A/N- Yes, I know. Another one. But I just can't seem to help myself. This one will be ongoing, as opposed to a strictly linear storyline with a beginning, middle, and end.

The Doctor pounded loudly on her door, a screaming Bella held precariously in his grasp.

"Please, open the door- it's quite an emergency!" He was frantic as he bobbed his daughter up and down, her crying growing louder with each motion of his hands.

"Oh, please stop crying, love- Daddy has a plan to fix it." He stopped his knocking when this phrase served to only make his newborn scream louder. He moved her to his other arm as he tried in vain to pet her to calm down, failing spectacularly as he bit his lip to stop a sob escaping his own body. "My plans do so work! The Cyberman thing wasn't my fault, I didn't realize Mummy had hidden an explosive there!" He argued with his daughter, still ineffectively trying to rock her hard in a fast, frantic manner, when suddenly the door opened, and his saviour stepped out.

"Who the 'ell are you?" demanded Jackie Tyler.