Madi: Alright, hey guys! We're back!

Izzy: And we have another chapter ready to go!

Hiccup: ...Where's Merida?

Jack: And Rapunzel?

Izzy: Well, we got no requests…

Madi: (Evil grin) So I made one…

Hiccup: And it didn't include Jack?

Jack: (Fist pump) Yes!

Merida: (In the distance) LEAVE ME ALONE!

Rapunzel: Oh, come on, you look lovely!


Rapunzel: But you look so pretty! (Pushes Merida in. Merida is wearing baby blue dress with baby pink trimming. Dress is extremely fluffy. Merida's hair has been straightened and braided with flowers and ribbons intertwined in it. Merida is also wearing makeup and heels. Jack and Izzy burst out laughing while Madi snaps a picture. Hiccup is not sure how to react.)


Madi: But you look like you just walked out of a little girl's dress up party! (Izzy and Jack gasp for air as they continue to laugh)

Hiccup: O_O …

Rapunzel: (Is scolding Izzy and Jack about laughing at Merida's beauty)

Merida: (Sighs and draws bow. Sets arrow and fire and releases. Flaming arrows hits gasoline that has been spilled in a way to look like…)

Chapter 11

Bunnymund's POV:

"Are you awake, Bunny?" April whispered. I continued to fake unconsciousness. April sighed and poked at my wounds. It took almost all of my willpower not to flinch. "I never wanted to do this...but you played with something that was already now you have to pay the consequences!" April hissed.

I heard her footsteps move away from me. I slowly and slightly opened my eyes. April sat in the corner of the room, glaring at something. "Don't tease me like that! Know your place!" April suddenly scolded. "You're nothing but a lowly soldier! Admiral, get rid of this traitorous scum!" There was silence. Who was she talking to?!

"I know you all are anxious for a fight, but we have to be patient! They somehow cured Tom, so now it's only Patricia and I!" April waited. "Yes, I know that could cause a few problems to the plan, but we've almost found all of them! Now we just need to get…" April quietly counted on her fingers. "Um...I have five, and Patricia and I don't! Now we just need to get the other nine Ancients!" April giggled proudly. She stiffened. "What General? You say that the prisoner is awake and faking? Now, we ought to punish him for that, right?"

April stood up and walked up to me slowly. "Are you in pain Bunnywabbit?" April pouted. I grunted. Yes, the magic in me was getting to a pretty painful level, and if it continued to get higher I would die. Yes, my wounds were infected by now. Yes, my cracked ribs hurt like no other, but I wasn't going to let her know that. April smiled. "I can take away that pain...if you want…" April pulled out a small vial with a glowing substance inside. "Natalie gave this to me a long, long, long time ago, before I was Corrupted, before the purest river on the planet was tinted with another. This could cure everything on you…" April whispered. I couldn't help but glance from her eyes to the vial. "You really want this, don't you?" She whispered.

I glared at her. "I don't want anything you have to offer," I growled. April smiled at me.

"Well, I can't have you dying on me...not like you could anyways...but still…" April slipped the vial back into her pocket. She laughed as her form slowly began to morph.

Merida's POV:

"What's wrong with Yang 2?!" I demanded. Hiccup and Jack were trying their best to hold back Yin 2, who was screaming and crying. Benjamin began to burble and giggle. "Not helping Ben."

"Yang 2's real self is dying." Forever 2 huffed. "There's nothing we can really do to stop it, unless we find the real Yang."

"But we've searched the entire planet, and have found nothing," Painter 2 sighed. Invisible began to cry again.

"I AM SORRY!" He sobbed. Pitch 2 cocked an eyebrow.

"For what? It's not like you remember where Yin and Yang were hidden." He spat. Invisible's sobbing grew stronger.


"Hints?! You mean you had information about them this entire time, and said nothing?!" Melody 2 shouted. Invisible's clothes were completely soaked.

"I SWORE TO PITCH THAT I WOULD NOT SAY UNLESS FORCED TO, AND I HAD TO TAKE CARE OF MY DEAR, LOST COUSIN!" Mother and Father 2 snatched Invisible with their giant arm.

"Quit your sssssssssssobbing and tell ussssssssss already!" Mother 2 hissed. Invisible nodded.

"THIS WORLD NEEDS TO BE LESS MISERABLE WITHOUT YIN, AND YANG MUST PLAY CIRCLE YOU, CIRCLE YOU!" Invisible cried. Everyone was silent as the words processed in there heads.

"Crap!" Silence shouted. He looked at Melody 2. " thinking what I'm thinking?!" He asked. Melody 2 shook her head. "There's a song called Circle You, Circle You." Silence began to tremble.

"What are the lyrics?" Tic demanded. Silence took a deep breathe.

There's a building hidden in the dark,

Long abandoned in which no one talks;

Down the hall into the farthest room

Children gather in this ghostly tomb

And smile, for they were waiting here

Especially just to play with you.

All the happy faces, such happy faces!

They know you'll join them soon.

Circle you, circle you,

Stay with us and play forever.

Circle you, circle you,

Close the door and leave us never.

'Til we see the rising sun,

This is only the beginning.

Circle you, circle you,

Aren't we having lots of fun?

There's a home within the forest clear,

Hiding secrets that no one can hear.

Shred the broken body from the mind;

Immortality through death's design

While laughter and the children's hands,

They come together in the room,

"It is time," they said, "close your eyes," they said,

"And we'll all play Circle You!"

Circle you, circle you,

Can you feel time creeping closer?

Circle you, circle you,

I'm so sorry; your turn's over.

'Til we see the rising sun,

They take heads from off our shoulders.

Circle you, circle you,

Aren't we having lots of fun?

Your skull, it may be fractured and

Your arms are severed to the bone.

The children undying, they smile through their crying,

In a game that never ends.

Circle you, circle you,

You can't run so stay awhile!

Circle you, circle you,

They won't hear your screams for miles.

Let's play 'til the morning light

Play until they come to get us.

Circle you, circle you,

We'll have fun tonight.

Everyone was silent as Silence finished reciting the words. "...That sounds like a living nightmare…" Tom whispered.

"But all of the Evil Ancients work shows in it…" Painter 2 whispered.

"They won't hear your screams for miles…" Silence mumbled.

"In a game that never ends…" Forever 2 quoted.

"Shred the broken body from the mind…" Decay grunted.

"Immortality through death's design…" Melody 2 added.


"Play until they come to get usssssssssssssss…" Mother and Father 2 hissed together.

"'Til the morning light…" April 2 finished.

"So you're saying that Yang is being held in this house?" Jack said.

"What forest is the song talking about?!" Hiccup groaned. Yin 2 began to tremble.

"There is only one forest in the entire world that could keep such an evil thing in it and not whither…" she whispered.

"The Suicide Forest…" Natalie growled.

Rapunzel's POV:
I sighed as Invisible continued to weep from Toothless. I thought this Ancient was supposed to have no emotion whatsoever.

Silence flew alongside the Nightfury, trying to calm Invisible down even though he couldn't speak. "DOWN THERE!" Invisible wept while pointing to a clearing in the forest. We instantly went downwards.

"Alright, there's no house here. What gives?" Merida moaned. Invisible pulled out a pair of scissors.


We all watched in wonder a pale, patchwork quilt lightly glowed around what appeared to be a mansion. Silence flew up and grabbed the top. He yanked the blanket off, showing the worn down mansion with ivy growing everywhere. Invisible stopped his weeping and began to neatly fold up the blanket. Hiccup dismounted Toothless and began to lead the dragon towards the door.

Silence made a few motions towards Invisible that clearly meant 'Stay here and keep watch'. Invisible nodded and continued to fold up the quilt.

The door creaked open as Jack and I pushed it open. "Hey, guys?" Hiccup whispered.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Does anyone else wonder why Yang 2 was bleeding?"

"What do you mean?" Jack asked. Marie and Harold flew to the front together.

"Yang 2 can only be in the same state as Yang…" Marie whispered.

"So that means that Yang is bleeding himself…" Harold added. I froze.

"Didn't that song talk about...abused and broken children?" I asked, shaking in fear. Everyone else stopped.

"You don't think that ghost kids are doing this, do you?" Jack whispered anxiously.

"It would be da only explanation…" Merida mumbled. Marie sighed.

"And as Spirits, none of us are allowed to be the direct cause of death or harm to a child…" Harold groaned.

"What are we going to do then?!" I whisper shouted. Silence shrugged. Giggling filled the air.

"Look brother...we have new toys!" A little girl's voice cheered.

"We need to play with them…" A little boy's voice responded. Hiccup yelped as the floor next to him suddenly shuddered.

"But we should share with our friends…" The girl complained.

"Okay, but let's play first!" Merida screamed as she was suddenly lifted into the air. Two children walked out from the shadows, both entirely dressed in faded, bright yellow. Their hair and eyes were the same shade of yellow, but that wasn't the worst of it.

The two children were missing an arm each; the little girl her right, the boy his left, but that wasn't the worst of it. Each child had a giant, ghostly arm to replace their missing one. The little boy began to slam Merida into the walls while the girl reached out for me. I screamed and attempted to hit her arm with my frying pan, but I just swung right through it.

Jack let out a battle cry and shot ice towards the little boy. The boy used his ghost arm to shield the ice, throwing Merida into Jack. Silence clapped without a sound. Everything in front of him that was loose went flying in the opposite direction, including the children. "We can't hit the arms…" Hiccup groaned.

"So aim for da kids!" Merida grunted.

"But we can't harm them!" I shouted. Jack groaned and stood up.

"What if we can immobilize them without hurting them?" He asked. An idea popped into my head.

"Push them against a wall!" I shouted. My group sent me a questioning look. "Trust me!"

"Alright Princess!" Jack shouted as he shot ice towards the kids.

"Play nice!" The girl demanded angrily. Merida and Hiccup began to to fire arrows at the children, barely missing them each time. Soon enough, they were pressed against a wall. I held my hands out and focused on the surrounding ivy, willing for it grow. Harold flew towards the kids, sending a wind towards them. The ivy grew at unnatural rates until it had completely covered the two of them.

Everyone remained still, waiting for something, anything really, to happen. After a few minutes of nothing, Merida sighed in relief.

"Okay...this is going to be pretty bad." Hiccup mumbled. Silence waved his hands frantically and pointed to a door with many locks. Jack gagged as he noticed the blood creeping out from underneath it.

We all ran towards the door, Marie and Harold breaking it down. The room was small and circular. It stank like something was dying, which was the case. Yang, the real one, was sitting on his knees in the middle of the room, his breathing heavy and echoing. His jian were just out of his reach, as if to mock him. He was completely bound by bloodstained chains that connected to the walls. Merida growled and pulled out her sword. She swung, put her sword bounced right of the chain.

"How are we supposed to get him out?" Jack asked. I walked slowly around the room, trying to find a key or something. There were ten chains total wrapping around Yang, but they were colored. There was a brown, a red, a orange, a green, a turquoise, a blue, a purple, a pink, and two yellow-

The yellow chains were broken. I knelt down and picked one up. It was warm, as if it were alive. The little girl's voice from earlier began to cry in my head. "These chains are connected to a child…" I mumbled. Hiccup picked up the other yellow chain.

"Their Spirits are locked to the chains…" He mumbled.

"Do we have to go looking for the kids?" Jack groaned.

"Looks like it Frost." Merida growled. Silence nodded.

"I'll go with Hiccup." I stated.

"Why do I have to be stuck with the redhead?" Jack whined.

"Because you and Rapunzel are the only ones with a Wind, and Rapunzel made assignments first." Hiccup stated. "We'll take the west side of the house, you guys take the east. Silence, stay here and keep an eye on Yang and protect him." Silence nodded. We split up.

Oh, please don't let this end in disaster.

Invisible's POV:
Oh, my poor brother inside this living nightmare! How long he has suffered! Just thinking of his pain reminds me of my dear cousin's pain. She would scream and cry all night, demanded to be released. She would try to break her bonds, but only ended up shattering some part of her, and we would have to wait until Spring to fix it. Patricia…

A branch snapped behind me. Why would a human be this deep in this forest? The demon children shouldn't be able to leave the mansion.

A spine chilling cackle filled the air as something grabbed me from behind.

Jack's POV:

We silently crept up the stairs as Blondie and Hiccup took the bottom floor. There were only like, eight demon kids that were probably going to be disturbingly mangled that we would have to face, right?

...This was going to be anything but fun.

Merida had her bow drawn as she pressed her back to the wall near the first door. She cocked her head to the door, signaling for me to open it. I nodded and flung the door open, Merida aiming for anything that moved. The room was completely empty except for a few rats running around.

We went on to the next door, then the next. When we reached the fourth door, Merida gagged. The stench of something dying wafted into the air, making our eyes water. We crept into the room, our eyes focusing on the bed in the corner.

A little body lay on the bed, wearing a completely blue outfit. The blue might have been as blue has my hoodie once upon a time, but now it was worn, blood stained, and torn. The most disturbing feature though, was the head.

There wasn't one.

"Did...did they kill each other?" Merida whispered in horror. Giggling filled the air, causing us to tense up.

"...It came from the closet…" I mumbled. Marie used a gust of wind to blow the door open.

Our screams filled the room as the body's head floated out of the closet and into the hands of the body. The head of the little boy grinned at us wickedly, the teeth like a shark's and blood stained. His hair was the same shade as my hoodie, the eyes completely black with blue pupils.

"You...finally...came…" The head rasped. "…"

Hiccup's POV:

We turned down into the first room, which was wide open. It was a giant kitchen, with claw marks on the walls, dried blood on the counters, rusted cooking utensils hanging on the ceiling, and peeling wall paper. Rapunzel slowly walked over to one of the claw marks, brushing them lightly. "You don't think this was made by a child, do you?" She whispered. Toothless growled and walked around, sniffing the ground on occasion.

"Who knows." I answered.

"Heeheeeheeee!" Something red whizzed past me and into Toothless, sending my best friend through a window.

"Toothless!" I yelled, making a run for the window. Some one grabbed the back of my shirt. I froze and turned around. A little boy with brown hair and clothes looked up at me, his empty sockets looking like caves.

Rapunzel shrieked, drawing my attention to her. She was surrounded by four exact look alikes of the little boy in front of me.

The red streak returned, and then disappeared with the brown boys. Rapunzel and I ran to each other. We glanced around, weapons ready. Toothless growled from outside as he tried to come back in. "Stay bud…" I mumbled. Rapunzel shivered. She giggled nervously.

"Hahaha...very funny Jack...stop messing around please…" She called. Merida and Jack screamed from their spot in the house. I stiffened.



"I don't think that was Jack." The red streak circled around us, causing the smell of death to practically suffocate us.

The streak stopped at the counter, showing an older boy wearing faded red. His hair and eyes were the color of blood, his clothes stained brown. I hoped it wasn't what I thought it was. He swung his legs, and that's when I realized that he had no feet. "Looks like a couple of pesky heroes came…" He mumbled.

"Of course they came!" Multiple voices called. The brown little boys began to appear around us. "And now that they did…" The little boys grinned evilly. "We can play." The voices dropped three octaves.

Merida's POV:

"DUCK!" I screamed while tackling Jack. The head came flying at us, blue lights flying from it's eyes. Probably shouldn't touch those. Jack stood up, panting.

"How do we even do this without hurting him?!" Jack shouted. The head giggled and continued to shoot the lights at us. Marie shrieked and dove for cover.

"We have ta demobilize da head!" I shouted.

"Obviously!" Jack cried back. Marie quickly flew in front of Jack with a mirror, which easily reflected the light back at the head. That gave me an idea.

"Jack! How good is yer aim?!" I called.

"Is now the time for a competition princess?!"

"Can ya hit my arrow in mid shot?!"

"Is that a challenge?!" I growled as I rolled out the way of another beam.

"Ready?!" I aimed my arrow towards the head. Jack looked at me quizzically.

"I guess!" I released the arrow.

The air flew through the air, the feathers on the ends slightly rippling. Jack's frost hit the arrow without moving it from it's course, which was perfect. The arrow frosted over, creating a thin sheet of ice and turning the arrow into white. The head turned to the arrow and giggled slowly. "Nice...try…" The head shot a beam at the incoming arrow.

I smirked as the arrow burned up, but the beam of light was reflected off of the ice right back at the head. The head's smile turned downward as it began to scream. "NO...FAIR...NO…" The beam hit the head, knocking it to the bed.

"Marie! Blow it to the closet!" Jack commanded. Marie did as she told, slamming the door shut afterwards.

I smiled in relief. "That should-" I gagged. Two cold, little hands had tightened quickly around my throat.

Rapunzel's POV:
Hiccup and Toothless were trying their best to get all of the brown little boys off of them, and I was trying to stop the red boy from killing me. It wasn't going great for either of us.

I yelped once again as the red boy ran by me, pulling my hair along. He pulled me to the floor and began to drag me around the kitchen. I grunted with the pain. My hair went slack, so I quickly climbed to my feet.

The little red boy grinned at me wickedly, my hair still in his hand. He quickly ran around me, binding me with my own hair. "HICCUP!" I screamed. Hiccup glanced over at me, his eyes widening.

"Toothless! Cover me!" He shouted. Toothless quickly tackled a large amount of the constantly multiplying boys dressed in brown. Hiccup ran towards me.

"We were told it would be more of a fight than this…" The red boy mumbled. I screamed when I noticed the knife in his hand. "Oh well…" He raised the knife above his head and quickly brought it down.

I closed my eyes and waited for the impact. The red boy grunted and the knife clattered to the ground. I opened my eyes to see the boy on the ground, Hiccup's shield skidding away. Hiccup quickly helped me up and out of my hair. "Wanna switch?" He asked. I looked over at the brown boys and nodded.

"That might work better." I agreed. Hiccup called Toothless over. I quickly whipped my hair at one of the little boys. I quickly began to grab more little boys with my hair. There couldn't be this many...there had been only one brown chain binding Yang. I pulled a few of the squirming boys towards me, looking for something that was off. They each looked exactly like the other, empty sockets with a small brown light coming from them…

That light wasn't there earlier. I looked around at each of the boys, trying to find one without a light. I noted a lone boy sitting on the counter, right underneath all of the pots and pans hanging from the ceiling. No light.

I quickly roped him in and began to drag him towards the window, where more ivy was growing. His doppelgangers quickly rushed to him and freed him. He ran back to the counter and continued to stare at me as his doppelgangers attacked.

My mind raced as I tried to think of what to do. Hiccup and Toothless were doing better with the boy in red, but not by much. If only they would attack each other instead of working with eachother.…

I glanced at Hiccup. "Hiccup, don't let them push you beneath the pots and pans!" I called. Hiccup looked at me, confused about what was happening. The red boy and the brown boys all grinned wickedly at each other. They began to push us three towards the corner. Soon enough, we were completely surrounded, the original brown boy behind us.

"What's the plan?" Hiccup whispered.

"Shoot up."


"Now!" I yelled. I through my hair upwards. It wrapped around one of the two beams keeping the pots up. I grunted as I pulled down, all of the utensils falling to the ground. The boy in red grunted as a few hit his head, knocking him unconscious. Hiccup shot at the other one, the little brown boy screaming as the beams came crashing around him.

I quickly summoned enough ivy to immobilize them. Hiccup panted and looked at me. "Alright...that was pretty bad…" He admitted. I nodded.

"At least things can't get any worse, right?"

Silence's POV:

The blue, brown, and red chains were broken. Good. Now all that was left was the green, turquoise, orange, purple and pink. Soon enough, we could get Yang back to the Neverlands where he'll be safe and sound.

I sighed and walked to the doorway, thinking to myself. How was Melody doing? Was she being tortured? Was she lonely? Was she wishing it was me in her place?

"Silence!" A shout came from outside. I froze. It couldn't be. "Silence! Help us!" Melody screamed from outside.

"Melody!" I shouted back. I flew down the hallways and out the door. Invisible was gone. Crap.

"She's getting closer! Silence!" Melody screamed

"I'm coming! Hold on!" I flew as fast as I could toward Melody's voice. Branches with thorns whipped at my face and grabbed at me clothes. I ignored them until I came to another small clearing.

Melody was looking around, her eyes wide with fear. Invisible was on her lap, unmoving and bleeding. I landed next to them, holding Melody to my chest. "You're okay…" I whispered into her hair. I could feel her smile softly.

"It was pretty easy to escape...they've made camp at April's hideout…" Melody began to cry. "They keep hurting the Spirits they've captured. They're looking for something Silence. Something deep underground…"

"Hey, it's going to be okay." I released Melody and looked her in the eye. "I promise." Melody smiled at me.

"Thank you...little brother." She hissed. I looked at her in confusion, then my eyes went to her throat. The Amulet. I tried to take a step back, but April had her cold, gross hand locked on my arm. She stood up, Invisible grunting as he fell to the ground.

"I'm...sorry…" He sobbed. April cackled as she finished morphing into her original form.


"Silence?" A voice echoed. I turned around, suddenly being overwhelmed by pain. Everything was a combination of dark blue and pale grey. Melody, the real one, was laying on the floor, looking weak.


"Don' only hurts...more…"

"Then what should I-"

"Nothing. It's all we can do."

Jack's POV:

After Marie and I pried the blue boy's body's fingers off of Merida and pinned it to the bed with arrows, we headed upstairs. The top of this creepy place had a bell tower Merida kept on wanting to check out, but Marie insisted that we searched the entire second floor first. There was nothing there...for now at least.

The bell tower was small, about the length of Merida and I standing arm to arm. A giant, rusted bell loomed over us. The banisters and low brick walls were covered in ivy and moss.

Marie flew around. "I don't see anything."

"Well, it was worth a shot." Merida sighed in relief.

"...Do you play?" A small voice came from above. I jumped and looked up into the bell.

An older girl climbed down the clapper of the bell. She was dressed head to toe in dark green, her eyes sad. Merida drew an arrow as Marie hid behind me.

"...Why are you here?" She asked.

"We came for Yang!" Merida shouted. The girl looked down shyly, shifting her feet.

"I didn't want to hurt him...none of us did…" She whispered. Her eyes teared up. "I just want my mom...I just want to die…I want the pain to go away...I...I...I just want to be normal…"

"You look normal…" I said. The girl looked at me sadly.

Merida gagged as the girl leaned backward and folded herself perfectly in half. "...They took my spine…" The girl whispered. She stood up again. "I won't hurt you...I just-" The girl shrieked as a long, pink, thing whipped her from behind.

"They're the enemy!" A pink girl hissed. The pink thing retracted into the pink girl's mouth. Wait...WAS THAT HER TONGUE?!


"If we kill them, we're free!"


"Wait, what?!" Merida shouted. Greeny shrugged and got into a weak fighting stance. Pinky cackled and perched herself on the wall, her tongue hanging out a bit.

"This will be fun…" She growled.

Hiccup's POV:

Rapunzel and I creeped slowly down another hallway, jumping at every sound. "Why did it have to be creepy kids in an old house?" Rapunzel whimpered. "Why couldn't it be a punch of troll and pixies in a meadow?"

"Because the Evil Ancients had to make something that Yang would have a hard time getting out of."

"What do you mean?" I glanced at Rapunzel over my shoulder.

"If it was a cursed meadow with trolls and pixies, Yang would be able to easily get out of it because he's the evil side of balance. So, by immersing him in his own uncontrollable element, they made it hard for him to use his powers. And, by chaining him up to chains made out of children's souls, they forced the rule of not being able to harm a child on him in a way that he couldn't find a loophole around it. Then, by corrupting these kids, the Evil Ancients made the kids torture him so slowly and painful that it took centuries upon centuries for Yang to begin to die."

"If the Evil Ancients couldn't hurt the kids, then how are some of them missing limbs or body parts?" Rapunzel asked nervously.

"They must have found them like that…" I mumbled.

"Good guess." A small voice chuckled. Rapunzel yelped and spun around.

"Where are you?!" She shouted.

"Right here." We turned to see a boy all in orange slowly walking towards us. He looked shriveled up, like a prune. His eyes were unblinking and looked dry. I could hear his skin crinkle like paper as he grinned at us, his teeth looking yellow and brittle.

Rapunzel was trembling. "W-What did you m-mean 'g-good guess'?" She stuttered. The boy chuckled.

"They did find us like this...long ago...a bunch of men took us from our homes. They brought us here and gave us toys to play with. We nicknamed each other based on the colors we were dressed in."

"That doesn't-" I started. The boy held up his hand, his skin crinkling loudly.

"Everyone once in awhile, the men would come in and take one of us away, saying they had a surprise. Those kids never came back. Finally, they came for me." The boy's eyes seemed to stare off in the distance. "The room was covered with everyone's blood. Everyone except for her…"

"Her?" Rapunzel asked.

"They were experimenting on us. Lime and Lemon each lost an arm so the scientists could experiment on nerves. Brownie got his eyes poked out so they could try to see how long they would work. Red got his feet got off so they could be dissected. Leafy was cut open and had her spine taken away. Bluebird got his head chopped off to see how long the body lasts without it. Flower got her stomach ripped out of her. Rosy's tongue got cut out and she drowned. Turquoise was forced to watch us all die to test the limits of human sanity…" Rapunzel was shuddering and crying.

"...What did they do to you, Orange?" I asked, not to sure of the name. He smiled sadly at me.

"They poked needles everywhere in me, and took my blood." To make a point, he picked up a piece of broken of glass and cut himself. Nothing came out. Rapunzel gagged. "Then they came...Silence...Grim...Pitch….Mother and Father...Brother Decay….Sister Fiona...Invisible...they came to us as we died, said we could get revenge for a price...we took it.

"They gave us what the scientists took, but even better." The boy chuckled. "Those men didn't stand a chance against us. We went to leave, but our Saviors said we couldn't leave until we complete two tasks; keep Yang here until he died and kill anyone who came to rescue him. We're so close to being free…"

"It doesn't have to be like can just free Yang and let us go...they all feel horrible about what they did…" Rapunzel said softly, slowly reached out to the boy. He growled and thrust in hand forward, slowly closing it into a fist. Rapunzel screamed in pain.

"Rapunzel?!" I shouted.

"I-I can't move…" Rapunzel whimpered.

"Of course you can't. I control your blood." Orange swung his hand towards the wall, Rapunzel crashing into it. "Those people don't feel sorry for us, no one does!" Orange threw Rapunzel up to the ceiling. "We will be free!"

Merida's POV:

I grunted as Pinky shoved me into a wall with her tongue. She giggled, then shifted me to dangle off the bell tower. I looked down.

...That was a long way down.

Jack was flying around, trying not to get hit by Greeny, who was swinging and flipping around easily.

"Jack!" I screamed. Pinky giggled.

"Whoops!" She said, her tongue unraveling. I screamed as I began to fall, only to have that tongue wrap around my ankle and swing me around, slamming me into walls. I grunted and hissed in pain as she slowly dragged me up the wall, the bricks and wilted ivy clawing at my back. Jack finally noticed and quickly flew to my rescue. I winced a bit at my bleeding back.

"This is going nowhere…." Jack mumbled to me. I nodded and looked around. There wasn't much to work with up here other than the bell and the sides.

" willing do ya think Greeny would be ta help us?" I asked.

"No idea…" He answered. Marie screamed as Pinky slammed her into the wall.

"If she could just hold Pinky down...I have an idea. I need ya ta fly me up ta the top of da bell." Jack looked at me skeptically and did so. "Now go distract Pinky!" I yelled.

Greeny poked her head around the bell and wrapped herself around the chain, looking at me sadly. I held my hand out to her. "I don't want ta hurt ya, okay?" Greeny sniffed.

"I don't want to hurt you too...but if I don't, the other will get mad at me." I slowly inched towards her.

"Look, Jack and I are here ta help all of ya, and we have other friends who want ta help too. But we can't help ya if ya keep attacking us." Greeny was silent for a few moments. She slowly unwrapped herself from the chain and pulled me up so I could hold onto the bell. She looked at me, then burst into tears and hugged my tightly. I held her tightly with my free arm. "Ya wanna hear something nice?" I asked her. She nodded into my shirt. "Once we free all of ya, there'll be a special place where ya'll go, with talking creatures, yummy food, and nice people to take care of all of ya. Ya could play all day, and then get da sweetest dreams ya could imagine at night." Greeny relaxed.

"I wanna help…" She whispered. I smiled and rubbed her back.

"Alright...I need ya to grab Pinky-"

"You mean Rosy?"

"Yeah. I need ya to grab her and hold her under da bell, okay? Then all ya have ta do is wait for us ta save da rest of your friends." Greeny nodded and climbed down the bell. I couldn't see anything, but I could hear just find.

"JACK GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Marie screamed. Jack grunted.

"Thanks…" He grumbled.

"What are you doing?!" Rosy yelled. Green coughed and grunted.

"I wanna go home!" Greeny yelled.

"We are home!"

"This isn't home, this is prison! I wanna play with other kids and eat ice cream and color and have a good dream!" Greeny yelled. Rosy continued to grunt. "I got her!"

"Alright, brace yourself!" I yelled. I grabbed the chain and focused as much light and heat into as possible. The metal groaned in protest as it began to warp, the bell slowly slipping down. I gripped the warping metal and pulled out it, trying to weaken it.

The metal groaned one last time before snapping. I screamed as the bell fell down, imprisoning Greeny and Rosy. The bell chimed loudly, causing me to cover my ears and wince. Rosy and Greeny screamed from the inside and went quiet. Jack helped me down.


"Thanks. Let's go find Rapunzel and Hiccup."

Tic's POV:

I watched as my parents continued to cuddle, Mom sitting on Dad's lap. I can honestly say I've never seen Mom so happy.

Dad smiled and kissed Mom's cheek. "I've missed you so much…" He whispered. Mom smiled and cuddled into him more.

"I missed you too. I'm so happy that you're here safe and sound." Mom hummed happily. Dad tensed up a bit. "...Tom?"

"We're not safe...not until April and Patricia are stopped…" Dad mumbled. Mom sat up, looking at him in concern.

"...Tic. Go get the others please." Mom mumbled. I got up to leave just as the other Ancients/Ancient Clones walked into the room. Decay leaned against the wall.

"Are ya finally ready ta tell us what trouble April's cookin' up?" He asked. Dad nodded. Everyone took a seat. Dad cleared his throat.

"I'm sure you all know about how the Amulet came to be, correct?" Everyone nodded. I looked at Dad in confusion. Mom noticed.

"Explain it to Tic, dear." Dad nodded and looked at me.

"The crystal inside the Amulet is a very rare and powerful thing, something not even the Man in the Moon or the Woman in the Sun could destroy. That crystal has the ability to suck any two Spirits within it's walls, giving the bearer of the crystal the powers of the Imprisoned. Manny and Sunny entrusted the crystal to April, thinking that she would be best at using it and guarding it." Forever 2 rolled her eyes.

"Such a wise choice." She mumbled sarcastically. Dad shot her a glare.

"These crystals can only be formed under one condition; when something, anything, dramatic and powerful happens, such as the death of Sunny and Manny. The crystal then forms itself deep within the Earth, hiding away until it is found."

"And thissssss issssss important how?" Mother and Father 2 hissed. Dad dropped his head, his voice lowering.

"By causing the fabric of space and time to rip in multiple places, I was able to create more of these crystals." Mom paled and froze up. April 2's eyes widened. Pitch 2 stood up.

"How many?!" He snarled.

"Enough to imprison a total of 15 Spirits." Yin 2 shakingly tried to fix her hair, which was falling apart.

"E-Enough to imprison a-all of u-us…" She stuttered. Dad nodded. Melody 2 tangled her fingers in her hair in panic.

"She's planning on taking down the stars?!" Melody 2 cried out. Dad nodded.

"But if she manages that…" Silence 2 mumbled.

"Manny and Sunny would fall, and our world would be swarmed by Fearlings, plunging everything into darkness, lies, and everyone's worst fear…" Dad finished.

"What was the reason of kidnapping so many Spirits then?!" Painter 2 demanded.

"They're taking away all of the emotion out of them, then forcing them to mine for the crystals by using voodoo like dolls." Dad answered. Invisible 2 began weeping, puddles forming around him. Painter 2 hugged him tightly.

"They already have the Sandman, the Boogeyman, the Grim Reaper, the Angel of Music, and the Keeper of Eternity." Silence 2 added. Sandy 2 shook his head sadly and sat on the ground.

"But the rest of us are here, safe and sound." Mom argued. Forever 2 sighed.

"While it is true that the Corrupted's memories of this place were erased, the Jester will find a way to get here, whether it's by forcing some Spirit to show her, or combining the seven Ancient powers she has to rip the world apart to get us."

"...Is there any good news?" April 2 asked. Dad began to shake his head when Po burst into the room, panting.

"You….guys..." Po panted some more. "Give me...a minute…" Mom stood up.

"Po, what's the matter?" She asked urgently. Po finally caught his breath.

"A rogue team...of your fish rescued North...and the Tooth Fairy! They just landed..on the island! *wheeze* I do not...feel good..."

Rapunzel's POV:

I screamed in pain as I was sent flying into another wall. Orange slammed Hiccup into another wall. "Please, stop!" I cried out.

"No!" Orange screamed. He slammed me into Hiccup.

"….something…." Hiccup panted. I nodded.

"He can only control blood...that has to be a weakness at the same time…"

"Well, we're both full of blood, so that's useless…"

"...My hair isn't. If you could just keep him distracted long enough…" Hiccup nodded and shakily stood up.

"Come on bud!" He yelled at Toothless. Toothless roared and charged at Orange. Orange easily threw him to the side. Hiccup managed to reach his cross brow. He turned to shoot just as Orange took ahold of him.

"Stop can't win against me…" Orange sighed. I flicked my hair around his ankle and pulled, bringing Orange to the ground. I looked at Hiccup for a second, not so sure about what I was about to do. Hiccup looked at me in the eye.

"Rapunzel, what are you..?" I blocked everything out and began to sing softly.

Hiccup's POV:

Orange yelped as Rapunzel's hair began to glow. "What are you doing?! Stop it!" He yelled. Rapunzel continued to sing.

Toothless, Harold, and I all watched as Orange's skin took on a healthy glow and turned back to normal. Orange looked at himself in wonder and grinned. Rapunzel stopped singing.

"...Did it work?" She whispered. Orange grabbed another shard of glass and cut himself lightly, blood droplets pooling up slowly.

"...Thank you…" Orange whispered. He closed his eyes and collapsed, slowly disappearing into dust. Rapunzel smiled and shakingly stood up. Toothless bumped into her, causing her to fall onto his back.

"You okay Punz?" I asked in concern. Rapunzel nodded.

"It took so much power to do that...there is no way I could do that again…"

"Agreed, though it was the most peaceful…"

"Oy! Are ya two alright?!" Merida shouted. She and her group came running up, bruised and scratched...but we probably didn't look that much better.

"We're fine." Rapunzel assured. Jack landed gently.

"Who did you find?" He asked.

"We've fought Brownie, Red, and Orange." I responded. Merida quirked a brow.

"They have names?" Rapunzel nodded.

"Their names are Red, Orange, Lime, Lemon, Leafy, Bluebird, Rosy, Flower, Brownie and Turquoise, each named after their own color." I explained.

"So the twins were Lime and Lemon?" Jack asked. I nodded.

"So we took care of Bluebird, Rosy, and Leafy." Merida concluded.

"That just leaves Flower and Turquoise." Rapunzel mumbled. I sighed.

"What did Flower lose again? Was it a lung?" I asked. Rapunzel shook her head.

"Kidney? Heart?" Merida asked. Rapunzel shook her head more.

"Uh...would it by any chance be her stomach?" Jack asked nervously.

"Oh yeah! What kind of powers would she get from losing her stomach?" Rapunzel asked. Jack's eyes widened as he slowly stood up.

"She didn't get powers, she was turned into a monster…" Marie whispered in horror.

"How did you guys know this?" I asked. Toothless perked up and growled at the shadows. I slowly turned around. In the shadows, two purple lights stared back at us from the ceiling. Merida slowly raised her hand and let a very small amount of light shine.

Flower hissed at us, but didn't move. Out of everything I'd already seen today, she just might've been the worse. The flesh that surrounded where her stomach area should be was completely gone, showing she was completely hollow inside. Her skin was grey and ancient, her eyes shriveled, dry, and unblinking. Her mousy hair was very thin, and she had a few bald spots. She wore a small purple bow to match her shredded clothes. She grinned as us, her teeth rotted, pointed, and few.

Rapunzel slowly stood up and backed away. Jack gripped his staff, ready for anything. Merida slowly readied an arrow. Flower cocked her head to the side and slowly climbed down from the ceiling. She hit the floor softly and began to sniff around.

A rat came scurrying from the shadows. Flower growled and tackled it. The rat squealed in panic as Flower quickly shoved it in her mouth and swallowed it. Whole.

We all waited for the rat to appear again, expecting it to scurry out of her open flesh. Nothing happened. "That's not good…" Merida mumbled.

"She swallowed that thing don't think she can…" Jack trailed off.

"I have no doubt…" Harold muttered. Flower slowly crept towards us.

"What do we do?" Rapunzel whispered in panic.

"...Some of these kids didn't want ta hurt us. Maybe she's like them…" Merida said hopefully. Flower sniffed as Rapunzel's hair.

"" She croaked. She continued to sniff at it, Rapunzel frozen in terror. "" Flower croaked again. "Wh...ere...L...eaf...y...Fl...ow… er...Br...ow...nie...R...ed..Bl...ue?…'t...find…" She looked at us. "Y...ou?" We were all silent.

Merida cleared her throat. "Flower, right?" Flower nodded. "Okay, let's just talk, alright? We're not going to get mad, okay?" Flower nodded and sat, kind of looking like a zombie gorilla. "We're here to save Yang…"

"And to do so we're trying ta put you guys to peace so yer chains can release him...okay?" I stepped forward.

"They're all find, and once we get you all out of here, you get to go to the Neverlands and make friends." I added. Flower cocked her head to the side.

"" Flower whimpered.

"'ll go back to normal, completely." Rapunzel promised. Flower looked at the ground, a few tears falling from her dry eyes.

"O...kay…" Flower looked up at us. "…"

"Silence is there…" Rapunzel panicked. Flower shook her head.

"…" Flower croaked. She layed down and curled up on the floor.

"... April was here?!" Merida shouted.

"Not only that, but she managed to grab Silence and Invisible too…" Jack groaned.

"She's got seven Ancients now...nine of you include Painter and April." I sighed.

"That only leaves Time, Nature, Decay, Mother and Father, Ben, Yang and Yin, and we don't even know where Mother and Father or Yin are." Merida growled.

"But we know where Yang is, and we only have to find one more child to save him and take him to the Neverlands. That's something." Rapunzel stated. She gripped her frying pan and began to wrap her hair around her neck.

"Right. Melody said that the world would only be doomed if all 16 Ancients are gathered. As long as we protect them, we'll still have time to try and fix everything." I agreed. Jack nodded.

"I mean, we've fought kids with long tongues, monster like looks, floating heads with lazers, flexibilty like a snake…"

"Kids with super speed, kids that can make illusions of themself or control blood, and with ghost arms." Rapunzel added.

"How hard could it be to take on one more?" I asked.

Jack's POV:

It didn't take us long to make our way back to Yang's prison. He was on the floor, but his breathing was sounding way better. He looked up at us and slowly sat up. " are the ones who are the cause of my relief…" He mumbled. Rapunzel rushed to him and wrapped her hair around him. Yang sighed in relief as she healed him. "Thank you, Princess."

"Do you know who we are?" Hiccup asked.

"I know who you are, were, and will be. I am the father of your enemies, and the creator of your experiences. Mother Gothel, power hungry dragons, men who turned into bears, my brother's thirst for power, it all originates from me. These children have been feeding on my power for far too long, I am the reason why they are what they are right now." Yang sighed.

"You have no control over it, it's fine. Besides, none of them actually wanted to do it. They just want to be free, like you." Rapunzel said softly. Yang nodded.

"...Is Yin safe?" He asked.

"Nobody knows where she is. We only found ya because Invisible remembered a clue ta finding ya two. We were only able ta figure out where ya were." Merida explained. Yang sighed.

"I expected as much…" He muttered.

"Where's Turquoise? Flower said she was here…" I muttered. Yang paled.

"You haven't defeated them all?!"

"...Ya can't feel da chain around ya?" Merida questioned. Yang looked at the chain around his arm.

"...My sense of touch is fairly weak...what color is this?"

"Turquoise." Hiccup answered. Yang shivered.

"She'll be the worse...she was forced to watch all of her friends be tortured to death. Her mind was completely shattered in the process, and what the Dark Ancients gave her in return is…" Yang shuddered. "Unspeakable…"

"...Well, this just got ten times scarier." Hiccup mumbled. Rapunzel nodded.

"I'm not scary…" A girl muttered. We all whipped around.

Turquoise sat in the hallway. Her hair matched her name and was pulled back in two, luscious pigtails. She wore a dress that was surprisingly clean, and her skin had a healthy glow. She looked at us with empty eyes. "You've made all of my friends go made them go away AGAIN." She twitched, her skin cracking.

"Everyone...just stay quiet and calm…" Yang said lightly. He reached into his sleeve and slowly pulled out a black wand.

"I can't get them to move...they won't move...WHY WON'T THEY MOVE?!" Turquoise said louder, her skin cracking even more. Rapunzel whimpered. Yang began to mutter something under his breath, his wand glowing. Turquoise's skin continued to crack as if she were made of glass as she continued to scream at us, but by now I couldn't understand what she was saying. Yang stopped mumbling.

"Alright, that should help us...we just need to wait a while…" Yang mumbled.

"How long are we talkin' here?" Merida asked.

"I don't know…" Yang answered.

"Um...something's coming out…" Rapunzel squeaked. Turquoise was leaking a strange turquoise liquid, and it was building it around her.

"The beast is coming out...prepare yourselves, everyone!" Yang ordered. Turquoise threw her head back and let out a monster like roar, her skin shattering and the ooze completely covering her. The ooze continued to grow and grow until it almost hit the ceiling, then it began to mold itself.

The ooze grew four harms and two legs. Next it grew a tail, and then the head formed, sprouting to many eyes for me to count. The ooze hardened quickly, but not enough to make the thing immobile.

Turquoise roared at us and swiped at us with one of her arms, managing to hit Yang and slam him into the wall. Yang grunted in pain. "Protect Yang!" Hiccup shouted. Rapunzel opened her mouth to respond, but was knocked aside by Turquoise, causing Rapunzel to scream. I flew at Turquoise's face and covered it in ice. Turquoise struggled, then roared, the ice shattering.

"We're not going ta last long without a plan!" Merida shouted.

"I'm thinking as fast as I can!" Hiccup shouted. Turquoise turned around, hitting Hiccup and Yang with her tail and pinning them to the wall. Marie flew around the monster quickly, slowly coating her in ice. Turquoise broke the ice easily and lifted her leg. She brought it down quickly, stepping on Marie and Harold. Harold grunted in pain as Marie screamed. Toothless pushed Turquoise's tail aside and pulled Hiccup and Yang. Hiccup hopped on and joined me in the air.

"Any ideas Dragon Boy?" I asked. Hiccup rolled his eyes.

"Nothing is stopping or slowing her down, and we can't harm her in any way. We're at a complete disadvantage, and I'm not going to even assume Marie and Harold can help us from under her foot."

"Yang! Was is yer spell doing?!" Merida shouted. Yang grunted and got to his feet.

"It was calling the one thing in our world that is permitted to harm a child. I believe you have already met they're double in the Neverlands." Yang said softly.

"And who would that be?!" Rapunzel shouted.

"M-" Yang screamed as Turquoise swatted him into a wall and pinned him to it with one arm. With another arm, she easily grabbed Merida and Rapunzel. She looked up at Hiccup and I and roared, her other to arms swiping at us. They hit us hard and sent us shooting into the ground. We both screamed in agony. Turquoise lifted her foot and hovered it over us. It was just beginning to fall when hissing came from the hallway.

"Ssssssssssssssso, thissssssss isssssssss what Pitch made ussssssssss build…." A female voice growled.

"Yessssssssssssss, and look at thissssssssssssss monsssssssssssssssster of a child." A male answered.

"And ssssssssssssssssuch a messsssssssssssssssssssssssssss she'sssssssssssssss made." The female agreed. Mother and Father came walking down the hall, barely fitting. Yang laughed.

"About time you came!" He shouted.

"It isssssssssss good to sssssssssssssssee you after ssssssssssssssso long, brother." Father said.

"Now, let ussssssssss fixxxxxxxxxx our misssssssstake…" Mother growled. Mother and Father used their giant arm to grab Turquoise up, allowing Marie and Harold to scramble away and help Hiccup and I. Turquoise roared at them.

"Children should not talk back to their parentsssssssssss!" Father yelled. Mother bit Turquoise's hand, causing her to drop Rapunzel and Merida. Harold and Marie came to their rescue as Mother and Father swung around Turquoise around, breaking down a few walls. The building groaned in protest.

Turquoise whimpered and roared again. She was instantly slammed into the floor. Mother and Father spun around, whipping the other monster with their seven ended, barbed tail. Turquoise howled in pain and began to shrink a bit. Mother and Father pinned her to the ground and continued whipping her with their tail until she shrunk back down to normal size.

The small girl coughed weakly and curled up. The last chain on Yang broke. He pulled out his wand and again and pointed to each of the chains, continuing to mumble. "Why are you sssssssssaving them?!" Mother hissed. Yang put his wand away.

"They were forced to do what they did. They deserve to rest in peace." Father rolled his eyes.

"For the Ssssssspirit of Evil, you ssssssssure love playing the hero…" He growled. Yang shrugged.

"Now, I believe it's time for us all to go to the Neverlands so we may be safe, correct?"


Merida: Only after four months of typing and begging yer co-author for help.

Izzy: Eh, I don't mind.

Jack: This chapter was a lot darker than I remember it actually being.

Hiccup: That's your mind rejecting memories.

Jack: ...Oh.

Madi: Idiot.

Rapunzel: (Laughs nervously) Okay, let's all stay calm.

Izzy: FIGHT! (Shoots a gun)

Hiccup: ...What did she hit?!

Yang: (Walks up calmly) You are lucky I am able to deflect bullets with jian.

Izzy: ….

Madi: ...I don't remember giving you that…

Yang: You didn't. Jack did.

Jack: (Screams and runs)
Rapunzel: Bye everyone!

Hiccup: We'll make her update more!

Merida: Seriously though, give us some suggestions!

Izzy: And whoever can tell us where Yin is hidden will receive a prize!

Madi: Wait, what?

Jack: Bye!