I had a snow day today, so I suddenly thought of a story having to do with the difficulties of winter and migration since animals do it anyways. And before you all start asking questions, I WILL continue writing A Ragtag Bunch, I've already got my Valentines Day chapter planned. This story won't even be as long. Just about 3 to 6 chapters. I hope you all will enjoy it!

And a very Happy (belated) Birthday to my loyal friend and follower MBSAVfan1!

Little Raz yawned as she rose from her bed woven of vines and twigs. She eagerly hopped out of her room, but shivered at the sudden draft that just blew in. There has been such a freezing winter these past few months that not even the winter animals can stand the summing weather. Not to mention there has been a serious struggle for food. Both predators and pray could never meet their regular diet plan, forcing them to eat what was left over. Over half of the population had to scatter, going in search of warmer climates.

Raz then ignored the draft, wrapped her blanket around her shoulders and hopped to the dining room where her parents and her brother Bryce were having breakfast, surprisingly, the family looked very depressed today.

"Morning Sheila," Hugh showed a small grin to his little girl. "Sleep well?"

Raz nodded happily and took the seat next to her brother as Louise gave her a plate of different assortments of seeds.

"No grass or eucalyptus leaves?" Raz asked sadly.

"Sorry darling, the freezing weather wiped out all the grass. Just be lucky that the seeds will last us for the winter." replied Louise sadly.

"Mummy, Daddy, what's going on?" asked Raz. "Why are you all looking so sad?"

"Raz." sighed Hugh really not wanting to break this sad news to his daughter but knew there was no point in keeping it from her. "This is really hard to tell you and we really hate to do this but this winter is getting very harsh for us and well, we, I, you…"

Louise stepped in front. "We'll have to migrate this year to a warmer climate." she finished for her husband.

"What?" asked Raz with tear-filled eyes. "You mean we're leaving home again?"

"Not permanently." Hugh reassured his daughter. "We'll just pick a warmer spot stay there for a couple of months and then come back here when the weather's better for us."

"But I don't want to leave, even if it is just for a while!" cried Raz. The home and friends that she's grown to love will be left behind now?

"Neither do we sweetheart but we have to do what's best for the entire family. It's snowing way too much now, our regular foods are frozen and the weather is a lot more colder than usual. In fact, half of the population scattered for the same reason we have to. I know this is hard for you but we really need to pack. We don't know exactly when we'll be leaving. Most likely today."

"No!" a sobbing Raz blubbered. "I DON'T WANT TO GO, YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!" with that, the little kangaroo took off and jumped back into her room.

Louise sighed at her daughter's reaction to the upsetting news.

"Darling," Hugh placed a hand on his wife's shoulder. "We knew she wasn't going to take it well. We'll just have to reassure her that it won't be as bad as it appears."

"I'll do it." offered Bryce. His parents didn't even question it, just nodded. They knew the special bond he and his little sister shared. He was literally the only being in the entire world who could actually reason with her. Louise and Hugh hoped that Bryce can actually convince her about how important it is for the family to migrate.

Poor Raz! The little sheila really isn't taking the fact that the family has to leave home for so long! Well her parents hated to be the bearers of bad news and having to tell her. Can Bryce cheer her up and make Raz understand the concept? Find out soon!