A/N1: Last Chapter :| So, Tell me what you thought of the story as a whole, and if you want suggest topics/ideas you want me to write.


Annabeth came tearing into my room at lightning speed, shouting "Percy, Racheal! I have an idea!"

"Racheal said something about being in her cave," Maia said.

"Come on," Annabeth said glaring at me, as if daring me to challenge her orders.

"I'm coming," I pouted and followed my girlfriend. Her grey eyes were analyzing the path in front of her and her blonde braid was messy but I didn't care a single bit about that, she was still beautiful and perfect in every other way possible.

Annabeth knocked on the door, after we realized that I couldn't do so without feeling a slight shocking sensation surging up through my body-the exact same thing that happened when a male knocked on Artemis' door.

"Come in," Racheal shouted, that was evidentially enough for whatever male-resistant shield Racheal's cave had to allow me to pass.

"I've got an idea, one of Piper's siblings came up with it but it just might work."

"I'm listening," Racheal told us. "As long as you're sure it can work."



So, Annabeth told us the elaborate, deceitful, and underhanded plan. It didn't surprise me a child of Aphrodite had come up with it.

The plan was this:

Racheal would pretend that she did go to an art camp and had met me when I was visiting my best friend there. Then she would pretend that I went to spend time with my girlfriend, RachealDare.

"Absolutely not!" Racheal shouted. "I'm not allowed to date! How'll I explain that to my dad?"

"Fine," Annabeth said. My guess is she couldn't come up with anything else so had asked people for advice stubbornly. "We tell him the truth."

"What?" Racheal and I both shouted.

"We're telling your dad the truth," Racheal.

"Fine, but it was your idea."

"I can live with that," Annabeth said and had her deluxe I-am-never-wrong look on her face.

Mr. Dare

My only daughter, Racheal, had been expelled for Clarion Academy for Girls and then run off to visit some of her friends. I thought they were a horrible influence on her: one of them had been the subject of a nation-wide man-hunt for near murder of his own mother, and dragged a girl along with him that had disappeared off the face of the Earth five years before. That had been when he was twelve.

I heard the doorbell ring and didn't bother to get up and answer it, one of the maids or housekeepers would do so.

I was right, they sent in three teenagers: Racheal; A raven-haired, sea-green eyed boy, who I recognize as Percy Jackson-or the boy who had nearly killed his mother; And the blond girl that had been with Percy, Annabeth Chase.

"Hello, Mr. Dare," Annabeth stated. "We have something to tell you."

"Yes?" I asked glaring, these children were likely part of the reason Racheal was expelled.

Annabeth sucked in her breath, her skin seemed paler than it was when I'd seen her in the video, and she seemed to be relying on Percy to do something about the situation. When he didn't she took charge.

"Well, firstly, the camp we go to isn't exactly and Art camp."

I raised an eyebrow, I already figured this part out as Percy refused to go to an art museum saying he didn't like art one bit.

"It's a camp for Demigods, you know half-Greek god, half-mortal or human if you are offended by the word mortal," Annabeth said.

I scoffed.

"It's true, dad!" Racheal shouted.

"Then why do you go, I think I'd be aware if my own daughter wasn't all-human."

She muttered something that sounded vaguely like No you wouldn't.

Then spoke loudly and confidently,

"I'm the oracle, the host of the spirit of Delphi. I relay the prophecies to the Greek world, meaning I help them know what'll happen during their quest. It tells them how many people will die. But it's too vague for them to prevent it."

"So," I asked, irritation dripping from my lips as I spoke, I had been in the middle of doing my taxes, and seeing how rich I really was. "You two are half-god, what god?"

Annabeth spoke up, "Goddess, actually," she explained. "My mother is Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle strategy."

"Yeah," Percy said. "No one needs to get into a fight with you, though you're just too distracting for me."

"Yeah. That's why you lose."

"How have I lost?" he asked. And finished cheesily, "I found true love."

Annabeth smiled, and they kissed, but didn't pull apart immediately.

I cleared my throat trying to get their attention. They pulled away from each other and Percy kept speaking.

"I'm the son of Poseidon, well the only half-blood child, that is."

"Wait, then shouldn't you two hate each other?" I asked. I was going by the few little bits of mythology I'd heard from Racheal when she'd been studying.

"Yeah," Annabeth said. "We don't, though."

I dismissed this as irritating and made them leave, and Racheal followed them never to return after shouting the final phrase:

"You can call them a bad influence all you want but they are more caring than you will ever be!"


After a week at camp we went back to Paul and Sally's apartment, our parents seemed more than just a little irate that we had left them to stay in a hotel for a week without any contact.

After they met Racheal and heard the story of what had happened a few days earlier they started to become more accepting to the demigod's way of life, realizing that they were just normal kids who by no fault of their own got thrown a short stick in life, quite often, which allowed Percy and his friends to open up more and teach us about the things that had happened to them. History actually repeating itself and the two wars they had fought in.

After learning about the second war-the demigods called it The Giant War, not because it was a big war because it was a war against the giants and mother Earth.- my mom learned that young love was a real thing and that after being with so much with anyone of course you would have strong feelings.

We moved n directly next to Paul and Sally, and saw an array of demigods come in and out. I fell in love with one, Nico di Anglo, and we had a joint wedding with Percy and Annabeth, as our kids grew up together we were all happy, all of our children became multi-lingual: speaking, aside from English: Greek, Italian, and even Latin.

We'd considered moving to New Rome but knew that home was where the heart was: so we stayed right where we were, living in the apartment I'd lived in since I was seventeen and the one Nico had encountered after so many monster attacks, fights with Persephone, and even a few mishaps with shadow travel being right next door.

A/N: There you go, a lovely happy ending for everyone. And I wanted Nico to be happy, have kids, and enjoy the people around him.

Thanks for reading.

Like I said at the top: If you'd like me to write something, ask.