A/N: My beloved crack baby for this franchise.

Maddie is crazy and Kitty likes that. Kitty likes disorder. Kitty likes chaos. Kitty particularly likes to be the cause of these things, but she can also appreciate them in their organic forms. Madness is one of the best causes for disorder, and Maddie Hatter fits that to a T. No pun intended.

Maddie is crazy, and crazy means disorder and chaos, and Kitty likes all those things, so by that logic, Kitty likes Maddie. Having never had a friend before (she watches from the sidelines, invisible, grinning), Kitty doesn't know how to approach her the "normal" way.

So she trips her. Invisible, of course.

Maddie is confused- more so than usual, at least- but she shrugs it off and attempts to stand.

"No, you're doing it wrong," a bodiless voice says and she is pushed back down by a nothing that has to be something.

A large grin appears, then a face to go with it, and a hand extended to help her up (the rest of Kitty's body appears soon after). Maddie is still confused, as she had been sure standing up after falling was the right thing to do, but she has been wrong about these sorts of things before and she lets Kitty help her up.

She opens her mouth to say "thank you", but she feels something light brushing her cheek. She thinks she has been kissed, but before she can ask- one can never be too sure- Kitty has vanished, body first, smile last.

A/N: heck, that was hard. I tried to imagine how Kitty would go about pursuing someone- usually I imagine Maddie being the one doing the pursuing- and it was a challenge, so I just decided to make this as chaotic as possible and hoped it would suit her character.