The next few weeks passed quickly. Sookie adapted beautifully to being a vampire. She was just as level headed as always. She also didn't need nearly as much blood as the usual vampire. Her people still had the same love for her they always did.
Godric and Sookie's relationship continued to build. There was a friendship there that made them perfect for each other. Eric was supportive, which was a relief to both Godric and Sookie.
There were still pressing matters, however. Sookie had to visit the Summerlands still. She was also on a hunt for Raegan. He had tried to kill her, and that had to be dealt with. They all knew that a good deal of the Water Fae managed to escape, and there was no doubt that he was seeking refuge with them. The hard part would be finding the hideout.
Sookie had amazing allies, though. Ones that were willing to literally go to war for her kingdom, and she was so grateful.
She was just finishing some paperwork in her chambers when the door opened quietly. Godric stuck his head in and grinned at her, asking with his eyes if it was a bad time.
She smiled back at him, and put her pen down, motioning for him to join her. He was a blur, and then he was at her back, slowly working the knots and tension out of her muscles. She was so stressed that even her vampire body was showing signs of it. Sookie groaned into his touch, rolling her neck to the side to give him better access.
Suddenly his hands stopped, and his lips replaced them. He worked his way down her neck, and she turned her head to face him and catch his lips with her own.
"Bed?" Godric asked, and Sookie nodded. He picked her up and deposited her on the soft mattress. He climbed up her body and resumed his ministrations.
At that moment, the Summerlands could wait, Raegan could wait, the damn paperwork could wait, because everything was right in her world.
A/N: Alright, well that's it for this story! This was just a short epilogue, but I promise that a sequel will be following shortly after. All of my readers have been absolutely amazing and supportive, and I'm so grateful to all of you for helping me finish my first full length story. I love you guys!