Ollo guys~! Okay, I realized I had some big mistakes on this, so I fixed 'em all up! Nothing much different if you have read this before, any who, enjoy the story…

The weird part is I named this document on the doc manager: THIS WILL BE DELETED BY PROPERTY OF MY EPIC CAN OPENER PUNS

… don't judge me, I don't know why I named it that either :/ Continue reading though…

Inspired by:

Found In Love, a Soul Eater FanFiction; written by DeathByDarkness13

I'll fix the errors when I have the chance.

*I don't own the cover!*

The songs in the story are Darkness by Machine Head and Two Is Better Than One by Boys Like Girls.

Two Is Better Than One

(just recently updated to a two part one-shot)

"Is it over yet?" Natsu complained as he was slumped over a neatly arranged table in the middle of the gym.

Lucy sighed, "Natsu, you didn't even help do anything."

The boy shook his head, "I did. I tasted the food!" he stated.

Lucy mentally face palmed, "All of it…" she muttered under her breath.

"You can go now, Natsu. We have no more preparations to unpack for the Valentine's Day Dance tomorrow night!" Mirajane said to the rosette as she lightly tapped the young lad's shoulder; she quickly earned a, "FINALLY!" and the boy vanished into thin air.

Lucy sweat dropped, "He's fast."

"I wonder who's gonna be his date for the dance!" Mirajane pondered out loud as her index finger drummed on her chin.

The busty blonde scoffed, "Him? A date? Not in a century!"

Natsu strolled around the outside of the school, heading towards the front of the building to exit the so-called prison, and to enjoy the buffet across the block where his house was located with his cat, Happy.

He was wearing his usual clothes: a white T-shirt and gray pants, not to forget his trademark scarf. Nothing out of the ordinary.

He continued his short walk when he found a recognizable raven on the front steps of the academy. He was wearing his casual outfit: a button up shirt, dark loose pants, and a dark blue tie. The only odd thing was that the teen had a shiny wooden guitar in his lap as his lips moved, voicing out lyrics of a song.

Natsu's interest quickly piped up. Not ever has he seen his best friend and rival play a guitar before. He rapidly hid behind a pole, not far away from the dark haired boy. The tan boy stuck his head out from his current hiding spot and continued listening to the wonderful melody that ringed in his ears.

"I'm just a broken man, whose soul cries out to understand.

How the madness shatters me upon the stage on bended knee…"

Natsu listened carefully. The strumming of the guitar and the surprisingly smooth voice melted together making beautiful sounds.

"I scream out loud at skies above that answer mute bereft in love,

I struggle not to fall from grace; I sing the hymns of my disgrace…"

"I never knew he could sing…" Natsu mused in his head. He quietly tapped his fingers against the pole in a steady beat along with the song.

"We build cathedrals to our pain,

establish monuments to attain.

Freedom from all of the scars and the sins;

Lest we drown in the darkness within…"

The pinkette was awed as Gray ended the song abruptly while scratching his head. "Nah… too dark…" he heard the other mumble.

It was then that Natsu decided to make his presence known to the pale boy. "I didn't know you played the guitar," Natsu stated as he sat beside the raven.

Gray glanced at his friend with a surprised expression, quickly leaving and being replaced by a smirk.

"Not many do play the guitar, Natsu."

The said teen stared at the other, they hardly ever called each other by their true names. It was always 'flame-brain' this, or 'ice-princess' that.

"So, what are you doing here?"

The younger boy simply sighed and leaned back on his hands, "Lucy forced me to help her and the others finish preparing for the Valentine's Day Dance. She says that I need to do something other than eat food all the time…" he murmured the last part while Gray dryly chuckled. Natsu pouted.

"Anyways, what are you doing here, Gray?" he asked.

The other boy was taken back a bit by the name, but rapidly regained his cool facade. "Nothing much, I was asked by Levy to sing for the Valentine's Day Dance. She caught me with a guitar one time, and she's been persuading me to sing for a school celebration or dance ever since… I guess I just told her I would sing for the dance tomorrow so she could stop pestering me," he answered as Natsu made an 'o' shape with his mouth.

"I'm brainstorming for a song to sing right now… can't think of any," Gray murmured as he looked towards the rosette to see if he had any suggestions.

"How about the one you sang just now?" Natsu questioned.

The older male shook his head, "Too gloomy."

The tan boy pondered for a moment, "I've heard Lucy sing a song before… she kept singing it, the lyrics just got stuck in my head. What was that song again?!" Natsu asked himself as he rolled his eyes back as if trying to look inside his brain.

"I think it was… um… 'Two Is Better Than One'?" Gray said which earned him a light punch on the shoulder.

"Dammit, I was gonna say that…" Natsu mumbled as Gray voiced out a sarcastic "Ouch."

"Anyways, I think that would be a good song. Lucy's got those weird lyrics stuck in my head too. Now that I think back to the words, it does seem like a pretty romantic song for the dance," the raven started, "but it's a duet…"

Gray's eyes slightly widened, "Hey, flame-brain, can you sing the girl part?!"

Natsu was saddened that they were going back to nicknames, but didn't show it, the only motion he did show was a rapid shake of the head. "No way popsicle!"

The dark haired teen tried putting on his best puppy dog face while Natsu grimaced, "Fine, fine! Just stop it with the face… it's gross."

Gray laughed, "Okay, let's start." And with that, his fingers started lightly strumming the strings on the instrument he was holding.

"W-wait!" the pinkette interrupted.

Gray raised an eyebrow, "Eh? What is it?"

Natsu frowned, "Why do I sing the girl part?"

Gray returned the question with a frown of his own, "Just do it." He started strumming the strings of the guitar once more. The raven opened his mouth as words magically rolled out of his cold cavern.

"I remember what you wore on the first day,

you came into my life and I thought:

'hey, you know, this could be somethin'…"

Gray locked eyes with the other across him. His stomach was slowly fluttering at the last line. And was it also weird that he was remembering when they first met in elementary? He pushed the roaming thoughts out of his head for the time being. He smiled lightly as he continued to sing.

"'Cause everything you do and words you say,

you know that it all takes my breath away.

And now I'm left with nothing…"

Gray gulped down little saliva as his throat grew drier at the verses he just sang.

Natsu noticed the deep emotion in the pale teen's voice as he suddenly also grew butterflies in his tummy. He quickly tried to regain his posture as he joined in the next verses.

"So maybe it's true,

that I can't live without you.

And maybe two is better than one.

But there's so much time,

to figure out the rest of my life.

And you've already got me coming undone,

and I'm thinking two is better than one…"

Gray was surprised at the amazing voice Natsu had as he tried not to be distracted by the lovely melody. Their voices sounded amazing together, and they both wondered why. They both smiled at each other, neither of them noticing that they unconsciously moved closer to one another.

"I remember every look upon your face…"

The dark haired boy was very surprised now, probably even shocked to say at the least. The other male's solo was amazing, he even almost forgot to sing his next entrance.

"The way you roll your eyes,

the way you taste,

you make it hard for breathing…"

The orange sunlight cast pretty hues on their heads as they continued singing.

"'Cause when I close my eyes and drift away,

I think of you and everything's okay.

I'm finally now believing…"

By this time, their knees were touching. They didn't even notice as they smiled shyly at each other. The fluttering feeling in their stomachs rising to the limit.

"That maybe it's true,

that I can't live without you.

And maybe two is better than one.

But there's so much time,

to figure out the rest of my life.

And you've already got me coming undone,

and I'm thinking two is better than one…"

Gray strummed the strings with more confidence now. He glanced at Natsu who was wearing a big toothy grin on his face as one similar to his crept on his face. The strumming on his guitar played a softer tune as they encountered the bridge.

"I remember what you wore on the first day.

You came into my life, and I thought: 'hey'…"

The passion in their voices could've made anyone cry right about now. As Natsu's voice joined Gray's, he felt like he was a feather: weightless and free. He felt as everything in the world was finally right. Unbeknownst to him, Gray felt exactly the same.

"Maybe it's true,

that I can't live without you.

And maybe two is better than one.

But there's so much time,

to figure out the rest of my life.

And you've already got me coming undone.

And I'm thinking,

I can't live without you.

'Cause baby, two is better than one.

But there's so much time,

to figure out the rest of my life.

But I'll figure it out when all is said and done,

two is better than one…"

Gray slowly halt his strumming. Olive eyes connected with cobalt blue ones as something finally clicked into place. Their noses were touching as their eyelids drifted downwards.

Everything finally made sense.

Cupid's arrow has struck. And right before Valentine's Day. Who could've said it was a coincidence?

"Two is better than one."

The final note hung in the air as the distance between the two slowly shortened.

It was a sweet, simply kiss. As their lips touched, both could've sworn they felt electricity.

As they slowly drifted apart from each other, they were welcomed by comfortable silence as they stared at each other's orbs.

Gray broke the silence, "Never knew you could sing… flame-brain." The said person simply smiled.

"What… the… fuck… happened…" It wasn't a question as the tan lad chuckled afterwards which the raven gladly joined in.

They hugged each other while they intertwined their numb fingers; probably from not moving them too much while singing.

Gray got up as he slung the guitar over his shoulder using its strap. He held out a hand to the rosette which he accepted quite eagerly. They stared off into the sunset as silence once overtook them again.

"Do you wanna sing with me tomorrow? At the dance?" the raven questioned while the pinkette nodded his head.

"Only on one condition though," Natsu said as the other had a confused expression plastered on his face. "Be my date."

Gray simply chuckled as he brought the other into a hug once more. He slowly backed his head a bit so he could kiss the other's forehead gently. "Is there a reason not to?" he asked as they separated and started walking down the steps.

Both of them had one thought remaining in their heads as they walked past the academy's gates:

"Two is definitely better than one."

Mirajane and Lucy were strolling to the school's dorms as the sun finally set. Both have just eaten at a small restaurant across the street, when suddenly…

"My physic love is blossoming powers are tingling!"

"U-uh, M-Mira?"

Two Is Better Than One

The End of First Part.