on our way to check up on Stephanie."
"If the two of you continue to baby her like that she'll never survive in the wizarding world especially if you plan on bringing her here often." Astrid scoffed, turning around causing Merida to growl in anger.
"It's cuz yer jerks like ta bully people who are different! I've seen how yer clan treats Hiccup and it's uncalled fer! He's a great wizard, he can't get a grip on his wand that's all!"
"If he can't even perform the simplest of spells then what kind of chief will he become?" Astrid snapped, turning around and glaring at the girls angrily. "I don't know how your community works, but we work for our chief and if he can't become a proper wizard why should we follow him? We're hard on him not because he's just an outcast, but because he needs to get his magic together or otherwise a new chief will be selected and having Snotlout as a chief isn't my wish."
"Yer don't have ta outcast him fer it though." Merida hissed right back, "If anythin' yer making it—"
"SHHH!" Astrid suddenly placed her hand on Merida's mouth before she could finish her sentence and immediately dragged her behind a house. Rapunzel quickly followed her friend and made it just in time to see Merida wrestling Astrid to get her hand off her mouth.
"Wot yer think yer doing!?" Merida cried out, finally succeeding pulling away the Berkian's hand.
"SHHH! I hear wings flapping!" Astrid hissed out, looking back up into the sky with a confused look on her face before mumbling out, "But that's impossible."
"What does wings flapping even mean?" Rapunzel asked before she was roughly pulled towards the side of the house just as a large fire ball crashed into the once lush grass where Rapunzel stood seconds ago. Rapunzel looked at the scorched earth in fright—she had to catch Pascal as he passed out at the near death experience—holding onto Merida tightly just as screeching and hissing noise filled the night sky.
"Dragon raid!" A Viking nearby shouted, causing the few Berkian wizards outside to drop their things and rush into houses before rushing back out, screaming with fury as they rushed at the dragons with their weapons.
"But this never happens!" Astrid hissed out as she grabbed Merida by the arm, too shocked to even comprehend what was happening, before she pulled the two girls out behind the building and into the middle of the plaza. Looking up into the night sky, the dragon's first fire had caused some light to shed on the dim island showing a hoard of Dragons circling the skies above them. Several Vikings around them attacked the dragons that came to close to the ground before they had to dodge another dragon's fire.
"Protect the livestock!"
"Put out the fires!"
"Children inside!"
"It's like an organized mess….." Merida muttered as they ran in between Viking—Rapunzel occasionally screaming as spikes and fire nearly beheaded them—before reaching the outskirts of the village. Despite being further away from the fight, there was still some damage done to the houses. In fact….wasn't this Hiccup's house?
"Stay here." Astrid growled out as she switched her weapon to her right hand and placed her wand into a holster on her thigh. "And whatever you do, don't go into the plaza. Not unless you want to die."
"Wait, I want ta help!" Merida cried, pulling on Astrid's arm. "Yer saved ma life and it's ta least I can—"
"You want to help? Then you can help by not being in the way." Astrid hissed as she pushed the red head into the chief's house before pulling Rapunzel along. "You don't know the basic spells we learn on the island and without those spells, you're helpless as a newborn sheep so do us a favor and stay inside where it's safe."
"But wait! Steph—" Before Rapunzel could say anything to the blonde Berkian witch, Astrid slammed the door closed, leaving the two witches by themselves. Slowly Rapunzel turned towards Merida before gulping heavily. "We never found Stephanie…"
"Oh no…..the lass…." Merida gasped as she shared the same shocked face Rapunzel had. "She can't even defend herself!"
"We have to go back out there to find her!" Rapunzel cried as she opened the door to the house before immediately shutting it close as she found herself face to face with a dragon. The door behind her shook wildly as the dragon roared fiercely before the wood began to catch on fire.
"Time ta go…." Merida cried as she grabbed Rapunzel's arm and pulled her away from the door just as it exploded and a dragon's head took its place.
"So now what?" Rapunzel screamed as a piece of the roof nearly fell on them. "We don't know any spells to do any damage! And I'm pretty sure your tickling hex would make them angrier than anything!"
"Ta forge!" Merida panted, running out the house just as it caught on fire, still feeling the intense heat from the flames. "Hiccup said tha they use ta forge ta make weapons ta fight off ta beasts!"
"And where would the forge even be!" The blonde witch cried as they weaved through the fire patches, Vikings, spikes, and pieces of wood. It was basically a war zone out here and it all happened in a span of what ten minutes, perhaps even less?! In the distance, Rapunzel could have sworn she saw Stephanie running but in the madness, it was really hard to tell.
"Weapons! Get yer weapons here!" Gobber's voice rang out, stopping the girls as they turned to look for the source. Just a little over a yard, the girls saw the large Berkian wizard waving his stone hammer arm just outside the forge they saw hours ago. Many Vikings rounded up near the forge entrance with bent and broken weapons before leaving just as quickly with new ones.
"He won't give us any weapons!" Rapunzel cried as Merida quickly pulled her towards the busy building, wincing at the intense heat it brought. Although, it was a nice change from the freezing weather.
"Then we'll have ta take sum without Gobber findin' out!" Merida shouted out over the roars of the dragon before opening the back door to the forge. Quickly she pulled Rapunzel behind the pillar just as Gobber turned around to throw several weapons into an open flame. Once the large Berkian wizard turned back to the waiting crowd, Merida turned her head around and looked for any available weapon that they could hold without falling over.
"There!" Merida whispered as she spotted a small bow and quiver at the bottom of a pile near the forge. It was a bit twisted and burnt, but could still shoot properly. She's seen and used bows in worse condition. "Wot are ya waitin' fer?! Get sumthin' quick!" Merida hissed to Rapunzel as she nervously looked at the weapons around her.
"I um….they all look very dangerous….and heavy!" The blonde witch gasped as she tried to lift the smallest hammer she could find. She managed to lift it about half an inch before having to drop it causing the rest of the weapons to fall over as well. The crash echoed throughout the small overcrowded forge earning a surprised grunt from Gobber. The girls gave each other a scared looked before dashing out the door just as Gobber turned to look at the fallen pile of weapons.
"Huh, thought I put tha weapon on top."
"Ok…..new plan…stay behind me and keep yer wand out, ok?" Merida huffed out as she placed the quiver over her shoulder and took out a single arrow. "I should be able ta shoot ta dragons off course, but let's not rest on tha."
"Ok….but um….I didn't bring my wand…." Rapunzel gulped as prepared herself for Merida's scream. Said red head turned around in disbelief before groaning heavily.
"How culd yer not brin' ya wand?!"
"I just thought I wouldn't need it! I'll….I'll take this frying pan instead!" Rapunzel cried as she picked up a iron casted iron pan that was conveniently laying on the floor—probably blasted out of one of the houses—and chuckled nervously at her friend. "It…it could help?"
"Ya stay behin' me ok?" Merida sighed as she rubbed her forehead wondering to Merlin why any witch could forget their wand. Rapunzel just nodded, holding tightly onto her frying pan before grabbing Pascal and placed him in her pocket her dress surprisingly had. "I think it'll be safer for you in here." Pascal squeaked in agreement as he curled deeper into the pocket until he couldn't be seen by either girls.
"Let's move out!" Merida cried as she aimed her first arrow towards an incoming dragon before pulling Rapunzel to the side as it thrashed painfully into the air, giving the girls a small opening to move towards the center of the village where hopefully they could find Stephanie.
"I hope we're not too late in finding her." The Hufflepuff witch muttered to herself, as she quickly kept up with Merida. But of course, nothing could ever go their way.
Elsewhere on the Island
"Holy crap, Holy crap, Holy Crap!" Stephanie cried as she ran away from a Monstrous Nightmare, trying her best to keep the child in her arms from falling but being only eleven years old, she didn't have much strength.
"Turn left here!" The child in her arm cried and Stephanie quickly complied, narrowly missing the dragon's talons. Stephanie barely managed to fit through a small alley where the dragon couldn't fit through…for now. Panting heavily, the muggle lowered her arms for the child to get off and let her get a couple of minutes to breath and catch her breath.
"I thought Dragons only went after livestock….not kids." Stephanie gasped as she shakily sat down and tried to stop her aching arms from shaking.
"They don't…..well usually. There was a dragon that supposedly took one of the villagers nearly a decade ago, but other than that there hasn't been a recorded dragon kidnapping since." The child replied as he took his helmet off, revealing his messy black hair. He had a cute button nose that would most likely go away during puberty, and he wore traditional Berkian clothing.
"Oh…..Well, I'm Stephanie by the way." The muggle managed a small smile as she extended her hand out for the child to shake. "And you are…"
"Gustav. And thanks for saving me back there." The child smiled as he shook her hand before a dragon's roar forced the children to look up. The Monstrous Nightmare they thought they lost was now looking down on them, taking a deep breath.
"Don't thank me just yet." Stephanie gasped as she quickly grabbed Gustav and pulled him out of the ally just as it lit on fire. "We need to survive the night before you can thank me!"
Despite knowing the dangers coming to the Island of Berk without any way to protect herself, Stephanie did not expect for Dragons to come to the island when it was coldest Berk could ever be. After all, they were cold blooded lizards and by nature they couldn't stand the cold.
She was prepared to go up against wizards—no one knew but she had an emergency Drought of Death potion if she was in near death danger—and she knew about the protection spell her parents placed on her if blood level dropped drastically or if any of the Unforgivable Curses were used on her. She was in good hands, but with Dragons….well considering that they were one of the magicalest—was that even a word—creatures on the planet; as the muggle saying goes, you fight fire with fire so dragons could only be fought by magic.
Which I don't even have an ounce of. Stephanie thought as nearly tripped on a nearby weapon as she and Gustav ran from the Nightmare before halting in their tracks as a new dragon—one that Stephanie hadn't even heard a description of—landed in front of them. It had an owl shaped head and instead of the normal two wings the dragons had, this one had four. It tilted its head towards them, growling—or was it grunting, Stephanie was too scared to even tell—before roaring fiercely at them.
"It's a Stormcutter!" Gustav shouted as Stephanie pulled the young Viking out of range as the dragon leapt at them—strange, it didn't try to burn them alive—before roaring loudly.
"Unless you know it's weakness, naming the dragon won't do us any good!" Stephanie shouted as they tried to lose the dragon. If she had looked back, she would have noticed the Stormcutter had tackled the Monstrous Nightmare saving them briefly, but of course, no one ever looks back when they were running for their lives.
"Deadly Nadder!" Gustav shouted once more, pointing ahead of them just as the dragon swung its tail.
"Hit the deck!" Stephanie shouted as the two of them jumped out of the way. However, once Stephanie recovered, she noticed that the little Viking wasn't with her anymore. She was about to call him out, but the feral eyes of the Deadly Nadder stopped her in her tracks.
"Um….you don't suppose you can let this muggle go?" The dragon roared loudly in Stephanie's face, pretty much giving her its answer. "I…um….I'm gonna run now…..AHHHHH!" Stephanie screamed as she narrowly dodge the Deadly Nadder's snap—she suppose she should be grateful that the dragons weren't breathing fire at her anymore—and ran further away from the center of the village.
"Did you hear that?" Jack shouted as he narrowly dodged a running Viking before said Viking was thrown off course by a Dragon's tail.
"All I hear is screaming, more screaming, and oh Dragon's roars!" Hiccup shouted, panting as he finally caught up to Jack, holding a shield close to his body. If there was anything he learned on his island, having a shield was sometimes better than having a wand.
"No, I heard Stephanie's scream just now. She's in danger!" Jack shouted, turning around frantically. "We have to get to her now!"
"But how!? It's kinda hard to find anyone in this warzone!" Hiccup shouted before a loud thump caused the two boys to look behind them. Gulping in fear, both Jack and Hiccup slowly backed up as they came face to face with a Monstrous Nightmare, growling loudly at them.
"Um….got any ideas how to take this one down Hic?" Jack chuckled as he shakily raised his wand towards the dragon, earning a snarl from the cold-blooded creature.
"Hate to break it to you…but you're facing one of the toughest dragons that only the best Vikings go up against…." Hiccup laughed nervously, gripping onto his shield even tighter. Oh Odin's ghost, out of all dragons to take interest in them, it had to be the one he always had to run from.
"Pretty much." Hiccup answered before both boys turned and ran just as the Monstrous Nightmare fired its liquid like fire at them.
"DO SOMETHING!" Hiccup shouted as he narrowly missed the sharp fangs of the Nightmare, cursing his lack of athletic-ness, and raised his shield just in time to avoid another attack from the dragon.
"WHAT? I DON'T EXACTLY KNOW HOW TO EVEN STOP A DRAGON!" Jack shouted back, before skidding to a stop as they realized they had just entered a dead end. "Um….you don't suppose you know any invisibility spells do you or anything to stop a dragon?" Jack asked as the two of them unconsciously stepped closer to the wall as the Nightmare crept slowly towards them, smirking as if he just caught two easy preys.
"No…I don't….." Hiccup gulped as the Monstrous Nightmare opened its glowing mouth as it prepared to fire another shot at them
"But I do!" Merida's voice echoed before an arrow made contact right between the dragon's eyes causing it to screech in pain.
"This way! Hurry!" Rapunzel shouted from a nearby alley, before grabbing Hiccup and pulling him out of the way. Jack quickly followed and he couldn't help, but laugh as he saw the dragon turning around in confusion once it recovered from Merida's attack. When he heard Merida talk about her skills with a bow and arrow, he thought she was exaggerating, but he was grateful that he was wrong.
"What the heck Merida?! You've been holding back on us haven't you?!" Jack smiled as Merida finally caught up with them, slinging her quiver over her shoulder. Merida puffed out her chest and wiped away a stray spot of soot from her forehead, spreading it even more.
"I was born thi' way. Tha was nothin'!"
"Well, then can you do it one more time, because I think he didn't appreciate being shot at…." Hiccup gulped as he pointed behind the group, just as the Monstrous Nightmare slowly crept up at them. Merida quickly took out another arrow and shot it once more between the eyes, giving the small group of children a chance to escape from the cold blooded fire breathing lizard once more.
"That was awesome Merida!" Jack laughed, dragging a struggling Hiccup while Rapunzel continuously looked behind them, holding her frying pan close to her again. "But um….how many more arrows do you have?"
"Um….'bout fer mor…" Merida chuckled nervously as she looked into her quiver. "It didn't com' with a lot…."
"We better save those then…" Hiccup panted, still struggling to keep up with the pace Jack, Rapunzel and Merida were going at. Hey, he was more of a stamina runner, not a fast paced one. "If we use all of them up now…..we won't have any when we find Stephanie."
"Gotcha….by tha way, have either of yer two located ta lass? Me and 'Punzie haven't had ta slightest luck." Jack shook his head, dodging a flying axe by a hair.
"Whoa that was close, but no. We haven't had any luck either. Although, I have a gut feeling that Stephanie isn't in the center of town anymore."
"What makes you say that?" Rapunzel asked before a familiar scream halted them in their tracks.
"LET ME GO! LET ME GO THIS INSTANT! I WOULD LIKE TO SPEND CHRISTMAS ON THE GROUND!" Looking up, Jack, Merida, Hiccup, and Rapunzel couldn't help but gasp as they saw a light blue with yellow marking dragon with a spiny tail carrying their friend in its talons, farther away from the village.
"STEPH! HOLD ON WE'RE COMING!" Jack shouted, sprinted after the dragon. Merida quickly pulled out another arrow and carefully aimed it at the dragon.
"Pra'per ta grab Steph, Jack!" Merida shouted as she let go of the Berkian arrow, letting it fly towards its target. She cheered happily as her arrow lodged itself on the leg carry Stephanie causing the dragon to let go of its intended meal—sending the dragon flying in pain towards another direction—and sending Stephanie plummeting to the ground.
"I got you Steph!" Jack shouted, pointing his wand towards the ground before uttering the spell he had been practicing with Elsa before break.
"Nix Acervum!" Instead of landing like a pancake, Stephanie tumbled into the abnormally large snow pile before slowing to a stop. Shaking the snow from her head, Stephanie laughed as she looked at the snow all around her before a body slammed into her.
"Don't scare us like that Steph!" Jack scolded his friend, while simultaneously checking for any wounds. "You're never allowed to go on your own in Berk again."
"Just this once Jack, I completely agree with you. But when did you learn how to make snow?" Stephanie asked, waving over the remaining three from their group.
"Oh, you know. It's just pure talent."
"Uh-huh sure." Both of them failed to realize that the dragon they thought Merida got rid of was now circling back, heading straight for the childhood friends.
"JACK, STEPHANIE, LOOK OUT!" Rapunzel screamed as the dragon above, swung its tail towards the two friends before breathing white hot fire at the three of them. Rapunzel and Hiccup quickly took shelter behind a weapon's rack while Merida rolled out of the way before pulling out another arrow and aimed it towards the dragon.
"We have to check on Jack and Stephanie!" Hiccup shouted over the dragon's roars and Merida battle cries. If it was any other situation, Hiccup would laugh at how Merida—a witch from one of the most prestigious wizard families—was a better dragon warrior than he or any of the students at Berk, minus Astrid. But this was not the time. "If they're even scratched by the Deadly Nadder's spike, it could mean the end for them!"
"Why?" Rapunzel cried, wincing as she heard the dragon roar in pain. Merida must have shot it in between the eyes again.
"The spikes are poisonous and without proper care, a person can die from them! That's why they're called the Deadly Nadder! Come on! Merida, watch out backs!" Hiccup shouted as he pulled Rapunzel out from their safety spot and ran towards the snow pile that was now littered with several Deadly Nadder spikes.
"Oh dear…." Rapunzel gasped as they stumbled into the snow and began digging into the snow to search for their friends. "Jack! Stephanie! Can you hear me?!"
"Jack! Jack! Stephanie! Oh Odin's ghost, please be ok, please be ok…" Hiccup muttered frantically as he spotted a small dot of red in the snow. "Please be ok. Please be ok—"
"Hiccup! I found them!" Rapunzel shouted, digging even faster as a small hand tried to grab hers. Once Hiccup joined her, they quickly uncovered Jack's body and a small portion of Stephanie's head. "Jack! Oh thank goodness you're fine—"
"Stephanie! You have to help her! She—she took the hit for me!" Jack cried as he helped the two Hogwarts students further uncover Stephanie. "I—I tried to block the spikes with my spell—but one went through and—oh god, she's bleeding all over. You have to help her!" Once they finished digging out Stephanie, they couldn't help but gasp as they saw a blood oozing from her side. The cut itself wasn't that deep but her face had turned deathly pale and she was shivering uncontrollably. "The cut isn't deep so why does she look like she's on death's door!?"
"It's the Deadly Nadder's poison….it's already in her system…" Hiccup muttered, wide eye as he felt Stephanie's forehead, heating up beyond what the normal human should even feel. "We don't have much time. We need to take her to—"
"Oi! Jack, Hic' Rapunzel! Look out!" Merida shouted causing three heads to turn. Running straight towards them was the Deadly Nadder itself, screeching angrily as it realized that it was being distracted from its food. Rapunzel paled considerably, clutching to her frying pan with a death grip while Hiccup was mentally going to several scenarios where at least one of them would survive, but Jack surprised them both as he stood up and pointed his wand at the dragon.
"Jack! What in Thor's name are you—"
"You said you needed to get Stephanie to someone, so I'm going to buy you time! I'm not going to let her die here. Hey! You want a piece of me!" Jack screamed as he ran towards the dragon, flinging snow right at its face, halting it in its tracks. Seeing what Jack was trying to do, Merida quickly grabbed some broken pieces of wood and teamed up with Jack to distract the dragon.
"They're….so brave…" Rapunzel muttered as both Gryffindor and Slytherin dodged the dragon's fangs and spikes.
"Then we better get Stephanie to our healer, Gothi. Come on, help me carry her." Hiccup groaned as he wrapped his arms around Stephanie's torso while Rapunzel quickly grabbed her legs. However, they weren't accustomed to carrying a heavy load and got only a couple of steps before they had to stop. It also didn't help that the moving opened Stephanie's wound causing her to bleed out even more. "At this rate, she'll die of blood loss before the poison gets to her." Hiccup cried as he ripped the bottom part of his tunic and placed it on her wound. Despite being a frequent viewer of blood, seeing it on a person he knew who actually was more frightening than he thought.
"Can't you like call her over or something?!" Rapunzel cried, nervously playing with her fingers as she saw Hiccup's shirt slowly getting soaked in Stephanie's blood. She knew she could help Stephanie, she knew she could—her mother said her hair could heal anything—but she was still scared about the reactions she would get from her friends. Would they shun her away like her supposed blood family did and she end up alone in Hogwarts? What if they decide she was too much of a freak to even let her go back, or worse—decide that she was just unsafe overall and kill her instead?
"M-my wand work is horrible and with all the dragons flying above us, it would be nearly impossible for Gothi to even see the flare—duck!" Hiccup shouted as he pulled Rapunzel down, just as another dragon swoop down at them. "We need to get out of here and find some shelter otherwise…I don't even want to think otherwise actually…."
"You mean….she….Stephanie…"
"She'll die at this rate….oh gods, why do I suck at magic! A simple levitating spell would have worked for us right now! Wait! You can do that right—"
"I…I didn't bring my wand with me. I thought it was just going to be a simple dinner!" Rapunzel cried, tears streaming down her face. "Oh no….she's going to die…."
"N-no she won't! I mean, it's possible…oh gods I honestly don't know what to do in this situation!" Hiccup screamed in frustration as he slammed his fist into the grass. For once his nickname on the island suited him, and there was no one to blame but himself. Maybe if he had practiced more like his father wanted instead of giving up, he could at least perform a simple spell. A simple spell that would save Stephanie's life. "I'm useless…so useless!"
Rapunzel looked hopelessly at the scene in front of her. Hiccup was a shivering mess, his eyes watering as he looked at Stephanie's still form. Behind him, Jack and Merida were trying their best to make sure the dragon stayed distracted, but Rapunzel could see the two of them weary and they sported multiple bruises and scratches.
"They're only staying because they think we can get Stephanie to safety…"Rapunzel whispered to herself as she grabbed onto the hem of her dress tightly. "And we can't get her out of here…and the only way to save her is….but….can I do it?"
"Oh no, the poison is in its final stage!" Hiccup cried as Stephanie's eyes shot open and she began gasping for air. Rapunzel could feel tears streaming down her face as Stephanie's eyes locked onto hers, wide in fright and slowly beginning to lose focus. Was she really going to just stand by and watch as her friend die right in front of her.
"C-can't—I—ts—h—hu—uu—rt. Rapunzel could barely see her mouthing the words but she could hear it as clear as day, echoing loudly in her ears as if nothing else was going on.
Are you just going to let her die? Knowing that you had the power to save her? Just let her bleed out to death in probably the most painful way? And after all the research she did just to find more information on your supposed family. What a great friend you are.
"But mother….but mother…." Rapunzel gasped out as she pulled at her frantically as she heard Hiccup calling out to Stephanie. "What should I do?" A small squeak from her pocket caused Rapunzel to look down. Staring up at her with kind eyes, Pascal placed a comforting three fingered paw on her leg and squeaked softly once more, this time eyeing towards Stephanie.
"You…you don't think….they'll hate me?" She asked as she shakily began undoing the braid Merida's mother had crafted. The small reptile merely shook his head before he jumped down and climbed onto Stephanie's shaking body, surprising Hiccup as he sat down on her chest.
"W-wha—Pascal! Get off of—"
"Hiccup!" Rapunzel cried, surprising both herself and Hiccup at how clam her voice was at the moment. If anything, she was felt like puking and running away to her house where she could hide underneath the covers of her bed from this nightmare. But she couldn't….no she wouldn't not when she had a friend to save. "I need you to help me wrap my hair around Stephanie's wound."
"Wait what? Now's not the time—" Rapunzel finally finished unbraiding her hair and threw a large chunk of it at him before he could finish his sentence.
"I can't explain everything, but this is the only way to save her!" Rapunzel shouted, her arms shaking wildly as she wrapped her hair on Stephanie's bloody wound. "Just….please….trust me on this….I don't….I don't want Stephanie to die either…." Hiccup merely stared at Rapunzel as she wrapped her golden hair around Stephanie but once her fingers reached Stephanie's wound, she began to shake uncontrollably again, no doubt in shock at touching blood for the first time. Hiccup took a deep breath and took the remaining strands of hair and finished looping the hair around Stephanie's body. Looking at the muggle, he noticed Stephanie eyes began glossing over and if they waited any longer, whatever Rapunzel's plan was to save Stephanie would be for nothing.
"So…what now, Rapunzel?" Hiccup asked one the hair was securely fasten around Stephanie's body and Pascal sat on top of it, squeaking and nodding to the shivering Hufflepuff.
Rapunzel had to take several breaths after her hand came into contact with Stephanie's blood. It was the first time she ever felt the body fluid and she wasn't eager to touch it again. However, Hiccup's voice and Pascal's squeak brought her back to reality and she saw that her hair was now in position on Stephanie's wound. Taking one last breath, Rapunzel held onto Stephanie's hand—a lot colder and clammier than before—before she looked at Hiccup.
"Just promise….after everything is over….don't think I'm a freak." She whispered before singing out the lyrics she knew by heart.
"Flower gleam and glow, let your powers shine,"
Hiccup let out a gasp as he saw Rapunzel's hair blow bright gold, sparks of magic flowing down from her scalp to the rest of her hair. He looked at Pascal for a confirmation that he wasn't going crazy and only say him with a lazy smile before nodding towards Stephanie's wound.
"Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine."
Looking down, Hiccup saw that the magic had finally reached the wound and was swirling around it, healing the physical wound while some of the magic disappeared inside—probably healing the deadly poison in her system.
"Heal what has been hurt, change the fate's design."
Slowly Stephanie's color returned to her skin and her breathing finally calmed down. In fact, her eyes were no longer scrunched up in pain. If the Ravenclaw didn't see the muggle bleeding out in front of him, he would have thought she was just sleeping. Looking up, Hiccup saw Rapunzel's face much more relaxed than it was just a minute ago and it sounded like she was nearly finished with the spell.
"Save what has been lost, bring back what once was mine, what once was mine."
Finishing the song, Rapunzel opened her eyes—she did have a habit of closing them whenever she sang the song—and smiled in relief as she saw Stephanie looking healthier and blood no longer flowing from her wound….although most of it was on her hair.
"Rapunzel…wha—how did—" The blonde witch nervously looked up to her friend expecting a face of disgust for fear, but instead she was met with shock and then relief. "Y-you saved Stephanie! You saved Stephanie Rapunzel! You're amazing!" Rapunzel could feel her cheeks reddening in embarrassment and relief. It seemed that her initial fear of being rejected by her friends was all for nothing…Hiccup accepted her and….it felt wonderful.
"Well…I'm…um…it was…nothing really…" Rapunzel stuttered, still blushing profoundly as she hastily began untangling Stephanie from her hair. However, a hand on her shoulder stopped her and she was met with an even brighter smile Hiccup usually showed.
"Seriously Rapunzel. That was….words can't even describe how awesome that was. I never knew you were capable of such powerful magic!" Before the blonde witch could even say a word, a groan coming from Stephanie alerted the two and they watched in relief as her eyes fluttered open.
"Ugh…wha—what happened? Why do I feel so sore all over?" Stephanie groaned as she sat up before hunching over, slapping her hands over her healed wound. "Wha—I could have sworn…wait Pascal….Rapunzel….Hiccup?" Stephanie asked as she finally noticed all of her friends sitting around her—or on her in Pascal's case. Rapunzel couldn't hold it in anymore; she let out a sob before hugging her muggle friend tightly.
"Oh thank god you're alright!" Stephanie frantically looked at Hiccup as Rapunzel continued to cry into her should, but the Ravenclaw merely gave her a relieved grin as well. Before she could even say anything, Jack's terrified yell snapped their attention away from the brief reunion.
"Watch out!" Looking back, Hiccup, Rapunzel, and Stephanie paled as another Monstrous Nightmare came rushing at them, talons out and ready to snatch them and take them far away from here.
"Oh shit." Stephanie whispered as the three of them quickly stood up and tried to make a run for it. However, since Stephanie had just come back from the brink of death…well her legs weren't exactly cooperating with her at the moment. Hiccup and Rapunzel quickly took each of Stephanie's arms and tried to help her walk, but at the slow pace they were going, it looked like all three of them would become dragon's food.
"HICCUP, STEPHANIE, RAPUNZEL!" Jack screamed once more as he saw the large flaming dragon descending faster upon the three young children. If he wasn't busy trying to hold up Merida, he would have ran after the dragon and send an avalanche of snow on it, but he was still trying to find off the Poisonous dragon.
"No!" Merida cried as they heard the screams of their friends before the dragon was suddenly flung to the side. Both of them stood stupidly still as they wondered how the three of them managed to swat away a dragon before they noticed or rather heard a thunderous battle cry entering the field. They watched in fascination as Hiccup's father bare-handily punched and kicked away the fire breathing lizard.
"Whot in Merlin's name…" Merida gasped as she let go of Jack's arm, feeling a bit better to stand on her own. "Takin' a dragon without a wand?!"
"That is….a bit scary…" Jack chuckled nervously as other Vikings followed their chief and began clearing out the area. A screech behind the two Hogwarts students caused them to turn around, just in time to see the dragon they had been fighting minutes ago, flying away with most of the dragons. Soon they were surrounded by the adults and the screeches of the dragons diminished before it vanished completely, indicating that the Dragon raid was finally over.
"Jack! Merida!" Stephanie cried before ramming into the two young wizards and held onto them tightly. "Thank god you're alright!"
"Hey I can say the same thing to you!" Jack laughed as he hugged his childhood friend equally just as tight. "I thought you were a gonner…"
"I would have been if—"
"HICCUP!" Stoic's voice bellowed out, freezing all the children in their place as they slowly faced the chief of the tribe. Even though he probably faced several dragons that night barehanded, he didn't look the least bit injured or winded. His clothing suffered a bit of damage adding to the ruggedness to his look and every single one of them had the decency to wince at his thunderous voice. "What did I tell yer 'bout leavin' ta Great Hall?!"
"I um….not to leave it, but Dad—" Hiccup tried to get another word in but with a wave of his wand, Stoic silenced his son with a silencing spell.
"Exactly! Not ta leave it!" Stoic growled as Hiccup tried to speak, but no words came out. "Why can't ya follow taa simplest ordas?"
"Because he wanted to make sure I was ok!" Stephanie shouted, surprising everyone in the vicinity. All the Vikings muttered amongst themselves wondering if the muggle girl had gone mad and how would their chief react to it. As the gigantic Viking opened his mouth to speak, Stephanie beat him to it. "I read about Berk before coming here and I knew about the possibility of dragon raids. While I may not have an ounce of magic in me, I know my history enough to prepare myself for the worst. Dragons come out at night and usually during the warmer times of your island even though that's still cold by muggle standards. But it's not like animals consistently follow a schedule so I should have known that going outside on my own in a dragon infested island was a bad idea. Yet I did so anyway. If anything, I'm the reason why Hiccup, Jack, Merida, and Rapunzel went after me….don't get mad at them for trying to protect me…" Stephanie finished meekly as she hunched in on herself as Stoic's glare remained on her before he sighed heavily, rubbing his thick red eyebrows.
"Yer all lucky tha ya didn't get hurt."
"Hiccup made sure to tell us which dragons were more dangerous and how we should avoid them." Jack spoke up, earning a shock stare from the Ravenclaw's father.
"Not to mention….he um...acted very calm when we were panicking." Rapunzel muttered, specifically excluding the part as to why she was panicking. If they found out that Stephanie had been poisoned they would want to know how they cured her without the local healers getting involved. Even though she knew Hiccup and Stephanie would likely keep her secret, there was no telling what the adults would do to her.
Waving his wand once again, the chief of Berk lifted the silencing spell off his son and looked at him straight in the eyes.
"Is tha true Hiccup?" Fiddling with his fingers the young Ravenclaw began stumbling over his words.
"Well, um they are um…"
"Hes bein' modest sir." Merida spoke up wrapping an arm around his shoulder, "Yah son made sure we weren' gonna be dragon food." She gave the scrawny Viking wizard a bright smile before the rest of the Hogwarts students plus Stephanie gave reassuring nods. Sighing heavily, the Chief merely gave his son a nod before turning to his people and barking out orders to begin reconstruction.
"Well…I think that went better than expected?" Jack asked as Hiccup's legs finally gave out on him and if it wasn't for Merida, he would have fallen to the floor.
"He….he nodded at me…"
"Yeah, although I think a little bit more words would have been more thoughtful." Stephanie sighed as she clung on to Rapunzel, still exhausted from the Snoggletog adventure.
"He nodded at me…"
"I think tanight's expirence got ta him." Merida chuckled as she motioned Jack to help her carry their lightweight wizard towards the Great Hall.
"Yeah no kidding. Although…..I think we all should be heading back now. It's nearly eleven and I'm pretty sure our parents are going to start wondering what happened to us." Jack chuckled before he bumped into Rapunzel and Stephanie. "Hey why did you guys—"
"Oh yes. Your parents are definitely wondering where all of you have been." Jack paled as he heard his neighbor's voice and shyly looked up to see the disappointed face of Stephanie's mother along with the Chief and a woman with long brown hair tied neatly into two braids.
"Mom….um….what a surprise to see you?" Stephanie chuckled nervously before wincing as her mother turned her glare towards her instead. "Right….shutting up…."
"Maybe it wouln't have been ta bad if ta dragons ate us…."Merida gulped and Jack couldn't help but agree with her. After all, nothing could face the wrath of an angry and upset mother. No matter if they were a witch or a muggle.
"Would the word…shit…apply to this situation?" Rapunzel asked Stephanie innocently who paled even further as her mother gasped at the word the blond witch used.
"Yeah…..cuz I'm in more trouble….."
Jack held his head low as Stephanie's mother and father calmly walked him towards the Hogwarts Express and none of them spoke a word. Ever since that fateful day on Berk, all four friends—excluding Hiccup surprisingly—had been grounded for the rest of the break and some of spring break as well. None of them could even owl each other for the rest of the winter break and despite living right next to Stephanie; Jack wasn't even allowed to see her. His parents were beyond furious at him for bringing along Stephanie who couldn't even defend herself although they were proud at him for trying to protect her. That earned him enough points that he wasn't completely banned from Quidditch. He just couldn't play the next two matches and let's face it. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff weren't exactly the toughest teams to beat.
"I'm pretty sure your mother already told you, but Stephanie won't be owling you at all his semester for the trouble she caused over at Hiccup's place. And you shouldn't owl her anything either. She'll be doing her muggle studies instead of helping you with your history projects."
"Oh…you knew about that as well?" Jack chuckled nervously as Stephanie's mother gave him a raised eyebrow. "Right…parents know everything…"
"Just please try to see it from our perspective Jack." Mr. Bennett sighed as he helped Jack unload his trunk into the cargo hold. "Stephanie is a muggle despite having a wizard family and because of her status, she can't protect herself as you could if you were placed in the same environment. For instance, you saved her from the dragon didn't you? If you hadn't been there….Stephanie would most likely have been taken away or eaten."
"Yeah…I know….but I just feel….guilty that she knows so much about the wizarding world than I do that for her not to experience it firsthand….it must be pretty painful..." Jack sighed as he turned to face them. "That's why I thought it would be cool for her to come as well. She always wanted to see Berk and normal cameras don't work in magic environments so I couldn't send her pictures…I just….wanted Stephanie not to feel left out you know?"
"I know, but sometimes you have to think about the safety of others as well Jack." Mrs. Bennett sighed before giving him a small smile. "Now, you better meet up with your friends then. And make sure to stay out of trouble for the rest of the semester alright?"
"Ok….bye Mr. and Mrs. Bennett. And….don't be too harsh on Stephanie…she's just….wants to feel that she's….she's someone you can always count on…." Jack sighed as he turned around and jumped into the train just as the conductor began shouting for last minute passengers to board as well. It didn't take long for the Slytherin to find an empty compartment and he waited for his friends to arrive.
"So yer still alive then Jack?" Merida's voice grumbled as she threw a bag into the compartment, scaring Jack momentarily before she sat across from the muggle-born boy.
"Surprisingly, yes. Although I got off a lot lighter than Stephanie did."Jack chuckled nervously. "What about you? Did you have um…" Merida's glare made Jack hesitant to finish his sentence. "Fun?"
"Gee? Wot made yer think tha?" Merida growled before she stubbornly crossed her arms and stared out the window, before making a face. "Stupid rules…."
"I um hope I'm not interrupting anything?" Hiccup hesitant voice caused the two children to look up, one in anger and the other in relief.
"Not at all! Come on! Sit! Sit!" Jack cheerfully cried as he pulled Hiccup into their compartment and forced him to take his spot as he sat just a bit further away from the angry red head. "So how has your break been?"
"Um…should I not mention about winter break?" Hiccup meekly asked as Merida turned her glare towards him instead. "M-merida seems to—"
"Mah Mum tasided ta band meh from quidditch!" Merida screeched, scaring the two boys as he proceeded to punch her carry-on bag out of anger. "Ta one thin' I'm good at and she bands me from it! AUGGHHHHH!"
"Where's Rapunzel?" Jack fearfully asked as he clutched onto Hiccup for dear life as the other gulped. "She's the only one who can calm down Merida!"
"I don't know…the train's already moving so perhaps she found herself another compartment? She's pretty popular in her house." Hiccup whispered back as Merida continued to rant about the unfairness she had to go through because of her mother.
"It's going to be a long ride back to Hogwarts…"
"I understand the circumstances Ms. Gothel so we'll allow your punishment for Rapunzel." Professor Lee sighed as Rapunzel's mother glared ferociously at her from the small opening of her door. "But you must understand that by next week, we'll be coming back to take her back to Hogwarts. As I said before, you're not able to teach Rapunzel magic and without the proper education, she could accidently reveal her magic to the muggle community.
"Fine….but I want her back here every weekend until the semester is over. She needs to learn that what she did was not only reckless, but idiotic as well. Going behind my back to see her friend for Christmas. If she had told me in the first place, I would have let her go."
"Its sadly part of growing up." The Hogwarts professor chuckled nervously, "I've seen my fair share of children and teenagers rebel against their parents and face the consequences. But I'm sure your daughter will learn from her lesson."
"I hope so," Gothel sighed dramatically. "I don't want my daughter to become a trouble maker; she's too kind and would get into all sort of trouble."
"Well, I'll bring Rapunzel's homework all by the end of this week so she'll have the weekend to finish them before she returns to Hogwarts. Make sure she doesn't do any magic outside of this house alright?"
"Don't worry, I'll take extra precautions." Gothel sighed as she closed her door on the witch, smirking happily as she heard the familiar pop from Apparition. She hummed quietly to herself as she pranced into the kitchen to finish up the homemade breakfast for her daughter as she slept in for once. It only took a couple more minutes before Gothel heard the soft thumps of her daughter's slippers before a small voice squeaked.
"G-good morning mother…"
"Good morning my golden flower. Did you sleep well last night?" She asked as she flipped the pancakes before they could burn, leaving them a perfect golden brown color. She watched as her daughter hesitantly pull back a chair on their dining table before she finally answered.
"It was…ok…"
"I see. Well, you mother has to go to work until late tonight so I made you lunch and dinner." Gothel smiled as she placed the finished pancakes onto a plate before placing it front of her daughter. As she turned around, Gothel silently counted down from three and once she hit one, she heard her daughter sniffle.
"Mother…..I'm really sorry….I really am. I shouldn't have gone off like that on my own…" Turning around, Gothel gave her daughter a gentle smile before placing a kiss on her head.
"I know you're sorry my Golden Flower, and I forgive you."
"Then….can I go back—"
"However, you still need to understand that every action has a consequence," Gothel quickly interrupted her daughter, narrowing her eyes as she brought up the same topic ever since she named her daughter's punishment. "You'll be staying home for a week before you're going back to school and even then, you'll be coming home every weekend so I can keep an eye on you."
"But…..yes mother…"Rapunzel sighed heavily as her mother gave her "the look" and silently ate her breakfast.
"Oh darling, don't be mad." Gothel cooed as she gave her a hug. "I know you love that school, but you have to understand what a scare you gave me when you came back from that….island with dirt and a bit of blood on your hair. I had to do something to make sure you won't do something that reckless again."
"Yes mother….I understand. It…it was pretty terrifying, but at least Stephanie helped me get over it." Rapunzel nervously chuckled as her mother gave an expiated sigh.
"That girl. Honestly. What was she thinking? And she's a muggle on top of it. I don't want you near her any more. She's a bad influence on you." Gothel growled as she remembered meeting the black haired girl when her parents brought her daughter home. Had her parents not been there, she would have shouted profundities at her and give her a good slap or two for endangering her daughter. Not to mention, that girl was a bit more perspective than most witches and wizards and could easily find out her secret with Rapunzel. She knew her daughter had help finding out information from that damn photo and the only one she would have turned to would have been that girl.
And I don't want to lose my Golden Flower…not yet.
"But mother! She's a good person! She just wanted to see Berk like I did—"
"That's enough Rapunzel! I don't want to hear any more! If I tell you not to see someone, I mean it for your own safety!" Gothel shouted, before sighing heavily as she saw her daughter's scared face. "Oh now I'm the bad guy…" Rapunzel said nothing as her mother turned her around so she was facing her mother who gave her a pained look.
"I just don't want you to be hurt, my precious flower. You must understand that. You're my only child and every parent is scared of losing their child. Look what happened when you went to the island. You were nearly killed and if it wasn't for your friends knowing magic, I'm sure you would have been eaten. That girl knew that without magic she would be in danger, but she still went anyways and nearly got herself killed. I don't want you to be like that, just diving into situations without any common sense." Rapunzel nodded at her mother, as she gave her a hug."
"I won't mother. I promise" Letting god of her daughter, Gothel placed a strand of golden locks behind her daughter's ear and smiled as she poked her nose.
"I hope so, as you saw on that Island, magic is dangerous and terrifying and if I could, I would hide you forever from it, but alas, I can't teach you the basics you need to know." Gothel sighed as she grabbed her purse and car keys. "I'll be back around ten thirty. Don't wait up for me darling."
"Yes mother…have a good day at work." Rapunzel smiled as she waved good-bye to her mother as she left the house, leaving Rapunzel alone in their two story house.
"It's a lot quieter than I remembered huh Pascal?" Rapunzel muttered to her reptilian friend as he crawled through her hair just to stand on her table. "Or maybe I'm just used to the noise in the common room and Great Hall?" Her reptilian friend merely squeaked causing the blonde witch to sigh heavily.
"I really wish I can go back to Hogwarts….it's really lonely back here."
And that's a wrap. Wow, it's a lot less than what I usually write but I just couldn't come up with anything else in this chapter. So the next chapter, things will start to get interesting with Rapunzel and she'll finally start questioning her mother and the secrets she's holding. Not that it'll happen that quickly but you get the gist. Anyways, my OC character will be out of commission for a while (I mean if you were muggle and went behind your parents back to visit an awesome magical island and got hurt, you would be grounded probably until you're a teenager) So she probably wont reappear for a good while. Reviews, critics, Favs, follows are welcomed.