Somehow, against the odds, Arc Industries remained standing for over twenty years without a single scratch.

Considering how it was built just by a fairly populated city. Well.. wasn't very popular anymore.

It's surviving workers though blissfully unaware of the apocalyptic world around them. If they had seen they might wish to sleep a bit longer..

Anyone working at Arc that knew Red, the Red, would usually have nothing nice to say about said woman. Mostly because..well she simply wasn't nice. She knew this too and accepted it. And she doubted it would ever change.

No one either had dared to try and piece together why exactly she was like this.

Abuse as a child and social issues resulting in rage which definitely off the list.

To be frank, she enjoyed being a bitch.

Knowing that she had a rule over others with fear..and so that they might leave her gave her the sense of control she never really had in a hectic life growing up. Red's Mother dumped her when she was around eight for God knows what reasons; leaving the once nice redhead with her father..

Whom of which up and left most of the time. So, she had to take care of herself and the farm she lived on back in the country. Looking back at it now..she was thankful at least to have a roof over her head back then.

Red did at the current moment now though..even if it was just crashing with Dali..every night.

Even asleep in her pod, this brought a rare smile to Red's face. With this never ending sleep she wasn't aware of, she found herself often dreaming of her life and events. Meeting Dali was one of the best. Not that she'd say so of course.

During the long hibernation it wasn't exactly all fun memories though. For reasons she didn't know Red had a foreboding feeling when she would wake. Her mind conjured up two shadowed figures, around the same height as her. Red even began to run, something she would never do in reality.

The figures were laughing too.

The absolute helplessness and knowing that you were going to die was terrifying. Red could feel her heart racing, their laughs getting closer. She felt something warm behind her, till getting closer before she could blink as it incinerated her completely.

In both mind, and physically Red screamed.

She was awake.

At first, she was surprised to find the place so empty. But then again everyone could just be on holiday. Dismissing this, Red once more adjusted her too short gown and headed towards the kitchen. The silence was..a bit disturbing really. Except for the silent padding of Red's bare feet on the tile, she could hear her own heart..silently thumping..


Only an echo resounded.

Red really hated this. The silence. It made her feel ..alone. Even if she said she liked being so, she had grown used to having Dali around. After setting up a nice coffee brew, Red sat on a kitchen stool with her head resting on the table. "So much for being in another country..or waking us up.."

The woman honestly had no idea if it had been two weeks or longer.. Eyebrows furrowed slightly, she hopped down and went over to a lone computer in the room. On buttons, tapping, cursing and eventual kicking did not start up the computer.

"Great. I didn't care anyway."

Her curiosity was killing her.

But with no technology, and having depended on it so much she decided the date wasn't really important. "What I need is coffee." A cat like smirk came to her face as she went over, only for any emotion to quickly leave her face.

The coffee maker wasn't working either.

A string of profanity left the building, which she would later regret being loud for once. As she took out her anger on a trashcan, she suddenly paused.

"The generator..of course!.. In the basement.. Why is it always basements?"

After much paranoia, screaming at a passing mouse and avoiding as much spider webs as possible, the building flickered to life. Light immediately filled the room, to her relief. Long overdue the pods at the loading dock opened at last. Well, she'd have company now.

And her coffee.

Miles and miles away, two lone figures were fighting each other.

Verbally that is.

A blonde girl tucked a blonde strand behind her ear, pale blue eyes filled with annoyance. "You know I liked that human. He complimented me a lot and I considered sparing him."

"Exactly why I killed him. He was obviously lying when he wasn't pissing his pants." A lower, amused voice spoke from somewhere within an old building.


"What?" Following, a young man presumably her brother by appearance walked out. His hands were stuffed in his blue jeans, casual despite the apparent destruction around. His similar eyes traveled behind him, curious to see what his dear sister was so transfixed by.

He too shared the expression. And for a long while they both stared.

The girl eventually smirked, hands on her hips. "Well. Someone discovered electricity. I think we should visit and congratulate them. What do you think, 17?"

17 smiled. "You took the words right outta my mouth."