Horseplay and Wine

Arthur was angry. Merlin had just embarrassed him in front of everyone, including Morgana and his father. Instead of walking the required two steps behind the Prince of Camelot, Merlin had walked beside him, stupidly stepping on Arthur's boot. They'd both fallen over in a tangled mess, much to the amusement of those gathered in the hall for the formal announcement of a visiting dignitary.

Arthur was livid as the two of them entered his chambers. He glared daggers at Merlin who looked rather amused.

"You are a stupid buffoon!" Arthur ranted. "Clumsy, hopeless, intolerable..." He searched for more words to describe Merlin's idiocy. "...Idiot."

Merlin actually giggled. "I've never seen you so red with embarrassment." His giggle turned into a full laugh. "And the look... the look... on your father's... father's face..." he tried to get out in between his raucous laughter.

Watching Merlin's laughter made Arthur want to join in but instead he held it in. He barely suppressed his smirk. "Right!" he said grabbing Merlin and pushing him face forward onto the bed, pinning his arm behind his back. "Apologise!" he demanded as he knelt beside him on the bed. Merlin continued to laugh so he pushed harder at Merlin's arm, causing him to cry out a little. However, it didn't stop him laughing.

Arthur exerted even more pressure on his arm. "Ouch, that actually hurts," Merlin told him, still chuckling a little.

"Tell me you're sorry." Arthur tried his most commanding tone.

"I'm sorry..." He was about to ease the pressure but Merlin was adding something else. "...that you're such a painful arse." Merlin dissolved into more laughter.

Arthur shook his head in annoyance, though a smile was forming on his lips. "I'll show you a painful arse." He used the hand that wasn't holding Merlin's arm and began to spank his backside. It wasn't hard enough to cause real harm but inflicted enough pain to make him cry out, though still half laughing, every time Arthur's hand came down.

"Bad boy! Naughty Merlin!" And now Arthur began laughing too as he continued this horseplay.

"Now," Arthur said ceasing the spanking. "Apologise to me or..." he paused before finishing the sentence, reaching his hand up under Merlin's shirt and grabbing the top of his breeches, letting his hand rest there. "Or I'll tan your hide something proper."

Merlin groaned. He knew he'd lost. Arthur's hand was slightly down his breeches and Arthur could feel the top of Merlin's little bottom. As he waited for the apology Arthur felt his cock twitching. What! Why?

"You wouldn't!" Merlin hesitated, twisting his face up to meet Arthur's eyes.

"Try me," he responded raising his eyebrows. His cock continued to twitch and he almost wished Merlin would give him an excuse to pull his breeches down.

Merlin bit his lip thinking then rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry, Your Royal Highness," he uttered.

"Now, was that so difficult?" Arthur smiled triumphantly. He let go of his servant and sat cross legged on his bed, sure to hide his now semi-hard erection.

Merlin climbed to his feet fixing his clothes and gave Arthur an almost shy smile. "Prat," he pouted and Arthur chortled. "Will there be anything else or can I go now, Sire?"

Arthur put on his most arrogant expression and waved his hand dismissively to demonstrate he should leave.

Merlin's breath came out as a laugh and he walked to the door. Before he left he turned and gave Arthur the most amazing mischievous grin. The prince grinned back, shaking his head and then Merlin was gone and Arthur's grin turned into a frown. The frown turned into an expression of confusion and then one of amusement.

That was the first time Merlin had turned him on.