Hello there, Skylinemaster here with another DxD/Rosario+Vampire crossover. I like the two series and think that many aspects of the shows could be crossed over, so here is my second DxD/Rosario crossover.

The setting of this fanfic takes place years before the events of Highschool DxD, so don't expect to see Issei or any other DxD characters to appear often, if at all. This fanfic will include more of the Rosario Vampire universe characters.

Like always, I don't own anything from Highschool DxD or Rosario+Vampire.

Please read and enjoy.

(1 week ago, Yokai Academy)

Scribbling furiously on a piece of paper in the darkness of his office is Tenmei Mikogami, headmaster of Yokai Academy.

"Done." He said, placing his pen down and reading over the contents of his letter. He just finished reading his own letter, and placed the finishing touch on the bottom of the letter, his signature.

"You finished?" His friend said after lighting a cigar in the corner of his office. Mikogami turned at looked at his friend, the driver of the bus that takes new students from various places in the human world to Yokai Academy, and smiled at him.

"Yes." Mikogami said, gesturing to his friend after placing the letter in a plain white envelope. Mikogami then created a small magical circle in the palm of his hand, illuminating the darkness of the office. The circle swirled around before it was placed it over the letter. The letter glowed a bright red, before fading into the darkness of the room.

"Is it really necessary to place a seal on the letter?" The bus driver asked his good friend and boss.

"Of course it is, the contents of this letter must not be made public. If the Devils knew what was going on, some of their nobles would revolt." Mikogami stated as he handed the letter to the bus driver.

"Those Devils rather are vain." The bus driver said as he examined the envelope in his hand.

"Alright, go to the address I mentioned before. It is school in the human world, run by my old friend Lord Gremory. When I spoke to him of my idea, he seemed rather receptive to it. He said he would give it to his son, and his son would contact me directly." Mikogami said to his friend, who simply nodded.

"I am off now." The bus driver said, bowing before leaving the room.

"I hope you are committed to peace as much as I am, Lucifer." Mikogami said as his power flared.

(4 days ago, Kuoh Academy)

"Another year is almost here." Lord Gremory muttered to himself with a chuckle in his office. Lord Gremory has his feet on his ivory desk, his black shoes in front of his view.

As an administrator of Kuoh Academy, Lord Gremory often toyed with the idea of making Kuoh into co-ed school sometime in the future for his daughter Rias. Lord Gremory knows that his daughter doesn't want to be away from her peerage, so he is going to bring up the idea to his friend, fellow Devil and fellow administrator, Lord Sitri.


"Come in." Lord Gremory said, snapping out of his thoughts.

A tall, young woman with brown hair and brown eyes, wearing a black business suit, opened the door and bowed to Lord Gremory.

"Gremory-dono, a letter has arrived for you." The young woman, Lord Gremory's third pawn, said briefly as she placed a letter on his ivory desk.

"I see." Lord Gremory said as he placed his right hand on the letter and felt the seal on it. Lord Gremory concentrated and focused his magic on the envelope, easily destroying breaking the seal, allowing him to open the envelope. Lord Gremory then took the letter out of the envelope, and scanned over its contents as his Pawn took the envelope and threw it in a nearby trash can.

"Lillian, contact my son." Lord Gremory said to his Pawn.

(Yesterday, Lilith in the Underworld)

"A cultural exchange program?" Ajuka and Serafall shouted in unison, both in disbelief over what they just heard come out from Sirzechs' mouth.

"Yes, that is what my father talked to me about." Sirzechs said, recovering from their initial outburst of shock.

"And this is from Tenmei Mikogami? One of the Yokai Dark Lords?" Ajuka said with a lift of his eyebrows.

"Yes. What do you make of the offer?" Sirzechs asked his fellow Satans.

"Sounds legitimate. Mikogami has made Yokai Academy a place to help Yokai youth assimilate into the human world. He might be trying to expand their world into ours." Ajuka said before looking at Serafall.

"I agree with Juka-chan, Miko-chan has been serious when talking about peace between humans and Yokai. Maybe he is trying to foster understanding between us and them." Serafall said as Sirzechs looked at her.

"I agree with all of you. This might be a good opportunity for us if we can get a major Yokai faction on our side." Sirzechs said, thinking about the advantages that the Yokai can bring to the Devils side.

"I feel you two should meet with him. Figure out his intentions." Ajuka said as Serafall nodded in agreement.

"We will." Serafall said after locking eyes with Sirzechs.

"Any ideas for potential participants?" Ajuka said, noting the requirement in age to attend Yokai Academy's high school branch.

"Yes, one from the Phenex clan. To get them to comply, pressure the Phenex family. If they don't comply, notify all the heads of the clans about the program." Sirzechs said, hoping that a certain Phenex member would get killed in Yokai Academy, and thus the marriage with Sirzech's "Ria-tan" would be dissolved.

"Alright Sirzechs." Ajuka said, looking at his friend and fellow Super Devil with blank eyes, knowing fully of what he hopes will happen to the Phenex member in question.

"We should be leaving now." Serafall said as she tugged on Sirzech's suit sleeve.

"Indeed." Sirzechs said, creating a magic circle bound for Yokai Academy.

(Later that same day, Yokai Academy)

"So those are your intentions?" Serafall said as she looked at Mikogami's glowing yellow eyes. Sirzechs and Serafall are currently sitting In Tenmei Mikogami's office in Yokai Academy. A rather dark room only lit by a candle, the only other sources of light were Tenmei's eyes, Sirzechs' bright red hair, and Serafall's brightly colored magical girl outfit. The two Satans are currently talking over the exchange program with the Kishin Dark lord.

"Indeed. I simply want a new error of peace between Yokai and various beings. I am actually trying to acquire peace, unlike you." Mikogami said with a chuckle as a vein throbbed in Serafall's head at the jab to her not being about to bring a peace treaty with the Angels and Fallen Angels.

"Anyway, let's get back to discussing the program." Sirzechs said, trying to bring Serafall's anger down.

"Alright, do you have in mind of which Devil you want to send here?" Mikogami said as he folded his hands on the table.

"Yes. I have someone discussing this program with his parents, and they said they will respond to me within two days." Sirzechs said, hoping that Ajuka was persuasive enough with Lady and Lord Phenex.

"What about you?" Serafall asked Mikogami.

"Yes, I have talked to and confirmed their participation in this program. I am sending a 16 year old werewolf." Mikogami said as he opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a folder. He slid the folder across the table and Sirzechs looked at it.

"Ginei Morioka, age 16, species Werewolf." Sirzechs said before putting the folder down.

"Any reason why you chose him?" Serafall asked, narrowing her eyes at Mikogami.

"To be honest, no. I just put the names of all the students I wanted to participate in this program into a hat and picked at random." Mikogami said as Sirzechs sweat dropped.

"Don't worry, I assure you that Mister Morioka is a respectable candidate for this exchange program." Mikogami said with a smile.

"Alright, we trust you. I suppose that we will wait to see if our candidate accepts before replying back to you." Sirzechs said as he stood up.

(Meanwhile, Phenex estate in the Underworld)

"A Devil-Yokai exchange program?!" Lady Phenex said, stunned at the proposition of this, her left hand covering her mouth in shock. Sitting next to her is her husband, Rudger Phenex, current head of the Phenex clan, and sitting across from her, with his legs crossed and sipping a cup of tea is Ajuka Beelzebub, one of the Four Great Satans. The two Phenexs are currently discussing the program, and the possibility of their third son, Riser, being a participant.

"Indeed. The originator of this idea is the Headmaster of Yokai Academy, the school that helps various Yokai assimilate into human society." Ajuka said after putting his cup of tea down.

"And why did you come to us to be participants in this exchange program? Surely there are other noble clans that are rather willing to send a child to the school of monsters instead of the Royal Devil High School in Lilith." Lord Phenex asked the Satan sitting across from him.

"It was simply an idea floating around by my fellow Satans and I. Frankly, we don't want word of this to leak out. Most war-minded relics of the War would jump at the chance to tear this agreement apart before it started. You were always the most sensible and loyal to us after the War, so we thought you might like this opportunity." Ajuka said to the nodding Lord Phenex, who remembered the days of the Great War and Satan Civil War.

"Indeed, it would be troubling for the certain heads of the families to hear about its existence." Lady Phenex spoke up, thinking about the war-minded Glasya-Labolas and Zepor clans.

"That is why I need for you to tell me your decision relatively soon and to keep this quiet for the time being." Ajuka said as he took another sip from his ornate glass tea cup.

"May my wife and I have a moment to discuss this?" Lord Phenex said as Ajuka nodded. Ajuka put his tea cup down and left the room, closing the ornate, pearl doors behind him on the way out.

"So, what do you think?" Lady Phenex asked her husband and current head of the Phenex clan.

"Seems fairly interesting. It would be in Riser's best interest to go to Yokai Academy. Gives him a chance to tame his pride, should he meet any powerful Yokai." Lord Phenex said, thinking about all the times his son has boasted about his Phenex immortality to his friends at the Royal Devil Middle School Academy in Lilith. Hm, he really needs to get new friends for his son.

"Agreed. His head is getting too big right now, especially since his powers aren't near Ruval's when Ruval was his age." Lady Phenex said in agreement with her husband.

"Also, he might get some strong members of his peerage there. It sure beats the idea of using his Evil pieces for a harem." Lord Phenex said disgustedly. Lord Phenex didn't understand his son's obsession with creating a harem as Lord Phenex never had any of those thoughts when he got his Evil Piece set.

"I complete agree with you dear. It isn't healthy for a boy his age to be thinking like that so soon." Lady Phenex said worriedly.

"Agreed. Let's tell him our answer." Lord Phenex said as he called for Ajuka to come back into the room.

"Have you made your decision?" Ajuka calmly asked.

"Yes." Lord and Lady Phenex shouted in unison.

"Great." Ajuka said with a smile.

'Sirzechs will be happy.' Ajuka thought as he shook hands with Lord Phenex.

(Today, Phenex estate in the Underworld)

"Open it darling." Lady Phenex said to her husband, who has a wrapped box in his hands. The two are currently in the living room of their massive estate, talking with each other about the box they just received. The box was given to them by Ajuka Beelzebub, who personally delivered it to them with a note reading, Uniform and regulations of Yokai Academy.

"Let's give it to Riser now." Lady Phenex said with a smile as she walked out of the room. Lord Phenex followed her, as did two Phenex clan maids who held up Lady Phenex's extremely long gown to prevent her from tripping. The four Devils made their way past the Phenex estate's winding hallways and through the lovely central garden to reach Riser's room on the other side of the estate.

It took ten minutes to walk from the living room to Riser's room, and the four Devils are finally in front of his room. Lord Phenex gave the box to one of the maids before standing in front of the massive doors leading to Riser's room.


"Ugh, what?! I'm busy!" Riser shouted out from inside his bedroom.

"Son, it is your father. Your mother and I are coming in." Lord Phenex said with authority. Lord Phenex shoved the doors open and saw his third son with his hands on his Queen, Yubelluna's breasts.

Lord Phenex stared at his son blankly as Riser fumbled out of bed to greet his father. Lord Phenex is used to this behavior by his third son, but his wife still isn't, so she is shocked at what she sees.

"Good morning father, mother." Riser said as he straightened out his red pajama top in the presence of his father.

"Son, we have big news for you." Lady Phenex said to her son as Yubelluna stood up straight to show respect to Lord and Lady Phenex.

"Give him the box." Lord Phenex ordered as the maid gave Riser the box with the Yokai Academy uniform inside of it. Riser took the box and shot a confused look at his father.

"Open it." Lord Phenex said as Riser did. Riser opened the box and looked bewildered when he saw the Yokai Academy uniform inside of it.

"Son, you're going to Yokai Academy!" Lord Phenex exclaimed proudly.

"….." Riser said as he let the information seep in. After a few seconds, the information seeped into Riser's mind, and then he realizes just what his father means.


Hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this fanfic. Please read, follow, favorite, and review this.

This is a fanfiction that I plan on working on after I complete my Fallen Angel of Yokai Academy, so updates will be sporadic, but if I get enough reviews and feedback, that could very well change.

See you next time

Skylinemaster out-