Hey, so it's SilverShadow8282 here, I always wanted SkyClan to reunite with the other clans so that is what I decided to do! Hope you like!


Leafstar awoke in a star-lined forest with the scent of her ancestors in her nose. The SkyClan leader was surprised to see the clan medicine cat, Echosong, standing beside her.

"Echosong?"She asked, concern lining her voice. "What are you doing here?"

The medicine cat glanced at her, worry clouding her eyes. "I feel that StarClan has an important message to tell us." Echosong murmured in reply, before looking at the ground again.

Before Leafstar could ask what she meant by that eight more cats appeared in front of them.

"Bramblestar, What are you doing here!" hissed a large tom with a pure white pelt other than his paws, which were pitch black.

An amber-eyed tom returned the glare from the white tom. "This is where StarClan wanted me when I fell asleep." He meowed calmly, although hostility glowed in his eyes.

A grey pelted she-cat stepped between the hostile toms, her light blue eyes bright with irritation. "Although your clans are fighting it does not mean you need to fight in StarClan!" she hissed.

A light brown tabby tom stepped up beside her. "Mistystar is right what would StarClan think of you two acting like kits in the middle of their forest." He meowed.

"Who are you?" hissed the white tom. "You clearly aren't part of StarClan."

Leafstar realized all four of the other cats were staring at her and Echosong. "I am Leafstar of leader SkyClan and this is my medicine cat, Echosong." She answered quickly, to prevent more fighting.

"What is SkyClan?"The light brown tabby questioned.

Before Leafstar could respond two toms appeared. Leafstar recognized both immedently. "Firestar and Cloudstar?" Leafstar asked after a moment, feeling her eyes stretched wide.

"Firestar…you're in StarClan?" she asked, seeing the stars entwined in his ginger fur.

He nodded. Leafstar stared in horror. "How, why when!?" she meowed, searching for an answer.

Firestar sighed "That is for a different time, Leafstar. Now I carry an important message that will affect all of the clans."

This time it was Cloudstar who speak "For those who don't know there was a fifth clan; SkyClan, StarClan has been sent a prophecy. After four become five a feather from the sky will save thunder, river, wind, and shadow, from the deadly breeze."

The cats gasped. "What? There have always been four clans!"Hissed the white tom.

"I am afraid you are wrong, Blackstar. SkyClan must journey to find the other clans. Leafstar, will you lead your clan? There is a gorge where you can live with a forest surrounding."Cloudstar explained.

"I will lead SkyClan." she meowed.