He-hey, guys! Sorry for being unable to update my other fics. So many thing going on. Anywho. I'm gonna steer away from my other fic (Tsuki, Vongola Undecimo A KHR FanFic) and instead give you guys this! A Elsa(Frozen) and Jack Frost(ROTG) fic! :D Hope you guys like it. Happy reading!

So, yeah. I'm a guardian now. People believe in me. They like me! I missed this feeling. The feeling that people see, hear, love and appreciate you. The feeling I felt not so long ago.

"We're gonna have a little fun."

Those words were the only words in my head when I fell into the freezing water of the lake nearby. How'd I fall down? Well, the ice was thin and I was trying to save someone. When I got a hold of her, I threw her to the other side of the lake, the safer side. Right after that, the ice beneath my feet shattered. Next thing I knew was my hair was white. That's not even the worst part. People couldn't see or hear me anymore.

"Hey! I'm right here!" I tried desperately to make them notice me. Nothing.

No one ever saw me ever since. Well, not really. That's what you thought, huh? Well, you're wrong. There was this girl. She was about my age, tall, fair skin, kind of skinny with white hair. She was the very first person to ever see me like this, as JACK FROST and not Jackson Overland Frost.

A year passed. I was wandering aimlessly around the world when I suddenly…

"Stop the cart!" I heard a woman's voice shout.

"Why, Your Highness? Is something the matter?" The guards asked.

I went closer to see what was happening.

"Didn't you see this young man you were about to hit?" She walked towards me and pointed at me.

To my shock, I stared at her. I didn't know there was someone who could actually see me! She scolded her guards as if she was their mother. But the guards acted as if I wasn't there. They couldn't see me. But how could she?

"Um, excuse me, y-you can see me? Hear me? Touch me?" I asked.

"Of course I can! What do you mean by that?" She said after poking me in my face.

I walked towards her guards to show her what I meant. I passed right through them, but they felt a slight chill up their spines. They shivered.

"What's the matter? Jack Frost nipping up your nose?" She asked them

My ears tingled with what I heard.

"What did you say?" I asked again.

"Jack Frost nipping up your nose?" She asked me.

"Yeah. You know him?" I said.

"Well, of course." She said.

"Excuse me, but, I don't believe we've met." I told her.

She looked at me, then laughed. She asked me what I meant. I said I was Jack Frost. She didn't believe me. I froze her guards. She looked shocked that time. Her eyes became serious.

"H-how did you do that?" She asked me as she reached for my stick.

"I already told you. I'm Jack Frost." I said.

She asked me to unfreeze her guards. So, I did. She was the queen, after all. Then, she pulled me into her cart. We talked.

"Show me again how you did that." She ordered me.

I froze the water in her glass. She was amazed. Or relieved.

"I never thought that there was someone else who could do that." She said.

"Someone else?" I asked.

She asked me if I could keep a secret. "Well, no one can see me but you so, I don't believe I have a choice." I said.

She giggled. Man, was she cute. Then she turned serious again. She showed me her powers. It was much like mine. She could control snow and ice like me! I was happy. In fact, so happy that I hugged her.

"Too tight." She said, blushing.

"Oh, sorry, Your Highness." I said as I let go.

"Elsa will do." She said as she tidied her clothes.

After that sweet but awkward moment, the conversation went back to her, our, powers. She told me what she had done with them. And so did I (I had very few experience with them). We talked and talked and talked and didn't notice that it was already dark and we were at their palace. We went out he carriage.

"So, uhh, I think I should be going now." I said as I walked away backwards, clumsily. I forgot I could fly.

"But you said you have no…" She didn't finish her sentence.

"Haha. It's okay, Elsa. The cold never bothered me anyway." I said as I flew away, smiling.

"Wait! Will I ever see you again?" She asked. "You make a good companion, you know."

"I can go back tomorrow, if you'd like that." I said.

"I'd love to!" She said enthusiastically. Then she blushed and said:

"I mean, that would be delightful."

I nodded and smiled. Then, I flew away. Well, kind of. I stalked her for a while before leaving. I wanted to know more about my new friend before I leave. I saw her dancing as she went in the castle.

"Elsa? Are you okay? Why're you dancing?" Her sister, Anna, asked.

"N-nothing, Anna." She said with a big smile in her face.

Anna looked at her suspiciously. She followed her. I tried if she could see me. I passed through her. And just like the two guards, she felt a cold sensation.

"Brrrrr." She said as she rubbed her arms.

"What's the matter, Anna? Jack-" She stopped speaking as she saw me.

"What's the matter, sis?" Anna asked.

"Can't you see him?" she asked as she pushed me towards Anna.

"Could it be? Jack…"


I interrupted her. Next thing I know, I was being interrogated. I mean, really. She was like a detective of some sort. She had an unlimited number of questions. They were so many that I was forced to stay in the castle.

I was woken up by the sweet smell of pancakes and syrup. The scent was all over the place. I had to find where it was coming from. I got up, picked my stick, and followed the scent. I followed it to the kitchen. There, I saw Elsa.

"Good morning, Jack!" She said merrily.

"G-good morning. Uh, don't you have maids that do that for you?" I asked.

She stuttered. "Uh. I.. uhh.. I wanted to try cooking and now's the best chance. You'll be the first to taste my cooking!"

I laughed at her and then went to the dining table. I was joined by Princess Anna not so long after. She poured her questions on me again. Man, was she talkative. But I didn't mind. I couldn't really hear her over the sound of Elsa singing in the kitchen. Yes. She was singing. I don't know but she wasn't what she said she was, very irritable, strict, quiet. Not at all! She was the complete opposite, for me, actually. She was jolly, happy-go-lucky, fun.

She served us the pancakes. Some of them were burnt. I didn't tell her. It was her first time, after all. I just ate them and no matter what the taste was (yes, each pancake tasted different), I pretended I liked it even if I didn't. Anna did otherwise. She told her sister how bad it tasted for her.

"Well, at least Jack appreciates them." She said as she placed her arms on the table, supported her chin with it and stared at me as I ate her pancakes.

"Wummeh." That's how it sounded when I tried to tell her it was yummy while my mouth was stuffed.

She giggled. Anna looked at her suspiciously again. I just ate and smiled because it had been a long time since I ate with people who can see, hear, or to say it in a simpler way, who know I exist.

How's the first part? Like it? If you do, or don't, don't hesitate in leaving a review. :D Stay awesome, peeps. Mian, out. :D