A/N: Hello, all! Here is the next Spobylicious chapter :) It does have some Spoby moments which I consider cute... It's kind of a disappointment Spoby-wise. But maybe you should just read it and find out what happens? That would be much appreciated. Oh, and maybe you would drop a review for me, too? I would really, really like that.

Chapter 6

The door creaked open... just a little. A blue eye peered into the tiny crack in the door. The brunette's chocolate brown eyes turned to meet that blue orb, and her heart broke just looking at it. She didn't want him to be at the door of her room. Well, her mental hospital room, that was. However, she couldn't stop him. He was coming into her room whether she liked it or not.

"Toby," she said, her whole body feeling uncomfortable. "What are you doing here?"

"I know... you sorta dumped me, I'm not really sure, last night, but I still have a job to do," he told her, sighing. "I'm still your guide."

"Oh, right..." she mumbled softly, shifting over. "Look, I don't think this arrangement is going to work out anymore. Not after what happened. I just don't think you're the right person to be my guide anymore."

"God, I was afraid this would happen," he said quietly, and stepped into the room for real. "I didn't want our break up to get in the way of the job, but... but if it makes you uncomfortable, I will talk to Eddie and get him to switch this. I'm more concerned about your health than our relationship."

"Thanks," she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "And yeah, you can tell Eddie that I want this to change. I want a new guide."

"Yeah, I figured," he said, a slight hint of sadness in his voice. "But maybe we could get through this session together?"

"This isn't a funeral," she snapped harshly, looking away from him. "I'm not trying to say goodbye to you. I want you out of my life without a goodbye. I have never been cheated on before, and it hurts more than I thought it would. I always thought the girls on TV were just being overdramatic when their boyfriend cheats on them, but damn, it hurts!"

"I wasn't cheating on you," he said. "Okay, can we please just talk about this?"

"There's nothing to talk about," she said.

"Spencer, listen to me!" he cried. "You don't owe me a goodbye. You don't owe me anything, actually. I should not have done what I did, but maybe you'll hear me out. That's all I'm asking. If you still want me to leave and talk to Eddie, I will."

"Fine," she gave in. "But, you have to walk away if I tell you to walk away."

"I know," he said, nodding his head. "After I'm done, if you want me to walk away, I will. And I won't come back. I'll leave you alone for good, and you won't have to deal with me anymore."

She nodded her head, and made space for him to sit.

"I visited her the other day at Radley, and she was doing a lot better than I expected," Aria explained, grinning as she walked out of Rosewood High School with her friends. "She seemed happier than usual. And I think I know why."

"You know why?" Hanna asked, super excited. "Oh my gosh, is she finally getting out of that nuthouse and coming home? I've missed her so much! It's about time she comes back to school."

"I wish, Hanna, but no," Aria said, sighing. "But, I still think the news is super-duper exciting!" She paused for a moment and glanced at both of her friends. "I think Spencer has got herself a super cute boyfriend!"

"Ooh-la-la, a boyfriend!" Hanna joked, ecstatic. "That's great, I'm so happy for her! How did you know? Oh, please don't tell me she's dating a psycho nut from the nuthouse who bathes like once a year."

"No, the boyfriend isn't gross at all!" Aria exclaimed. "He's a hunk, actually. When I was visiting her, I walked in on Spencer and the mystery guy in a steamy lip lock. It was so weird seeing her make out. And I saw the guy. He was super cute! Spence said that he's her guide at Radley. He's handsome and sweet."

"Sweet?" Emily asked curiously. "How do you know the guy isn't some two-timing jerk? It seems you're passing your judgment about him a little too quickly."

"No, Emily, I'm not!" Aria exclaimed. "He and I talked about Spencer. He wanted to get to know her better so he could converse with her and help her get better. He was super sweet. I told her all the things Spencer likes, and all of her qualities, weaknesses, anything I could think of. And I think that their small talk blossomed into some kind of romance!"

"Looks like Ezra Fitzy-Fitz has turned our girl Aria into an optimistic and overly-romantic teenager," Emily joked, and grinned. "You're like one of those overly-cheerful girls who spreads their joy around everywhere they go."

"Better to be an optimist than a pessimist, in my opinion, at least," Aria said, shrugging. "And Ezra didn't make me this way. This has always been me, as much as he is exactly like thy. Super romantic and hopeless." She let out a breathy laugh.

"That is out Englishy Ezra," Emily said, chuckling. She turned to her blonde friend, who was concentrating hard. "Hanna?" She rolled her eyes and said, "No wonder you haven't said anything in forever. Talkative Hanna left us. What are you thinking so hard about?"

"Spencer," Hanna responded, staring at the floor. "I miss her. So, I thought hard about it. I want to visit her, too."

"I didn't cheat on you, and I promise you that," Toby said, sighing. "I admit, I didn't think we really had a future. I liked you a lot, but I didn't think you wanted a relationship with me. And I didn't want to start something I couldn't finish. So, I made plans with Kate. But later that day, I saw you for our session, and we started talking... then I knew it. I knew that I'm willing to lose my job and reputation for you. I wanted to be with you. I still want to be with you! I just forgot to cancel my plans with Kate. Nothing happened between us."

She appreciated it, but she didn't know what to say. She still felt violated and hurt, but she didn't even know why! She sighed.

"I guess... I guess that makes sense," she quietly said. "But how do I know that you're not making up how you feel for me?"

"Because, Spencer, I'm crazy for you," he said, looking into her brown eyes. "I'm so crazy for you that I think I should be the one in Radley. You just have to trust me when I tell you that I feel so much when I look at you."

Her heart melted when she listened to his words.

"Toby..." she mumbled.

"Please, Spencer," he pleaded. "Please, give me a second chance! There will never, ever, be anybody else. There never was anybody else, actually!"

"Why did you tell Kate that I'm not your girlfriend, then?" Spencer asked, wanting to forgive him, but unable to do so. "Are you embarrassed of me? Did you not want her to know so she wouldn't cancel the plans?"

"No, no, of course not!" he cried. "I'm not embarrassed of you. I would flaunt you as my girlfriend to the world if I could, but I can't. I promise you, though. As soon as you get out of Radley, I will flaunt you as my girlfriend to the world to show you that I am not embarrassed of you... if you give me a second chance. And I don't care about Kate. If you want me to call her right now and tell her that we can never have anything, then I will. Only to show you."

"I'm not going to make you do that," Spencer said, sighing. "I don't know if I want to get back together with you, though. Something feels wrong to me."

"Then tell me what it is, and let me fix it. Let me make it right," he said, taking both of her hands. "What do you want me to do?"

"I think you should still tell Eddie that this arrangement isn't going to work," she said quietly, sighing.

"Oh..." he mumbled, feeling hurt. He got up from his seat. "Well, I told you that I would respect your decision and walk away if you told me to. So, if that's what you want me to do, then I'll go talk to Eddie as soon as I can. I'm assuming you want no goodbye, then?"

"I do want a goodbye," she said, and stood up as well. "I do forgive you, but... I just don't know about us anymore. Maybe we were crazy to think it would work between us."

"No, no, Spencer, it isn't crazy!" he cried. "We can make it work."

"I don't want you to risk your reputation. No one will ever hire you if they find out about us," she whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks. "You deserve better. To work with somebody who isn't crazy, and somebody who won't get you in trouble."

"You're not crazy. You're the least crazy person I've ever worked with," he said. "The only person I want to deserve is you! Please, you're worth more to me than my stupid freaking job!"

"Toby, please," she said, shaking her head. "Just let me say goodbye. You promised that you would walk away if I told you to."

He frowned. She was breaking up with him for his job? He didn't care about his job. He cared about her more, but he knew what he said. He would walk away if she still wanted him to, and she did. So, he had to respect his commitment.

"So... this is goodbye?" he asked, looking at her.

"Goodbye," she whispered, and hugged him tightly. "I won't ever forget you."

He glanced back at her with those beautiful blue eyes. She wanted to tell him to come back. She knew her stubbornness was a part of the reason she let him go. She wished she hadn't. She wished she told him to stay. She wished that she had just let him hold her. She wanted him to be her guide.

She wanted him to be her boyfriend again.