Felicity was chewing on her lip. Damn it. She hated not knowing what was going on. They didn't have their coms and she couldn't track the Arrow on the monitor. She felt blind and useless.

Diggle wasn't any better, practically sitting on hot coals. He wanted to go out there and help. He usually wouldn't mind watching over Felicity, on the contrary. He often felt better knowing she was all right. She had a slight talent of getting herself in trouble. But right now he had an odd feeling in his gut.

„We should call Roy!", Felicity exclaimed after several minutes of silence. She couldn't take this anymore.

Diggle shook his head, "Oliver still doesn't think he's ready. And I agree, he's not able to control himself. I would hate to see him do something he'd regret."

Felicity knew he was right. She knew, but she still didn't like it. It had only been eight minutes, but she felt like she had been sitting there for hours.

She sighed, not in the mood for arguing and fell back in her seat. Damn it.

The IT-girl still hadn't checked the data on the cloned phone. When she was in the bathroom stall she had realized that there was so much data, that it would take too long to transfer them from the cloning device to the phone she had brought and she didn't want to be in the bathroom for too long. That could have been suspicious.

That's when she had gotten Diggle's text about the alert that had gone off.

She needed the distraction, so she pulled out the device and the phone and watched the percentage of downloaded data slowly rise.

Time continued to pass, but no sign of Oliver. The two sidekicks were beginning to feel anxious.

The data was hardly at sixty percent and Felicity could see that it had already been over forty gigabyte. What the hell did this guy put on his phone? She was intrigued. Nobody had so many things on his phone. What kind of phone was that anyways? What kind of phone could store so much data? She would have to get one.

"This is not..", Felicity started, when the door of the car was thrown open and she shrieked.

"Oliver!", Diggle exclaimed. Obviously relieved to see the Arrow in one piece.

"What the hell happened?"

"Later," the Archer grunted as he got into the car and Diggle started driving off to the foundry.

Felicity gave Oliver a once over and realized the cut on his right thigh.

"That looks like it's painful," she said raising an eyebrow at him.

"I'm fine," he gritted between his teeth, but quickly changing it to a slight smile while looking at Felicity.

She was pale and had her lips pressed together, still eyeing him with a worried expression.

He had to admit he liked the way she worried and took care of him, but he didn't like her being miserable.

And she was. Felicity was always miserable when Oliver got back hurt, which was basically every other day. She hated it. Really, really hated it. But she couldn't change it.

"I was attacked," Oliver said out of nowhere.

Diggle let out a short laugh, "Yeah, we can see that."

"There was someone else there. He already caught the guys and then he attacked me with this," Oliver said, while holding out his hand to Felicity.

Felicity took the black object and inspected it carefully. It was small, only about four inches, with sharp edges.

"Is that a bat?", she asked with amusement in her voice. Somewhere in the back of her mind she had a connection already, but she couldn't pinpoint it yet. Somehow "bat" rang a bell, but what did she read, hear or see. Think, Felicity, think.

"Maybe. That guy was insane, with a mask, cape, black leather and everything."

"What did he want?", Diggle asked, looking over his shoulder to Oliver in the backseat after parking the car.

They all got out and made their way to the entrance.

"I don't know. I walked over to those knocked out guys and suddenly those things," he pointed to the object that was still in Felicity's hand, "come raining down on me like confetti. After that he knocked me down and when I got back up he was gone."

The Archer cussed and in the light of the streetlamp Felicity could see two other cuts in his shoulder.

"I'll see what I can find out about these things," Felicity exclaimed, running towards her computers as soon as they had entered the 'Arrow Cave' as she liked to call it. But never ever in front of Oliver.

She had another mystery to solve and was excited. She hardly even looked at Roy as he jumped out of her chair. Which was probably for good. No one sat in Felicity's chair.

It was like her throne, with a great view over the entire basement. And the salmon ladder.

Oliver was watching her as she was typing furiously and scrolling up and down the screen. He smiled. He liked the way she got when she was intrigued. She was focused, not realizing what was happening around her.

He sat down on the medical table as Diggle started stitching up his cuts.

"Thanks," he said shorty as John only nodded.

"Ha! I found it!", Felicity exclaimed loudly, spinning around in her chair, arms raised over her head.

He got up and walked towards her, "So, who is that guy."

Felicity smiled, "Well, it looks like we've got a visitor in Starling City. Let me introduce you to Gotham's vigilante, the Batman."

To be continued…

Hey guys,

I know it's been longer than forever, but maybe you'll

still enjoy this. J
