Hi guys, this is the first time I write something to TVD, since I just recently fell for Denzo/Damon I decided to write something short for this ship and share it! Alright, I just want to say that this is slight au, so when you find things that don't add up to the show it's supposed to be like that, or how to say… and excuse any mistakes in the text, I think that's all, enjoy?
I had now been in this awful 'prison' (prison is a too soft word, since people in prison don't get experienced on daily…) for about a year. It was easy to lose count of the days after a while, the pain take up most of your focus and the grip of reality and the outside world slip away from you. If it weren't for my 'cell mate' next to me I would have completely lost my mind. He was pretty much the thing keeping me sane at this moment. Without his company and 'advice' I bet I would have broken down by now. Enzo had been here all by himself before I arrived, and I can't understand what it was that made him keep moving forward. He had told me about the female 'assistant' he had referred as 'his one true love' during an convention we had in the past. But she left after she found out the horrible truth about this hell hole, I couldn't say I blamed her for taking off though. I had by many moments wanted to ask Enzo about what kept him sane after her absence. But it never felt right to ask him. Maybe he thought that one day he could escape and find her again, the idea almost made me laugh though, it could be many years till we'll ever be able to have a chance to leave. By that time she could be an old lady, maybe even married with family, or just dead. But of course I haven't asked the male about all this so I couldn't know what he was planning.
I hadn't told Enzo much about myself or my past, he knew I had a brother and that we wasn't on good terms, plus that I was trying to find the girl I loved. My history was longer and much more complicated but I didn't like to bring up the past, it was a bother, and I didn't see the point. In return I didn't know much about him either, I knew he fought in the war and was brought here, and about his 'crush'. But he really enjoyed speaking about her. He told me about the kind acts she had made, described her to me as detailed as he possibly could. Though I hated hearing about her. I got more and more annoyed for every time he spoke of her. He didn't seem to notice that she basically abandoned him. Enzo always talked with such a gentle voice about her, explainng how kind she was. But I didn't think she did what she did out of kindness, she pitied him, pitied the 'lab rat'. He on the other hand didn't understand that, and I couldn't tell him, I told myself I didn't want to tell him the cruel truth. So I continued to listen to his speeches about her, and the knot in my stomach grew bigger for every time, threatening to explode. He deserved better than her, and he sure as hell didn't deserve to be here in this awful place…
My vision was blurry,my cell seemd to be spinning and my whole body felt like it was on fire. Today the 'professor' had experimented with my brain, electrifying it, poking and burning, pulling the nerves. I could hear Enzo's voice calling for me, but he seemd so far away, and I was so exhausted. I sunk down to the dirty floor, dreaming back to an old memory, from my first few month's here.
Enzo and myself was sitting with our backs against the two sides of the shared wall, waiting to fall asleep. Though my friend decided to break the silence after both our attempts seemed to fail.
"You act like you're heartless and don't give a damn about anyone, but both you and I know that isn't true, right Damon?" He said in an amused tone, it wasn't really a question more like a fact. His way of saying it made it sound like he had me all figured out, and that was not something I quite frankly enjoyed. I hadn't told him much about myself, so why was he now basically saying he 'knew me'.
"Oh you might think 'and why's that'" he continued without waiting for me to answer him, "well that's because we're much alike you and I Damon" he fell silent for a moment. "We pretend like we don't care, like we're heartless monsters that just create chaos for fun. But we both feel emotions, when we want to or have to. We just don't want others to know we do, since that would make us weak and vulnerable, isn't that how it is Damon?"
"Well Enzo, you seem to have quite an insight on my personality here so you tell me, is that how it is?" I tried to make my voice sound as confident and sarcastic as possible, since his words had sent chills down my spine, he was dangerously close to the truth.
"Ah, yes… But we are very much alike, 'two sides of the same coin' as to speak" I didn't know what to answer him and he didn't seem to mind me not doing so. So we let the silence fall upon our cells.
"Damon!" Enzo's voice snapped me back to reality, his hand had grasped my own through the little hole that connects our cells. "Are you alright mate?" He sounded awfully concerned about me. "what did they do to you?"
"Brain" was the only thing I managed to mumble. But it was enough for him to get the point. He gave my hand a squeeze, which I guessed was an sign of comfort. My mind was moving slowly, my thoughts was confusing and I didn't know what was happening. They fucked me up good this time, the brain needed more time to recover than other parts on the body I knew that. I closed my eyes and tried to get a better hold of everything, with not much success. Enzo's was still holding on to me, like he was the one that held me from falling into the emptiness.
"Yeah they've done that on me before too, try to keep talking, it might seem stupid but it helps you to pay attention to something else than the pain"
"Talk about what?" I said.
I groaned in pain, I hoped he was right.
"What is it that keeps you going?" I said the first thing I could think of, and I already regretted saying anything at all. He didn't answer me, and I was just about to ask him to ignore my question, but he spoke up,
"The idea of becoming free from this place. Also some vengeance I guess. Maybe taking a few drinks with you wouldn't be that bad either…" I almost gasped out loudly from the information he gave me. Why was I-…
"You're about the only close person I got left, my family's long dead, my friends either died in the war or should be over 60 by now. We might not have known each other for that long but…" he trailed off,
"…but we're quite alike the two of us" I filled in silently. "But what about… her?" I knew he would understand who I reeferd to "not gonna try to find her?"
"Gah, I don't think so, she didn't even know I liked her, and by now she might have already gotten a family" he chuckled lightly like it was some sort of old joke. I let out a breath I didn't know I've been holding and felt the lump in my stomach slowly fade away.
"… I can hear your pulse rising, are you flattered?" Enzo purred and nugged on my hand in a teasing way.
"Am not" I felt my checks heat from embarrassment, this was not like me at all, why am I getting so flustered?
"You're the only one for me" I heard him whisper in a dark husky voice, and I stopped breathing all togheter. The other male broke out in an unsuspected laughter, "Boy, you sure are fun playing with Damon"
"Shut it, I'm not embarrassmest or anything, it's just my body trying to repair itself" I mumbled in a dangerous voice. I was afraid I had given my friend a new fun game to play.
"Aha, if you say so" was the last thing he said before the silence fell on us. Though he still hadn't let go of my hand, I didn't know if it was just my imagination but his grip seemed firmer and warmer than before.